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[Epinglé] Figurines spéciales (exclu mag, ed. limitée...)


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Epinglé pour rassembler les différentes sorties de figurines hors gamme courante (exclusivité magasin, edition limitée, Made to Order...).




En Made to Order :


Get Gorzag – The Commemorative Series Ork is now Made to Order


Gorzag Nikkit Jan04 Share22hprw

On Boxing Day, the Gorzag Gitstompa and Nikkit models became available in Warhammer stores around the globe. Based on some classic artwork from the game Gorkamorka, these unique sculpts have proved popular with all greenskin fans. But if you missed out, don’t worry – these miniatures are now available on the webstore on a Made to Order basis.

This diabolical duo makes an incredible addition to any Ork collection. They can be easily used as a Nob and accompanying Ammo Runt in games of Warhammer 40,000 or as an interesting and unique painting challenge.

They’ll only be available for a week, so head over to right now and add Gorzag Gitstompa and Nikkit to your collection today.

Gorzag Jan4 Button30ysd


Exclusivité magasin 40k 2021 :


At some point in 2021, it will be your local Warhammer store’s anniversary. How’s that for a prophetic vision? What you might not know, though, is that each year there are two exclusive models available in every store. 

Each of these special, celebratory miniatures will be available on the weekend of your store’s birthday. They’ll then remain in stock for seven more days, in order to ensure as many people as possible get their hands on these anniversary models.

So, without further ado, allow us to introduce your two exclusive models for 2021: Kamoteph the Crooked (...)

Storebirthday jan04 40kname4edfs

Even by the standards of the ancient Necrons, Kamoteph has been knocking about for a while. This master of eldritch devices is hunched over due to the weight of his own body and tiny scarabs crawl across his carapace – in fact, it almost looks like he’s using his Staff of Light as a walking stick. Best of all, though, you can slot him right into your Necron army in place of your regular Cryptek.

Storebirthday jan04 cryptek4safr

Modifié par TheBoss™
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  • 4 semaines après...

Dans le cadre de ses exclus magasins, GW nous propose ce mois ci le choix entre deux figurines : une démonette et un reiver en plus de la piécette.







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  • 2 semaines après...

This year, the Celebration is Ultramarines-themed, centred around Graham McNeill’s new novel, The Swords of Calth. This is the latest in the chronicles of Uriel Ventris and sees the captain of the 4th Company newly ascended to the ranks of the Primaris Space Marines. Reborn in body and mind, Ventris is more powerful than ever – but a shadow of his past remains as he battles the alien necrons and memories of his long-ago encounter with a creature known as the Nightbringer re-emerge.

Alongside the novel, you can pick up a plastic model of Captain Uriel Ventris, in his new guise as a Primaris Space Marine. This majestic model comes with rules for using Ventris and his unorthodox strategies in your games of Warhammer 40,000. Watch out for an article later in the week exploring what he’ll add to your Ultramarines army.

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  • 2 mois après...

Gaunt’s Ghosts

If you’re not familiar, Gaunt’s Ghosts are the protagonists of the long-running series depicting the trials and tribulations of Ibram Gaunt and his ill-fated Astra Militarum regiment. Faithful readers of the books no doubt have a soft spot for the original cast who served as their Colonel-Commissar’s most trusted retainers. 

Well, they’re back! They’ve been redesigned in plastic to create a reimagined set of miniatures that really brings each of the key characters from the early Gaunt’s Ghosts books to life.

FestDay3 May5 40k Content7l

Amazing, right? If, however, you’ve yet to read the novels and are unfamiliar with these six core members of Gaunt’s Ghosts, allow us to formally introduce them (don’t worry – we’ll keep it spoiler-free).

Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt

Having been a rising star under the command of Imperial Warmaster Slaydo, the freshly appointed Colonel-Commissar was set to command three newly founded Astra Militarum regiments from the forest world of Tanith. 

FestDay3 May5 40k Content1b

Yet when the planet was completely devastated by a Chaos invasion, only one regiment could be mustered from the survivors – hence the rather grim moniker that they inherited, the Tanith First and Only.

Gaunt soon discovered that the Tanith were light infantry without peer, their combination of woodsmanship and the distinct camo cloaks they wore ensuring their pre-eminence as scouts and stealth troopers. Gaunt would later use the innate skills of the Tanith to undertake daring raids and accomplish missions often deemed far beyond the capabilities of a regiment of Imperial Guard.

