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Il a de bonnes source le monsieur :)

Par contre le profil est bidon ; les créations pas toutes terribles et dans l'esprit ; que fait un Jabber avec des Fimirs ? Que font les Boggnard ? la queue fimir perforante... mais biensûr...règle de brouillard plus que compliquée... :whistling:

Fimir Army List for Warhammer 7th Edition. V 0.1

Design Notes

1) On the subject of Cathay/Ind/Nippon armies, Gav Thorpe suggested he would not be interested in new army ideas unless someone came up with a new way of fielding an army. This stipulation should be the major goal of any new army.

My idea for Fimir is that the table is 'covered' in a blanket of fog. The enemy is faced with swirling mist that confuses and bewilders them, they'd prepare to charge what appears to be an enemy unit only to find it disappear before their eyes...

2) Basic problems fixed: I have Fimir on 25mm bases, this just makes more sense, and it was the original intention and stops Fimir being an Ogre Army Clone. There stats are more in line with 6/7th ed statlines (but +1S). Their 'marsh daemons' are clarified and are now like corrupted Dryads. The awful daemonomaniac has had a face-lift and is a bit like an exalted daemon. Because of the base size confusions I've seen in fimir lists, I've given clear indications of my intentions.

3) New troop types 1- Barghast (immune to psyc hound). 2- Bog Imp swarm unit.(not sure on these!) 3- Shearl Snatchers (a skirmish/missile unit) 4- Jabberwocky mount. 5- Troll-like fimir so you can get use out of the old models. 3 lords, 3 heroes, 5 core, 4 special, 1 or 2 rares depending on how you look at it. New units are inspired by old British and Irish folklore (as are the Fimir). I still have more ideas, but want to see how these pan out. I'm using Lore of Shadow at the moment for magic, this seems to encompass most of what I'd do with the Fimir magic anyway.

4) New Fluff... I want to make Fimir even more repulsive. Obviously, this is a longer on-going project, the following is just a start...I recommend the sources listed below as an introduction to those not familiar with the race until I've got more of my own sorted.

5) I wanted to make them uniquely 7th edition to embrace the new rules, but how can be done has eluded me. I have managed to get a few magic items that show this.

6) Modelling and conversion workshop.. This is going to take some time as the models are pretty much non-existent (I'll only use heroquest figures if I have to). Once I get the list to work I'll get stuck into this.

Some commentary on the The Bewildering Miasma rule (see Special Rules):

NB only 3 units can benefit from this rule, Fimm, Shearls and up to 1 unit of Fianna.

This is not final by any means, I've play tested it once (the Fimir lost, miserably). Also, if someone has a better way of wording this rule, let me know.

It is the hope this generates a kind of 'is it? isn't it?' atmosphere, a bit like when you're faced with 3 units of night goblins and wondering if and where those Fanatics are.

The Meargh rule is accounted for in her pts value and gives some bonus for not choosing a Ruinous Rampage army. It also allows her to be in a unit. The Dirach, at this point, cannot be in an unrevealed unit and cast spells, without revealing the unit, hence the existence of the tarl guard.

As ranged attacks still affect a unit whether the target is a template or a unit, this is a good way of taking them out, even with the -1 modifier. This rule is 'open to abuse', for instance, a template representing a Fianna unit is deployed near a Shearl unit, the template is target by, say a magic missile, and takes 6 wounds which are displaced to the Shearl unit, leaving the Fianna unit intact. I personally think that this is an advantage to the rules and is almost an abstract version of the same privileges bestowed to Beastherds (ie ungors dying before Gors), but it will be completely revised if people think it is too powerful.


I cannot take credit for the whole work here, though what you won't recognise from older lists is probably mine I have used or have been at least inspired (or put off) by the following sources:

Jes Goodwin & Graeme Davis: For the creation of the Fimir, a bit of design history, the entry in WHFRP 1st Ed, and the article 'Fimir' in White Dwarf 103.

Nick Bibby: For getting it wrong.

Alfred Nunez Jnr: A basic list for 6th Edition Warhammer, pretty much an updated version of Graeme's list, found in a few sources online.

Warpstone Magazine Issue 25. Includes Nunez's list. I don't have this magazine, but there's enough in the preview to show I'm on a similar wavelength.

DreadAxe: For the article found here in French: ; it points to some fluff I'd have missed otherwise.

Maximillian Heinrich Pernburg: For an article named 'Censui Fimirica'. Although I don't agree with all of his vision, it was still a help.

T. S. Luikart: For an article for WHFRP 2nd Ed. Again, this didn't offer much, though some may see parallels between the citation-style fluff- pure coincidence.

The Stuff of Legends Web Site: For images of the original models.

TheVoice: Thank you, your list went someway to inspiring mine.

Various books, magazines, websites and very old ladies of rural inbreeding for folk-lore, cups of tea and bad dreams.

Special thanks to Mrs B. Annis: You know what you did!

The sources are listed here for reference.


"In my eyes, there was never any doubt the accursed Firmir were up to something. There's been no raids on the outlaying villages for two years or so now, thank Sigmar! Don't know if them villages would still be there, what with the War and that. Even the caravans weren't reporting as many raids... They were rumours of them dying out, perhaps not even they were safe from the Chaos invasion! But I had my suspicions, I've hunted too many down not to know their cunning, I knew they were biding their time, waiting until all our resources spent driving out the invaders. And that brings us to the present, with an army of hundreds of the evil-eyed monsters, not three leagues from Marienburg; their dirty, daemon mist spreading over our good, clean city."

-Marshall of the City Guard of Marienburg, 2553 IC.

"My baby! Them! Those monsters! They stole my baby! What do they want with my poor baby girl? And what are you going to do? Sit there? Oh its fine for you behind your stout stone walls and your soldiers with their cannons. But out in the Marshes, what've we got? Rusting swords that couldn't through their fog, let alone their hides. Watchmen, overworked and exhausted, who can't even see their daemon servants grasping at them with poisoned talons until its too late. Our hunting dogs, no match for their ghostly black hounds. You need to raise an army NOW! Chase them down to that ruined fort they dwell in NOW. Kill every single one of them right NOW! But you won't, not until you go to your infant's crib and find a filthy boglar sitting, grinning, in her place..."

- Grend Malz, Carpenter of Halsdorph, 2551 IC.

"It was here, five years ago, that I actually first saw a, how do you say... fimir, what we call a 'fualigg'? The stories of our people had them bigger than trolls, this was false. But that was the only tale I'd heard about them that wasn't true. It was just to the north, on the road to Altdorf, escorting Lady Oustcraft and her entourage. We awoke early, there was a thick fog, but here in the Furdienst, that's not unusually. The night-watch reported seeing a large black dog; one of my men loaded his crossbow, only to watch it fade away in his sights, but that's all they had to report.

"All was deathly silent. The chatter and croaking of unseen toads and boglars, which has accompanied us for the last week, had stopped. We could hear, or see, nothing. Then, about 100yards in front of us, we could just make out a swarm of strange shape-changing beings that moved with the mists. I was reminded, somewhat, of the Dryads I had seen, years ago, when travelling near Loren, but where they were enchanting and graceful even in their hatred and malice, these creatures were gawky and vile. We fired at them with crossbows, gaping holes opening in their bodies, which then closed again, those daemons unharmed. Six of us ran at them, swords drawn. They slashed back with long, bronze-coloured talons, which dripped with mucous. I darted a glace back to find a mob of fualigg attacking the coaches; the remainder of my men stabbing at them with spears and swords. One of the unnatural yirthkin tried to take the advantage by jumping at me, I dodged and hit him hard with my pommel, it collapsed to the ground and did not rise again. Leaving my cohorts still holding off the yirthkin daemons, I started back to the coaches.

"My path was blocked. While the mob assaulting the caravan were man-sized with smooth, pointed tails, the group blocking my way were taller, wider wearing toughened leather with iron plates covering their bellies . Their muddy-green tails ended with large bony clubs, that swished from side to side, at first I thought they were for balance, then the closest one, I think a leader, eyed me with its large, singular eye and swung its tail directly at me. It hit me hard in the chest and knocked me backwards. I caught myself and spun round, wheeling my sword at its green, leathery head. My blow barely met and left a gash in its long sneering snout. It seemed to smile, but I cannot be sure what that expression was. I thought it would be a fight between just it and myself, like a dual; but it seems fimir have no such honour. From seemly nowhere, two others from its group grabbed me by my arms and held me steady, the leader swung its crude axe around in its bloated hand, it was, thankfully, interrupted by a cry from another one of its kind. I glanced over, following its gaze. At the carriages was a taller fimir wearing some kind of ragged robes, it had two curved horns protruding from the sides of its head and it carried a strange wand. The Draich, which I've learnt is what such a thing is called, called again in its shrieking, broken tongue, pointing to two of my fallen comrades at its feet. Another kind of Fimir appeared then, from inside a carridge! It was one of the smaller kind, but this one was leaner and more reptilian looking. over its shoulder was Lady Oustcraft, kicking and screaming, beating it on the back. The creature, somehow oblivious to the protests of the lady, kicked at the bodies below. There was no movement. The Dirach stung the Lady on the head with its rod and she fell quiet, unconscious. The creature strode away, out of my view. My adversary now turned back to me. I expected the axe to my neck, but instead it spun and its bony tail struck my knee, shattering it. Those beasts holding me released their grip and I fell face-first into the mud. When I lifted my head the Fimir had all gone.

"We surveyed the aftermath, only five of my number had been killed, and three of those were of the troop that charged the yirthkin with me. The rest of my men were either just stunned or lightly injured. This was either fortunate or very strange, considering we were so outnumbered (we estimate there was around fifty, fimir and daemon in total). I had someone check our wares and moneys, they were untouched, despite the wealth we were carrying. All they took was our passengers, the Lady and her handmaids."

-Sigmund Woethorne, Mercenary-Captain (Retired), 2253 IC.

Special Rules

Tail Attack: A Fimir with the Tail Attack special ability with have an extra Attack at S3 than their profile, in the case of Fimm Flaith, Mistmor, and Fianna Fimm, this Attack counts as Armour Piecing (-1 to Armour Save). The Bibbic Fimm have their own rule which is covered in their entry.

The Bewildering Miasma: The presence of a Dirach on the table will bring with it a thick blanket of repugnant, impenetrable murk which swirls with movement, creating the illusion that you are surrounded by countless hordes of monsters only to find your mind's playing tricks.

or each 1000pts, the Fimir player takes 1 Template Unit, plus 1 extra. For each unit in his list with Bewildering Miasma and each Template unit, he takes a Token. He then writes the names of each unit on the back of the Tokens and writes Decoy on the Tokens he gets for the Template units. He places the Tokens on the corresponding units. He can then swap a Decoy Token with another unit's Token, and repeats as often as he has Templates, or any Decoy Tokens can remain on the Template Units, if the player wishes. If the player has more Template Units than Bewildering Mist Units, then some of these must keep their Decoy Tokens.

Example: Player A has a 1000pt Fimir Army. Amongst other units, it contains 1 Shearl unit, 1 Fimm unit and 1 Fianna Unit which has been upgraded to have Bewildering Miasma. He also receives 2 Template Units and 5 Tokens. He writes the name of each unit on a Token and places it on that unit. Player A then swaps one Decoy Token for the Shearl's Miasma Token and the other Decoy Token for the Fianna's Miasma Token. The Fimm unit keeps its own Token. So in effect there is are five units, which could be either the Shearl, the Fimm. the Fianna or just decoys.

He then deploys as normal, counting the Templates as normal units for this purpose. Characters deployed in the units with the Bewildering Miasma Rule lose the following rules until the Token on that unit is removed:

* Wizards cannot cast spells, though they still generate Power and Dispel Dice, and Dirarch still produce Miasma. No character or Standard Bearer can use Bound Magic Items. The exception to this rule is a Meargh, if in a Unit with Bewildering Mist, can cast spells but can measure for LOS and Range from any Unit that still has its Token. A miscast will affect the unit the spell is cast from, though she will be affected as normal.

* Battle Standard Bearer's cannot allow break re-rolls as normal.

* The General cannot confer his Ld on other units.

The game then starts as normal. All units, including the Template Units can move and must follow movement rules as normal, including Marching, Wheeling and Declaring Charges. For all purposes, except those listed below, each unit, whilst it still has its Token has the following Stats: M4, Ld 7 and must Hold if charged and cannot use missile weapons.

