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Vanguard Miniatures est, à l'heure où j'écris ces lignes, le meilleur producteur de figurines 6mm compatibles avec l'univers de Warhammer 40k (ou 30k selon les gammes).

Non seulement la gamme est très riche avec du count as pour les Space Marines (plutôt 30k), la Garde Impériale, l'Adeptus Mechanicus, le Chaos, les Orks ou encore les Eldars mais en plus la qualité des figurines est excellente.


C'est donc un fournisseur de figurines incontournable pour ceux qui n'ont pas la chance d'avoir une imprimante 3D.


Comme Vanguard Miniatures produit aussi des figurines 15mm et 3mm, j'avais pris l'habitude de suivre son actualité dans AW - Rumeurs et Nouveautés et en particulier ici mais je me dis que ce n'est pas plus mal de diviser le sujet et de suivre  les nouveautés 6mm compatibles avec Epic et Adeptus Titanicus (ne sous-estimez pas l'intérêt de placer quelques figurines d'infanterie ou un véhicule sur le socle d'un titan pour souligner son échelle).

Modifié par latribuneludique
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Malika a écrit :A lot of new releases!

First up, the Novan Regulars:

Novan Regulars – Siege Troops Artillery Crews
[Image: pSg8PJY.jpg]
Citation :Crew figures for use with my various artillery pieces (no shells)

Set contains:

22 x ground figures with integral bases
10 x vehicle figures without integral bases

32 figure set

Novan Regulars – Short Bow SP Artillery
[Image: oPZNJuG.jpg]
[Image: 9mFv2P4.jpg]

Novan Regulars – Warrior II Scout
[Image: 9twEKmx.jpg]
[Image: tEgPekg.jpg]

Novan Regulars – Indentured Elementals
[Image: grV2lfs.jpg]
Citation :Background to follow.

Set contains:

4 x elemental sprues in 5 poses

20 figures in total

Novan Regulars – Static Bombardier
[Image: etPZpq7.jpg]
Citation :This set contains 3 Static Bombardier on cruciform bases.

Set contents:
3 x bombardier guns
3 x cruciform bases
3 x shell stack
3 x double shells
3 x shell trolley

And some extra goodies for the Renegades:

Renegade – Sparta APC
[Image: sHdKEsY.jpg]
Citation :The Sparta is a light APC originally developed for Convent forces but it has also found favour and been adapted by some houses for use with Novan Elites Pathfinders teams who find it’s small size and silenced stealth engines ideal for battlefield recon duties. Some have been pressed into service by various nefarious forces although how they came by them is not known.

Set contains:
4 x Spartas
4 x double sided rear hatches, plain on one side, renegade star on the other.

Model approx. dimensions: length 26mm, width 16mm, height 9mm

Spiked Trophy Poles With Impaled Elites Helmets
[Image: sWuOMnx.jpg]
Citation :Spiked trophy poles sporting impaled Elites helmets.

Set contains:

3 x trophy pole sprues, 10 poles on each sprue

30 poles in total
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J'ai pris toutes mes figs chez eux. Top qualité, c'est cool qu'ils soient bien actif et sortent régul des nouvelles choses. 


Seul petit bémol de ce que j'ai vu, certain véhicules sont un peu gros par rapport à ce qu'il devraient, ce n'est pas gênant si on prend tout chez eux mais ca le devient si on mix les gammes. 

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Il y a 4 heures, Alvaten a dit :

Seul petit bémol de ce que j'ai vu, certain véhicules sont un peu gros par rapport à ce qu'il devraient, ce n'est pas gênant si on prend tout chez eux mais ca le devient si on mix les gammes. 


Oui, tu as raison de le préciser : Vanguard Miniatures fait dans le "true scale", c'est à dire qu'il essaye de respecter l'échelle. Or dans l'ancienne gamme Epic , les véhicules et titans étaient trop petits (Adeptus Titanicus et Aeronautica Imperialis qui sont eux-aussi true scale ont déjà souligné le problème) , du coup on a ce décalage.

