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Battle Sister


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Battle Sister: The First Warhammer 40,000 VR Game!



Every one of us wants to know what it would feel like to fire a bolt pistol, rev a chainsword, or smite a heretic up close. Indeed, while we’re sure it’d be horrible to live in the 41st Millennium, it’d be well worth a visit – and a new VR game is about to let you do just that.

Just announced at Facebook Connect – a massive online event for virtual reality and augmented reality – Battle Sister is a new video game for Oculus Quest and the brand new Oculus Quest 2 that puts you in the power armoured boots of one of the Adepta Sororitas.

Battle Sister is being developed by Pixel Toys, the multi-award-winning powerhouse behind hit games Warhammer 40,000: Freeblade and Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realm War. Pixel Toys are passionate about the worlds of Warhammer with a proven track record of bringing them to life, and we’re excited to see what they accomplish with the Adepta Sororitas in this new game.

Launching on the 12th of November, Battle Sister will offer perhaps the most immersive experience of the 41st Millennium yet, while offering thrilling moment-to-moment gameplay. Master iconic weapons, strike down enemies with faith powers, face down horrifying foes – everything you could want from the first-ever Warhammer 40,000 VR game! Check it out now on the Oculus Quest store.

Stay tuned for more news on Battle Sister closer to the release date, and let us know what you’re looking forward to experiencing on the Warhammer 40,000 Facebook page. You can also follow the game’s development via Twitter, Facebook, Discord and Reddit! 


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  • TheBoss™ a modifié le titre en Battle Sister

Non mais sérieusement? Ils se décident enfin à faire un jeu avec des Soeurs et ils nous ponde un jeu VR?


J'ai rien contre la VR, hein, mais j'en ai pas et j'en veux pas.


Je retourne sur mon imparfait mais sympa bon vieux Space Marine sur 360 puisque c'est comme ça ;)

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While you’re waiting for Darktide, you can immerse yourself in the Warhammer 40,000 universe like never before in the first-ever Warhammer 40,000 VR game. Battle Sister is out now for Oculus Quest and Oculus Quest 2, and it casts you as one of the Imperium’s most devout warriors in a narrative-driven first-person shooter. Here’s the epic launch trailer.

As Sister Ophelia of the Adepta Sororitas, you’ll embark on a mission to retrieve a powerful artefact, thwart the plans of a rogue psyker, and find out more about your long-lost twin sister. Fight alongside your fellow Battle Sisters, Black Templars Space Marines, and agents of the Inquisition using twelve iconic weapons from the grim darkness of the far future – and of course, your faith in the God-Emperor. Check out this cinematic trailer for another look at what to expect.

Developers Pixel Toys (who also made the incredible Warhammer 40,000: Freeblade) have used cutting-edge technology to put you into the heart of this dynamic, immersive shooter. This making-of video will give you an insight into some of the amazing work that went into crafting the game. 

Become a Battle Sister today, and lose yourself in the Warhammer 40,000 universe in a whole new way, and don’t forget to show your loyalty to the God-Emperor with the new range of Battle Sister merchandise that’s now available!

LicGames Dec11 Tee19j3

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