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Nains du Chaos (unité) - Whirlwind


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Cast out by his own kind, the Dwarf Engineer Thymbrin Snakebeard turned to Chaos. Now he designs and manufactures devastating war machines for Chaos armies, crewed by the ferocious and powerful Chaos Dwarf Boar Centaurs which he has bred specially for this purpose.

Two of his creations, the Whirlwind and the Tenderiser, have been recreated in miniature by the short but spiky Mike Perry.

Le reste


Thymbrin rose to his feet with as much dignity as he could muster,

"Not good enough far your precious Engineers Guild, eh?" he grated. "Well, it's no hair off my chin". He paused to adjust the back of his jerkin, where the sodden cloth was sticking to his skin.

"And I hope your little ritual made you fed suitably important. By stone and steel, it shower the hidebound, frightened shower of fossil you are - yes, frightened! You'd sooner shave than have an idea! Tradition, you keep on! Where was tradition when we first took mithril and worked it? Where was tradition when the great arches of Zhufbar were built, like nothing that's been seen before of since?

"Tradition - pah!" he spat, "It's stagnation you're building' if you really want to vanish down your own bellows-hole that's your decision. I'll make my machines without the Engineers' Guild, and cave-ins take the lot of you!"

He woke abruptly as the snake tightened its grip on his threat. Damn that dream, it did it every time.

What a life, he thought as he prised it off, forever being throttled by your own beard. He reached under his bunk, snatched up one of the small skittering things that lived there, and fed it to the snake that sprouted from his chin. It seemed to calm it down.


"Well", he said to himself. "I night as well hove breakfast too" From a cluster of pots and dishes he collected two handfuls of things better left undescribed, and sat down to eat.

He was about halfway through his meal when someone entered - if the term someone can be applied to the huge dog-faced black-armoured figure that lowered over him.

"Comes" it snarled, "It is time for the bloodletting" The Dwarf nodded and left his meal.

The Champion of Chaos followed him and he made his preparations. First, he went into a workshop, where a dozen or so Dwarfs mere working feverishly. All bore the mark of Chaos in some manner.

"Time to go, boys" he called. "Take everything that's finished and everything you can finish on the march: He cussed the workroom to a lino of machine which stood ready.

"Simple but effective." he said to the Chaos Warrior. "As you can see we have two types completed: the Whirlwind, with its rotating blades and flails, and the Tenderiser, with a bank of trip-hammers and heavy maces. Simply get them going fast, and they'll carve you several nice, big, ragged holes in enemy ranks. I'm working on a number of other ideas, of course, but these ate what I have ready at the moment."

The Champion of Chaos walked round the two machines, examining the spikes blades, fails and hammers.

"Great bloodletting." he murmured to himself, reverently touching the skull rune of Khorne on his breastplate "Much blood for the Blood God."

"Come along," said Thymbrin cheerfully. "Let's meet the crews, I'm rather please with them - made them myself, you know. In a manner of speaking." He led the armoured figure through a series of passages into another large chambers where two or three dozen forms lay sleeping.

Thymbrin took a horn from a hook on the wall and blew a long, echoing blast. The sleepers awoke and began strapping on armour. As they moved, their form could be seen; from the waist up they were Chaos Dwarfs, but they had the bodies and foul watered legs of boars.

"Boar Centaurs: Thrymbrin explained. "One per machine. Fast, strong and full of fight - ideal for the job. Just a case of finding the tight combinations of mutations and sticking with them:

"We should he ready to march within the hour. Can I offer you some refreshment while we wait? I'm sure we can rustle up some blood from somewhere."


The defending army was farmed up and waiting. Elves, Dwarfs and Humans all knew that they must win this day or let Chaos break through into the Forum of Shadows and the Middle Mountains. The Ogre mercenaries were no determined: their plates had been filled, and their fighting reputation was at stake.

Over the crest of the rise the forces of Chaos came into view, rank by rank. There were black-armoured riders on warped, variously-legged mounts: towering champions whose massive swords and aces keened with an unholy hunter Beastmen of all shapes, sixes and colours. And around them, like a roiling sot seethed a press of other things - the Spawn of Chaos

But all eyes were on the machines which rolled before the Chaos pack. The advanced in a single rank, the width of the Chaos army, with their spiked, two-wheeled frames, their whirling blades and their thrashing hammers.