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  • 1 mois après...
Malika a écrit :So the Eloi have just received some major reinforcements...

Eloi Federation – Fire Banshee Detachment
[Image: g8rlgDM.jpg]
[Image: 42uZk7l.jpg]
[Image: SWvWfWj.jpg]
[Image: Reeumf6.jpg]
[Image: tYIu490.jpg]

And to give you an idea of size:
[Image: ylJahxR.jpg]
Citation :The Eloi Federation makes use of a great many battle walker designs, fast, graceful and with incredible agility in comparison to our own battle striders, they are potent and deadly war machines.

This particular design is one of the most prolific machines fielded by Eloi battlegroups, Banshee’s operate in units of three with a piloted command unit and what appears to be two linked drones working in concert, although fully piloted combat teams have also been observed.

Armaments, two arm mounted heavy laser cannon left and right, and two shoulder mounted medium rail cannon. Command units sometimes sacrifice one arm cannon for a close combat weapon instead, a large sword being the most common weapon observed.

1. Resin printed multipart models with some modelling options
2. Approximate height, 67mms to top of “wing”
3. Plastic bases not included
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  • 3 semaines après...

Nouvelle gamme de figurines chez Vanguard Miniatures : les Nécr... Sentinels !


This is going to be the first batch of a new faction on Vanguard Miniatures' Dominion setting.

Sentinel – Command
[Image: hNJw8up.jpg]
[Image: PNAHdK8.jpg]
Citation :Set contains:

3 x Commanders

6 x Sub-commanders

4 x Guardians

6 x Techs

6 x Drones


Sample of contents shown
Plastic base not included

Sentinel – Infantry
[Image: LY1CRev.jpg]
[Image: 4mPFh9a.jpg]
Citation :Set contains:

40 x Sentinel infantry

6 x Sentinel casualties


Plastic bases not included

Sentinel – Heavy Infantry
[Image: djfNRuM.jpg]
[Image: Q8QWwCl.jpg]
Citation :Set contains:

40 x heavy infantry

2 x heavy infantry casualties


Plastic bases not included

Sentinel – Swarm Dominus
[Image: QvvN1lk.jpg]
[Image: T5ImjgK.jpg]
Citation :Set contains:

3 x swarm dominus

5 x swarm sprues (15 swarm discs)
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  • 1 mois après...
Malika a écrit :Eloi Federation – Typhoon Heavy Tank
[Image: 9Iuwtmz.jpg]
[Image: SEwF3D6.jpg]
[Image: 3x5cSmy.jpg]

To give you a sense of scale:
[Image: 3lPfDkJ.jpg]
Citation :Typhoon Heavy Grav-tank
The Typhoon is the Eloi Federations heaviest anti-gravity combat vehicle encounter to date. A swift and highly manoeuvrable vehicle for its size it combines unprecedented mobility with lethal and highly accurate firepower.
Typhoon’s are known to be crewed by two Eloi, a pilot/driver and a weapons operator both of which sit in the small rear compartment. The apparent central cockpit is in fact a highly advanced sensor array, real time data gathering module and terrain following suite linked directly to the crew by a neural linked helmet interface. This gives both crew members unprecedented situational awareness of their surroundings on the battlefield.
The turret armament consists of two heavy laser cannon with a secondary centrally mounted rail gun sitting between the barrels. However two other weapons systems have also been observed on this chassis, a large long range energy weapon (the quantum lance), and a triple barrelled indirect fire weapon (the trinity plasma mortar).
The graceful curvature and the thick well slopped composite armour plates of Eloi vehicles provide excellent protection from enemy fire but it is the tanks speed and agility that is considered to be its primary defensive measure.
Set contains:

1 x heavy tank hull

1 x Twin heavy laser cannon turret

1 x Quantum lance turret (with 3 sponson options)

1 x Trinity plasma mortar turret


This is a fully resin cast set
Model approximate dimensions, length 75mms, width main hull 42mms – across the stabiliser fins 50mms, height around 10mms not including turrets
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  • 2 semaines après...