Colonel Colm Corbec

FestDay3 May5 40k Content2o

The big, powerful, if somewhat unkempt first officer of the Tanith First and Only, Colm Corbec leads the regiment’s second platoon. Colm is second in command, but he’s also Gaunt’s closest confidant – almost like a brother. 

Major Elim Rawne

FestDay3 May5 40k Content3u

Despite possessing a ruthless streak a mile wide and a burning hatred towards Gaunt, who he blames for abandoning Tanith to its destruction, Elim Rawne is nonetheless a highly capable commander and leads the regiment’s third platoon. An expert with a blade, Rawne’s handsome face hides a murderous glint in his eyes, and he always keeps his razor-sharp Tanith warknife to hand.

Master Sniper Hlaine Larkin

FestDay3 May5 40k Content5p

Hlaine ‘Mad’ Larkin may be somewhat eccentric, but it certainly doesn’t affect his aim. In fact, Larkin is widely lauded as the regiment’s finest marksman, and Gaunt often makes use of his dead-eye skills to eliminate threats to their mission from afar.

‘Try Again’ Bragg

FestDay3 May5 40k Content4z

By far the biggest and strongest of the Tanith, Trooper Bragg towers over Colonel Corbec and even the tall, lean figure of Ibram Gaunt. Bragg serves alongside ‘Mad’ Larkin in Eleven Platoon and has such a powerful physique that he can wield heavy weaponry on his own without the need for a tripod mount. Unfortunately, his accuracy leaves a lot to be desired, earning him the nickname ‘Try Again’.

Sergeant Scout Oan Mkoll

FestDay3 May5 40k Content6j

Four Platoon is the regiment’s scout platoon, led by Oan Mkoll. However, unlike more traditional regimental organisations, the scouts of Four Platoon are often spread out among the other Tanith platoons to serve as specialists. Mkoll is among the very best, having long mastered his craft amid the shifting woods of his former homeworld.

And there you have it – six stunning miniatures that perfectly encapsulate the characters they represent from the novels. Whether you’re an avid fan of the series or a painter looking for your next challenge, Gaunt’s Ghosts will be the perfect addition to your collection.

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  • 3 semaines après...

1 US Open Series + 3 Beautiful Locations + 6 Grand Tournaments = ALL the Gaming Bliss


Pack your gaming gear bag. The first officially organised Warhammer tournaments of 2021 are booked in, and today we’re sharing all the juicy details with you lovely folks.

If you read the initial announcement, you’ll know we revealed the now-named Warhammer US Open Series 2021, taking place in three cities in the Southern US: Orlando, New Orleans, and Austin. Now that our crack events team have finalised the plans, we can tell you a bit more about them.

USRoadshowNews May21 Map1ioghbdf

The Games


The Shopping

As with all our events, you can look forward to a booth stocked with models and books, including Forge World. You’ll also be able to get your hands on a pair of event-exclusive miniatures.



Necron Lord Hasmoteph the Resplendent

USRoadshowNews May21 HasmotephTheResplendent11ckbnw0sc

These two models will also be available at the Warhammer Store and Cafe in LA’s grand opening, as well as major Warhammer events in 2021 and 2022.

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  • 3 semaines après...

En précommande la semaine prochaine :



The Tanith aren’t only returning on the page, however. Feast your eyes on the new plastic kit featuring Ibram Gaunt and five of the most well-known Ghosts from their early years.

SundayPreview Jun06 GauntsGhosts8cj344

In addition to being a great collector’s piece, they’re brilliant on the tabletop too. Stay tuned next week as we take a look at how to deploy them in your games of Warhammer 40,000.

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Ever Wanted to Field an Entire Squad of Specialist Heroes? Gaunt’s Ghosts Have You Covered


GauntsGhostsRules Jun08 Header23lber

As we saw during the Black Library day of Warhammer Fest Online, Black Library superstars Gaunt’s Ghosts are returning to Warhammer 40,000 in miniature form. Alas, what good is having a squad full of beautiful models if you can’t use them to blast a few heretics on the tabletop? Luckily, the Ghosts come with a full datasheet including their points cost, so you can deploy them to all of your open, narrative, and matched play games just as soon as you’ve glued them together.*

GauntsGhostsRules Jun08 GGSquad1qtre

As expert scouts and light infantrymen, the Tanith First and Only are adept at sneaking behind enemy lines and avoiding detection even on an active battlefield (and they’ve had plenty of chances to prove it). Accordingly, Gaunt’s Ghosts can pop up where your opponent least expects them and meld into the shadows for all but the closest targets.