The Elves archers and Dwarven crossbows loosed two volleys before falling hack to their pre-arranged positions. The missiles had little effect, the bulk of them thudding harmlessly into the grotesque carved panels which shielded each machine

The machines began to gather speed. As they approached, their crews could be seen - centauroid creatures, an unnatural blend of Dwarf and bow. They for almost as fast as a charging horse handling the machines as easily as a gardener uses a wheelbarrow.

The machines ploughed sickeningly roto the Ogre mercenaries that held the centre. Blades and Bails whirled, hammers and maces thrashed. Flesh and snow shredded. bone and iron shattered. For all their strength and courage, the Ogres were decimated in a mutter of seconds.

The centre was now dangerously weak - with the Ogres effectively destroyed the full force of she enemy would now fall on the Human contingent, and Chaos could break through the centre before the Banks could move to reinforce .The advantage now lay with Chaos.


When it comes to inventing machineries of war, the Chaos Dwarfs are almost as capable as members of the Dwarven Engineers' Guild. Perhaps there is something about their inventive Dwarven nature which responds vigorously to the warping stimulus of Chaos.

The Whirlwind is a two-wheeled push-cart with spikes fixed to the front and scythes protruding from the wheels. Three rotating flails and three rotating scythes are mounted on the front, and are driven by means of cogs and gears linked to the axle. The flails and scythes therefore only rotate while the cart is being pushed. The Whirlwind is principally a device for breaking up and smashing through solid formations of troops. Should the device succeed, it may proceed to engage other targets beyond. Several of these devices may form up in a unit to create a combined attack.

The Tenderiser is a variant of the Whirlwind. Its axle is linked by gears to three enormous concussive implements. As the device is pushed forward these implements batter and crush foes in its path. It operates in a similar way to the Whirlwind except that the nature of the damage inflicted is different.

Chaos Dwarf wart machines can be incorporated into any Chaos army as indicated in the box opposite.


1 The machine is pushed into combat by a Dwarf Boar-Centaur. The Boar-Centaur may push the device with a movement allowance of 7" and a normal charge distance of 14".

2 The machines suffer the same movement and terrain penalties as chariots. A reserve move is not allowed. A crude but effective steering mechanism enables the machines to turn in the same way as light chariots, with a turning radius equal to half the model's move.

3 The Whirlwind: When the Whirlwind charges into combat it causes D4 automatic strength 4 hits with its spikes and D6 automatic strength 5 hits with the rotating flails and scythes. The D6 score also indicates the number of ranks penetrated by the Whirlwind. This means that on a D6 score of 4 the Whirlwind would inflict 4 strength 6 hits with the flails and scythes and would penetrate 4 ranks. If the Whirlwind penetrates all of the enemy's ranks, it passes completely through the enemy unit, and continues its movement measuring from the hack of the rear most rank. If it's remaining movement is insufficient to clear the enemy unit, place the model immediately behind - the model's move is extended further than normal, but this is easier than having models overlapping.

4 The Tenderiser: When the Tenderiser charges into contact it causes D4 automatic strength 4 hits with its spikes and D6 automatic strength 6 hits with its concussive hammers. The D6 score also indicates the number of ranks penetrated by the Tenderiser. If the Tenderiser penetrates all of the enemy's tanks, it will pass completely through the enemy unit, and continue its movement measuring from the back of the rear most rank. If it's remaining movement is insufficient to clear the enemy unit, place the model immediately behind - the model's move is extended further than normal, but this is easier than having models overlapping.

5 All Whirlwind and Tenderiser attacks are worked out before normal attacks irrespective of relative initiatives.

6 If a Whirlwind or Tenderiser is charged it may still attack, but causes only 1 automatic spike hit, and D3 flail/hammer hits. In this situation the weapon has been caught at a disadvantage and has consequently not gained sufficient momentum to fully activate its mechanism.

7 If a Whirlwind or Tenderiser penetrates right through a unit, the unit must take an immediate rout test, regardless of how many casualties have been sustained.

