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Skavens (Unité Perso) - Rats-ogres mutants & augmentés

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Encore du skaven! 


Une adaptation des rats-ogres parus dans le guide Hell Pit. Le but est pouvoir jouer les nouveaux rats-ogres de AOS à TOW mais aussi pouvoir s'amuser à faire des conversions diverses et avariées. 


On retrouve deux unités bien sympas. Les mutants rats-ogres avec une tonne d'options, tout droit sorti de la période V6 et de sa liberté, une bonne occasion pour faire du modélisme et des modifications. Et les mutants rats-ogres augmentés pour utiliser les gros rats-ogres de AOS, avec la possibilité d'équiper un des rat-ogre d'un Warpfire Thrower. Une option aussi pour permettre aux unités de rats-ogres de porter une armure de plate 4+ pour 15 points.


J'ai effectué plusieurs modifications pour coller à TOW, mais aussi pour être en cohérence avec l'éventuel rajout de stormfiends. Les choses qui différent du guide sont en rouge. Les formulations qui ne sont pas très "standards" sont soulignées. 


Les profils et les points sont alignés sur les rats-ogres de TOW. 


Pour les mutants rats-ogres augmentés. J'ai remplacé le bonus de +1S par +1W. Tout simplement car le Stormfiend ne gagne pas +1S en V8 mais bien +1W. La stupidité vient du guide. J'ai ajouté la régénération. L'idée étant d'en faire des rats-ogres plus résistants grâce à leur coté mécanique. C'est inspiré de la différence River troll / Stone troll. Pas d'armure 4+ d'office, les svg à TOW sont plus faibles, mais possibilité d'acheter l'option. 


Pour les mutants rats-ogres. Ils sont identiques aux rats-ogres. Mais avec des options. J'ai modifié ces options. Le but était de coller au profil de stormfiends qui sont des rats-ogres avec: Resilient, powerhouse, Extra extremeties, Brain transplan, Rusty armour plate. Et des rats-ogres augmentés avec:  Resilient, Trollblood. Ca donne des stormfiends à 100 points (85 points en V8), et des rats-ogres augmentés à 65 points (60 points en V6). 


Si vous voulez pas aller si loin dans les modifs, contentez vous d'ajouter le warpfire à +40 points sur 1 rat-ogre de la meute. 


En anglais car c'est une version de travail. 


Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on:
• 0-2 units of Rat Ogres or Mutant rat Ogres per 1,000 points      
• One unit of Rats Ogres can be replaced by Augmented Mutant Rat Ogres per 1,000 points and per Clan Skryre Warlock Engineer taken

Mutant Rat Ogres                                          




It is in every Moulder’s nature to want to improve upon something that is already a success, and occasionally they even succeed. The cream of the Rat Ogre creations in Clan Moulder’s possession sport extra limbs, heads and even minds since Throt perfected the practice of transplanting human brains into Rat Ogre bodies.

Mutant rat ogres                                          

Mutant rat ogres                                          






















Troop Type: Monstrous infantry
Base Size: 50 x 50 mm (min), 60 x 60 mm (max)
Unit Size: 3+
Equipment: Hand weapons and mutated hides (counts as heavy armour)

 All mutant rats ogres of the unit may take up to two of the following upgrades:
- Resilient: The Mutant Rat Ogres have +1 Wound..……+12 points per model
- Powerhouses: The Mutant Rat Ogres have +1 Initiative..……+10 points per model
- Extra extremeties: The Mutant Rat Ogres have +1 Attack…+10 points per model
- Trollblood: The Mutant Rat Ogres have Regenerate and Stupidity. ……+5 points per model
- Quadrupedal: The Mutant Rat Ogres have +1 Movement..…+5 points per model
- Brain transplant: The Mutant Rat Ogres have Ld 7. Mutant Rat Ogres with brain transplants do not have Packmasters and do not have the Loss of Packmasters rule……+5 points per model

• Any  may unit:
- Include one Packmaster for every two Rat Ogres..........................................+5 points each
- Upgrade one Packmaster to a Master Moulder (champion)...............................+7 points

Special Rules: Armour Bane (2), Close Order, Fear, Frenzy, Horde, Safe from Harm, Scurry Away, Warband

Safe From Harm
Rat Ogres are big, tough creatures and their Packmasters will instinctively shelter behind their enduring bulk.

When an enemy unit shoots at a unit of Rat Ogres that also contains one or more Packmasters, the enemy player must roll a D6 for each successful roll To Hit before making any rolls To Wound. On a roll of 1-4, the hit is inflicted upon a Rat Ogre. In combat, enemy models must allocate their attacks against a model they are in base contact with (or against the closest model if they are within the fighting rank but not in base contact) before rolling To Hit.


Augmented Mutant Rat Ogres             





On the rare occasions that Clan Skryre and Clan Moulder cooperate, the results are as deranged as they are effective. Augmented Rat Ogres are as much machine as they are flesh, erratically hissing and clanking across the battlefield as their grafted pincers snap like shears and their warpfire projectors throw great gouts of fire into the enemy ranks.


Augmented Mutant rat ogres                                          

Augmented mutant rat ogres                                          






















Troop Type: Monstrous infantry
Base Size: 50 x 50 mm (min), 60 x 60 mm (max)
Unit Size: 3+
Equipment: Hand weapons and mutated hides (counts as heavy armour)

• Any unit may:
- One Augmented Rat Ogre per unit may be armed with a Warpfire Thrower.
…………+40 points
- Include one Packmaster for every two Rat Ogres..........................................+5 points each
- Upgrade one Packmaster to a Master Moulder (champion)...............................+7 points

Special Rules: Armour Bane (2), Close Order, Fear, Frenzy, Horde, Regeneration (5+), Safe from Harm, Scurry Away, Stupidity, Warband

Safe From Harm
Rat Ogres are big, tough creatures and their Packmasters will instinctively shelter behind their enduring bulk.

When an enemy unit shoots at a unit of Rat Ogres that also contains one or more Packmasters, the enemy player must roll a D6 for each successful roll To Hit before making any rolls To Wound. On a roll of 1-4, the hit is inflicted upon a Rat Ogre. In combat, enemy models must allocate their attacks against a model they are in base contact with (or against the closest model if they are within the fighting rank but not in base contact) before rolling To Hit.




Additional options for Rat ogres, mutant rats ogres and Augmented Mutant rat ogres :





Particularly hardy Rat Ogres are often further modified with rusty armour plates and crude weapons grafted directly onto their bodies. The advance of such monstrosities across the battlefield is accompanied by the screech of tortured metal and the bellow of tortured beast.


Additional options for Rat Ogres:
All Rat ogres, mutant rats ogres and Augmented Mutant rat ogres of the unit may take any of the following:
-Rusty armour plates (counts as Full Plate Armour)……………………………….+15 points per model




Modifié par HFXleol
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