JB Posté(e) le 19 janvier 2024 Partager Posté(e) le 19 janvier 2024 ** JANVIER 2024: Au final : Tailles des socles communiqués par la Community manager de GW avant la sortie. Explication de l'agrandissement: "work out new basing sizes, and rebase everything. And that was a deliberate choice: because we were redesigning the system from the ground up, and because miniatures had scaled up and become more dynamic and three-dimensional as the technology had changed, I took the opportunity to ensure base sizes would actually let you rank up comfortably. All of this was carefully considered. Early on in development, I painted up two full units on bases cut from plasticard. One used the old size and the other involved the sizes we were trialling, to get people to decide which they thought looked better, and to see how they worked in our games. There had been a lot of debate, but the new sizes won out because everything just ranked up so much better. The armies do just look so much more grand on the battlefield." source: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/01/05/old-world-almanack-designer-round-table-on-the-past-and-future-of-a-stone-cold-classic/ ** DECEMBRE 2023: source: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/12/04/old-world-almanack-how-magic-brings-a-sparkle-to-the-battlefield/ source: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/12/11/old-world-almanack-living-saints-and-special-rules/ source: X (Twitter) première photo des figurines des boites pour vérifier les socles vendus. Avec notamment la cavalerie Roi des Tombes sur socle 25x50. source: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/12/26/warhammer-the-old-world-the-tomb-kings-of-khemri-revealed/ source: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/12/18/old-world-almanack-mustering-the-grand-army-of-bretonnia (au moins on sait qu'il n'y aura pas de 32 m, ni de plus grand que 150x100! Source: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/12/31/sunday-preview-prepare-to-enter-the-world-of-legend/ ** NOVEMBRE 2023: a unit with a wider fighting rank than its opponent can still attack with every model in that rank – your troops surround and envelop the other regiment. (...) and any model that is able to fight without being in base contact may only make one attack this turn. source: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/11/20/old-world-almanack-fight-the-good-fight-in-the-combat-phase/ ** OCTOBRE 2023: @darkath a mesuré les socles sur les photos des armées TOW publiées sur Warhammer Community; par rapport à des figs au meme plan: - Infanterie standard (nains, elfes, gobelins, humains etc.) : 25x25 - Grosse infanterie (boyz orques) :30x30 - Monstres (troll) : 40x40 - Cavalerie (chevalier de l'empire, boarboyz) : 30x60 - Machine de guerre (balliste gob, bombarde empire, canons nains) : 50x50 - Cavalerie monstrueuse (chevalier demi-gryph, homme arbre) : 50x75 - Chars/Gros monstre (cotre HE, - Tank à Vapeur, Boss sur vouivre) : 50x100 ATTENTION ce ne sont que des estimations sur photos, les chiffres donnés jaugent surement mal la différence entre 30 et 32 mm par exemple . Peut être même que certaines unités ne seront pas celles des armées studio définitives, et donc socalge provisoire. sources: photos des armées TOW sur les articles Warhammer Community ** JUILLET 2023: The rules encourage units with wide frontages, but the ideal number of models per rank is decided by the player, not enforced by the rules. To do this, we’ve ensured that as many models as possible can fight in combat, giving even those models that are within the fighting rank but not in base contact with the enemy the opportunity to bring their weapons to bear. source: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/07/24/old-world-development-diary-the-more-things-change-the-more-they-stay-the-same/ ** MAI 2023: Document before release showing base size. Most base sizes go up, end of Warhammer fantasy the models were already starting to overhang. Cavalry get bigger bases, most infantry go bigger. "What's the best thing we can do to prepare?" "Paint your minis, but don't put them on bases unless you're very confident" source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WarhammerFantasy/comments/133tpix/the_old_world_qa_info/ ** AVRIL 2023: Basing As you can see, our painted models are on square bases – but these are slightly bigger than they were back in the days of Warhammer Fantasy Battle. The majority of models in Warhammer: The Old World will indeed sit on bigger bases – there are a few reasons for this. Over the decades, our models have become larger and more dynamic, which means that many units have become difficult to arrange into ranks and files. Players must be able to line their models up without complex planning about which spear has to go where in order to use them in-game. On top of that, we didn’t like that the back ranks were hidden and hard to see. So now, all 20mm bases have been replaced with 25mm bases. Most (but not all) 25mm and 25×50 bases have been replaced with new-sized bases. Q: Are the models getting bigger? A: No, the new models will be in the same scale as the returning range from Warhammer Fantasy Battle. The base size change has come about because some of those ‘90s and ‘00s models became difficult to rank up, and we’re taking the opportunity to fix the problem. It will mean that newer models joining the range can be more dynamically posed, but proportions remain the same. Q:Do I need to rebase my old army? A:If you’re playing at home there’ll be no requirement to rebase anything. For casual play, the size of base will make a minimal difference to gameplay. The rules will be written assuming the new larger base sizes – so if you’re planning to play competitively, you might want to upgrade to larger bases, If you don’t want to rebase your older models individually, you are welcome to pop them onto a movement tray with the right footprint. In practice, movement trays are a useful tool, even if your army is on the right base size, as it speeds up gameplay and makes for more accurate unit manoeuvring. Q: How do I know the correct base size for my models? A: Base sizes will be given in every model’s profile. Q: Will we be able to buy bases? A: Yes. All models in the Warhammer: The Old World range – including returning models – will be supplied with the correctly sized bases. We’ll also be selling bases and movement trays. source: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/04/14/old-world-development-diary-on-bases-and-the-barons-of-bretonnia/ ** JUILLET 2021: Definitely square! Warhammer: The Old World is a reinvention of the classic rank-and-file game of Warhammer Fantasy Battles. Regiments move in ranked-up units, and strategic manoeuvring into position to launch or receive a critical charge will be as much a key part of the game as it ever was source: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/07/21/square-bases-and-kislev-ascendant-see-your-questions-about-warhammer-the-old-world-answered/ ** NOVEMBRE 2019: Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
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