The Token, and the true nature of the unit, is revealed under the following circumstances:

*if there is an enemy unit within 7" at the end of any movement phase.

*an enemy declares a charge and is deemed to able to successful in charging, if the charge reveals a Decoy unit, then it is deemed to have failed its Charge.

*an enemy unit has a magic item/spell/special ability which forces the unit to reveal concealed information about the unit.

*the unit declares a charge, the Token is revealed after the charge reaction is given and only if the unit ends within 7" of the target unit (ie it is not revealed if the target unit flees and ends up 7" away from the unit' failed charge).

*There are no more Dirarch on the table. Note, fleeing or rear-rank Dirarch still create Bewildering Mist. the mist rule only stops and all remaining Tokens are revealed if all the Dirarch are removed as casualties or flee from the table.

*The revealing of one unit then reveals another, so revealing a Template would automatically reveal the Bewildering Mist Unit it was feigning to be.

If the Token on a Template is revealed to be a Decoy, then the Template and Token are both removed from play. If a Token on a Unit is revealed to be a Decoy, then the Template with the Unit's Token is removed from play, along with its Token, and the Unit is moved to takes its place, facing the same direction.

If the Token on a Template is revealed to be a Unit, then the Unit is moved to the position of the Template, facing the same direction, and the Template and both Tokens are removed from play. If the Token on a Unit is revealed to be the Unit, then the Token is removed and play continues.

If a unit targeted or affected by either shooting, magic, or artillery, then the closest Unit with Bewildering Mist rule (even if it has been been revealed) counts as taking the damage, and that unit is used for T, W, Armour save, Ld etc, and models are removed from that unit.

A Meargh (if in a unit with the Bewildering Mist rule) can use any unit with the rule or template (revealed or not) for the purposes of LOS and range; this does not reveal the unit or whereabouts of the Meargh; a miscast will affect the unit the spell is cast from, though she will be affected as normal.

The Fimir Fog: A unit of Fimir with a unit strength of 10 or more will create a swirling fog which causes a -1 to hit modifier on any attempt to shoot at the unit from a distance of more than 7". This rule is conferred to any character joining the unit.

The Burning Eye: The Sun is an object of great distress to the Fimir, their single eye lets in too much light, a reason to why they generate a thick fog. If for any reason a unit with the Burning Eye rule is not covered by Fimir Fog or Bewildering Mist (ie no Dirarch on table and unit strength is less than 10) then the unit is affected with Stupidity.

Marsh-lore: Fimir and other Marsh-dwellers are at home with terrain of this nature and therefore the following count as open terrain: bogs, marsh, swamp, thick mud, and they benefit from counting as being in 'soft cover' whilst in these terrain types. Areas of open water, such as rivers or lakes still counts as difficult or impassable terrain as normal.

The Armies of the Fimir


0-1 Meargh 240pts Lv4 wizard (Can choose either Lore of Shadows or Death), can take up to 100pts of Magic Items. Must be the Army's General.

The Meargh are the ruling Caste in Fimir society and are the only females of the race. There is typically only one in each tribe, unless another one is secretly being raised by an rival Dirach, when ready to rule, the existing Queen will be 'removed', unless she destroys the uprising first. The Meargh are never born, only transformed from human infants during secret rituals lasting years. They have the uncanny ability of seeing what lower Fimir see and can even channel spells through them. The Meargh look similar to the Dirach except they may have a shock of black hair and have crude feminine features.

			M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Meargh	  4 3  3  4 4 3 3 1 9

Equipment: Hand Weapon.

Grand Dirach 185pts Lv3 wizard (Lore of Shadow), can take up to 100pts of Magic Items.

The Dirach are also known as Daemon-Friends, they are the wizard-priests of the Fimir, they often wear ragged robes and have horns which protrude from their heads. The Grand Dirach acts as a Chancellor at the Meargh and is sometimes the Priest that created her, although more commonly a Meargh will go through several Grand Dirach through her reign.

			M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Gr Dirach   4 3  3  5 4 3 3 2 8

Equipment: Hand Weapon.

Fimm Mistmor 120pts Tail Attack (ap), can take up to 100pts of Magic Items.

The Mistmor is the highest position that a warrior Fimir (Fimm) can attain, it is the equivalent to the rank of a General and sometimes a Mistmor can even be responsible for a coup against a Meargh, though this is rare; the punishment for failure is exile. The Mistmor are powerful creatures of great strength, their tails end in huge serrated blades.

			M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Mistmor	 4 6  4  5 5 3 5 4 9

Equipment: Hand Weapon. Additional Hand Weapon + 6pts, Great Weapon + 7pts, Halberd + 6pts. Light Armour +3 pts, Heavy Armour +6 pts, Shield +3pts.

1 Grand Dirach or 1 Fimm Mistmor may ride a Jabberwocky which takes a Rare choice as well. When riding, a Fimm Mistmor will lose his Tail Attack.

Jabberwocky 250pts Terror, Large Target, Fly, Unit Strength 4 (5 including rider), Scaly Skin (4+). Magic Resistance (2).Bandersnatch (see below).

Jabberwockies are strange beasts, often said to be related to wyverns, but more likely they were cursed along side the Fimir, as they came into being around the same time and share similar homelands. The Fimir Nobility sometimes ride a Jabberwocky into battle, using its long reach to attack wizards and other vulnerable types hidden amongst troops.

			  M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Jabberwocky   6 3  3  5 5 4 3 3 6

Equipment: Claws and Bandersnatch Jaws (hand weapon)

Bandersnatch: The Jabberwocky can direct one of its attacks to any one model (or model 'part') in the unit no matter of the position of the model. It can even do this whilst involved in a Challenge.


1+ Dirach 75pts Lv1 wizard (Lore of Shadow), can upgrade to Lv 2 for +35pts, can take up to 50pts of Magic Items.

The Dirach are the wizard-priests of the Fimir. At this level they are responsible for the diabolic rituals practised to appease Balor, for summoning the Yirthkin. for managing the breedherds, and for keeping the Meargh entertained. They are usually separated into groups depending on their duty, and different groups usually rival one another for the Meargh's favor. In battle, they have a special role in summoning the mists that the Fimir depend upon to hide their numbers and protect from the Burning Eye of the Sun. Like the Grand Dirach, they wear dirty, torn robes, have smooth, lizard-like tails and sometimes, depending on age and rank, have horns.

			M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Dirach	  4 3  2  4 3 2 3 1 7

Equipment: Hand Weapon.

Fimm Flaith 70pts Tail Attack(ap). 1 Fimm Flaith can be upgraded to Battle Standard Bearer for 25pts, can take up to 50pts of Magic Items.

The Flaith are the captains of the Fimir armies. They are almost exclusively promoted from the Fianna Caste of the Fimm. They have bladed tails.

			M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Flaith	  4 5  3  5 4 2 4 3 8

Equipment: Hand Weapon. Additional Hand Weapon + 4pts, Great Weapon + 5pts, Halberd + 4pts. Light Armour +2 pts, Heavy Armour +4 pts, Shield +2pts.

0-1 Broolafimm 225pts (takes up an additional Hero Slot; cannot be the General) Terror, Frenzy, Large Target, Immune to Psychology, 5+ Ward Save (can't be used against magical attacks), Marsh lore, Unit Strength 3. Unstable.

The Broolafimm are part of an on-going experiment to summon the essence of Balor into the body of a Fimm. The ritual is one that takes many years to perfect, and even then the results are somewhat problematic. The resulting creature is part daemon and shares many of the characteristics bore by the Daemons of Chaos, except the wings are far too small and underdeveloped to allow flight. If defeated in combat, the daemonic force within the Broolafimm escapes back to the realms it was summoned from, the remaining physical husk rapidly dissolves in a horrific and unnerving manner.

			  M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Broolafimm	6 7  0  5 5 3 6 5 9

Equipment: Talons (counts as Hand Weapon, poison attacks, magical attacks)

Unstable: If the Broolafimm is beaten in combat, it does not take a break test. Instead take a Ld test with Ld modified by the Combat Resolution result, if the test is failed, the Broolafimm dissolves, all enemy units in base-to-base contact must take a panic test.


1+ Fimm Warriors 9pts per model 25mm, unit size 10+. Fimir Fog, Burning Eye, Marsh-lore, Bewildering Miasma, Tail Attack

The Fimm are the warrior castes of the Fimir and make up the mainstay of the army. If fact, an army will always contain at least one unit, as they are the most numerous of the warriors that can make best use of the Diarch's Miasma. they often make best use of their superior strength by carrying two axes or maces at a time and wear leather hides for protection. They also have tails that end in boney clubs or horned spikes which they can use as weapons with ease.

		  M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Fimm	  4 3  2  4 3 1 3 1 7
Fian	  4 3  2  4 3 1 3 2 7

Equipment: Hand Weapon, Light Armour, may upgrade to Additional Weapons at a cost of 2pts a model or Shields at a cost of 1pt a model.

A Fimm in each unit can be upgraded to a Fian for 12pts, a Standard Bearer for 12pts, and a Musician for 6pts.

Fimm Tarl Guard 9pts per model (cannot be taken in a Ruinous Rampage Army) 25mm, unit size 10-25, Fimir Fog, Burning Eye, Marsh-lore, Tail Attack. (NB No Bewildering Mist rule)

Some Fimm castes are not natural raiders, but instead are broader and bulkier. These are used as guards to protect the Fimir territories. They use long, serrated spears, or sometimes pole-arms that crudely resemble Halberds.

		  M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Fimm	  4 3  2  4 3 1 3 1 7 
Tarl Fian 4 3  2  4 3 1 3 2 7

Equipment: Hand Weapon, Spears, Light Armour, may replace Spears with Halberds at a cost of 1pts a model. May upgrade to Shields at a cost of 1pt a model.

A Fimm in each unit can be upgraded to a Tarl Fian for 12pts, a Standard Bearer for 12pts, and a Musician for 6pts.

1 Unit of Fimm Tarl Guard may carry a Magic Banner up to 50pts.

Shearl 5pts per model 25mm, unit size 10+, Fimir Fog, Burning Eye, Marsh-lore, Bewildering Miasma.

The Shearl of the lowest caste of the Fimir, they are used as slaves and workers. They are used in battle to bolster the army's numbers and help distract the enemy from the elite troops. They are smaller than the Fimm and have smooth tails.

		  M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Shearl	4 2  2  3 3 1 2 1 6 

Equipment: Hand Weapon, may upgrade to Shields for 1pt per model, or spears for 1pt per model.

A Shearl in each unit can be upgraded to a Standard Bearer for 10pts.

Barghast 9 pts per model cav base; unit size 5+, Immune to psychology, Ward save 6+ (cannot be used on daemon or magic attacks)

The folk who live in the marshlands of the Old World often tell tales of ghostly Black Hounds appearing before an unfortunate event, almost as a bad omen. Caravans also mention similar creatures, though they name them differently. How the Firmir are involved with these creatures, it is not known, but there are more reports of the Fimir using such beasts as scouts in their armies.

		  M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Barghast  8 3  0  3 3 1 4 1 6
Cu Sithe  8 3  0  3 3 1 4 2 6

Equipment: Jaws and Claws (counts as hand weapon).

Upgrade 1 Barghast to Cu Sithe for 12pts.

Spriggens 25pts per base. 40mm; swarm, unit size 3 or more bases. (do not count towards core), Marsh-lore, Immune to psychology, Stubborn. Cannot be joined by characters.

The Marches, bogs and fens of the Old World produce a number of types of small supernatural creatures, sometimes they appear as small, fat toad-like creatures, other times as bright floating lights that guide the lost further into the murk. The names these are known by varies from place to place but they are most commonly known as Spriggens. The Fimir are known to herd these into swarms and release them on the battlefield.

		  M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Spriggens 4 2  0  2 3 3 2 3 5 

Equipment: none


Fianna Fimm 16pts per model 25mm, 10+, Fimir Fog, Burning Eye, Marsh-lore, 1 unit can be upgraded to have Bewildering Miasma for 35pts, Tail Attack (ap).

Of all the Fimm, the Fianna are by far the fiercest. They are a clear foot taller than the other Fimir and their tails end in long blades that they sharpen, and, with the right force and training, they can use to slice through armour and flesh alike. Due to their ferocity, the Fianna find it difficult to refrain themselves enough to take advantage of the Dirach's Miasma, a few Fianna are cunning enough to do this and their kind are feared amongst men and Fimir alike.

