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Profil Malekith


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Bonjour @Fly-pCp :)


J’ai séparé ta question du sujet dans lequel tu l’as postée. Ce n’était pas le sujet approprié, de plus, remonté plusieurs mois après. Comme indiqué dans les épinglés Fonctionnement de la section, la section Armées est dédiée aux discussions stratégiques, de tacticas et aux listes.

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Le 26/11/2024 à 17:13, Nekhro a dit :

Bonjour @Fly-pCp :)


J’ai séparé ta question du sujet dans lequel tu l’as postée. Ce n’était pas le sujet approprié, de plus, remonté plusieurs mois après. Comme indiqué dans les épinglés Fonctionnement de la section, la section Armées est dédiée aux discussions stratégiques, de tacticas et aux listes.

Pas de problème. Dsl pour le désordre ;) 

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Voilà ce que j'ai trouvé !

WS  BS  S   T   W   I   A  Ld
5     8     7    5     3   8   4  10




Unit Category: Special Character


Troop Type: Infantry


Magic: The Lore of Dark Magic (Dark Elves)


Magic Items / Abilities:


- Destroyer : At the start of every Close Combat phase, all enemy models in base contact with Malekith must reveal their magic items. Furthermore, if Malekith scores one or more hits against a model with any magic items, roll a D6; on a 4+, one randomly determined magic item is immediately destroyed and cannot be used further in this game. Do not include magic items that are mounts, magic items that contain bound spells that miscast earlier in the game, or any magic items labelled as ‘one use only’ that have been used. In addition, if a Wizard suffers one or more unsaved Wounds from Destroyer, roll a D6; on a 4+, the Wizard immediately loses a Wizard level.


- Armour of Midnight : The Armour of Midnight grants Malekith a 5+ armour save, as well as a 2+ ward save against all non-magical attacks. If Malekith suffers an unsaved Wound from an attack that has the Killing Blow or Multiple Wounds special rules, he will only ever suffer a single Wound.


- Supreme Spellshield : Shield. This item grants Malekith the Magic Resistance (2) special rule. If Malekith is ever the target of an enemy spell that the successfully dispels, the caster’s unit immediately suffers D6 magical Strength 6 hits.


- Circlet of Iron : Once per Magic phase (yours and your opponent’s), Malekith can use the Circlet of Iron to add a single bonus dice to any of his failed casting or dispel attempts. This bonus dice can contribute to Irresistible Force (and a Miscast).


Special Rules:


- Absolute Power : If you take Malekith, he must be your army’s General. Malekith’s Inspiring Presence has a range of 18" (or 24" if riding Seraphon).


- Always Strikes First: Models with this special rule (or who are attacking with a weapon that grants this special rule) always strike first in close combat regardless of Initiative.

In addition, if the model's Initiative is equal to or higher than his enemy's, he can re-roll misses when striking in close combat – he moves so fast that he can land his blows with incredible precision. If the model with this rule is fighting an enemy with the same ability, the Attacks are made simultaneously, and neither model benefits from the re-rolls normally granted by this rule.


- Eternal Hatred : A model with this special rule has the Hatred special rule. In addition, its Hatred applies in every round of combat, not just the first.


- Fear : At the start of each Close Combat round, a unit that is in base contact with one or more enemy models that cause Fear must take a Leadership test, before any blows are struck.

If the test is passed, all is well – the unit has mastered its fear, at least for now. If the test is failed, the unit's fear goes uncontrolled and the warriors cower defensively from the horror before them – all models in the unit have their Weapon Skill reduced to 1 for the remainder of that round of close combat. Models that cause Fear are themselves immune to Fear, and are not affected by any of this rule's effects (even if their unit fails its test, for example). This includes characters riding Fear-causing mounts, who count as causing Fear themselves (see the Troop Types chapter).


- Hekarti’s Blessing : Models with this special rule add +1 to all attempts to cast spells from the Lore of Dark Magic.


- Immune to Psychology : If the majority of the models in a unit have the Immune to Psychology rule, the unit automatically passes all Panic, Fear and Terror tests it has to take. It should be noted that they have to take Break tests (and other Leadership tests) normally – being stoic does not necessarily make a warrior entirely heedless of mortal danger. If the majority of the models in a unit have the Immune to Psychology rule, the unit cannot choose Flee! as a charge reaction. Pride, or a sluggish acceptance of the situation, prevents them from doing so.


- Murderous Prowess : Models with this special rule (but not their mounts) re-roll all To Wound rolls of a 1 when making close combat attacks.

Modifié par StanAce
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