Khaelein Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2024 Partager Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2024 (modifié) Que permet d'ignorer cette FAQ ? Citation Q: Does a unit count as being obscured when some of the models within it are behind others? A: No. A unit cannot be obscured from the enemy by itself. Clairement les tirailleurs appartenant à des troupiers de la même unité les masquant ne subissent pas de malus de couvert : le terme obscured est utilisé pour expliquer qui a un couvert ou non p103. Par contre est-ce qu'une figurine qui est complétement en travers de la ligne de vue de son camarade d'unité obscure/masque la cible et est donc ignorée par cette FAQ ou alors c'est une autre manière totale de voir les choses et le tirailleur derrière ses camarades sans ligne de vue laser libre ne peut pas tirer? p103 Citation Line Of Sight You will often need to determine if one model or unit has a line of sight to another. To check a line of sight between models, stoop down to look from the model’s point of view: • If a straight, uninterrupted line can be drawn from within the model’s vision arc to any part of the other model, there is a line of sight. • If no such line can be drawn to the other model due to intervening terrain, or without crossing over or through another model, there is no line of sight. A model is always within its own vision arc and always has a line of sight to itself and its unit. If at least one model in a unit has a line of sight to at least one model from another unit, that unit can ‘see’ the other unit. Note that models and units always block line of sight. Therefore, it is normally only the models in the front rank of a unit that have a line of sight. Citation Obscured Line Of Sight Line of sight may be partly obscured by terrain features or by other models. In such cases, the other model or unit is said to be ‘in cover’. To check if a model or unit is in cover, stoop down to look from the first model’s point of view: • If the other model or unit is fully visible, they are not in cover (i.e., they are ‘in the open’). • If up to half of the other model or unit is obscured, they are in partial cover. • If more than half of the other model or unit is obscured, they are in full cover. Je met en gras le partly parce que ça supposerait l'existence d'un fully obscured qui pourrait être ignoré par la FAQ. Modifié le 12 novembre 2024 par Khaelein Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
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