Tower Roof
[Image: 6zQCYju.jpg]

Citation :A solid resin cast tower rooftop formerly available as part of the Habitorum plastic tiles set, now available separately.

1 x resin dome

1. Base 50mms square, height 55mms

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Malika a écrit :New Elites out!

Novan Elites B – Recon Teams
[Image: Fjc5ECb.jpg]
Citation :Novan Elite Recon Teams

Set contains:

4 x squad leaders

4 x comms operators

33 x recon troopers

2 x prone snipers

2 x troopers sat down taking cover (2 x wall debris pieces to take cover behind)
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Malika a écrit :New printed terrain out!

So many moons ago Troublemaker Games did a Kickstarter campaign for 3D printable terrain. Now Vanguard Miniatures is stocking some of those items, selling them as printed items (no need to ask for STL's here).

Small Gas Tanks
[Image: lhtggeE.jpg]
Citation :Set of four different small gas tanks compatible with Troublemaker Games plastic terrain sets


-Resin printed product
-8mm tall infantry figure show for size purposes only

Roof Top Vents
[Image: emBvDhn.jpg]
Citation :Set of four different roof top vents compatible with Troublemaker Games plastic terrain sets


-Resin printed product
-8mm tall infantry figure show for size purposes only
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Malika a écrit :Eloi reinforcements inbound!

Eloi Federation – Grav-bike Squadron [Image: eJojUAr.jpg]
[Image: iDVxh2w.jpg]
Citation :The Eloi are masters of anti-gravity technology with the majority of their military vehicles employing anti-grav technology, the Grav-bike is one of the smallest produced, a one person skimmer capable of very high speed utilised as a recon and light raider asset.

Set contains:

12 x grav-bikes

6 x rail cannon grav-bikes

1 x squadron leader grav-bike

1 x Way Seeker grav-bike

Plastic stands not included.
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  • 3 semaines après...

Malika a écrit :A bunch of new releases!

Novan Regulars – Siege Troops Casualties
[Image: 5QGn49w.jpg]

Citation :Casualty figures that can be added to bases to create little vignettes and or for making 3D damage/wound/suppression markers, or anything else you can think of.

Set contains:

4 x casualties sprues (24 x figures in 6 poses)

1 x Quarter master team sprue (4 x figures)

28 x figures in total

Novan Regulars – Siege Troops Tank Riders
[Image: ZLLIHw6.jpg]
[Image: dKz4Qxl.jpg]

Citation :These figures are designed to add to tanks and or trucks etc as transported troops.

Set contains:

1 x command sprue( kneeling/crouched)

2 x troopers sprue (kneeling/crouched)

1 x troopers sprue no rifles (sat down)

4 x troopers spues with rifles (sat down)

30 x figures


Please note that due to the nature of their use these figures can be incredibly fiddly to work with and fix to your models so some patience is required to work with these figures. Contact patches for gluing the figures for example are very small so thy may be easily dislodged with heavy handling. I would suggest using them on a special spare model so that model can be added to a formation to visually note that troops are being transported on the vehicles, remove once the troops re deployed.

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Malika a écrit :A while back Troublemaker Games ran another successful Kickstarter campaign. Some of those items are now available through Vanguard Miniatures!

Tribal Skinners – Mega Finback War Beast
[Image: XJUo0Gt.jpg]
Citation :Set contains:

1 x resin cast mega finback (three components)

1 x resin howdah

1 x parts sprue

1 x gunners sprue (2 Gobblers gunners, 4 Skinners with heavy shooters)

1 x passengers sprue (10 figures with axes)


Beast approximate dimensions, length 75mms, height 36mms to the shoulder
Small finback show for size comparison only and is not included in this set

Novan Regulars – Argos Drakon Flamethrower
[Image: lpAkjCh.jpg]
Citation :Set contains:

3 x Argos Dracon hulls

3 x flamethrower turrets
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  • 2 semaines après...
Malika a écrit :A whole bunch of new releases!

