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[Epinglé] V10 - Règles, starters, missions, campagnes...

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Lieutenant Demetrian Titus


The hero of Graia and star of Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine II, Lieutenant Demetrian Titus is renowned for his devotion, tenacity, and incredible skill in combat. He’s a veteran of countless battles against foes such as the Orks, Tyranids and the Traitor Legions. You can now make him part of your collection as this push-fit miniature with a choice of bare head or helmet. He will only be available at Warhammer stores, and won’t be available in Japan or China.

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  • 4 semaines après...

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Seraptek Heavy Construct with Synaptic Obliterators


The Seraptek Heavy Construct is one of the Necrons’ largest battle machines. A surprisingly agile thing with its scuttling, insectile form, it canters across the battlefield firing synaptic obliterators and transdimensional projectors. This colossus is made of Forge World resin, and has rules available to download from Warhammer Community.

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Death Korps of Krieg Army Set


The soldiers and citizens of Krieg know only the brutal and unrelenting reality of war, devoting themselves wholly to an endless battle of attrition with unwavering stoicism. You can get a taste of their indefatigable attitude with the Death Korp of Krieg Army set, which contains 18 new plastic Death Korps miniatures. Lord Marshal Dreir and his loyal Krieg steed have won innumerable victories. They’re ready once again to lead a charge of 10 Death Riders, supported by the heavy ordnance of an Artillery Team and a unit of Krieg Combat Engineers with a remote mine.

This set is also the first place you’ll be able to get Codex: Astra Militarum, a 168-page book featuring unique art for this release, and extensive background information and rules for bringing the hammer of the Emperor down in games of Warhammer 40,000. On top of that, there is a set of 68 cards which comprise your primary army rule, Combat Patrol datasheets, and 64 datasheets. You also get a Death Korps of Krieg transfer sheet with 803 decals.

Battlefield Trophies


Is it really a Warhammer battlefield if it isn’t scattered with the shattered remains of your enemies, and a pile of flesh-stripped skulls? We don’t think so, which is why the new Battlefield Trophies set is a banger – containing 288 components from broken servo-skulls, to sundered helmets from a dozen different factions, and all sorts of bits to litter your bases. There’s even half of a dead Space Marine for your fiercest champions, though whether you paint it as a Lieutenant is up to you.

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  • 2 semaines après...

En précommande la semaine prochaine :


Codex: Aeldari

The race might be ancient, but the Codex is cutting edge – the Aeldari arrive in full force with a 192-page Codex that covers their tragic history and enduring legend. Eight Detachments delineate the many forms of warfare the Aeldari undertake, including Harlequin and Ynnari armies. There are pages of gorgeous miniature photography to display the full Aeldari warhost, as well as Combat Patrol and Crusade rules, and datasheets for every unit. 


Those who have chosen to dedicate themselves to the Path of the Aeldari can opt for a collector's edition of the Codex, which has unique cover art, teal foil page edges, and a black ribbon bookmark. This is only available while stocks last.

Aeldari dice and datasheet cards


Don’t rely on the fickle skeins of fate to guide your hand in battle when there’s a pack of 71 quick reference cards to cover your primary army rule, datasheets, and Combat Patrol. They may not be made out of wraithbone but these gem-effect orange dice with black pips are every bit the perfect battlefield accessory, featuring the faction icon on the six face. 

Lhykhis, the Whispering Web


Appearing as if from nowhere to unleash a storm of shredding monofilament, Lhykhis embodies Khaine’s willingness to risk all to defeat the enemies of the Aeldari. She can jump across the hellish realm of the Warp with a speed and precision beyond even the most skilled exarchs, appearing unbidden to aid her fellow Aeldari, armed with the Brood Twain, a pair of carapace-bound death spinners, and the Spider’s Fangs, dual monofilament injectors akin to the feared Harlequins kiss. 

Warp Spiders


Like their Phoenix Lord, Warp Spiders use their jump generators to traverse the immaterium to strike without warning. Their death spinners slice foes apart even as they struggle desperately to escape the constricting webbing. This new plastic kit contains optional helmetless heads, and a full complement of Exarch options, including a death spinner, a spinneret rifle and death weavers, dual death weavers and powerblades, and a quad powerblade array. It also comes with an Aspect Warrior shrine statue, and an Aeldari transfer sheet with 378 transfers.

Baharroth, the Cry of the Wind


Baharroth is as savage as the storm itself, wielding the Fury of the Tempest to pick off enemies from afar before swooping into battle to tear through enemies like a hurricane with the Shining Blade. His appearance on the battlefield is said to signal an imminent victory no matter the odds, and he is seen as a source of inspiration to all Asuryani. 