8 If the Whirlwind or Tenderiser fails to penetrate through a unit, it is brought to a standstill. It cannot cause any damage once halted in this way, although the Boar Centaur may fight as normal.

9 For the purposes of missile fire the Whirlwind/Tenderiser counts as a large target (+1 'to hit').

10 The Whirlwind or Tenderiser may be engaged with hand weapons by any models in base-to-base contact.

11 A unit charging a Whirlwind or Tenderiser from the rear will not be affected by the spikes, hammers or rotating flails and scythes.

12 Hits against the Whirlwind or Tenderiser are recorded as they occur. Damage from shooting is determined at the end of the shooting phase. Damage from hand-to-hand combat is determined at the end of the combat phase, to determine damage, roll 2D6 and add +1 for each hit sustained. Consult the Special Damage Chart and note any result.

13 If chart indicates that the Boar-Centaur is struck, work out damage against it as normal. The creature is very effectively protected from the front by means of a pavise which counts as hard cover and gives him an extra 4,5,6 saving throw after his normal armour throw. The Boar-Centaur has heavy armour and counts as banded.


3-7 No effet

8-9 The Boar-Centaur is struck, taking 1 hit at the strength of its opponent or missile weapon. lf enemy models have differing strength values, randomly determine which has hit from amongst those in contact with the machine.

10 The Boar-Centaur's pavise is struck off, and the Boar Centaur no longer benefits from the calm 4,5,6 saving throw after its normal armour saving throw. If struck by a missile weapon with a strength of less than 5, the shot sticks in the pavise and has no effect.

11 The machine's steering is seriously damaged, On the 136 roll of 1-3 the machine cannot turn right, or 4-6 left, for the rest of the game.

12 The machine suffers damage to its wheels or axle, rendering it particularly unstable. The machine may move at up to half rate without danger. if moving faster than half rate, a D6 is rolled: 1-2 nothing happens; 3-4 the machine moves forward D6" only; 5-6 the axle snaps and the machine comes to an immediate halt. The Boar Centaur may abandon its machine and fight individually.

13 The mechanism is damaged and the moving parts are lammed. The machines whirling blades or hammers are rendered inactive for the rest of the game.

14 One of the wheels comes off and the device immediately grinds to a halt causing no further damage. The Boar Centaur may abandon its machine and fight Individually.

15 + The machine is overturned, wrecking it and causing D3 strength 5 hits out the Boar Centaur.

Manque la fin des règles

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  • 3 semaines après...
Invité Kazad Doom

Bon pour la traduc je suis pas super au point.

cependant, je viens de prendre connaissance des posts précédents et voilà:

.Dans le PDF qui a part entière est nickel, je voudrais savoir comment on doit jouer le centaure lorsqu'il est attaqué de flanc ou d'arrière, quelle E doit-on utiliser?

.D'autre part, sont décrits les mortiers, les bazooka et les machines comme l'attendrisseur, cependant, Quid des canons (tels celui du démon enchainé et tirant les boulets par les cul) et des anciens lance fusée?Doit-on les traiter comme les machines décrites dans le horde sauvage?

En tous les cas bravo pour le PDF, il est vraiment au point, continuez comme çà!!!! (j'ai testé c'est impec)

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Invité Kazad Doom

Bon je viens de relire en détail le PDF de Dreadaxe, y a 1 pb dans la définition de l'attendrisseur.

En effet il est dit:" lattendrisseur fonctionne de la même manière que le tourbillonneur". Cela veut-il dire que lui aussi inflige 3D3 touches de force 5 en charge? ou seulement le 1D3 touches d'impact????

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Bon pour la traduc je suis pas super au point.

Ok... Tnat pis il faut du temps pour le faire...

.Dans le PDF qui a part entière est nickel,


je voudrais savoir comment on doit jouer le centaure lorsqu'il est attaqué de flanc ou d'arrière, quelle E doit-on utiliser?

C'est la monture d'un char donc on utilise l'Endurance du char.

.D'autre part, sont décrits les mortiers, les bazooka et les machines comme l'attendrisseur, cependant, Quid des canons (tels celui du démon enchainé et tirant les boulets par les cul) et des anciens lance fusée?Doit-on les traiter comme les machines décrites dans le horde sauvage?