Renegade – Hecate II Interceptor
[Image: kaoBN5P.jpg]
[Image: zVdtYhM.jpg]
Citation :Renegade Hecate Mk2 Interceptor

Manoeuvrable and well armed, Hecate Interceptors are powered by nuclear cells, such that even in death their pilots may bring woe.

Sets contains:

1 x Hecate Interceptor hull

2 x Hecate components sprues


1) Model length: 71mms (note that this model is larger than the old metal Hecate)
2) Fully resin cast model kit
3) Model can be assembled in flight mode or landed
4) Several weapon options included

Cybershadow – Heavy Grav-APC
[Image: HRwiny3.jpg]
[Image: UvJwVvg.jpg]
Citation :Set contains:

1 x complete model on 4 x component sprues


1) Model approximate dimensions, L 65mms, W 30mms, H 22mms not including turret
2) Fully resin cast model kit

Novan Elites – Champions
[Image: YyAqFml.jpg]
[Image: FQNIj23.jpg]
Citation :Novan Elites Legion Champions.

Set contains:

3 x Champions sprues (15 figures in 5 variants)

Novan Regulars – Siege Troops High Command
[Image: O3OJzbd.jpg]
Citation :Set contains:

2 x standard bearer sprues

2 x banner sprues

1 x officers sprue (1 x Lord Marshall, 1 x Adjutant, 1 x Political officer with mask, 1 x Political officer unmasked)

22 figures in total

Eloi Federation – Scouts
[Image: ieqHeZY.jpg]
[Image: 87l7Fp6.jpg]
Citation :Set contains:

3 x sprue A (6 poses)

3 x sprue B (6 poses)

36 figures in total

Sentinel – Shades
[Image: J5yVmC6.jpg]
[Image: Ng2a6De.jpg]
[Image: aeGYxy9.jpg]
Citation :Set contains:

4 x torso sprues

4 x tail sprues

Enough parts to create 12 Sentinels Shades
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  • 1 mois après...

Malika a écrit :Some new releases!

Novan Regulars – Heavy Field Mortar Battery
[Image: P1100834NRFA-M.jpg]

Citation :Set contains:

4 x Heavy field mortars with ammunition boxes

4 x Novan light logistics trailers

Novan Regulars – Heavy Quad Launcher Battery
[Image: P1100835NRFA-Q.jpg]

Citation :Set contains:

4 x Heavy field quad launchers with ammunition boxes

4 x Novan light logistics trailers

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  • 2 semaines après...
Malika a écrit :A whole bunch of new releases!

Novan Regulars – Jungle Rangers Scout Striders
[Image: Fe9ayWm.jpg]
Citation :The Scout class Strider light walker has served with Tusculum Nova’s Regular forces since there founding and has seen many variants over the years. Primarily used as a light scout vehicle and also occasionally in the infantry support roll, it can be found on practically ever world of the Commonwealth. In concert with its larger cousin the Battle class these two very successful walker designs have been pivotal in Tusculum Nova’s developing combat walker programs.

This set contain:

4 x Strider open cockpit hulls – Armed with vegetation chain-blade cutters and flamethrowers

4 x Strider legs in four poses


Model height approx. 19mm

Renegade Militia – Casualties
[Image: GxgirS6.jpg]
Citation :Set contains:

30 x militia casualties in 5 poses (note these figures are double sided)

Renegade Militia – Heavy Anti-aircraft Gun Crews
[Image: 7vMpCM3.jpg]
Citation :Note these crew figures could also be used for large anti-tank gun crews or any other ordnance piece requiring large shells.

Set contains:

30 x gun crews in five poses

Renegade Militia – Artillery Crews
[Image: P4VTwDJ.jpg]
Citation :Set contains:

10 x crew for mounting on self-propelled guns or gun platforms (five poses)

22 x crew figures with regular figure bases (11 poses)

Renegade Militia – Infantry
[Image: SPuV2zu.jpg]
[Image: dJdQd1J.jpg]
Citation :Set contains:

40 x militia infantry (including 4 x squad leaders and 4 x grenade launcher operators)

Renegade Militia – Specialists 1
[Image: TTDRYGN.jpg]
Citation :Set contains:

4 x officers

2 x discipling masters

2 x radio operators

2 x standard bearers

2 x snipers

3 x light mortars with 2 crew each

3 x light quad mortars with 2 crew each

3 x twin heavy MG teams

3 x auto-cannon teams

3 x tank commander torsos

Renegade Militia – Specialists 2
[Image: 4UxFk6b.jpg]
Citation :Set contains:

15 x discipling masters (in 5 poses)

3 squad HMG teams (3 figure teams)

6 x light support weapons (3 x flamer, 3 x melta)
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  • 2 semaines après...
Malika a écrit :Some new releases!

