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Rinnegati Adventures - New Dungeon Crawler Fantasy


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Rinnegati Adventures (RA) is a dungeon crawler of the old school that does not hide the immense importance of the progenitor Heroquest and the prodigal son Warhammer quest.
Impersonate heroes (10 archetypes) that will challenge Dungeons made with modular tiles, facing monsters of various kinds to grab as many treasures as possible, enhance yourself and move towards increasingly difficult challenges.
The box will contain in addition to the tiles: hundreds of treasure cards, equipment, events, monster cards, artifact, 6-sided dice, tokens, maps and a Wizard's screen.
There will be adventures that will make up a campaign and a series of secondary quests unrelated to the main story for the "farming" of the characters .... not counting the possibility of creating endless stories on your behalf!

Now we come to the heart of RA: the box contain only 10 Hero's Miniatures, because the game is designed for all those (like us) who at home have boxes full of miniatures covered with dust. The miniatures of your old games will come back to life for a last and dangerous adventure with RA!
Who at home has no miniatures of orcs and goblins ... or skeleton? They will be the protagonists of RA, you can adapt your miniatures as you like without any limitation.




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il y a 15 minutes, Poulpator a dit :

Thank you very much for sharing ? . I send you a private message about french version. Is it obligatory to play with the application? or is it possible to play with one player as dungeon master like Heroquest?


Rinnegate Adventures born with dungeon master like Heroqeust (no competitive master) but we have had more request to add a fullcoop mode without master... and now we are working for this solution... but we think that the best for our game is with Master.


this is a dungeon master view


Modifié par cleps
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