Le PDF comprend des règles additionnelles à la liste Hordes Sauvages.

En tous les cas bravo pour le PDF, il est vraiment au point, continuez comme çà!!!! (j'ai testé c'est impec)

Merci encore la pahse suivante est la mise au point des règles du Juggernaut mais avec la disparition des règles de siège ça va sûrement attendre (à moins de mettre une note comme pour les règles expérimentale du Mammouth de FW)

Bon je viens de relire en détail le PDF de Dreadaxe, y a 1 pb dans la définition de l'attendrisseur.

En effet il est dit:" lattendrisseur fonctionne de la même manière que le tourbillonneur". Cela veut-il dire que lui aussi inflige 3D3 touches de force 5 en charge? ou seulement le 1D3 touches d'impact????

Oui il marche comme un Tourbillonneur à la différence de "Les lourds marteaux employés à la place des lames infligent cependant un malus

de -1 supplémentaire à la sauvegarde d’armure adverse. L’Attendrisseur ne possède pas de faux."

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Invité Kazad Doom

Salut Dreadaxe,

Merci pour les infos et désolé pour la relance sur ton mail.

Si tu veux je peux me mettre à cogiter avec toi et ceux qui voudront bien y participer pour mettre au point les règles pour le Jugg des NdC.

Pour l'idée du Mammouth de FW s'est une piste.

Par ailleurs j'ai vu qu'il y avait un forum, tenu par Elwinar sur un "livre d'armée nains du chaos". J'aimerai pouvoir y jeter un coup d'oeil pour tenir compte de tout ce que vous avez pu déjà pondre d'intéressant et qui tient la route (pas la peine que je réinvente l'eau tiède...)

Pa ailleurs j'ai vu que certains étaient en train de faire des choses en matière de NdC et que tu leur avait conseillé de ne pas s'embouser.. Je pense que tu as raison, mais in fine, je pense aussi que pour arrêtre ce genre de dérive, on devrait proposer et seulement proposer, une version de règles complète compilant tout ce que nous jugeons nécessaire pour jouer les NdC old school (Base horde sauvage+ Posts sur tourbillonneur+mortier+bazooka... intégrer des arbalétriers NdC, le jugg...)

Moi je suis partant pour cogiter, qui m'aime me suive.

PS je vais me pencher sérieusement sur ta traduction Dreadaxe... (mais attention aux néologismes)

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  • 3 ans après...

Je remonte le sujet pour apporter quelques corrections pour l’adapter à la V8.

Il faut lui donner le type Char et lui retirer la notion de PU.

Dans la règle Tourbillon, il faudrait remplacer cette phrase «Les fléaux du Tourbilloneur infligent 3D3 touches de F5 en charge, exactement comme pour une attaque de char, en plus de ses touches d'impact propres.», par quelque chose comme «Les fléaux du Tourbilloneur infligent 3D3 Touches d’Impact de F5 en charge. Notez que ces touches s’effectuent en plus des Touches d’impact normales dues à la règle Char, contrairement à ce qui indiqué dans la règle Touches d’impact du Livre des Règles».

Dans la variante Attendrisseur, il faut remplacer le malus supplémentaire de -1 à la sauvegarde par la règle Perforant.

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Invité GW Maniak

La question pourra sembler "ridicule" ou peut être n'obtenir en retour aucune réponse...que ce soit pour le Whirlwind (j'en ai 2 en stock), le mortier et/ou le bazooka...

Merci pour les ajustements V8 au niveau des règles et du profil mais les points...qu'en est-il? Certains coûts en points datent d'il y a 5 ans.

Mes nains du chaos prennent la poussière et j'aimerais les re-sortir en V8...d'où ma question?

(un de mes amis hobbystes m'a dit que sur le Warfo, on bossait ferme sur les NdC V8...j'attends avec impatience. Une demande pour entrer dans la section appropriée est restée lettre morte donc...)

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  • 7 mois après...

Je ressors ce sujet des oubliettes pour proposer ici une adaptation V8 des whirlwind et attendrisseurs Ndc V3. :wink:

Comme je crains systématiquement les créations souvent déséquilibrées (soit difficilement jouables, soit trop bill), je vous propose une version V8 100% jouable et équilibrée puisque calquée sur un profil existant GW : le char du chaos.