			M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Fianna Fimm 4 4  2  4 4 1 3 1 7 
Finmor	  4 4  2  4 4 1 3 2 7

Equipment: Hand Weapon, Great Weapon, Heavy Armour.

1 Fianna Fimm in each unit can be upgraded to Finmor for 12pts, Standard Bearer for 12pts, and Musician for 6pts.

Can take a Magic Standard up to the value of 50pts.

Yirthkin 16pts per model 25mm, 8+, Immune to psych, fear, 5+ Ward Save (can't be used against magical attacks), Poisoned and magical attacks, Marsh-lore, can't be joined by characters.

Whether the Yirthkin are the remnants of an ancient mystical marsh-beings or an incarnation of Chaos picking up on the decay and sorrow of the bogs is not known. What is known is that they are malicious, baleful beings who hate and despise all that trespass their domains. The Dirach have a strong magical dominance over the Yirthkin and can draw them out of there boggy pits to join the ranks of their armies and patrols. The Yirthkin have no love at all for the Fimir and the term 'Daemon-friends' is anathema to the actual relationship between the races.

		  M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Yirthkin  5 4  0  4 4 1 4 2 6
Y Fideal  5 4  0  4 4 1 4 3 6

Equipment: Talons (count as hand weapons and poison attacks)

1 Yirthkin in each unit can be upgraded to Yirth Fideal for 12pts.

0-1 Shearl Snatchers 7pts per model. 25mm, 5-20, Marsh-lore, The Burning Eye, Skirmish.

The Snatchers are something not seen before in Fimir. Where or how they originated is not yet known, but they have been spotted at the majority of areas where Fimir are know to occupy. They are clearly Fimir, one-eyed and green, but are much more slight, with a almost bird-like posture and do not seem to be cloaked in the fog that follow the Fimir. They have longer, plain, tails and longer legs with a much faster stride. They have mostly be seen in raiding parties where their purpose is to snatch their prey, most often women. They have also been seen in battles using slings (to limited effect) to harass the enemy.

			M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Snatcher	5 3  2  3 3 1 3 1 6 
Fiac Snatch 5 3  2  3 3 1 3 2 6

Equipment: Hand Weapons Can be upgraded to use slings at 3pts per model.

1 Snatcher in the unit can be upgraded to a Fiac Snatch for 10pts.

Boglars 3pts per model, 20mm, 10+, Marsh-lore, Squabble, Fear Elves (not out-numbered 2:1). Count as Goblins for appropriate rules.

Fact: goblins get everywhere, the marshlands are no exception. The goblins of swamps and bogs of the Badlands are called Boggarts, they are tribal and live in direct competition with other goblins and orcs. In the Old World, they are more like the smaller Gnoblars of the Mountains of Mourn, they live in simple, isolated communities, very rarely having anything to do with the dry-land world. The Fimir often trade with them for information as Boglars often go unnoticed or not seen as a threat; and occasionally the Fimir may even coerce them into battle, supporting the lines where the Miasma cannot penetrate.

		  M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Boglar	4 2  3  3 3 1 2 1 5 
Boss	  4 2  3  3 3 1 2 2 5

Equipment: Hand weapons, shields, Can replace shields for Javelins for 2pt a model.

A Boglar in each unit can be upgraded to a Boss for 8pts, a Standard Bearer for 8pts, and a Musician for 4pts.


Bibbic Fimm 40pts per model. 40mm, 1+, Fimir Fog, Causes Fear, Stupidity.

The Bibbic Fimm are the product of early experiments using different creatures such as Ogres and Trolls in the breeding herds in attempt to fashion even fiercer warriors. Most products were mutated beyond all use and were left to die on exposed rocks, some did indeed grow into hideous half-Troll, half Fimir monsters. Even though they were still rare in comparison with the other Fimir, they had a lasting effect on the minds of those that they attacked, some even believing that all Fimir were this immense size. But the Bibbic were too unpredictable and prone to killing their keepers in rages. In the end, the Dirach often had to cull their numbers. To those who had knowledge it did seem that the era of the Bibbic was coming to a close, but the new waves of Fimir Rampages and raids proves that once again, the Dirach are breeding these horrendous beasts. No Bibbic Fimm is the same but all stand nearly twice the size of a Fimm warrior, they carry whatever weapons they can find big enough to fit in their oversized hands and have numerous bits of armour bonded to their flesh. The most fearsome thing about them is their Tail attacks. The tails of the Bibbic are massively thick and end in huge, spiked clubs, they are so big the Bibbic cannot use them in the same manner the Fimm or Fianna do, but instead use all their energies to spin round and throw their tails at the enemy with a blow that could easily crush a man's skull.

			M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Bibbic Fimm 6 3  1  5 4 3 2 3 4

Equipment: Assortment of heavy clubs, axes, etc (counts as hand weapon but has armour piercing). heavy armour.

Bibbic Finn tails: Instead of their normal attacks, the Bibbic Finn may choose to swipe with their huge tails, this single attack has to hit as normal but counts as S7 and also confers a Killing Blow.

Cyclops 205pts each. unit size 1, follows the same rules for the Dogs Of War Giant

(NOTE: Something needs to be done to this Cyclops to make him different)

Dogs of War. May take Dogs of War of any race except Skaven taking a rare slot at points indicated on the appropriate list.

Magic Items

Common Magic Items: at +5pt normal cost, except Dispel Scrolls and Power Stones, which are 25pts each.


Vorpal Sword: 25pts. Bearer gains Killing Blow ability.

Plague Blade Axe: 60pts. All attacks from the bearer of this Axe count as Poisoned attacks and Wounds caused are doubled.

Ack-Finn Bow: 35pts. Counts as a Normal Bow except it gives the bearer BS4, and any hits count as S4 and as Magical Attacks.

Axe of the Ancients: 40pts. Counts as a Great Weapon, always hits on 3+, regardless of opponent's WS, in addition, the bearer hates all Skaven models (including Rat-Ogres, etc)


Armour of the Accursed: 50pts. Counts as Heavy Armour (5+), can be combined. Any magical weapons which causes one or more wounds on the wearer will lose all magical properties and counts a mundane weapon of the same type, whether in close combat or not.

Cyclopean Helm: 25pts. The wearer gains +1 Armour save, in addition gains the 'Always Strikes First Ability'.

Armour of the Sacrifice: 30pts. Counts as Light Armour (6+) and can be combined as normal. In addition, the 1st wound lost can be ignored if there are any friendly Shearls on table. Remove 1 shearl model of controller's choice as a casualty, this will not cause panic.


Staff of Finfaust: 75pts. When rolling to cast, the spell will be cast as 'Irresistable Force' if any of the Power dice roll a 6. It will only miscast if two or more dice roll a 1 as normal. A miscast will take precedence as normal.

Staff of Entrails: 50pts, Meargh only. Once per Magic phase, a Meargh may use the power dice of another friendly wizard as her own, in effect, the Mearch gains +1 Power Dice, another wizard (controller's choice) loses -1 Power Dice.

Cowl of Diabolical Sacrifice: 35pts Meargh only. While there are shearl models on the table, the bearer gains a 4+ ward save. If a save is successful, then a shearl model of controller's choice is removed instead. This will not cause panic.

Jub-Jub Familiar: 25pts. Choose one model in base to base contact, this model must pass a leadership test to attack the bearer of the Jub-Jub.

Bucca Spell Familiar: 20pts. The bearer knows one more spell than is normal for the level, this does not increase Magic Level.

Tarasque Rod: 20pts. The rod is used as a weapon. It grants +1 S in combat and all attacks count as Flaming.


Balor's Favor: 20pts. The wearer and the unit it is with gains Magic Resistance (1).

Manxome Amulet: 20pts. One use only. Must be used at the start of a turn (though this can be either player's). The wearer and the unit it is with counts as causing Fear until the end of turn.

Enchanted Items

Petrified Heart: 25pts. The bearer and the unit it is with will always count as having a unit strength of at least 5 if an enemy unit flees into them.

Crimson Gem: 35pts. One use only. The bearer adds D3 to the combat resolution of the first combat round it is involved in. On the result of a 3, the bearer also takes 1 W with no saves of any type allowed.

The Blackened Tail-Brace: 30pts. A model wearing this gains a tail attack, if it doesn't already have one, S4, armour piercing, and can reroll its roll to hit..

Magic Banners

Banner of the All-Seeing: 40pts. One use only, the bearer and the unit he is with can declare a charge without having LOS to the unit, it must be able to reach the unit using normal charge movement rules though.

Standard of The Evil Eye: 50pts. Power Lv 4. Bound Magic Missile, range of 24", causes d6 S4 hits.

Banner of The Unborn: 60pts. Any enemy in Base to Base contact with the Bearer or the unit he is with has -1 to hit in Close Combat.

Shadowy Banner: 15pts. The unit that the bearer of this banner is with does not have the 'Burning Eye' special rule.

Icon of Balor: 30pts. The unit gains +1 to all pursue rolls. Flee rolls are unaffected.

Modifié par Dreadaxe
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  • 2 mois après...
  • 4 mois après...

Bon, je n'ai pas encore tout lu, car c'est un peu long, et m'excuse si le sujet est vieux...

Raise Dead !!!

"Vieux" joueur de Battle et WHJDR, je suis trés amateur du concept des Fimmirs ( le côté celtique étant un petit plus...)

En effet, cette race est plutôt originale selon moi...

Plusieures polémiques :

Taille : créatures immenses ou simplement grands humains ?

le fait que les figurines furent produites à l'échelle ogre serait officielement une "erreur"...

Mais puisqu'il y a plusieurs castes, il peut y avoir de nombreuses tailles possibles...

Donc des abominations fimirs de la taille de géants, et des gerriers d'élites de la taille d'ogres/troll/minautaures... bin cela le fait.

Démons, origines, magie :

Il semble que la parenthée démoniaque soit un des élément fondateur des Fimirs.

De plus les Sorciers/sorcières Fimmirs sont historiquement portés sur la nécromancie et la démonologie.

Voici donc ma version :

Une sorcière démonologiste (pas obligatoirement humaine, d'ailleurs...), il y a hyper longtemps, invoque un puissant démon ( Balor, princedémon indépendant maléfique, mais pas spécialement chaotique ) cyclopéen.

Elle veut scèller avec lui un pacte lui garantissant l'immortalité.

Mais elle se fait avoir, et le démon la possède (viole ?).

Ainsi apparue la première matriarch, "épouse de Balor".

Par la suite de cette union, elle donna naissance a la première meargh.

être a la fois démoniaque, mais pourtant de la réalité.

De par cette origine, la meargh ne peu vraiment se reproduire, mais Balor lui offris les secrets et les pouvoirs permettant de perpetuer son engeance : par un immonde rituel impliquant sacrifices et offrande d'une femelle que seule une meargh peut accomplir, Balor est invoqué, sortant du chaudron de la meargh... il peut alors produire des fimirs, serviteurs de ses filles chéries en "possédant" la femelle offerte..

Parfois, il arrive qu'une meargh naisse ( notament si l'offrande est une sorcière...), elle est alors élevée par la meargh comme sa fille ( ou parfois tuée, si il y a déjà trop de meargh dans les environs...) et vas fonder sa propre communauté.

Toute sorte de femelle humanoide intelligente en âge de procréer peut servir pour la reproduction, et donne naissance a un nombre variable de Fimmirs ( naissance genre Alien, biensûr...)

Les sorcières étant pas si courantes, et pas forcément prompte a se faire capturer par des fimirs, la naissance d'une meargh n'est pas trés courante...

De par leur origine démoniaque et mortel, les fimirs ont une forte affinité avec la sorcellerie.

Ainsi, les Meargh et les Dirach sont capables de lier à leur services de nombreux démons ( démons indépendants, mais aussi démons du Chaos...), et peuvent en inclure dans leurs hordes.

( gargouilles, et autres sortes de démons indépendants en priorité, mais en fait tout démon mineur et bête démoniaque, tant qu'il n'y a pas incompabilité entre les dieux : pas de Khorne ET de slaanesh, etc...).

De même, de par leur ascendance démoniaque, les Meargh sont virtuellement immortelles et ont une forte affinité avec la nécromancie.

