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Bretonnie (perso) - Anciens Héros

Invité ywhoyxe

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Invité ywhoyxe


Je voudrait savoir si qqun connait un site ou se trouvent les profils des héros (surtt les personages non monté ) de la v5 pour les bretoniens ou mêmes s'il pourrait me les donnés ici.

Je suppose et et j'espère que ce n'est pas illégal vu que GW ne vend plus l'ancien LA.

Merci d'avance.

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Invité Ouinfem_barbar

tout simplement parce que ces profils règles..... font partie de la propriété intellectuelle de GW, et que certains de ces héros sont réutilisables par la suite, comme le prouve Mazdamundi dont les règles ont été refaites. En gros, même si les LA en eux-même ne sont plus vendus, leur contenu est encore d'actualité

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tout simplement parce que ces profils règles..... font partie de la propriété intellectuelle de GW, et que certains de ces héros sont réutilisables par la suite, comme le prouve Mazdamundi dont les règles ont été refaites. En gros, même si les LA en eux-même ne sont plus vendus, leur contenu est encore d'actualité

Ceci dit il est vrai que GW reste assez laxiste à ce niveau là et c'est tant mieux.

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  • 3 mois après...
Ceci dit il est vrai que GW reste assez laxiste à ce niveau là et c'est tant mieux.

ben alors raison de plus... profitez, ça risque peut etre de changer comme les prix... :whistling:

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  • 6 mois après...
C'est pas très légal quand même
In Pursuit of a Traitor: Tristan the Troubadour returns in this new scenario, with updated rules for Tristan.

Quelqu'un aurrait le WD UK 303 de Mars ? Pouur voir à quoi ressemble les règles de Tristan en V6. Dommage que GW Fr n'est pas fait de traduction dans le WD FR.

Sinon voici quelques adaptations de fans

Le Chevalier Ermite de Malmont

Les Archers de Bergerac

Modifié par Dreadaxe
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  • 7 ans après...
Tristan le Troubadour et Jules Bouffon version GW WFB6
[url=""]https://dl.dropbox.c...ouffon%20vf.pdf[/url] VF

Version Mathias pour la v8
[quote]Tristan the Troubadour and Jules the Jongleur

Sir Tristan of Bordeleaux was a famous name in the courts of Bretonnia long before he took up his Grail quest. All who heard his pure, almost magical, voice were in no doubt that he was possessed of the Lady's blessing. As a result, he was much in demand throughout the dukedoms, begged to sing the great epic ballads of Bretonnia in the highest halls of the land. When Tristan abandoned this life to quest for the Grail — his faithful jester Jules at his side – his fame, if anything, increased. Together Tristan and his companion roam Bretonnia, accepting hospitality in the castles of dukes and barons where they provide entertainment in return for lodgings and sustenance. Over the years of Tristan's quest the mismatched duo have seen many strange things and battled countless terrible foes, ranging from the diminutive yet vicious Goblin warlord Gawbuj to the mighty beastlord Brax the Horned. From time to time, driven by dreams sent by the Lady of the Lake, Tristan will be drawn to a battlefield where his inimitable talents are most welcome, for his songs can raise the spirits of those with which he fights and so snatch victory from the brink of despair.

As they journey through Dragon-infested country, Tristan sings his songs of noble valour to give him courage. The quest has taken Tristan to many battlefields where his talents have been greatly welcomed by the embattled Knights. Their spirits are raised and their hearts made bold by Tristan's songs.

Tristan 4 5 3 4 4 2 5 3 8
Jules 4 2 2 3 3 1 4 1 6
Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5

TROOP TYPE: Cavalry (Special Character).
Jules: Infantry (Special Character)

SPECIAL RULES (Jules): The Peasant’s Duty

Once Trampled, Twice Shy: Jules used to march alongside Tristan wherever he went. However, an unfortunate incident at the Battle of Castle Reunart that left Jules bruised and sore (and, more importantly, found Sir l.audyricus of Couronne forcefully unhorsed and nearly impaled by a hobby horse) has brought this to an end. Jules must deploy within 6" of Tristan at the start of the game but may move freely after this. He may join units with the Peasant's Duty, but may not join any unit with a Knightly Vow of any kind.

Acrobatic: Seemingly incapable of abandoning his capering, even for a moment, Jules is incredibly difficult to hit. Jules has a 2+ Ward Save against all non-magical attacks. I Will Taunt You Viciously a Second Time: When in battle, Jules hurls a constant stream of abuse, taunts and (for a peasant) witty comments at the enemy. When all else fails, he even throws small stones and other, unmentionable things. This constant bombardment can distract even the most determined (or undead) of foes. All enemy models unfortunate enough to be within 6' of Jules suffer a -1 penalty to Hit rolls in close combat.

SPECIAL RULES (Tristan): The Questing Vow, Virtue of Noble Disdain.

Valourous Ballads: Tristan has a repertoire of heroic ballads and songs capable of emboldening the hearts of those about him and exhorting them to greater effort and valour. At the start of each turn, you may declare which song Tristan is singing. The effects of that song last until the start of your next turn – you may then have Tristan continue singing the same song, or choose another. Tristan can only sing one song at once, and will cease singing immediately if he flees or is slain.

• The Battle-hymn of Quenelles: This song recounts the great victories of Bretonnia, a powerful and driving ballad that can inspire all who hear it to attempt to match the courage and steel of those who came before them. While singing this song, Tristan adds +D3 combat resolution to any fight he is in.

• The Grail Chorale: This slow and measured melody speaks of the most holy Lady of the Lake and her sacred Grail — all who hear this song are filled with faith in the protection of the Lady. While he sings this song, the Ward save from the Blessing of the Lady is increased to a 4+ regardless of the Strength of the Attack for the unit accompanying Tristan.

• The Anthem of the Uniter: A rousing chorus of this song, written in celebration of the kingdom's founder, can steady quavering hearts and put fire into eyes. Tristan and any unit he has joined are Stubborn while he sings this ballad.[/quote] Modifié par Dreadaxe
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