GauntsGhostsRules Jun08 Image2vnms

GauntsGhostsRules Jun08 Image3yuoi

In addition to this, each member of the Ghosts is a Character in their own right and many have skills that benefit the entire squad. As such, we’ll be looking at them one by one so you can get a good feel for what each of these specialists can do.

GauntsGhostsRules Jun08 IbramGauntHeader4poce2

Gaunt is the squad’s premier close combat fighter in addition to being its leader, whirring through all kinds of heretic scum with his favourite chainsword.

GauntsGhostsRules Jun08 Image5cvwse

As you might expect from his indomitable leadership, he keeps the squad in line so long as he’s alive and can serve as an inspirational figurehead when selected as your Warlord.

GauntsGhostsRules Jun08 Image6zxa

GauntsGhostsRules Jun08 Image7mcp

GauntsGhostsRules Jun08 ColmCorbecHeader8adiu2

Colonel Corbec carries his hot-shot lascarbine into battle and serves as the squad’s voice of command, making it all the easier to activate Stratagems for the Ghosts (with some even becoming free).

GauntsGhostsRules Jun08 Image9tui

GauntsGhostsRules Jun08 Image10sojb

GauntsGhostsRules Jun08 ElimRawneHeader11hgepkc2

Major Rawne is especially fond of getting his traditional Tanith straight silver knife** stuck into close combat and is an expert at keeping the enemy off-balance so the Ghosts can get their licks in without obstruction.

GauntsGhostsRules Jun08 Image12osvw

GauntsGhostsRules Jun08 Image13cssi

GauntsGhostsRules Jun08 HlaineLarkinHeader14mngb2

As the regiment’s master sniper, Hlaine Larkin is a crack shot with his long-las. The scope on his rifle also allows him to discover enemy positions, letting the rest of the squad know precisely where to shoot to avoid hitting defensive cover.

GauntsGhostsRules Jun08 Image15pqx

GauntsGhostsRules Jun08 Image16gtwp

GauntsGhostsRules Jun08 TryAgainBraggHeader17ioxu2

While most of the Tanith First and Only are known for their expert marksmanship, Trooper Bragg’s accuracy leaves a lot to be desired. Strong enough to carry and fire (albeit not very well) weapons usually reserved for Vehicles, his enthusiasm earned him the nickname ‘Try Again’ for his tendency to keep shooting until whatever he’s ostensibly aiming at drops.

GauntsGhostsRules Jun08 Image18smmm

GauntsGhostsRules Jun08 Image19cqyf

GauntsGhostsRules Jun08 OanMkollHeader20xzxas2

Lastly, Sergeant Scout Oan Mkoll is the squad’s stealth specialist and is a particularly skilled fighter both at range and up close. His ability to guide his fellow Ghosts through enemy territory borders on the supernatural and keeps them out of all kinds of harm.

GauntsGhostsRules Jun08 Image21podw

GauntsGhostsRules Jun08 Image22cplw

Gaunt’s Ghosts can be fielded as an HQ choice in any Astra Militarum army, as they often fought alongside other Imperial forces during the Sabbat Worlds Crusade. For a truly thematic choice, be sure to not appreciate the contribution the Tanith make to your success. 

GauntsGhostsRules Jun08 Image25jkns

But what if you want to make the rest of your army represent other units from the Tanith First and Only? We asked the Warhammer Studio’s Rules Colonel, Robin Cruddace, for his thoughts.

Robin: There’s absolutely no reason you can’t use this datasheet as part of an ‘all-Tanith’ army if you want, simply by replacing the <Regiment> keyword on all your units with Tanith. If you do so, you can also take advantage of the Regimental Doctrines in Psychic Awakening: The Greater Good to reflect the First and Only’s unique battle styles. 

The Tanith are a light infantry regiment renowned for their stealthiness and their marksmanship. As such, we recommend using the Wilderness Survivors and Disciplined Shooters regimental doctrines to best reflect their background on the tabletop. 

GauntsGhostsRules Jun08 Image23bmsu

GauntsGhostsRules Jun08 Image24cuqawl

The eagle-eyed among you will notice that the Gaunt’s Ghosts datasheet has the Officio Prefectus keyword – as such, due to the Advisors and Auxiliaries rule, they won’t ever benefit from such Regimental Doctrines themselves. But worry not! The Gaunt’s Ghosts datasheet itself already accounts for the Tanith’s stealthy nature and the models within it (with perhaps the exception of ‘Try Again’ Bragg), are all already expert shots. 