Ainsi, des squelettes peuvent aussi être inclus avec les fimirs, si au moins un enchanteur choisis un sort nécromantique ( squelettes et cavaliers squelettes seulement ).

Meargh et dirach peuvent choisir : magie de la mort, magie nécromantique, magie noir, magie d'ombre.

Esclaves :

les fimmir "ouvriers" ( par référence aux fourmis ) qui ne devraient pas combattre ? je trouve cela un peu limite. Surtout lorsque l'on sais que les fimmirs sont tplus ou moin en extinction ( en guerre avec les skavens, les humains, etc...)

Oui, il faut que les Esclaves/ouvriers se battent en temps de guerre...Car il faut de la diversité dans la liste.

Les Esclaves d'autres races ne servent que de nourriture, de sacrifices, ou de réceptable pour la reproduction.

Reproduction :

Bon, le Fluff "parasite" me semble bon...

Disons que au lieux de "violer des femmes", la meargh ( seule femelle, donc maitresse de la reproduction, genre de déesse mère de la fécondité...celtic...) accomplirait un rituel de posséssion ( démoniaque ?), transformant les femelles d'autres races en sorte de matrice/oeuf, un peu comme pour "Alien", si vous lisez la BD...

Ainsi, une armée Fimmir comprendrai :

Des démons mineurs et bêtes démoniaques (tout le temps disponibles), des squelettes( archer, guerrier) et cavaliers squelettes ( si un des sorciere/ière choisi un sort nécromantique, mais tout autre sorcier peut être considéré comme contrôleur potentiel), des esclaves fimirs ( taille humaine20x20), des guerriers fimirs ( taille orque 25x25), des "Gros" fimir (taille ogre 40x40), des "Baloréen" (géant, en héro/supermonstre QG ?).

héros et autres : 1 meargh maximum, voire peut être une princesse meargh (jeune) et Dirachs en Sorcier, et Fianna Finn en version héros ou seigneur/monstre.

A cela, il conviendrai d'ajouter des nuées de bestioles des marécages, et des bestiole comme les pieuvres géantes des marécages ou des Verres des marécages, asservis et corrompus par la magie des mearghs et Dirach.

Côté "machine de guerre", plusieurs idées possibles :

Le "chaudron de Balor" : espèce de "WarAltar" reliquaire, temple de guerre...sur roues ou porté par des esclaves, une sorte de chaudron de sang elfe noir ou d'enclume du destin des nains.

L'oeuil de Balor : Une sorte de gros canon maléfique et magique...

Brouillard et Brume mistique :

Le côté crainte du soleil et brûme magique est bien...

Disons que cela permet alors de conférer une Svg accrue contre les tirs ? voir une sauvegarde invulnérable contre les tirs ou alors un malus de CT additionnel ?

contrabalançant l'absence d'unité de tir ( mis à part les squelettes ?)

Bon, le coté créature gluante des marèe, écaille ou peau épaisse est assez sympa, dison que cela ne doit pas interferrer avec la brume, si ?

Il faut donc voir si on préferre fonctionner aux malus ( CC et CT -1), ou au bonus ( Svg +1 ), mais je pense que la "peau écailleuse n'a pas lieu d'être si l'Endurance est de 4 voire + pour certains persos....

Le fait de dissiper la brume n'a pas lieu d'être aussi. je pense qu'une attaque magique ou un pouvoir quelconque basé sur le vent, la lumière ou le feu la dissipe momentanément, et soumet la cible à la stupidité ou a divers malus automatiquement pendant 1 tour, cela peut suffire largement.

( sort des domaines du feu, "éclairs" des cieux, sorts de lumières, vent hurlant de la vie, peut être "fer ardent" et "argent en fusion" du métal, etc...)

Bien sur, si la meargh crée la brume, lors d'une attaque ( peut être un pouvoir spéciale de meargh comparable aux pouvoirs de lignées vampire, optionnel...), en fait chaque fimmir crée du brouillard ( comme le nuage de mouches des démons de nurgle...).

équipements :

Natuellement les esclaves n'ont que des boucliers et armes simples. Un personnage ne peut pas les rejoindre...

Les guerriers de base25x25 sont bien évidemment le gros de la troupe, avec des choix suivant : armure légères, option : armure lourde ? 2 armes simples ? arme lourde, bouclier.

Leur queue massue offre une attaque en plus sur le profile.

Guerriers "ogres" : choix plus spéciaux, voire assez limités ( 0-1 ?), sinon des caracs et équipement comparables aux ogre-minautores et autres...

Géant : comparable à un géant, bien sur, avec le côté Fimmir en plus... Il me semble qu'en faire un choix 0-1 Personnage serait bien, car cela ferait un peu comme un Dragon avec héro ou autre...

Mais il me semble que finallement, un tel type d'armée pourrait en fait s'utiliser comme un "comptent comme" des Hommes lézards...

Avec un côté plus maléfique...

Option genre compétence/pouvoirs spéciaux/mutations :

à acheter avec le budjet objets magiques.

Cela peut être justement les trucs genre :

maitre/sse des morts ( permet les squelettes )

Ami(e) des démons (permet les démons)

maitre(sse) des Brûmes ( améliore le brouillard )


Certains seraient réservés aux guerriers, d'autres aux sorciers/ères, et d'autre enfin juste pour les Mearghs.

Modifié par MacDeath
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  • 5 mois après...

Trouvé sur Warseer. De quoi donner des idées quand l'envie reviendra.

I don't know about you, but I really love the Fimir race from Warhammer Fantasy. It's a pitty that they don't have any 7th Edition rules to play with. Together with some friends, I put together a rules set for them. So, give me what you think X-/



The biggest advantage Fimir have on the battlefield is the thick mist clouds the Dirach and the Meargh generate around them. Dirach generate a 12”-radius cloud around them, Meargh generate a 20”-radius cloud. While inside these clouds, certain Fimir units have the following advantages. All Fimir units benefit from the first two, only Fimir units with the Fog Creatures special rule benefit from the last two aswell.

·Enemies have a very difficult time spotting Fimir units when they are inside the mist clouds. All enemy units shooting at the Fimir units while they are under the effect of the clouds suffer a -1 penalty on To Hit rolls.

·Enemies often find the thick choking mists very hard to move through, let alone see though. All enemy units suffer a -1 penalty on their basic Movement when moving inside the mist. They also suffer a -1 penalty on their Weapon Skill while in the mist.

·When a Fimir units wishes to charge an enemy unit (or visa versa) while the total Fimir unit is inside the mist and the enemy unit at least touches the edge of the cloud, then the Fimir unit can make a so called Fog Ambush. See below.

·A Fimir unit that is at least half inside the cloud and wins a close combat round, but the enemy did not flee, can opt to dissapear into the mists again. This is treated like a Flee move but the unit automatically regroups and can make a free 180° turn at the end. Enemies cannot pursue and must stay stationary. If this brings the Fimir into contact with a fresh enemy, the Fimir unit is caught and destroyed. This move will not cause other Fimir units to Panic, unless they were destroyed by a fresh enemy.

There is only one way to make the mist cloud dissapear. Kill the Meargh or the Dirach. When the caster is killed, the cloud that he/she was generating, dissapears in the next turn of the player in who’s turn the caster was killed.

While Fimir units with the Fog Creature special rule are outside the effects of the mist clouds, for any reason, they get -1 penalty on WS and I for as long as they are outside the mist clouds, as the bright light of the sun makes them disorientated.

Fog Ambush

When making a Fog Amush, follow the following rules.

If the Fimir unit charged an enemy unit or is charged by an enemy unit, the enemy unit has to roll equal or under their Initiative value. They can use the general’s Initiative value if he’s within 12”, just like they would use his Leadership for Leadership tests. If the test is failed, the Fimir unit sees an opportunity to catch their opponents by surprise. If the test is failed by 1 or 2, the Fimir unit gains an extra +1 Combat Resolution. If the test if failed by 3 or more, the Fimir unit gains an extra +2 Combat Resolution. If the test is passed, the Fimir unit didn’t have the opportunite to surprise the enemy and the fight is fought as normal.


Due to the fact that it is their natural habitat, all Fimir units have the Bog Home special rule, which allows them to move through marsh, bog and swamp terrain pieces without any kind of movement penalty.




Points/model: 230 Unit Size: 1


Meargh 4 3 2 4 5 3 3 2 9

WARGEAR: Meargh staff & dagger.

SPECIAL RULES: Ancient Leadership, Badges of Office, Fog Creatures.

Ancient Leadership: The Meargh are the natural and undisputed leaders of the Fimir race. If you have a Meargh in your army, she must be your army general. Also, when there is a Meargh within 6” of a Dirach and/or a Noble, the Petty Squabble rule is overruled.

Badges of Office: Both the Meargh and the Dirach are equipped and armed with a ceremonial staff and a sacrificial dagger. The staff counts as a halberd in combat. The dagger counts as having poisonous attacks. Choose which weapon the Meargh or the Dirach uses before combat starts.


· May choose magic items from the Common or Fimir magic items lists, with a maximum total value of 100 pts.

MAGIC: The Meargh is a level 3 Wizard.

· May be upgraded to a level 4 Wizard for +35 pts.


Points/model: 150 Unit Size: 1


Fimm Mistmor 4 6 2 5 5 3 4 4+1 9

WARGEAR: Hand weapon & Heavy armour.

SPECIAL RULES: Fog Creatures, Petty Squabble, Tail Bash.

Petty Squabble: Although the Dirach caste is superior to the Fimm Nobles, the line is very thin. This often results in arguements and discusssions involving battle tactics, unit formations or even march speed. If a Dirach and a Fimm Noble find themselves within 6” from each other at the start of the Fimir player’s turn and both are not in combat, both have to make a Ld test. If one of them fails, both them and any unit they may have joined must stay stationary for the entire turn. The one who failed his test by the most is the so called loser of the squabble and he and his unit have to back off 1” (if their is room). In case of a tie, roll a d6. If their is no room to back off, it is possible that the squabble will continue in the next turn.


· May choose a great weapon (+6 pts) or an additional hand weapon (+4 pts).

· May choose magic items from the Common or Fimir magic items lists, with a maximum total value of 100 pts.



Points/model: 130 Unit Size: 1


Dirach 4 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 8

WARGEAR: Dirach staff & dagger.

SPECIAL RULES: Badges of Office, Daemon Friend, Fog Creatures, Petty Squabble.

Daemon Friend: All Dirach have a special bond with an individual daemon with who they hold long conversations about the origin of the Fimir race, to who they go if they are in need of council or just to amuse themselves with riddles or other word games. If the Dirach goes to war, these daemon friends are a useful ally. Once per battle, the Dirach can ask his daemon friend for aid. He can ask for one of the following things:

· He can ask the daemon to carry him through the skies, giving him a Movement value of 20” for one turn.

· The daemon can give the Dirach amazing magical powers for a short moment. This turn, the Dirach can cast one spell of his choice with Irrisistable Force (but not Balor’s Gaze).

· When the need is most dire, the daemon can also fight for his friend Dirach. The Dirach gains d3 S5 attacks for this turn.


· May choose magic items from the Common or Fimir magic item lists, with a maximum total value of 50 pts.

MAGIC: The Dirach is a level 1 Wizard.

· May be upgraded to a level 2 Wizard for +35 pts.


Points/model: 100 Unit Size: 1


Fimm Flaithmor 4 5 3 5 5 2 4 3+1 8

WARGEAR: Hand weapon & Light armour.

SPECIAL RULES: Fog Creatures, Petty Squabble, Tail Bash.


· May choose a great weapon (+4 pts) or an additional hand weapon (+2 pts).

· May choose to wear heavy armour (+4 pts).

· May choose magic items from the Common or Fimir magic items lists, with a maximum total value of 50 pts.


Points/model: 80 Unit Size: 1


Fimm Flaith 4 5 3 5 4 2 4 2+1 8

WARGEAR: Hand weapon & Light armour.

SPECIAL RULES: Fog Creatures, Petty Squabble, Tail Bash.


· May choose a great weapon (+4 pts) or an additional hand weapon (+2 pts).

· May choose to wear heavy armour (+4 pts).

· May choose magic items from the Common or Fimir magic items lists, with a maximum total value of 50 pts.