First up...BLAST MARKERS! (Note de LTL : à Epic Armageddon les Pions d'Impact permettent de représenter visuellement l'attrition, les formations étant moins faciles à activer, moins efficaces au combat (tir et assaut) et plus proches de la démoralisation au fur et à mesure qu'on leur tire dessus et qu'elles accumulent les pertes)

Blast Markers (Large)
[Image: fWz8iy5.jpg]
[Image: mZ0uV2T.jpg]
Citation :Set contains:

5 x large blast markers (3D printed)

8mm tall figure show for size purposes only.

Blast Markers (Small)
[Image: mw3U4Vj.jpg]
Citation :Set contains:

6 x small blast markers (3D printed)

8mm tall figure show for size purposes only.

And the first STL files available through Vanguard Miniatures!

Blast Markers – Download
[Image: tDilcnJ.jpg]
Citation :Both large and small blast markers, supported versions included.

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  • 1 mois après...
Malika a écrit :New tanks out!

Novan Elites – Trojan II APC
[Image: jIHIjAp.jpg?1]
[Image: CyEEI91.jpg?1]
[Image: 2ui5hEH.jpg?1]
Citation :Set contains:

3 x Trojan II hulls (resin cast)

9 x rear hull hatches (resin cast) (3 of each Novan Great House symbols – reverse sides plain)

5 x forward hatches sprues (metal cast) (5 variants)


1) These models can mount turrets such as the Hailstorm and IFV turret variants from the metal cast model range.
2) The Novan Great House symbols provided are for, The Duchy of Crescente, The Fero 3) Ascendancy and The Triumvirate of Aquilae.

Renegade Novan Elites – Trojan II APC
[Image: L21SumU.jpg?1]
[Image: P3Uma0h.jpg]
[Image: thAPdG1.jpg]
Citation :Set contains:

3 x Renegade Trojan II hulls (resin cast)

9 x rear hull hatches (resin cast) (3 variants – reverse sides plain)

5 x forward hatches sprues (metal cast) (5 variants)


These models can mount turrets such as the Hailstorm and IFV turret variants from the metal cast model range.
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Malika a écrit :A whole bunch of new releases!

First up:

Novan Regulars – Corsair Pattern Light Battle Strider
[Image: vaT4EeE.jpg?1]
[Image: 2xY3IVi.jpg?1]
Citation :The Corsair light battle strider was amongst the first of a new generation of battle walkers to come from the armouries of the Great Houses of the Novan Commonwealth.

Set contains:

3 x Corsair light battle striders

Two hull weapon types included.

Two arm weapon loadouts included.


1) Three leg poses
2) Two sensor head designs
3) Optional open cockpit torso with pilot figure
4) Model height approximately 26mms not including shoulder weapon
5) Plastic bases not included.

Another tank for the Novan Regulars!

Novan Regulars – Dragon II Flame Tank
[Image: NDqrT5N.jpg?1]
[Image: Wa0eI4t.jpg?1]
Citation :Set contains:

3 x Dragon tank hulls

6 x fuel tanks (2 variants)

6 x turrets (2 variants)

3 x bow MG’s

A new tank for the Skinners!

Skinners – Tanks With Energy Cannon Turrets
[Image: fzldJJS.jpg?1]
Citation :Set contains:

4 x Skinners tank hulls (4 variants)

4 x energy cannon turrets (4 variants)

Who needs some extra turrets?