Pre-order Gaunt’s Ghosts when they arrive on Saturday, and make sure you check out the other Sabbat Worlds Crusades goodies coming soon to complete your collection.

* We recommend giving them a lick of paint, though – they stand out a bit without any camouflage on their cloaks.

** Which all of the Ghosts carry too, in fact.

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  • 3 semaines après...

Figurine exclusive aux souscripteurs Warhammer+ :


Everyone who subscribes to Warhammer+ can choose one of these models, and it’ll be shipped out to you around the 1-year anniversary of your subscription. Want them both? Of course you do! Warhammer+ subscribers will be able to purchase the other one as well.

These models are only the beginning, there’ll be new exclusive miniatures each year, and you’ll get one free for every year you stay subscribed. We’ll have more on these at a later date, so stay tuned for more information. Obviously, there’ll be some terms and conditions – we’ll give you all the boring details when Warhammer+ launches in August.


Pour discuter de Warhammer + de façon générique : là-bas.

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3 Times Imperial Assassins Changed the Fate of the Galaxy


When the death of a key enemy commander, rogue psyker, or vile demagogue would avert potential disaster for the Imperium, the High Lords of Terra authorise the use of their most deadly weapons: Imperial Assassins. Drawn from several diverse temples and possessed of skills far beyond the capabilities of ordinary humans, the assassins are trained to succeed against even the deadliest of foes. They will complete their mission, no matter the cost.


Agents of the Officio Assassinorum have cut down countless important figures since the organisation’s creation. With Warhammer+ giving you the chance to get your hands on an exclusive Vindicare Assassin model, we picked out a few of our favourite missions to show how deadly the agents of the most widely known Temples – the Culexus, Vindicare, Callidus, and Eversor – truly are.

1. The Second Agrellan Campaign

During the T’au Empire’s Third Sphere Expansion, a retaliatory Imperial blockade of the recently conquered Agrellan system trapped Ethereal Supreme Aun’Va within a secure bunker. 

While members of the other Assassin Temples began attacks on Commander Farsight and Commander Shadowsun, a lone Culexus Assassin located the hidden command centre and made straight for the wizened Ethereal.

40kAssassins Jun28 Image1

By making use of their pariah gene, a rare mutation that eliminates a person’s signature in the warp (effectively rendering them soulless), and the ancient technology of their animus speculum, the Assassin shrouded themselves from notice until they were deep within the enemy’s sanctum. 

Bursting through a bulkhead door with unleashed fury, the Culexus Assassin slaughtered their way through Aun’Va’s guards and, after a brief chase through the streets outside, cut down the Ethereal Supreme.

It was a heavy blow to the T’au Empire. They were so concerned with the fallout of their spiritual leader’s death that he was swiftly and secretly replaced by holographic AI facsimiles, encoded with Aun’Va’s thought patterns to hide the truth from T’au society.

2. Execution Force Regnum Tribunal

Shortly following the opening of the Great Rift, the Space Marines of the Brazen Drakes were wracked by civil war. Their Chapter Master Argento Corian turned renegade and sought to eliminate all who remained loyal to the Imperium. Although Corian escaped the conflict, word made its way back to Terra and an Execution Force of four assassins was dispatched to end his life.

40kAssassins Jun28 Image2

The assassins found a twisted abomination corrupted by Fabius Bile – the Clonefather had formed an alliance with the remaining Brazen Drakes in what came to be known as the War of the Spider. In their combined assault upon the former Chapter Master, two of the Execution Force were killed, with the Eversor Assassin’s self-destructive bio-meltdown finally putting an end to Argento Corian.

3. The Assassination of Urgak ‘the Unstoppable’

In the early years of the 41st Millennium, it was discovered that the Orks of the Roxanzand sector were rallying behind a powerful Warboss called Urgak the Unstoppable, who had set about gathering together Boyz and war machines from a vast area. Worse still, their Meks had begun construction of a colossal Gargant, which the Imperium couldn’t afford to ignore. 

After it was determined that a full-scale military response wouldn’t arrive before the Gargant was complete, an operative from the Vindicare Temple was dispatched to the planet on a high-speed vessel.

40kAssassins Jun28 Image3

The assassin successfully infiltrated the Ork camp, dissolving the bodies of slain sentries with a vicious quick-burning compound, and planted high-explosive charges at key points around the giant war machine’s armoured bulk. 