· One Fimm Flaith in the army may carry the Battle Standard for +25 pts. The battle standard bearer cannot be the army’s general even if he has the highest Leadership value in the army. The battle standard bearer cannot choose any non-magical equipment except for heavy armour. The battle standard bearer can have any magic banner (no points limit), but if he carries a magic banner he cannot carry any other magic items.



Points/model: 9 Unit Size: 10+


Fimm Warrior 4 4 2 3 4 1 2 1+1 7

Fimm Fian 4 4 2 4 4 1 2 2+1 7

You may not have more units of Fimm Warriors then units of Shearls.

WARGEAR: Hand weapon.

SPECIAL RULES: Tail Bash, Fog Creatures.

Tail Bash: The tail of every member from the Fimm caste ends in a lethal weapon. This is a bony mace-like tail in case of the Fimm Warriors and the Fianna Fimm, and a scythe-like tail in case of the Fimm Nobles (Mistmor, Flaithmor, Flaith). All Fimm can make a special Tail Bash attack, which is included in their profile. This attack is worked out with their base WS and I and with a Strength value equal to their S-1. The tail attack from Fimm Nobles counts as having the AP special rule.


· Any unit may be equipped with light armour for +1 pt/model.

· Upgrade one Fimm Warrior to a musician for +5 pts.

· Upgrade one Fimm Warrior to a standard bearer for +10 pts.

· Upgrade one Fimm Warrior to a Fian for +15 pts.


Points/model: 12 Unit Size: 10+


Fianna Fimm 4 4 2 4 4 1 3 1+1 8

Finmor 4 4 2 4 4 1 3 2+1 8

WARGEAR: Hand weapon & Heavy Armour.

SPECIAL RULES: Tail Bash, Fog Creatures, Personal Retinue.

Personal Retinue: Fianna Fimm are the elite warriors of a Fimir clann. They act as the personal bodyguard of Fimm Nobles. You can have one Fianna Fimm unit for every Fimm Noble (Mistmor, Flaithmor or Flaith) in your army. In addition, when a unit of Fianna Fimm is joined by a Fimm Noble, the unit is considered to have the Stubborn special rule.


· Any unit may be equipped with great weapons for +2 pt/model.

· Upgrade one Fianna Fimm to a musician for 6 pts.

· Upgrade one Fianna Fimm to a standard bearer for 12 pts.

· Upgrade one Fianna Fimm to a Finmor for 20 pts.

· One unit may carry a Magic Standard worth up to 50 pts.


Points/model: 3 Unit Size: 10+


Shearl 4 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 5

Head Shearl 4 2 2 3 3 1 3 2 5

WARGEAR: Hand weapon.

SPECIAL RULES: Fog Creatures, Skirmishers, Smooth Tails.

Smooth Tails: The other Fimir don’t care much for the Shearls. They know that they are not natural warriors and almost expect them to flee the battlefield at the first sign of danger. Other Fimir units ignore Shearl panic. Fimm Nobles cannot join Shearl units.


· Any unit may be equipped with spears for +1 pt/model.

· Any unit may be equipped with poisonous weapons for +2 pt/model.

· Upgrade one Shearl to a musician for +4 pts.

· Upgrade one Shearl to a standard bearer for +8 pts.

· Upgrade one Shearl to a Head Shearl for +8 pts.


Points/model: 6 Unit Size: 10+


Bog Zombie 4 2 0 3 3 1 0 1 2

WARGEAR: Hand weapon.

SPECIAL RULES: Braindead, Raised from the Swamp, Undead.

Raised from the Swamp: Bog Zombies are – as their name implies – raised from the bogs and swamps surrounding the Fimir clan holds. They sometimes spend centuries lying in the fetid pools. Their strong band with this type of terrain remains in the afterlife. Whenever at least one quarter of a unit of Bog Zombies is standing inside a marsh or a swamp, they gain the Regenerate special rule.

Undead: As they are raised by the Meargh or Dirach, so will they fall when their summoners fall. At the start of the battle, select one wizard for every unit of Bog Zombies in the army. He or she will be their necromancer. Whenever he or she dies, the Bog Zombies must – at the start of the subsequent Fimir turns – take Leadership tests. For every point they fail their Leadership test by, they lose one Wound. They also lose one wound for each point they lose combat by. Bog Zombies within 12” of the Battle Standard Bearer lose one less wound. In addition, as Undead, Bog Zombies are immune to Psychology, they cannot make march moves, they only can hold as a charge reaction and they Cause Fear.


· Upgrade one Bog Zombie to a musician for +10 pts.

· Upgrade one Bog Zombie to a standard bearer +5 pts.


Points/model: 3 Unit Size: 10+


Boglar 4 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 5

Sludgesucker 4 2 3 2 3 1 3 2 5

WARGEAR: Hand weapon & Sharp Stuff

SPECIAL RULES: Aquatic, Bicker, Largely Insignificant, Skirmish.


· May upgrade all Boglars to Toad-Gnoblars for +2 pts per model.

· Upgrade one Boglar to a Sludgesucker for +5 pts.



Points/model: see below Unit Size: see below


Mud Soldier 5 3 0 5 4 1 4 1 8

Mud Reaver 5 3 0 5 4 1 4 2 8

Mud Wing 4 3 0 3 3 1 3 2 7

Mud Hound 7 3 0 4 4 1 4 1 7

WARGEAR: Hand weapon (& Light armour for Mud Soldiers and Reavers).

SPECIAL RULES: Daemonic, Daemonic Types.

Mud Soldiers/Reavers: Fog Creatures.

Mud Wings: Flying Unit

Mud Hound: Frenzy


· Mud Soldiers: 13 points/model – Unit size: 10+

o Upgrade one Mud Soldier to a musician for +6 pts.

o Upgrade one Mud Soldier to a standard bearer for +11 pts.

o Upgrade one Mud Soldier to a Mud Reaver for +11 pts.

· Mud Wings: 12 points/model – Unit size: 5+

· Mud Hounds: 14 points/model – Unit size: 5+


Points/model: 60 Unit Size: 1+


Swamp Troll 6 3 1 5 4 3 1 3 4

WARGEAR: Hand Weapon.

SPECIAL RULES: Disgusting Smell , Fear, Stupidity, Regenerate, Troll Vomit.

Disgusting Smell: Enemies attempting to attack a Swamp Troll in close combat suffer a -1 penalty on their dice rolls due to the stench and slime.


Points/model: 36 Unit Size: 3+


Marsh Ogre 6 3 2 4 4 3 2 3 7

Big Marsh Ogre 6 3 2 4 4 3 2 4 7

WARGEAR: Hand weapon & Light armour.

SPECIAL RULES: Aquatic, Fear.


· Any unit may be equipped with either an additional hand weapon (+4 pts/model), or a great weapon (+6 pts/model).

· Any unit may be equipped with heavy armour (+3 pts/model), and/or shields (+3 pts/model).

· Upgrade one Marsh Ogre to a Musician for +10 pts.

· Upgrade one Marsh Ogre to a Standard Bearer for +20 pts.

· Upgrade one Marsh Ogre to a Big Marsh Ogre for +20 pts.



Points/model: 300 Unit Size: 1


Mud Lord 6 8 0 5 5 4 8 5 9

A Mud Lord counts as two Rare choices.

WARGEAR: Hand weapon.

SPECIAL RULES: Daemonic, Terror, Fly, Unit Strength 3.


· May choose up to 100 points worth of Gifts of the Mud God.

· May be a Sorcerer, at +40 points per Level, up to Level 4. If a Sorcerer, he may use the Lore of the Swamp.

Daemonic Fog: The air around the Mud Lord is blurry and it looks like there is a constant green-brown fog cloud surrounding him. Any shooting at him or the unit it is with suffers an additional -1 to hit penalty. Not that this does not add up with the mist clouds summoned by the Dirach or Meargh. 50 points.

Swamp Blade: The Daemon wields a hell-forged weapon that exists partly in other dimensions, bypassing armour. The Daemon’s cose combat attacks ignore armour saves. 45 points.

Lord of the Marsh: Raw power emanates from the Daemon, strengthening its presence in the material realm. The Mud Lord and any other Daemon unit within 6” suffers one less wound when defeated in combat. 40 points.

Ethernal Hatred: The Mud Lord craves the deaths of all mortal creatures because they are resposible for the death of Fimul the Mud God. The Daemon may re-roll missed cose combat attacks in the first round of any combat. 25 points.

Spell Breaker: The Daemon is able to drain away the power of enemy spells. Once per battle the Mud Lord may automatically dispel one enemy spell, except one which has just been cast with Irresistible Force. 25 points.

Splendour in the Swamp: The Daemon’s grip on the mortal realm is particularly strong, protecting it against its normal vulnerabilities. Its Daemonic Aura becomes a normal Ward save and so can be used against magical attacks. This is also conferred to any Daemon unit which he joins. 20 points.

Prophet of Fimul: The Mud Lord can be your army general. He now counts as one Lord and one Rare choice. 5 points.


Points/model: 80 Unit Size: 1


Earth Elemental 5 3 3 5 5 4 3 4 10

WARGEAR: Hand weapon.

SPECIAL RULES: Elemental, Immune to Psychology, Rocky Skin (5+), Throw Rocks.

Elemental: As a being of nature and magic itself, elementals have a number of special abilities. They can ignore terrain penalties when moving, except impossible terrain. Their attack counts as Magical. They have Magical Resistance (2). They have a 5+ Ward save against non-magical attacks.

Obsidian Rager: Ragers lose the ability to thrown rocks, but gain Frenzy.

Throw Rocks: An earth elemental can tear rock out of the ground and hurl them into an enemy unit with devastating power. A thrown rock is treated just like a move-or-fire shooting attack with range of 12” and a Strength of 5, doing d3 wounds on units or single models. This attack is not Magical.


· Upgrade to an Obsidian Rager for +15 pts.


Points/model: 70 Unit Size: 1


Water Elemental 6 3 3 4 4 3 6 3 10

WARGEAR: Hand weapon.

SPECIAL RULES: Elemental, Immune to Psychology, Summon Raincloud.

Summon Raincloud: A water elemental can use his powers over the water and weather to summon a big raincloud over an enemy unit, so weaken their combat abilities. This is treated just like casting the “The Rain Lord” spell from the Lore of Life. The elemental has two personal Power Dice to cast this spell. It doesn’t generate Power or Dispel Dice for your army. Summon Raincloud can be dispelled as normal by enemy wizards.

Vile Water Elemental: Vile Elementals are surrounded by a stinking cloud and enemies in close combat get a -1 penalty to hit it.


· Upgrade to a Vile Water Elemental for +10 pts.




Fimm Only

This huge mace is made from a big root found in the deepest glades of the Forests of Firest. The end of the weapon is made up of strong, sharp wooden side roots, sprouting in all direction. These cause horrific damage when slammed against an enemy, piercing the body at multiple places.

Vile Branch Crusher counts as a great weapon that causes D3 wounds.

FETID AXE: 25 points

Fimm Only

Many of the numerous water pools around the Fimir clann hold contain unpure water, made fetid due to the centuries-long lack of streaming water. It is rumoured that when the still hot metal of a newly crafted weapon is cooled with this water, some of the unpureness stays upon the weapon. Such weapons are so poisonous that few are left untouched by it.

Fetid Axe is a one-handed weapon that always wounds on a roll of 2+.


Meargh/Dirach Only

This curved dagger has been used for so many ritual sacrifices that even the oldest Meargh cannot really remember. It has been passed down by the Mearghs from generation to generation. The blade is red with the gore and blood of its coutless victims. According to Fimir legends, the weapon can sense when it needs to send another soul to Fimul the Mud God and that it does his best to please his god as much as possible.

Kriss of Endless Sacrifice is a poisonous one-handed weapon. Every 6 to hit grants the wielder another attack. Subsequent 6’s grant more attacks too.

FIMUL’S ARMS: 65 points

Fimm Only

The Axe and the Mace known as Fimul’s Arms are two of the most priced relics kept by the Fimir. They are the very same weapons Fimul the Mud God used to protect his beloved Maris. When Fimul was killed, the weapons where sold by the human merchants. One Fimir clann was lucky enough to raid a certain caravan transporting the weapons centuries later. They were probably on their way to a rich noble who bought them as collector items. Since that time, the axe and the mace are passed on from clan to clan each year.

Fimul’s Arms are two one-handed weapons. The Axe gives the wielder +1 WS and does an extra -1 on enemy armour saves. The mace causes the WS, S and A value of enemies hit by it to half for one entire turn. The entire set gives the wielder +1 A.


