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Tales from the dark City.

Invité Arlequin

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Invité Arlequin

Bonsoir a vous, mes freres.

Au hasard de mes perigrinations sur internet, je suis tombé sur un jeu amateur des plus surprenants.

Tales of the Dark City.

Basé sur le systeme de jeu de Necromunda, il permet au joueurs d'incarner un gang issus de differentes cabales qui s'affrontent dans des luttes a mort au coeur de la citée sombre des Eldars noirs: Commoragh...

Malheuresement le projet reste inabouti et semble avoir été abandonné, la derniere news remontant a aout 2004.

Raison de plus pour poursuivre ce travail, si suffisemment de personnes sont interessées, nous pourrions commencer une traduction et acheverce qui a été commencé.

Rendez vous sur Necromunda reference.

Modifié par Arlequin
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Note qu'un jeu similaire avait été fait il y a bien longtemps et parus sur portent, dans les articles 40k...

Bon c'était bien plus vieux, et n'utilisait pas exactement le système de necromunda, mais restait des plus sympas avec les différents particularismes des grandes cabales, cultes & co...

Vraiment bon.

Enfin bon, pour finir ça, va falloir une quantité de boulot monstre, les seules parties complètes étant le plus évident.


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Invité Arlequin

Hail a vous, me revoila...

J'ai fouillé la toile a la recherche de la version complete de Tales from the Dark City avant de trouver un internaute portugais qui disait posséder le rulebook en version compete, je me suis bien sur empressé de lui demander de me l'envoyer, et me voila.

Voici pour vous, mes freres Necromudiens, la version integrale (anglophone) de "Commoragh: Tales from the Dark City".


Welcome Sybarite to Commorragh, the dark city - home of the Dark Eldar. What can one say of Commorragh? It’s the embodiment of anarchy and terror. It is fear, hatred and desperation incarnate. The air is filled with the screams of the weak and the cruel laughter of the strong. Its twisted architecture looms out, over-hangs, twists and towers in maddening ways. It’s beyond comprehension, a city every bit as twisted and predatorily as its occupants.

Power is held by the great Kabels who rule with an iron grip of fear over their followers. The Dark Eldar prey upon each other as much as their captives. Within the twisting alleys and shrouded doorways, allegiance is secondary to martial skill. Running battles are fought constantly between the different Kabel warriors. As every up and coming Sybarite tries to make a name for himself within his Kabel. The path is long and treacherous - for every Sybarite that makes it to the power of an Archon, a hundred more fall to the blades of Assassins, rivals and even their most trusted followers. There is no attempt to hide their nature, the Dark Eldar glorify treachery, betrayal, assassination, murder and double dealing - it’s all a way of life to them.

Life is worthless in the Dark City, only pain, misery, and death have value. Only one thing is worth more - power over these values. Those that hold this power at the moment are weak and do not deserve to rule. Your time is now. Succeed or die - step wisely Sybarite.

Dare you enter the Dark City? For once you step upon its streets their is only one escape...

The Kabels of the Dark Eldar...

The Dark Eldar thrive on domination and power. The Lords of the Dark Eldar formed Kabels to hold together dominions and expand their power bases. Every Dark Eldar is a member of a Kabel with the exception of the bloodthirsty Wyches and the mysterious Incubi.

There are many Kabels within of the Dark City; the most powerful and important are listed below. Choose wisely Sybarite for each one has its own advantages and individual styles.

The Bloodied Claw

The Kabal of the Bloodied Claw is renowned for their savagery in battle only surpassed by the Wych Kults. Their domain is on outskirts Commorragh near the warp wastes of the Webway and is not very rich in resources. Bloodied Claw warriors are constantly raiding the other Kabels for raw materials and slaves.

The Dark Eldar of the Kabel often form hunting parties and go out into the wastes to bring back the creatures that live there to fight in their arenas. This is seen as a right of passage amongst the Kabels warriors. The Bloodied Claw Kabel colours are blood red and of all the Kabels they seemed more preoccupied with physique and proving their hardiness. Or they would of overrun a younger, more resource rich Kabel millennia ago.

The Venomed Blade

The youngest of all the Kabels, the follows of the Venomed blade are mysterious and consider themselves masters at stealth and assassination. Indeed their Kabel spawns more Mandrakes than any other. The Dark Eldar of the Venom blade are considered more treacherous and backstabbing. Many of their weapons and blades are poisoned and they prefer to strike from the shadows unseen.

The colours of the Kabel are black and gold; many of their members never take off their helmets and those that do wear masks covering their faces.