Swooping Hawks


Soaring high above battle with speed and agility reminiscent of Faolchú the Great Falcon, Swooping Hawks are aerial daredevils who harry their foes with lasblaster salvoes and use back-mounted grenade packs to disperse infantry formations and critically damage vehicles alike. Much like their Phoenix Lord, the sight of them soaring through the air is a morale booster to ground forces. This new plastic kit contains optional helmetless heads, and a full complement of Exarch options, including a sunpistol and power sword, a Hawk’s Talon, an Exarch’s lasblaster and a scatter laser. It also comes with an Aspect Warrior shrine statue, and an Aeldari transfer sheet with 378 transfers.

Fuegan, the Burning Lance

The Phoenix Lord Fuegan is the progenitor of the Fire Dragons, battling at close range with his firepike Searsong and the Fire Axe, a melee weapon forged during the Fall of the Aeldari. He’s also the one who will convene his comrades at Rhana Dandra. He trains his disciples to channel the fury and flame of the Dragon with pinpoint accuracy. 

Fire Dragons


In contrast to the raging fury of their weapons, Fire Dragons spend much of their time in training, hardening their body, mind and soul through complex contemplative rituals and strict martial drills. In battle, they are unshakeable as they face down armoured titans many times their size, felling them with precision shots from their Dragon fusion guns, before striding forward in heavy armour to the next target without pause. This new plastic kit contains optional helmetless heads, and a full complement of Exarch options, including a Dragon fusion gun, a Dragon axe and Dragon fusion pistol combo, a Dragon’s breath flamer, and a firepike. It also comes with an Aspect Warrior shrine statue, and an Aeldari transfer sheet with 378 transfers.

Asurmen, the Hand of Asuryan


The first and eldest of all the Phoenix Lords, Asurmen, the Hand of Asuryan is a survivor of the Fall, and founder of the Aspect shrines, personally training the first Aspect Warriors. He went on to found more shrines than any other Phoenix Lord, making the Dire Avengers the most numerous of all the Aspects. Armed with the Bloody Twins, wrist-mounted shuriken catapults, and the first diresword ever forged, Asurmen displays razorshop tactical acumen and peerless combat prowess.

Wave Serpent


Borne aloft by advanced anti-gravitic motors and protected by a powerful energy field, the Wave Serpent is a swift troop carrier, deploying Guardian Squads and Aspect Warriors to critical battlefield locations at blistering speeds, all the while providing covering fire with its turret weapons.

This rebox of the Aeldari Wave Serpent brings together everything you need to build either a Falcon Grav Tank or Wave Serpent, and comes with an Aeldari transfer sheet with 378 transfers.*

Aeldari War Walkers


War Walkers eschew heavy armour in favour of speed and firepower and carry a wide variety of heavy weapons into battle. Primarily deployed as recon units, their swift speed also makes them valuable flanking units that can take out key targets from oblique angles. This repack of the War Walker kit gives you two in the same box and comes with an Aeldari transfer sheet with 378 transfers.

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  • 2 semaines après...

En précommande la semaine prochaine :


Codex: Astra Militarum


Wrest back control of the galaxy with the might of Humanity’s armies in Codex: Astra Militarum, the essential companion to the faction packed with background lore, miniatures galleries, and rules. This 168-page hardback book contains five specialised Detachments, each with their own Enhancements and Stratagems, plus Combat Patrol rules and datasheets for every unit available to the Astra Militarum – including the new Death Korps of Krieg units.

The Codex will be available to pre-order in its regular edition, and for honoured saints of the Imperium who want the best to grace their bookshelves, a Collector’s Edition version with alternate artwork, foil-effect text, and a ribbon page marker will also be available while stocks last.

Lord Marshal Dreir


Lead the unstoppable Death Korps of Krieg from the front with Lord Marshal Dreir, a consummate battlefield commander who rose from the faceless infantry to the heights of leadership. He can always be found where the fighting is thickest – much to the horror of his superiors – and has reconstructed his loyal steed ES819 dozens of times to stay in the fight.*

Krieg Command Squad


The officers of Krieg are just as brave as the men they command, and the severe rate of attrition they suffer often requires members of the Officio Prefectus to step in to maintain discipline. As such, the Krieg Command Squad is led by a high-ranking Lord Commissar, who is joined by a Prefectus Militant – an officer undergoing training in the ways of the Commissariat – and four veterans with a variety of communications and medical equipment. *

Death Riders


Ascending to the ranks of the honoured Death Riders is a privilege for any korpsman, as their genetically modified steeds allow them to thunder into enemy lines with even greater speed and power. Their explosive-tipped frag lances blast the unfortunate targets of their charges apart, after which the riders draw their power sabres and get stuck into the melee with reckless abandon.*