Fimm Only

Balor is a mighty daemon prince, servant of Fimul. He typically goes to war wielding a massive two-handed axe or scythe. Swining it in wide arcs, he chops off the heads of his enemies without pausing. Only the most worthy Fimm Nobles are rewarded with a replica of this awesome weapon, and they wield it with great proud.

Balor’s Decapitator is a great weapon that gives the wielder the Killing Blow ability.

LISSAART’S TAIL: 15 points

Fimm Only

Lissaart, another daemon prince serving Fimul, is depicted as a huge scaled serpent. He’s a deady and silent stalker. Crawling through the misty swamp, he sneaks up to his prew and unleashes his fury. Some Fimm Nobles strap on a powerful magical blade it their tails to represent this flailing tail of Lissaart.

Lissaart’s Tail is a weapon fitted on the tail of the wielder. It gives the Tail Bash attack of the wielder +1 Strength (so normally all Tail Bash attacks are made with the character’s base Strength).



Fimm Only

Kroll is usually depicted as a huge bogoctopus with tentacles flailing around him. Around his main body, the daemon prince has a dull looking bellyshield, showing all kinds of shifting images, striking fear into all who gaze upon it.

Kroll’s Bellyshield gives +1 armour save and gives the wearer Cause Fear. Can be combined with normal armour.


Fimm Only

Made from the blackest and hardest stone, stolen from caravans or dwarven slaves, this bellyshield is crafted to protect the wearer from harmful magical effects. Mostly favoured by Fimm Nobles living close to human villages where a wizard resides, these armour pieces are hard to get by in the murky swamps.

Obsidian Bellyshield gives +1 armour save and gives the wearer Magic Resistance (2). Can be combined with normal armour.


Fimm Only

This beautifully crafted piece of armour is inscribed with the most powerful runes the Fimir could whip out of their dwarven slaves. Fimm Nobles wearing such bellyshields are considered to be near invincible and are rightly feared on the battlefield.

Runic Bellyshield gives +2 armour save. Can be combined with normal armour.


Fimm Only

Shells taken from dead or killed dragonturles are sometimes used as a bellyshield, worn by the Fimm Nobles when they go to war. For some mysterious reason, the slime dragonturles produce during life to keep their skin flexible stays on the shell even after the creature dies. This gives the Noble a considerable advantage in close combat.

Dragonturtle Bellyshield gives +1 armour save and gives the enemies directing attacks to the wearer a -1 To Hit penalty. Can be combined with normal armour.



This trinket, mostly used as a jewel to fasten the cloaks many Fimm Nobles or Dirach wear, radiates a powerful red glow. Empowered with the mystical forces of the swamp and the ancient spirit that dwell there, the stone is prized my all, because it gives the holder the ability to heal wounds almost instantly, regenerating limbs and becomming almost immortal.

Bloodstone Garnet gives the holder the ability to Regenerate.

EYE OF BALOR: 50 points

Said to be infused with a part of the evil from Balor, this necklace is made to respemble his great and terrible eye. The wearer of the Eye is seen as pure evil to all enemies who look upon him and they want to be as far from him as possible.

Eye of Balor gives the holder Cause Terror.

FOG PENDANT: 50 points

Fimm Only

This pendant contains the soul of a long since dead but powerful Dirach. Even though he died centuries ago, this spirit still seeks to go to war and still generates a mist cloud. This piece of jewelry is wanted amongst the Fimir Nobility because it gives them the opportunity to go further from a Dirach then they normally could.

Fog Pendant generates a mist cloud of a 6” radius around the wearer or any unit he might have joined. This mist cloud grants him (or the unit) the same abilities as a normal Meargh/Dirach generated mist cloud does.


Meargh/Dirach Only, One use only

Firest, a daemon prince in the form of a dark forest with unspeakable horrors within, enjoys teasing his victims with getting them lost and fear games. One day, a crazed Dirach captured some of these visions into a small glass orb. He who gazes into the orb, sees only his deepest hidden fears and goes almost mad instantly.

Once per battle, the holder can reviel the Horrors of Firest to an enemy unit in close combat. This unit automatically breaks and has to flee directly away from him. He and his unit cannot pursue and must stay stationary.


MARIS’ TEARS: 20 points

Meargh/Dirach Only, One use only

This item is a small vial, filled with very clear and almost glowing liquid. The liquid within is said to be tears from Maris, the mother of all Fimir. They were collected by Fimul when Maris was sad about all the selfeshness the humans showed to her. When the liquid is smeered upon the naked skin, it heals any wounds almost instantly.

Once per battle, the keeper of this item can use it to regain one Wound up a total of his or her maximum Wound value.


Meargh/Dirach Only, One use only

There are different types of swamp gas out there. There is gas that can kill a grown man after only one sniff, there is gas that can drive even an Ogre crazy. One certain gas increases the magical capabilities of all who sniff it. Ofcourse, not everyone knows this, but the Fimir long since discovered this secret.

Once per battle, the keeper of this orb can break it to gain a +2 on one casting roll in this turn and a +2 on one dispel roll in the next.


Meargh/Dirach Only, One use only

This piece of parchment is made of human skin. It contains all manner of incantations, spells and glyphs used by the dark art of necromancy. When read, the parchement crumbles and the magical power is lost. But, the ground begins to boil and black water erupts from cracks. Bog zombies arise from their watery graves to fight once more.

Once per battle, the keeper of the scroll can read it to summon a unit of 5+D6 Bog Zombies up to 10” away.

ROYAL COWL: 10 points

Dirach only

Given by its Meargh because of some important deed or performance, the lucky Dirach now stands out from even the other Dirach, which infuriates the Fimm Nobles even more. But, it was the Meargh’s will that he got the cowl so he must be important and all the Nobles respect that thought.

The wearer of Royal Cowl is no longer subject to the Petty Squabble rule, neither are Fimm Nobles within 6” of him. Although they can still squabble with Dirachs other then him.



Meargh Only

This barbed metal crown once belonged to the fabled Hellmother, the Meargh who unites most of the Fimir race in the war against the humans. She was a very powerful wizard but also very dangeous with words. The Fimir suffered greatly during that war though, and the Hellmother was slain by Marius who impaled her with his spear.

Hellmother’s Crown gives the wearer a 5+ ward save and she knows one extra spell. This spell has to be from the Lore of the Swamp (note that her primary spells can come from another Lore).


Fimm Only

Not many mortals can match the extreme speed at which the snake daemon Lissaart attacks his prey. From nowhere his great fanged maw shoots out to grab and devour the unfortunate victim. Crafted by the daemon’s own metalsmiths, the fabled Helms of Lissaart are said to grand the wearer some of that speed, making them eye blinding fast on the battlefield.

Helm of Lissaart gives the wearer the ability to Always Strike First, even if he was charged. If both can strike first, roll a die.

MOSS-HIDE CLOAK: 10 points

One use only

This ragged cloak is made of all sorts of hard swamp grass and moss foeraged by the Shearls and knitted together with powerful runes by the Dirach. Whoever wears this cloak is rumoured to be able to resist a blow from even a Giant. The effect is temporary though and the moss is frail.

Moss-hide Cloak gives the wearer +1 armour save and +1 T until he or suffered his first wounding hit, regardless of passed armour saves.


Red with the blood and gore in which it was soaked, this mantle is a sign to all humans who face the wearer that they are going to be next. The smell of fresh human blood almost drives the Fimir mad with hatred and hunger towards them. In battle they will not stop until their hunger is statisfied or they themselves are killed.

Blood-drenched Mantle gives the wearer Hatred towards all human units.


BOG BANNER: 30 points

Made from the skins of all their slain victims, this banner is truely a horrific sight to behold. It is dripping with goo and covered in slimy mud. Skulls and bones are put on top of it, often surrounded by a small flock of crows, picking at the rotting remains.

Bog Banner gives the bearer and his unit the ability to Cause Fear.


Depicting the always burning eye of Balor, the banner fills the unit with uncontrollable vigour and battle lust, driving them to the brink of insanity even. They lose all sense of everything around them and charge into the nearest enemy they can see.

Banner of the Burning Eye gives the bearer and his unit Frenzy.

FIMUL’S HATRED: 50 points

When Fimul was cowardly murdered in the dungeons of The Marshland, his soul was banished back into the Warp. He swore to take revenge on those lowely mortals who killed him and his beloved Maris. As he couldn’t enter the material realm for a long time, he crafted a banner to represent his hatred and gave it to his most trusted Fimir, so that they could start his revenge on the mortal world.

Fimul’s Hatred gives the bearer and the unit Hatred to all mortal units (not to daemons for example).


Although not the most powerful casters in the world, Meargh and Dirach can show quite some power when it comes with magical spells and Daemons. Dirach can only generate spells from the Lore of the Swamp. Meargh can generate spells from one of the following Lores: Lore of the Swamp, Lore of Beasts, Lore of Death, Lore of Shadows.


Meargh and Dirach roll a D6 to randomly generate a spell from this chart. They can automatically swap one spell for Dancing Lights if they didn’t generate it randomly.


1 Dancing Lights 5+

2 Mending Mud 6+

3 Swamp Gas Bolt 7+

4 Raise Bog Zombies 8+

5 Kroll’s Fortune 9+

6 Balor’s Gaze 12+


This spell can only be cast at one enemy unit within the caster’s mist cloud. It is treated like a magic missile that does not require line of sight. If successfully cast, it hits the target and causes D6 Strength 3 hits.


Cast this on a single friendly model within 6”. The caster can also target himself. The target of the spell regains 1 lost Wound, up to his maximum value of Wounds.


The caster lets loose a powerful bolt of dangerous, toxic swamp gas. When it hits, it explodes and slowly gasses the target. Target one enemy model or unit within 24” and in line of sight. If the spell is cast successfully, roll a D6 for every model in the unit. The bolt hits models on a 4+ and causes a Strength 2 hit to every model hit with no armour saves allowed. Single models are hit automatically.


Target a point on the table within 12” of the caster, no line of sight is required. On that point a new unit of Bog Zombies is created. The unit contains 5+D6 Bog Zombies. The caster is considered to be their necromancer. This spell can also be used to add more Zombies to an existing unit.


This spell can only be cast if the caster and/or his unit killed at least one enemy model in the previous turn. When the spell is casted successfully, the slain models are considered to be sacrificed in honour of Kroll. Nominate one friendly unit within 12” from the caster. They get X re-rolls in the Close Combat phase (X being the number of models slain by the caster and his unit in the previous turn).


Affect the entire battlefield. The skies blacken and the moon turns bloody red. All enemy units and models, which are not in combat, must take a Leadership test or be forced to flee to the nearest table edge. Units and models immune to psychology are not affected.

Ok, that was it. I hope you like it.

Please give me some feedback on what you think

Note: some unit entries and rules are from existing warhammer units (like the Boglards, Trolls, Ogres and Daemon Prince)

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  • 2 mois après...
  • 4 ans après...
Bonjour à tous, je me permet de faire de la nécromancie de post car il me semble qu'avec les nouveautés parues en tempête de magie et warhammer forge, il devient possible d'aligner une armée de fimirs 100% jouable V8 dans une partie TdM:

-Règles des fimirs WF
-Règles de l'oracle fimirs et zoat de TdM
-Règles des bêtes des marais d'albion en TdM... Vous voyez autre chose?
Et ou trouver une compilation du fluff sur les fimirs?
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[quote name='Dreadaxe' timestamp='1329328278' post='2082003']
Heu les Zoats n'ont rien à voir avec les Fimirs !

Autant pour moi, je ne connais pas encore assez leur fluff.
C'est vrai que les zoat sont des forestiers et manient les énergies de la vie.

mais sinon, qu'en pensez-vous?
En tempête de magie, jouer un contingent de fimirs avec les règles WF, l'oracle et des bêtes des marais ça doit le faire non?
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mais sinon, qu'en pensez-vous?
En tempête de magie, jouer un contingent de fimirs avec les règles WF, l'oracle et des bêtes des marais ça doit le faire non?