The Rending Talon

Another one of the younger Kabels, it is different as Matriarch rules the house and females hold almost all the Kabals positions of power. Although it is common to see many Kabels have females in positions of power. The few males within the Kabel of the Rending Talon seem to be subordinate and lack the usual ambition observed in the Dark Eldar.

The Kabels colours house colour is purple and their territory borders along that of the Bloodied Claw and is subject to there constant marauding. After millennia of fighting the two Kabels hate each other even more than is observed as normal between Dark Eldar.

The All-Seeing Eye

The second oldest Kabel in Commorragh and the wisest of the Dark Eldar. Followers of the All-Seeing Eye are forward planners wanting to manipulate others than take action themselves. It’s no coincidence that the Lord of the Kabel has sat on his throne almost as long Asdrubael Vect - Lord of the Black Hearts.

There preference is for ranged combat where they are able to manipulate the actions of their foes easier. Their Kabel colour is deep blue and dark red. Their territories contain many of the weapon factories in Commorragh and the Kabels warriors are more technically minded and pay attention to even the smallest details than there more flighty cousins.

The Poisoned Fang

The youngest and unstable of all the Dark Eldar Kabels in Commorragh they are known as upstarts and usurpers. The first Lord of the Kabel started his climb to power after leading a bloody coup against the Lord of the Daemon Hearts only a millennia ago. Since then the Lordship of this Kabel has changed hands over a three dozen times in the past 1000 years. Their power base is the vast Space fleet that they control and all the resources that it brings them.

Their position is looked on with envious eyes by other Kabels and they have many blood enemies amongst the All-Seeing Eye and the Black Hearts. The colours of this Kabel are Silver and Black. Due to their lack of numbers, Warriors of the Poisoned Fang have been known to arm and use Slaves in their Raiding parties - given the promise of freedom and better privileges the Slaves fight with a desperate savagery. Again this angers the older Dark Eldar that they dare arm the foul Mon-keigh let alone use them against other Dark Eldar - better they fight in the arenas for sport than on the streets of the Dark City.

The Black Heart

The oldest Kabel in Commorragh, in fact some say their Lord Asbrubeal Vect founded the Dark City by transporting his temple and followers to Webway first. It was his Haemonculi that found a way to stave off the 'She Who Thirsts'. The Black Heart is arrogant and proud even by other Dark Eldar standards. They are also more cruel and twisted; they prefer not to kill their opponents, but to prolong their torture in the arenas and mining pits around their domain. There is a greater amount of Haemonculi in this Kabel always willing to acquire more materials for their experiments. The Black Heart has no preferred method of fighting and they disdain the use of Mon-keigh slaves to fight for them. They have a deep hatred of the Poisoned Fang who they see as usurpers, and they take every opportunity to raid their territories and despoil their Slave caravans.

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Invité Arlequin

Raiders in the Dark City...

Commorragh is a dangerous place where even its denizens the Dark Eldar travel together in groups. These groups form Raiding parties under the leadership of an aspiring Sybarite - prey upon the resources of others. Those who join these Raiders are always from the same Kabel.

A Dark Eldar sense of loyalty is based upon his Kabel and to a certain extent this gives him his identity.It has long been the tradition in Dark City that the strong prey upon the weak. Parties of Raiders constantly fight skirmishes over the precious resources of the Dark city for their Kabel. For the Sybarite this is his first step upon the road to ultimate power as he gathers a band of Raiders around him. It is here that his power base will grow as he captures resources for his Kabel, expands his own private domain and gathers more Raiders to his banner.

Few Raiding parties have more than twenty members and most have fewer than a dozen. Of this some will be fully fledged Raiders, warriors of experience who know how to look after themselves on the Kabels borders and frontiers. Others may be young Aspirants out to prove their mettle or even Mon-keigh slaves to carry the Raiders booty and dig in the Raiders mining pits.

Sybarites can even hire the services of the bloodthirsty Wyches from the arenas of the City or a shadowy Mandrake. If a Sybarite can gather enough together enough souls he might even try to buy the services of a mysterious and dreaded Incubi warrior.

Now choose your Raiding party wisely Sybarite for its in the twisted alley ways of the Dark city that your fate will be ultimately decided.

Creating a Raiding Party...

Before you are ready to play Tales from the Dark City you need to start a Raiding party. You will find the Dark Eldar plastic warriors are perfect for this and if you get a box set you should have enough to start to Raiding parties from rival Kabels. The Dark Eldar miniatures have plenty of scope for conversion so adding to your gang or boosting its firepower should not cause too much hardship.

A Raiding party can be any size from three models upwards. Use the lists on the next page as it explains how to recruit and equip your different Raiders.