Bien sur, les vieux briscards regretteront le manque d'originalité mais c'est, à mon sens, un prix à payer pour avoir une figurine 100 % jouable.

Toutefois, la fig garde une part d'originalité au travers de ses règles spéciales et de son fluff modernisé.

Comme je ne suis pas très doué pour la présentation, si ca intéresse quelqu'un d'avoir une présentation plus jolie et calquée sur les modèles GW, je suis preneur avec plaisir :) (car là, c'est pas très beau...)

De plus, il manque la partie fluff...

Mais trêve de blabla.

Voici un nouveau choix d'unité rare pour les armées nains du chaos extraites du supplément Hordes Sauvages.

Cette version est non officielle et demande l'accord de votre adversaire au préalable.

Unité Rare

Attendrisseur/Tourbillonneur Nain du Chaos

120 Points


Char - - - 5 5 4 - - -

Démon lié - 5 3 4 - - 5 4 8

Centaure-sanglier 7 4 - 4 - - 3 2 -

Taille d'unité : 1

Equipage : un démon lié

Tiré par : un centaure sanglier

Equipement : Arme de base

Règles spéciales : Char, Attendrisseur/Tourbillonneur, Démon lié, Présence perturbante

Options :

Le Char doit être équipé gratuitement de l'une des options suivantes :

Tourbillonneur .... gratuit

Attendrisseur ..... gratuit

Le char a une sauvegarde d'armure totale de 3+.

Règles spéciales :

Attendrisseur/Tourbillonneur : le char est doté de faux.

Démon lié : Les sorciers nains du chaos ont lié à la structure même de ces machines infernales un démon. Ce dernier est le cœur même de la machine, frappant à une vitesse extraordinaire, et combat avec son propre profil. Du fait des divers instruments de torture à sa disposition (masse, marteau, lames, etc...), le démon lié bénéficie d'un bonus de +1 en force au corps à corps.

Présence perturbante : Le démon lié ne cesse de murmurer dans l'esprit du centaure-sanglier, l'exhortant à combattre férocement. Aussi, un attendrisseur ou un tourbillonneur relance toujours ses tests de panique ratés mais le centaure-sanglier souffre d'un malus de -1 en CC pour représenter la confusion engendrée par les paroles incessantes du démon.

Modifié par zhatan
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Bien sur, les vieux briscards regretteront le manque d'originalité mais c'est, à mon sens, un prix à payer pour avoir une figurine 100 % jouable.

Étant donné que tu ne satisferas ni les vieux joueurs (car tu inventes plus que tu adaptes), ni les anti-créations... j'ai des doutes sur le 100% jouable.

Je reste sur le fait qu'il vaut mieux reprendre ce qui a été fait pour la v6, quitte à revenir au source v3 et en s'influençant sur ce qu'il existe en v8 en terme d'écriture de règle. À mon sens c'est pas ce que tu nous proposes.

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Pour le projet de slaanesh_child, Royaume du Chaos (qui est toujours en vie, c’est juste qu’on a pas trop de temps en ce moment :wink: ), on avait fait une adaptation V8.
























Centaure Sanglier











Taille d’unité :

• 1

Équipage :

• 1 Centaure Sanglier

Sauvegarde d’armure :

• 5+

Règles spéciales :

• Char Léger

• Tourbillon

• Pavois

Options :

• Le Tourbillonneur peut devenir un Attendrisseur gratuitement.

Char léger :

Le Tourbillonneur est un char et toutes leurs règles s’appliquent. Il n’inflige cependant qu’1D3 Touches d’Impact en charge. Le Tourbillonneur est équipé de faux.

Tourbillon :

La principale menace de ce char hors norme n’est pas ses roues équipées de faux, mais bel et bien ses trois fléaux tourbillonnant dangereusement près des têtes des ennemis. Les fléaux du Tourbillonneur infligent 3D3 Touches d’Impact de F5 en charge. Notez que ces touches s’effectuent en plus des Touches d’Impact normales dues à la règle Char, contrairement à ce qui est indiqué dans la règle Touches d’Impact du Livre de Règles.