Je pense que jouer des Fimirs sera expliqué avec Monstruous Arcana.
Une petite reviews des règles

Historique : "Once, when all the world was fog-shrouded and dark, legend has it that the dreaded Fimir once ruled, tearing down the cities of the High Elves and struggling in bloody conflict against the wild and brutish forebears of Sigmar. For centuries they roared the praises of the Dark Gods over blood-splattered altars, then the world changed and their gods left them to suffer a slow and lingering decay.
Cold-hearted, cruel and mightier than any man, the Fimir are said to possess but a single baleful eye atop a pointed snout bristling with jagged fangs. Larger and more ferocious than the sorcerous Draichs, Fimir Warriors boast tails tipped with bony clubs and yellow-grey flesh that is all but immune to pain. "

Draichs au lieu de Dirachs... aux les nuls. L'aspect raider n'est pas mis en avant, seulement l'aspect civilisation disparue.

Coût : 75 pts ouch... ça fait cheros... mais voyons voir pourquoi.
Profil : Des Fimirs taille ogre M6 PV3 A3. F4 E5 I2 normal. Cd7 soit un point de plus qu'avant, c'est moyen pour représenter leur peur du soleil.
Équipement : Arme lourde et armure lourde. Pourquoi pas. Par contre mettre que la peau écailleuse 5+ et l'armure lourde donne 4+ de svg c'est une erreur de formulation car ça devrait plutôt être 3+.
Options : Échange de arme lourde contre arme supplémentaire.
Règles Spéciales :
- Scaly Skin (5+) : Pourquoi pas pour représenter leur résistance.
- Swamp Strider : heureusement
- Tail Attack (S5) : +1 Attaque caudal à Force 5 !! Ça rappel les règles classiques. Des bestiaux avec 4 attaques au final !
- Ambushers : Là c'est le truc auquel je ne m'attendais pas du tout. Pour simuler l'aspect raid ils gagne cette règle qui va en faire une unité d'embuscade top top.
- Cold Blooded : Incompréhensible quand on connait le fluff des Fimirs. M'enfin comme l'Invocateur on va dire que c'est la Quête de Mort.
- From the Mist : Le fait que ça soit un objet de sort est bien et les effets sont inspirés.

Conclusion : Avoir des gros Fimirs dans son armée c'est possible même si actuellement on ne sait pas qui y a droit. Ça donne des idées pour le reste de l'armée (avec des Fimirs de tailles normales en faisant passer ceux-là en élite). Modifié par Dreadaxe
BBCode error
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[quote name='Dreadaxe' timestamp='1329570148' post='2083404']
[quote name='Marius' timestamp='1329476785' post='2082864']
mais sinon, qu'en pensez-vous?
En tempête de magie, jouer un contingent de fimirs avec les règles WF, l'oracle et des bêtes des marais ça doit le faire non?[/quote]

Je pense que jouer des Fimirs sera expliqué avec Monstruous Arcana.
Une petite reviews des règles

[b]Historique :[/b] "Once, when all the world was fog-shrouded and dark, legend has it that the dreaded Fimir once ruled, tearing down the cities of the High Elves and struggling in bloody conflict against the wild and brutish forebears of Sigmar. For centuries they roared the praises of the Dark Gods over blood-splattered altars, then the world changed and their gods left them to suffer a slow and lingering decay.
Cold-hearted, cruel and mightier than any man, the Fimir are said to possess but a single baleful eye atop a pointed snout bristling with jagged fangs. Larger and more ferocious than the sorcerous [color="#ff0000"]Draichs[/color], Fimir Warriors boast tails tipped with bony clubs and yellow-grey flesh that is all but immune to pain. "

Draichs au lieu de Dirachs... aux les nuls. L'aspect raider n'est pas mis en avant, seulement l'aspect civilisation disparue.

[b]Coût :[/b] 75 pts ouch... ça fait cheros... mais voyons voir pourquoi.
[b]Profil : [/b]Des Fimirs taille ogre M6 PV3 A3. F4 E5 I2 normal. Cd7 soit un point de plus qu'avant, c'est moyen pour représenter leur peur du soleil.
[b]Équipement :[/b] Arme lourde et armure lourde. Pourquoi pas. Par contre mettre que la peau écailleuse 5+ et l'armure lourde donne 4+ de svg c'est une erreur de formulation car ça devrait plutôt être 3+.
[b]Options : [/b]Échange de arme lourde contre arme supplémentaire.
[b]Règles Spéciales :[/b]
- Scaly Skin (5+) : Pourquoi pas pour représenter leur résistance.
- Swamp Strider : heureusement
- Tail Attack (S5) : +1 Attaque caudal à Force 5 !! Ça rappel les règles classiques. Des bestiaux avec 4 attaques au final !
- Ambushers : Là c'est le truc auquel je ne m'attendais pas du tout. Pour simuler l'aspect raid ils gagne cette règle qui va en faire une unité d'embuscade top top.
- Cold Blooded : Incompréhensible quand on connait le fluff des Fimirs. M'enfin comme l'Invocateur on va dire que c'est la Quête de Mort.
- From the Mist : Le fait que ça soit un objet de sort est bien et les effets sont inspirés.

[b]Conclusion : [/b]Avoir des gros Fimirs dans son armée c'est possible même si actuellement on ne sait pas qui y a droit. Ça donne des idées pour le reste de l'armée (avec des Fimirs de tailles normales en faisant passer ceux-là en élite).

Ok avec toi, mais spontanément une question me vient pour les autres troupes de Fimirs (notamment tous ceux taille humaine) on garderait la règle Embuscade pour toute les troupes ?
Les autres règles me paraissent transposables...
Hâte de repartir sur un projet de supplément fimir si c'est ça qui se dessine...
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[s][quote]Équipement : Arme lourde et armure lourde. Pourquoi pas. Par contre mettre que la peau écailleuse 5+ et l'armure lourde donne 4+ de svg c'est une erreur de formulation car ça devrait plutôt être 3+.[/quote]
Effectivement, j'ai donc mis 3+ ci-dessous.
[quote]- Tail Attack (S5) : +1 Attaque caudal à Force 5 !! Ça rappel les règles classiques. Des bestiaux avec 4 attaques au final ![/quote]
Je dirais même 5 attaques contre de l'infanterie vu qu'il s'agit d'une infanterie monstrueuse (vraiment monstrueuse... :skull: ).

La traduction des règles de Forgeworld ci-dessous, les corrections linguistiques sont toujours les biens venues.

[b][size="3"]Guerriers Fimir[/size][/b]

M CC CT F E PV I A Cd Type d’Unité Taille d’Unité Points
Fimir 6 4 2 4 5 3 2 3 7 Infanterie Monstrueuse 3-12 75/fig
Noble Fimir 6 4 2 4 5 3 2 4 8 Infanterie Monstrueuse * *[/code]

Arme Lourde et Armure Lourde (elle se combine avec la peau écailleuse des Fimir pour une sauvegarde d’armue de 4+).

[*]Noble Fimir* 15 points
Promouvoir un Fimir en Noble Fimir présentant le profil indiqué ci-dessus.
[*]Deux Armes de Base Gratuit
Tous les Fimir de l’unité peuvent échanger leur arme lourde contre deux armes de base.

[b][size="2"]RÈGLES SPÉCIALES[/size]
Peau Écailleuse (6+), Guide des Marais, Attaque de Queue (F5), Embuscade, Flegme et Depuis la Brume.

Flegme[/b] : Les Fimirs lancent 3D6 pour tous leurs tests de Commandement et enlève le dé le plus élevé.

[b]Depuis la Brume
(Sort Lié, niveau de Pouvoir égal à 4+ pour une unité de 3 Fimirs ou moins, ou 3+ pour une unité plus grande que trois. Reste en jeu)[/b] :
Les Fimirs voyagent à l’intérieur de brouillard dense pour cacher leur nature bestiale, se protéger contre les rayons aveuglants du soleil et de la vue des Dieux Sombres.
Si ce sort est lancé avec succès alors toutes les attaques à distances et au corps à corps ciblant l’unité de Fimir souffrent d’un malus supplémentaire de -1 pour toucher et l’unité de Fimir peut forcer toute unité déclarant une charge contre elle à relancer les dés pour déterminer sa portée de charge.

Edit : remarques de Nekhro prisent en compte. Modifié par ilmarith
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[quote name='ilmarith' timestamp='1329660717' post='2083885'][b]Depuis la Brume
(Sort Lié, niveau de Pouvoir égal à 4+ pour une unité de 3 Fimirs ou moins, ou 3+ pour une unité plus grande que trois. Reste en jeu)[/b] :
Les Fimirs voyagent à l’intérieur de brouillard dense pour cacher leur nature bestiale, se protéger contre les rayons aveuglants du soleil et de la vue des Dieux Sombres.
Si ce sort est lancé avec succès alors toutes [color="#FF0000"][b]les attaques à distances et de mêlées[/b][/color] ciblant l’unité de Fimir souffrent d’un malus supplémentaire de -1 pour toucher et l’unité de Fimir peut forcer toute unité déclarant une charge contre elle à [color="#FF0000"][b]relancer sa distance de charge[/b][/color].[/quote]Je modifierai les deux passages en rouge comme suit :
• les attaques à distance et au corps à corps
• relancer les dés pour déterminer sa portée de charge

J’ai seulement lu rapidement le reste. Je n’ai vu aucune erreur particulière.
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Bigfourbe a dit :

Ok avec toi, mais spontanément une question me vient pour les autres troupes de Fimirs (notamment tous ceux taille humaine) on garderait la règle Embuscade pour toute les troupes ?

Je pense qu'il faut calquer les Hommes-Bêtes à ce niveau-là (même si je ne l'ai pas en tête).


Les autres règles me paraissent transposables...

Changer le nombre de figurines pour le niveau de l'objet de sort.

J'aimerais réhabiliter la stupidité, par exemple à la mort du sorcier ou bien du général.


Hâte de repartir sur un projet de supplément fimir si c'est ça qui se dessine...

Pourquoi pas ;)

ilmarith a dit :

Effectivement, j'ai donc mis 3+ ci-dessous.


Équipement : Arme lourde et armure lourde. Pourquoi pas. Par contre mettre que la peau écailleuse 5+ et l'armure lourde donne 4+ de svg c'est une erreur de formulation car ça devrait plutôt être 3+.


Je pense que c'est la formulation qui n'est pas bonne, mais pas le fait qu'ils aient 4+ d'armure totale. ;)





Modifié par Dreadaxe
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[quote]Je pense que c'est la formulation qui est pas bonne mais pas le fait qu'ils aient 4+ d'armure total. [/quote]
Je ne suis pas familier des Fimirs, je te fais confiance sur ce point.
Du coup la peau écailleuse passe à 6+. Modifié par ilmarith
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  • 4 ans après...



FIMIR SHEARL (Grey Infernal)



Dentro de la extraña raza de los Fimir, los Shearl son la casta más baja, y cumplen la función de trabajadores, sirvientes y exploradores. Su forma física es igual a la de sus congéneres, pero de más pequeño tamaño; aún así, un Shearl es tan grande como un orco negro, y es un oponente temible para la mayoría de guerreros humanos.


Los Shearl luchan agrupados en pequeñas bandas, cubiertos por la característica niebla que produce toda su raza a su alrededor. No utilizan tácticas demasiado avanzadas debido a su escasa inteligencia, pero saben utilizar su ocultación para golpear al enemigo con sus toscas mazas y hachas allí donde es más vulnerable.




Un ejército de Grey Infernal puede incluir Fimir Shearl como Unidades principales. Recomendamos montar a los Shearl en peanas cuadradas de 25mm de lado.




FIMIR SHEARL (Unidad principal, 15 puntos por miniatura)
























Oficial Shearl











Tipo de tropa: Infantería


Tamo de la unidad: 5-15


Equipo: Los Shearl están equipados con arma de mano y Armadura ligera.


Opciones: Los Shearl pueden equiparse con armas a dos manos (+4 puntos por miniatura) o armas de mano adicionales (+2 puntos por miniatura). Puedes mejorar a los Shearl para que obtengan la regla especial Vanguardia (+2 puntos por miniatura).


Grupo de mando: Puedes convertir a uno en Oficial (+10 puntos).


Reglas especiales: Hostigadores, Piel escamosa (6+), Sangre fría, Cruzar (pantanos y ciénagas), Envueltos en niebla (todos los disparos de proyectiles contra una unidad de Fimir tendrán un penalizador de -1 para impactar) .