After sneaking back out of the encampment and waiting patiently for several hours on a nearby overlook, the Vindicare Assassin caught sight of the Warboss inspecting his beloved Gargant and ended Urgak’s life with a single bullet through the head. 

The bullet then continued onwards, striking the explosives and detonating the walker in a catastrophic chain reaction that killed hundreds of surrounding Orks.

Does your opponent have a hero you’d love to eliminate in a clinical fashion? Subscribers to Warhammer+ can do just that, should you choose the exclusive Vindicare Assassin as your free model for the year.* 

Equipped with a deadly Exitus rifle and with the ability to target Characters hiding behind their own front lines, they’re peerless sharpshooters who are especially good at removing supporting units like Haemonculi, Cadre Fireblades, and even renegade Apothecaries.

WHPlusPreview Jun23 Mini1

Don’t forget to keep up to date with the upcoming release of Warhammer+, which is launching on the 25th of August, by signing up for the email newsletter. You’ll be among the first to find out all of the latest information about the animated series, Warhammer TV shows, and more features coming to Warhammer+ every Wednesday following the launch. 

WHPlusPreview Jun23 Button

* If you choose the Orruk Megaboss as your free model, you can always opt to buy the Vindicare Assassin too.

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  • 3 mois après...

En commande du 30 octobre au 7 novembre :



WHDay Minis Oct11 Header

First up, we’ve got two exclusive Warhammer Day miniatures – and next Saturday is your chance to get both.

This fetching Primaris Lieutenant with Storm Shield will only be available from, while Vampire Lord Anasta Malkorion will be on sale online, while also winging her way to stores near you too. And what’s that she’s found?(


These two are only available for a strictly limited time, between Saturday the 30th of October and Sunday the 7th of November.

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  • 2 mois après...

Celebrate This Year’s Store Anniversaries With A Brand New Inquisitor and Gutrippa Boss


StoreBirthday Jan03 Share

Every year we like to commemorate the anniversaries of your local Warhammer stores with some celebratory miniatures, and the two for 2022 are perhaps the best ever. They will both be available on the weekend of your store’s anniversary, and for the next seven days afterwards, so you’ve got plenty of time to pop in and get your hands on them.

So who exactly will be joining you to celebrate another lap around the Sun? Allow us to introduce Inquisitor Erasmus Cartavolnus and Haggok the Gutrippa.

StoreBirthday Jan03 ErasmusName

The Ordo Malleus is dedicated to hunting and exterminating daemons wherever they appear, and Erasmus Cartavolnus has been doing it for over 300 years. Despite his advanced age, this zealous Inquisitor still strides the battlefield in search of daemonic quarry, and his knowledge of binding rituals is second to none.

StoreBirthday Jan03 Erasmus

Sculpted plunging his personal force sword into a book of cursed scripture, you can see from the ghostly face in the flames that more than just words made their home between the pages. 


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  • 8 mois après...

En précommande la semaine prochaine :


40k 600Wide LOGO

Bayard’s Revenge

WHDay2022 Mini Sep23 Image1

Celebrate the start of Orktober with this stunning diorama, featuring an Ork Nob receiving an emergency tracheotomy from his best friend, the Emperor’s Champion! Bayard’s Revenge is the stunning commemorative miniature for this year’s Warhammer Day to celebrate 35 years of Warhammer 40,000.

WHDay2022 Mini Sep23 Image2

Based on a classic piece of artwork, this mini-diorama is a must-have for collectors, painters, and gamers – its level of detail and multiple textures make it a fun challenge to paint, and you can even use it as an Emperor’s Champion on the tabletop.

Bayard’s Revenge is available to pre-order from the 8th, and you’re guaranteed to get one as long as you order before the 23rd of October.

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  • 9 mois après...

En précommande la semaine prochaine :


40k 600Wide LOGO

Minka Lesk

SundayPreview Jul16 MinkaLesk

The character of Minka Lesk is the creation of author Justin D. Hill. The last Whiteshield of Kasr Myrak, she earned her stripes in the fall of Cadia, and is now the Captain of the Cadian 101st Regiment. Her meteoric rise through the ranks has made her a bit of a hero, and you can get your very own Minka Lesk miniature by pre-ordering her next week. She will be available for a short period of time – Saturday 22 July until 8am BST on Monday the 7th of August, though if you place an order during this period you are guaranteed to get her.