De plus, lors du premier round de combat, que le Tourbillonneur ait chargé ou non, toute figurine ennemie en contact avec le Tourbillonneur subit un malus de -1 pour toucher.

Pavois :

Le Centaure Sanglier est protégé par une épaisse plaque de métal représentant une tête grimaçante d’Hashut. Initialement prévue pour le protéger des fléaux, elle le protège aussi assez efficacement des tirs ennemis, mais n’est d’aucune utilité au corps à corps. Le Tourbillonneur bénéficie d’un bonus de +2 en sauvegarde contre les tirs. En revanche, le pavois empêche le Centaure Sanglier de combattre, à moins que le char ne soit chargé par le flanc ou par l’arrière (contrairement à un attelage classique).

Variante Attendrisseur :

Un Tourbillonneur peut devenir un Attendrisseur. L’Attendrisseur fonctionne de la même manière que le Tourbillonneur. Les lourds marteaux employés à la place des lames lui confèrent la règle Perforant. L’Attendrisseur ne possède pas de faux.

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De quoi étoffer le background.

Cast out by his own kind, the Dwarf Engineer Thymbrin Snakebeard turned to Chaos. Now he designs and manufactures devasting war machines for Chaos armies, crewed by the ferocious and powerful Chaos Dwarf Boar Centaurs which he has bred specially for this purpose.

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  • 1 an après...
La version de l'ami Mathias

The Whirlwind is a two-wheeled push-cart with spikes fixed to the front and scythes protruding from the wheels. Three rotating flails and three rotating scythes are mounted on the front, and are driven by means of cogs and gears linked to the axle. The flails and scythes therefore only rotate while the cart is being pushed. The Whirlwind is principally a device for breaking up and smashing through solid formations of troops. Should the device succeed, it may proceed to engage other targets beyond. Several of these devices may form up in a unit to create a combined attack.

Whirlwind - - - 4 5 4 - - -
Bull Centaur 7 4 2 4 - - 3 2 8

TROOP TYPE: Chariot.


Whirlwind: In addition to its normal Impact Hits, the Whirlwind causes D6 Impact Hits at Strength 5 at the start of each round of close combat. Note that this only applies when fighting to the Whirlwind's front.
Due to its constraints when pushing the Whirlwind forward, the Bull Centaur may only attack when fighting to the Whirlwind's flank or rear.[/quote]

[quote]WHIRLWIND 100 points per model
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Whirlwind - - - 4 5 4 - - - Chariot (4+ armour save)
Bull Centaur 7 4 2 4 - - 3 2 8 -

Unit Size: 1 Whirlwind pushed by 1 Bull Centaur

• Hand weapon

Special Rules:
• Contempt
• Whirlwind[/quote]

When it comes to inventing machineries of war, the Chaos Dwarfs are almost as capable as members of the Dwarven Engineers' Guild. Perhaps there is something about their inventive Dwarven nature which responds vigorously to the warping stimulus of Chaos. The Tenderizer is a variant of the Whirlwind. Its axle is linked by gears to three enormous concussive implements. As the device is pushed forward these implements batter and crush foes in its path. It operates in a similar way to the Whirlwind except that the nature of the damage inflicted is different.

Tenderizer - - - 4 5 4 - - -
Bull Centaur 7 4 2 4 - - 3 2 8

TROOP TYPE: Chariot.

Tenderizer: In addition to its normal Impact Hits, the Tenderizer causes D3 Impact Hits at Strength 6 at the start of each round of close combat. These attacks have the Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule and no armour saves may be taken against wounds caused by them. Note that this only applies when fighting to the Tenderizer's front.
Due to its constraints when pushing the Tenderizer forward, the Bull Centaur may only attack when fighting to the Tenderizer's flank or rear.[/quote]

[quote]TENDERIZER 110 points per model

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Tenderizer - - - 4 5 4 - - - Chariot (4+ armour save)
Bull Centaur 7 4 2 4 - - 3 2 8 -

Unit Size: 1 Tenderizer pushed by 1 Bull Centaur

• Hand weapon

Special Rules:
• Contempt
• Tenderiser[/quote]
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  • 2 ans après...

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