Krieg Combat Engineers


The slow and grinding siege warfare favoured by Krieg gave rise to specialist formations of armoured Combat Engineers dedicated to close-range trench warfare and brazen frontal assaults. Each set comes with five engineers armed with a variety of short-ranged weapons and a remote mine that excels at blowing armoured vehicles and fortifications to pieces.*

Death Korps of Krieg


Death Korps troopers are equipped in the same way as their comrades across the Astra Militarum – with a lasgun, flak armour, and heaps of moxie – but back up their numbers with a true die-hard dedication to duty that borders on the reckless. This makes them excellent troopers for massed assaults and gruelling attritional warfare, where the sheer weight of their firepower can drag down some of the mightiest foes in the galaxy.*

Krieg Heavy Weapons Squad


Mobile Heavy Weapons Squads are deployed to support infantry attacks with devastating firepower, with all three platforms having the choice between a heavy flamer, lascannon, or twin autocannon. Unique to the teams from Krieg, a Fire Coordinator helps keep up a punishing rate of fire, allowing them to shoot one final time upon their untimely deaths.*

Artillery Team


Before the armies of Krieg launch their signature massed infantry attacks, enemy positions are bombarded by enormous barrages of shells and rockets from emplaced Artillery Teams with a variety of indirect fire siege weapons at their disposal.*


Each artillery team comes with the choice of four weapons that range from the infantry-killing barrage of the multiple rocket launcher to the sheer armour-sundering power of the siege cannon. The kit also comes with a wide assortment of accessories for customising the gunners, with several alternate poses and scattered ammunition surrounding the gun.*

Combat Patrol: Astra Militarum


The new Combat Patrol: Astra Militarum eschews the normal weight of numbers for a powerful elite force of specialists, from the professional marksmanship of the Kasrkin to the thundering charges of the Rough Riders. Alongside these two squads of first-class warriors is a versatile Cadian Command Squad, whose diligent orders and support equipment inspire their fellow troops to victory.*

Astra Militarum Dice Set and Datasheet Cards


Supplement your Astra Militarum army with a useful pack of quick-reference datacards containing all of the datasheets you need, along with reminders of your army rule and Combat Patrol rules. Then, roll dice in style with a set of 16 square-cornered dice cast in swirled blue plastic with white pips and the Death Korps of Krieg faction icon on the six face.

Warhammer 40,000 Crusade: Nachmund Gauntlet


The story of the 41st Millennium continues as the anointed herald of Abaddon plunges his daemonic spear into the Imperium’s defensive lines in Warhammer 40,000 Crusade: Nachmund Gauntlet. The worlds protecting the Imperium Sanctus from the Great Rift are under assault by Haarken Worldclaimer, and when an unstoppable Chaos armada slams into the fortified world of Sangua Terra, even the Living Saint Celestine herself may not be enough to turn back the tide.

This narrative expansion for Warhammer 40,000 contains expanded Crusade campaign rules for the Sangua Terran War and vicious Surgical Deep Strikes, plus 15 missions for your Crusade Forces to battle through. It will also be available in a special Collector’s Edition release, with gold foil text on a soft-touch cover, printed page edges, and a ribbon page marker.

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  • 3 semaines après...

En précommande ma semaine prochaine :


Emperor’s Children Army Set: Champions of Slaanesh


The Emperor’s Children arrive with the most dramatic of flourishes – an army box comprising of 33 brand-new miniatures evocative of their excess, a fresh Codex, a set of datasheets card and a new transfer sheet.

The Lord Exultant and his retinue are kitted out with gilded weapons and prismatic armour. This ostentatious champion comes with a choice of weapon options including phoenix power spear and rapture lash, as well as four different power packs and two head options. 


He’s joined by two units of six Noise Marines – which can include one Disharmonist each – while the regular Noise Marines have a wide choice of heads, shoulders, and muzzles for their sonic blasters. Tormentors wield their ranged weapons with precision while Infractors are obsessed with close combat, and the box provides 20 Space Marines which can be built as either with a choice of accessories for customisation.


On top of that you get a glorious copy of the 112-page Codex: Emperor’s Children which is full to the brim with delectable lore, art, miniatures photography, and rules for using your Champions of Slaanesh on the tabletop. This version features pink foil on the cover and page edges, a black ribbon page marker, and features classic Emperor’s Children art on the cover. 


Finally, 22 datasheet cards cover all the units in the Codex (but not Combat Patrol datasheets or the Army Rule), and a transfer sheet with 150 transfers is supplied so you can decorate your forces. This set is available while stocks last.

Combat Patrol: Aeldari


The Aeldari are masters of war, bringing to bear many discrete and subtle elements to overwhelm their enemies in a coordinated attack between Aspect Warriors and wraith constructs. Combat Patrol: Aeldari contains a Spiritseer, five Wraithblades, five Warp Spiders, and 10 Dire Avengers, with rules found in Codex: Aeldari.

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