Shadow of The Eighth (Special Edition)

SundayPreview Jul16 SotE CE

Lt. Lesk returns in her latest tale of revenge and honour, Shadow of The Eighth by Justin D. Hill.  She and the Cadian 101st have discovered a relic of the missing Cadian 8th, thought to be lost in the destruction of their home world. Sensing a chance to right a past wrong, they follow the trail to a world at the core of the Chaos warlord Drakul-zar’s collapsing regime, where dark secrets from the past return to haunt them among the frozen industry sprawl.

SundayPreview Jul16 SotE CEDetails

You can pre-order this in a gorgeous limited edition version signed by the author, individually numbered and limited 1,500 copies. It features a cloth cover with unique art, an introduction by the author, bronze gilt page edges, bronze ribbon page marker, and a brand new short story, Ghosts of Kasr Myrak.

Shadow of The Eighth 

SundayPreview Jul16 SotE

You can follow the trail of Minka Lesk in her latest adventure in your choice of format, even if you miss out on the Special Edition. You can find out if the Cadian 101st completes their mission, or if the spectre of the past clouds their judgement in hardback, eBook and audiobook format.

Shadow of The Eighth (French and German Editions)

French and German readers can also read the latest entry in the series by pre-ordering it next week, in either paperback or eBook format for both languages.

Minka Lesk: The Last Whiteshield

SundayPreview Jul16 MLOmnibus

Before tackling Minka Lesk’s latest adventure, refresh your memory with an omnibus of stories by Justin D. Hill. Minka Lesk: The last Whiteshield collects the novels Cadia Stands, Cadian Honour and Traitor Rock with The Place of Pain and Healing and The Battle for Markgraaf Hive, each featuring Minka fighting for the honour of Cadia, bloodied but unbroken. You can pre-order it in either paperback or eBook format..

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  • 2 mois après...


40K Logo Button

Warhammer Commemorative Series – Leagues of Votann: The Ancestors’ Wrath

Celebrate Warhammer Day in style with a commemorative Leagues of Votann miniature depicting a variant Einhyr Champion. This model comes with three head options – bare-headed, fully helmed, and a helmet with the visor raised.

SundayPreview Oct8 40k 01 AncestorsWrath

This commemorative miniature is available to order until 8am GMT on Monday the 6th of November 2023 and everyone ordering within this window will be guaranteed to receive a copy. We will ship them out within 180 days of the ordering window closing.

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  • 4 semaines après...

En précommande la semaine prochaine :


Da Red Gobbo’s Surprise

SundayPreview Nov5 Xmas 01 RedGobbo

The spirit of Christmas charity has gone mysteriously missing, and it’s fallen to Da Red Gobbo to hand out the gifts. He’s back again to spread some more holiday cheer, and people are going to have a blast with whatever he drops down their chimney…*



* Da Red Gobbo is guaranteed – which means that you will definitely receive a copy if you place your order between the 11th of November and 8am on the 8th of January.

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  • 2 mois après...

En précommande la semaine prochaine :

Ufthak Blackhawk

SundayPreview Feb4 40k 01 Blackhawk

Speaking of Ufthak Blackhawk, he’s also the subject of the latest Black Library Celebration Commemorative Series miniature. Joining the illustrious likes of Captain Messinius, Inquisitor Eisenhorn, Commissar Severina Raine, and more, Ufthak is a fantastically detailed plastic miniature, hefting his mighty Snazzhammer while balancing his kustom shoota atop his loyal(ish) squig, Princess.

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  • 8 mois après...

En précommande la semaine prochaine :




Da Red Gobbo’s A-bomb-inable Snowman


Da Red Gobbo has checked his naughty list, and you’re all on it – and that means he’s got nothing but bombs in his sack, which he’s about to drop down chimneys, stuff in stockings, and hurl from behind hastily constructed snow forts. This time our roguish Grot is indulging his creative side, using a high-yield explosive as a foundation for a snowman. With help from his Snotling assistant, he’s here to make sure we all have a very merry Christmas by an open fire… which he’s set. This miniature will only be available while stocks last. Roasting chestnuts and blasting caps not included.

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  • 3 mois après...

En précommande la semaine prochaine :


Hell's Last miniatures and novel


Minka Lesk of the Cadian 101st has fought tooth and nail to survive in the wake of the tragedy of Cadia, but war is eternal in the 41st Millennium and new challenges are on the horizon. She stars in upcoming novel Hell’s Last by Justin D Hill, which is also accompanied by a set of miniatures featuring Captain Lesk herself, Commissar Shand, Confessor Talbeas, Veteran Sergeant Grawnya and Veteran Trooper Jaromir. This product is available while stocks last.

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