To begin with you have 1000 Souls (the currency of choice in Commorragh) which to recruit your Raiders. You'll need a piece of paper to write down the details of your Raiding party (I suggest using a photocopy of the Roster in the Necromunda skirmish rulebook). The Roster is a record of your Raiding party and is useful to keep by you when you play. During a skirmish you will find it handy to make notes on the Roster - recording exploits, flesh wounds, exploding weapons. Also don't forget to name your Raiding Party.

You will also notice on your Roster a space to keep track of your Territories. When playing a Tales from the Dark City campaign each Raiding party has it’s own territory that represents resources, contacts and even property owned by the Raiders. As you fight more games you will win more territories and maybe even lose a few to your enemy. Your territories are important as it’s from them you generate the funds that you can spend on hiring new Raiders, buying weapons or trading for exotic items.

Good luck Sybarite, choose your Raiders well for they will be the key to obtaining ultimate power...


Recruiting Raiders...

The following list is used to recruit and equip your Raiding party. To start with you have 1000 souls with which you must recruit at least three fighters including the Sybarite. Any unused souls are added to the Raiders stash and can be used later on or hoarded to buy something more expensive.

The weapons you choose for your Raiders must follow the What You See Is What You Get rule. With exception of blades and grenades, which you may assume are tucked inside their clothing, and pistols contained in holsters can be assumed to represent any type of pistol. It's a good idea to decide what your Raiders will be armed with before you assemble them.

Choosing your Raiding Party...

You have 1000 souls to spend on recruiting and arming your Raiders within the following guidelines.

Minimum 3 Raiders - A Raiding party must have at least three models

Sybarite - Your Raiding party must have one Sybarite - no more, no less!

Slave Master - Your Raiding party may have one Slave Master

Raiders - You can include as many Raiders as you can afford

Reapers - A Raiding party may not have anymore than two Reapers at one time

Aspirants - No more than half the Raiding party can made up of Aspirants

Mon-keigh Slaves - You can have a maximum of five slaves if you have a Slave Master

Knives - All Raiders (with the exception of the Mon-keigh slaves) are assumed to be carrying a blade even if the Miniature doesn't have one.

Sybarite - Cost to recruit 120 souls








A 1


All Raiding parties are lead by a Sybarite who is determined to make a name for himself within his Kabel. A Sybarite is as ruthless and cruel as the Dark City itself. He keeps the Raiders in line, decides when to fight, when to recruit new Raiders and how to spend the Raiders stash.

Weapons: A Sybarite may be armed with weapons choosen from the Hand-to-hand, pistols, basic, assault and grenades list

Special Rules: A Sybarite does not need the support of the rest of his Raiders to fight on his own. He always counts as having a friend within 2", regardless of whether this is the case or not. This means he can always test to avoid being pinned in place.

Any Raider within 6" of the leader may use the leadership of the Sybarite when taking a leadership test. This applies so long as the leader isn't down or pinned himself.

Slave Master - Cost to recruit 80 souls








A 1


Raiding parties can include a Slave Master. He is in charge of any slaves in the Raiding party and any prisoners the Raiders may capture.

Weapons: A Slave Master may be armed with weapons choosen from the Hand-to-hand, pistols, basic and grenades listSpecial Rules: You may take up to five Slaves.

Special Rules: Like the Sybarite the Slave Master does not need the support of the rest of his Raiders to fight on his own. He always counts as having a friend within 2", regardless of whether this is the case or not. This means he can always test to avoid being pinned in place.

Any Slave within 8" of the Slave must use the leadership of the Slave Master when taking a leadership test. This applies so long as the Slave Master isn't down or broken himself. If the Slave Master is broken or pinned and the Slave is not within 4" of another Dark Eldar, then the Slave must take a leadership test each turn or count as pinned.

Also any captured prisoners can be put to work in the mining pits - adding to the Raider income as long as you have a Slave Master in your Raiding party.


Raiders - Cost to recruit 50 souls








A 1


Raiders make up the bulk of a party - they are dependable and experienced fighters. Raiders can be found all over the Kabels frontier territories ready to join a Raiding party to further there own ambitions.

Weapons: A Raider may be armed with weapons choosen from the Hand-to-hand, pistols, basic and grenades list


Reapers - Cost to recruit 60 souls








A 1


Reapers are normally the more technically competent than other Dark Eldar Raiders and often a smart Sybarite will equip them an assault or heavy weapon.

Weapons: A Raider may be armed with weapons choosen from the Hand-to-hand, pistols, assault, heavy weapons and grenade list


Aspirants - Cost to recruit 30 souls








A 1


Aspirants can be found hanging around the frontier territories. They are eager to join a Raiding party and become fully fledged Raiders. They are poor fighters and viewed as little more than cannon fodder by most Sybarites. In time though if they survive long enough they become valuable warriors and a potential threat to the Sybarites power.