Esbirros: Los Shearl son la casta más baja de la sociedad Fimir, y conocen perfectamente su lugar. La huida o destrucción de una unidad de Shearl nunca causa nico en otros Fimir (ni siquiera en otros Shearl). Además, todos los Fimir tienen la regla especial Presencia inspiradora, que sólo afecta a los Shearl (es decir, que los Shearl pueden usar el Liderazgo de cualquier Fimir a 12 o menos de ellos).




(La Biblioteca del Viejo Mundo)


Los Fimir son una raza anfibia que viven desde los pantanos, ciénagas y lugares parecidos del norte y oeste del  Viejo Mundo hasta las cenagosas fronteras de Catay, generalmente rodeados de nieblas antinaturales que ocultan sus guaridas.


Los Fimir, según los rumores parte Humanos y parte Demonios, habitan en pantanos, ciénagas y páramos desolados de todo el Norte y Oeste del Viejo Mundo. Son más comunes en las áreas costeras, pero pueden encontrarse en cualquier lugar húmedo y lúgubre. Sus fortalezas son, por lo general, repugnantes y escarpados montones de piedra, crudamente construidas con la apariencia de castillos humanos sobre promontorios y otras superficies rocosas, y constantemente envueltas por una niebla gruesa y retorcida; de hecho, y con frecuencia, los Fimir retocan y ocupan las ruinas de antiguas fortalezas humanas en vez de construir las suyas propias. Las comunidades Fimir están por lo general aisladas y son autosuficientes, pero algunas leyendas hablan de una capital Fimir, un gran castillo de obsidiana que se eleva en una isla rocosa rodeada de traidores arrecifes. Se desconoce su localización, pero algunos cuentos dicen que desaparece o se hunde periódicamente bajo el mar, para aparecer en cualquier  otro  lugar  de  los  mares  occidentales  del  Viejo  Mundo.

Los Fimir son criaturas de tinieblas y oscuridad, y evitan la luz brillante. Cuando viajan fuera de sus fortalezas en horas diurnas, sus nieblas siempre se mueven con ellos, protegiéndoles del sol y haciendo que sea casi imposible estimar su número.

Las comunidades Fimir están compuestas casi por completo por machos, y se dividen en cuatro castas: la más baja es la de los Shearl o esclavos, una casta de sirvientes y lacayos; la siguiente es la de los Fimm o guerreros, a la   que pertenece la mayoría de los nobles y de la cual toma su nombre la raza; después están los Dirach o amigos de los demonios, una pequeña pero poderosa casta de magos; los más temidos de todos son los Meargh o hechiceras, las reinas bruja que gobiernan las fortalezas Fimir. Las Meargh son las únicas Fimir hembra. Los Fimir realizan  con frecuencia asaltos sobre granjas y poblados humanos aislados en busca de comida y cautivos. Las Meargh son estériles y por eso los Fimir capturan mujeres Humanas, aunque su progenie es siempre Fimir de pura raza más   que de cruces. La casta de los venes Fimir es evidente desde su nacimiento; las hembras son muy raras, ya que nacen a un ritmo de qui una por siglo en una fortaleza. Cuando nace una, por lo general, se le mata, a menos que la Meargh al cargo sea vieja y esté cerca de la muerte. En estos casos, la Meargh la adoptará como hija y sucesora. Obje




Los grupos de asalto Fimir suelen consistir en cerca de una docena de Fimm y un número más o menos igual de Shearl bajo las órdenes de un joven noble. En las zonas costeras, viajan en grandes barcos negros de casco bajo. Ocasionalmente, también habrá un Dirach en el grupo de asalto, a quien el líder mostrará su deferencia. Las unidades mayores surgirán en tiempos de guerra, una Meargh tomará el campo con toda su gente en defensa de una fortaleza,  junto  con  tantos  demonios  como  hayan  podido  invocar  ella  y  los  Dirach.  Por  lo  general,  los  Fimir  parecen estar en términos amistosos con los demonios, y se rumorea que algunos de sus cautivos Humanos son empleados para comerciar con sus demoníacos aliados.

Sus armas favoritas son las grandes mazas pesadas y las hachas que deben ser asidas con las dos manos por un Humano; algunos Fimir, especialmente la nobleza, van a la batalla con una de estas armas en cada mano.

Normalmente no usan armas de proyectiles, ya que la niebla, que es su elemento natural, se lo imposibilita.



Los Fimir se visten casi al estilo de los Humanos, pero siempre dejan las piernas, los brazos y la cola desnudos. Suelen vestir cotas de malla en combate, aunque los nobles prefieren las largas capas enganchadas a los hombros con broches pesados de oro y con gemas incrustadas. El granate es, generalmente, el color favorito, ya que es el color de la sangre Humana. Los Dirach y las Meargh llevan ropajes y capas largas de tela gruesa y gris.




Los Fimir son toscamente humanoides, con grandes cuerpos en forma de barril, con cortas y poderosas piernas que terminan en pies de tres garras y brazos largos y vigorosos que casi llegan al suelo. Sus cuerpos son anchos y fuertes, con poderosos músculos ocultos bajo una capa de grasa que les da una engañosa apariencia suave. Sus cabezas son grandes y casi sin pelo, con una superficie flácida y tuberculosa y que disminuye ligeramente hacia un hocico colmilludo y sin nariz. Sólo hay un ojo sin pupila, de color blanco leche o ámbar acomodado en una posición baja de la cabeza; en lugar de orejas, en los lados del cráneo, hay dos áreas llenas de agujeros bajo la piel que actúan como caja de resonancia. Los Fimir poseen hombros anchos y encorvados y suelen medir, de media, un metro y ochenta centímetros, aunque pueden alcanzar la altura de dos metros y medio. Tienen poderosas colas de serpiente que suelen medir casi los dos metros. Sus pieles son lisas y correosas y sus colores varían desde el rosado humano a verde oliva claro.

Los Fimir encuentran la luz del sol extremadamente incómoda y al tener un solo ojo, los Fimir carecen de percepción de profundidad, y se piensa que utilizan su niebla mágica para compensar esto, juzgando la distancia de los oponentes mediante la claridad con la que los pueden ver.

Por lo general, los Fimir tienen una inteligencia baja; invariablemente utilizarán la fuerza antes que la astucia para resolver problemas. Sin embargo, los Dirach se aproximan a la inteligencia humana, mientras que las Meargh poseen una gran y terrible astucia y, por tradición, gobiernan tanto mediante el miedo como por el respeto.

La mayoría de los Fimir pueden vivir alrededor de los 200 años. Los Dirach viven el doble de esa edad, y las Meargh son casi inmortales; las edades que exceden los 2000 años no son raras.



Descripción física por castas

                                                Shearl: Los Esclavos se distinguen por su constitución ligeramente más pequeña y sus colas lisas

                                                Fimm: Los Guerreros tienen colas con una fila de bultos huesudos encumbrada por una carnosidad de hueso que parece una maza pesada. Los nobles tienen una cola llena de pinchos con un filo parecido al de un destral al final. El número de pinchos y el tamaño de la cola cuchilla es fuente de gran orgullo

                                                Dirach: Los Magos tienen la cabeza ligeramente más estrecha con uno o dos cuernos saliendo de la parte de arriba o de los lados. Sus colas son lisas.

                                                Meargh: Las Reinas Bruja se distinguen por que us cabezas están cubiertas de pelo grasiento y lacio ue, por lo general, es de color verde oscuro o negro azulado. Frecuentemente poseen cuernos, aunque son más pequeños que los de los Dirach. Su piel está muy arrugada, lo que indica la avanzada edad que pueden alcanzar. Al igual que la de los Dirach, sus colas son lisas.


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  • 5 ans après...
Le 15/02/2012 à 18:51, Dreadaxe a dit :

Heu les Zoats n'ont rien à voir avec les Fimirs !


Je reviens un peu sur cette remarque d'il y a 10 ans. Les 2 créatures n'ont de commun que le fait qu'elles ont été créées approximativement la même semaine ou le même mois. Ceci étant l'aspect créature reptilienne qui trop couple les 2 afin de sorte que de nombreux fans les rapprochent. On voit même des fans mettent des Zoats dans des armées d'hommes-lézards… Alors même si les Zoats ne sont pas à ma connaissance en Lustrie on pourrait imaginer qu'ils ont eu des relations avec les Anciens. C'est du moins ce qu'a imaginé par Robin Low dans un article du prozine WFRP Warpstone #29. Il est même allé jusqu'à proposer que la masse Zoat soit une arme spéciale pour annihiler la malepierre… Et c'est là que la boucle est bouclée, car comme la malepierre est quelque chose qui adoré des Skavens et que les Fimirs n'aiment pas vraiment les Skavens et bien du coup tu es l'ennemi de mon ennemi donc tu es potentiellement un allié. Voilà c'est du fanmade mais ça valait un up.

Modifié par Dreadaxe
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Marek développe une liste Fimir pour Warmaster, je crossposte ici ce que j'ai pu écrire là-bas.




Rapidement Wink

Concernant les armées
White Dwarf Fr #127 (UK #302) dans l'article l'Empire Souterrain d'Anthony Reynold, à propos de Marienburg :
“[Les légendes] disent également qu'une menace émergea un jour des marécages. Les clans [skavens] s'unirent pour affronter cet ennemi commun, sans succès. La véritable identité de cet adversaire a été perdue depuis longtemps dans l'abîme du temps, mais les légendes parlent de créatures d'apparence démoniaque et n'ayant qu'un seul œil, qui auraient été des manifestations des marais eux-mêmes. Elles étaient capables de contrôler les brouillards et les animaux qui vivaient au milieu de la fange. Les combats firent rage pendant des décennies et décimèrent aussi bien les skavens que leurs mystérieux adversaires, jusqu'à ce qu'il n'y ait plus le moindre survivant d'un côté comme de l'autre. Les marienburgers ont peur des marécages et ne s'y aventurent qu'en dernière extrémité. De nombreuses rumeurs courent sur des démons et des diables qui hantent les Marais Maudits et dévorent tous ceux qu'ils attrapent. Le clan Scruten tire profit de ces croyances, il est d'ailleurs probablement à l'origine de bon nombre d'entre elles, même s'il est impossible d'affirmer qu'il n'y a pas d'autre mal tapi en ce lieu sinistre… ”
Note : Cette histoire existait plus ou moins comme ceci dans le supplément Marienburg pour WJRF1 et Anthony Reynold l'a repris dans son article sur les Skavens. Grâce à ce texte, Anthony Reynold officialise l'un des “délires” d'Anthony Ragnan auteur du supplément Marienburg car cette légende de guerre Fimir contre Skaven était un ajout par rapport aux anciens articles d'origine White Dwarf sur Marienburg. Reste que cette idée de guerre entre les Skavens et les Fimirs est maintenant bien ancrée.

Il n'y a pas de possibilité de perdre la brume et de rendre l'armée très confuse avec une chaîne de commandement par exemple assez faible, bref la "stupidité" quoi.

Pour moi l'alliance entre les Boglars et les Fimirs est anecdotique. Tant pis, pas de tir. Ou bien unité de Fimir avec des javelots ?

Démons des marais, je vois davantage ça comme des nuées plutôt que par un démon qui peut voler. Ceci étant dit cette figurine pour mon armée 28 mm me fait de l'œil cyclopéen pour représenter des unités type harpies

Oublie les Trolls d'Eau/des Marais. Rajoute plutôt des Daemon-Fimm en gros des Fimirs mutés par le démon.

Shearls pour représenter les Fimirs de taille orque pourquoi pas, d'autres l'ont fait. Personnellement, je préfère dire que ce sont des Guerriers Fimms et ceux taille Ogre des Guerriers Fimmbolgs (J'ai même vu certains les nommer Bibbic Fimm pour marque l'erreur de Nick Bibby).

Rôdeurs des Brumes deviendraient des Rôde-Brumes/Rôdebrumes Fimmbolgs pour garder cette logique.

Pour les sorts, on avait obtenu ça à une époque. Pour moi l'Horreur Noire d'Arnizipalce n'est pas vraiment quelque chose de très lié au Fimir

Voilà en bonus, une restauration par IA d'une illu de Pete Knifton pour le supplément WJRF1 L'Agonie du Jour. C'est marrant parce que Pete ne se souvient même plus avoir réalisé cette illustration et comme un disque dur avec les données de l'éditeur Hogshead a claqué, l'illustration originale reste introuvable.

Liste d'armée de Fimirs GJNKmNx



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