Novan Elites -Guardian Turrets
[Image: V0x4Y0H.jpg?1]
Citation :Set contains:

4 x Guardian turrets

Novan Elites -Trojan IFV Turrets
[Image: owCjodt.jpg?1]
Citation :Set contains:

2 x twin HMG turrets

2 x twin laser cannon turrets

Skinners – Tank Turrets (cannon)
[Image: b8XTVNw.jpg?1]
Citation :Set contains:

8 x Skinners cannon turrets

Skinners – Tank Turrets (energy cannon)
[Image: I41ajo1.jpg?1]
Citation :Set contains:

8 x Skinners energy cannon turrets
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  • 5 semaines après...

New Eloi warmachines!!!

Eloi Federation – Savage Banshee Detachment
[Image: RnoRGMN.jpg?1]
[Image: MrFpVAp.jpg?1]
[Image: vOuwVPK.jpg?2]

Citation :The Eloi Federation makes use of a great many battle walker designs, fast, graceful and with incredible agility in comparison to our own battle striders, they are potent and deadly war machines.

This particular design is one of the most prolific machines fielded by Eloi battlegroups, Banshee’s operate in units of three with a piloted command unit and what appears to be two linked drones working in concert, although fully piloted combat teams have also been observed.

Armaments, two melee weapons held in left and right hand (sword/axe), each forearm also mount a light pulse laser, and two shoulder mounted medium rail cannon.

Set contains:

3 x Savage Banshee models.

1. Resin printed multipart models with some modelling options
2. Approximate height, 67mms to top of “wing”
3. Plastic bases not included

And then there's the obligatory STL's:

6mm City Killer Type 1 – (STL Download)
[Image: FqTh8u7.png?1]

6mm Tower Crane – (STL Download)
[Image: 2hcHD9o.png?1]

6mm Power Generator – (STL Download)
[Image: 4MjlDn8.jpg?1]

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  • 3 semaines après...
Malika a écrit :Various new releases!

Plastic 20mm Square Bases
[Image: sPxRacp.jpg?1]
[Image: j0EQdVY.jpg?1]
Citation :20mm square plastic bases with five 6mm diameter figure recesses.

Set contains: 50 x bases

Miniatures shown for size purposes only.

Cybershadow – Logistics/Utility Crab
[Image: i8tmfsi.jpg?1]
Citation :Set contains:

2 x logistics upper hulls

2 x crane arms

2 x lower hull

12 x legs

Novan Logistics Set
[Image: SH3hwDu.jpg?1]
Citation :Set contains:

3 x barrels sprues + 7 additional loose barrels

3 x stacked boxes sprues

2 x separate open boxes sprues + 4 loose boxes

2 x separate closed boxes sprues
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Oh ! Le crabe me fait un peu envie. Ca fait quelques temps que j'aimerais dénicher des proxys pour le jeu Full Metal Planète, et ça irait peut-être bien pour les crabes de ce jeu justement !

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La taille est le point sur lequel il y a de l'incertitude en effet. Après, mon plateau est fait main, donc peut-être plus grand que le plateau standard. A vue de nez, je dirais qu'un Leman Russ 6mm rentre dans les hexagone au moins. Pour l'impression 3D, je n'en ai pas trouvé spécifiquement pour Full Metal Planète, mais je n'ai pas non plus beaucoup cherché.

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  • 3 mois après...

Eloi reinforcements inbound!

Eloi Federation – Tempest With Crystal Lance Turret
[Vanguard miniatures] Nouveautés - Page 32 VqnGtru

Citation :
Set contains:

3 x Tempest grav tank hulls

3 x crystal lance turrets

Eloi Federation – Heavy Support Grav Bikes
[Vanguard miniatures] Nouveautés - Page 32 P1110397-V
[Vanguard miniatures] Nouveautés - Page 32 P1110400-VC

Citation :
Set contains:

4 x heavy grav bike hulls with twin ventral light rail guns

2 x heavy grav bike hulls with single ventral heavy rail gun

6 x unmanned heavy laser turrets

6 x manned heavy laser turrets

6 x way seeker passengers

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