Weapons: An Aspirant may be armed with weapons choosen from the Hand-to-hand and pistols list

Mon-keigh Slaves - Cost to recruit 6 souls








A 4


Many Sybarites buy Slaves to do all the Raiding parties manaul labour and to use as cannon fodder. They carry the Raiders booty, dig in the mining pits and fight in the arenas for their masters. There lives are normally mercifully short.

Weapons: No Sybarite in there right mind would arm a Slaves with a projectile weapon*.

* With the exception of the Poisoned Fang Raiders who can arm their Slaves with Carters from the pistol list if the Sybarite wishes.

Special Rules: Slaves are not known for their bravery as their spirits are broken and general are not trusted by their Dark Eldar Masters. Any Slaves not within 8" of the Slave Master or within 4" of another Dark Eldar has to take a leadership test each turn or count as pinned. Note, the Slave Master or Dark Eldar must not be pinned or broken for the control range to count.

Raiders Weapon list...

Each Raider you recruit can be armed with one or more of the weapons listed below. Different types of Raiders are restricted to different types of weapons, Aspirants - for example can only have hand-to-hand weapons and pistols.

A Reaper can carry only one heavy or assault weapon - eg he can carry a Splinter cannon or Barb cannon, but not both. He can have any other weapons. The miniature is always assumed to be using the weapon depicted in his hands unless the player declares otherwise.

Remember the WYSIWYG rule. If the miniatures does not have the weapon on it then you cannot use it. A Raider can carry grenades even if the model does not actually have them include them, as they are assumed to be stowed inside pockets, pouches and belts. The cost is the price that equipes the model with a supply of grenades - not the cost of a single grenade. Once equipped with grenades a Raider may use them in every battle.


These are the weapons designed to be used purely at close quarters such as swords, fighting claws, axes and even crude clubs. Such weapons cannot be used for shooting but only in hand-to-hand combat.

# weapons marked with this symbol can only be used by Slave Masters

* weapons marked with this symbol can only be used by Raiders, not Mon-Keighs





Club, maul or bludgeon*


Chain or Flail




Fighting Claw*

15 each












Pistols are small hand-held guns which can be used at close quarters or at longer range. A Raider can shoot with a pistol or use it in hand-to-hand combat. With the exception of the Bolas which is a ranged weapon only

* weapons marked with this symbol can be used by Slaves

Carter Pistol*


Barb Pistol




Splinter Pistol


Basic Weapons

Basic weapons are larger heavier guns generally carried and fired with two hands. You can shoot in the shooting phase with such a weapon but unless its designed to its to bulky to use in hand-to-hand combat.

Barb Rifle


Repeater Crossbow


Splinter Rifle


Assault Weapons

Assault weapons are complex temperamental weapons which require specialist knowledge to operate. Otherwise they are the same as basic weapons and are generally need in two hands to operate.

Barb Cannon




Fire Thrower




Heavy Weapons

Heavy weapons are even larger and more heavy than basic or even assault weapons. They are generally more powerful and have a longer effective range. A heavy weapon though is so cumbersome and bulky that a fighter cannot move and shoot with it in the same turn. Also in hand-to-hand combat carrying a heavy weapon is also a disadvantage and the Reaper carrying it suffers a penalty.

Dark Lance




Fire Lance


Splinter Cannon



Commorragh is dangerous place to live, with sudden death and no second chances lurking in its dark shadows. Sometimes martial skill and split second reactions are not enough. This is why the wise Sybarite and some of his followers invest in Armour to protect them from the unexpected.








Grenades can be carried within a bag, pouch or even belt by any Raider who knows how to use them. Even if the miniature does not include them. A grenade may be thrown instead of shooting another weapon. Your purchase is to equip your Raider with a supply of them. Once that supply is brought the Raider will always be able to use them. Even if he runs out of them during a skirmish he can replenish his supply back the Raiders base camp.

Splinter grenade


Plasmas grenade


Recruitment Complete ...

Once recruited and armed your Raiding party they are ready to embark upon it's struggle to ultimate power. When you recruit your first party of Raiders it's a good idea to get stuck in against another 'raw' Raiding party to get used to some of the new rules in the Tales from the Dark City. Also it gives you chance to learn how your Raiders perform in action before you try out the campaign section.

Now get playing everything you need to know for a basic game of Tales from the Dark City has been included in the last few pages. The new weapon information is included in the Armoury section that follows. The important part of the Tales from the Dark City is on the pages that follow.

Good luck Sybarite

Modifié par Arlequin
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Invité Arlequin

The Armoury

This section describes the different weapons which the Raiders of Commorragh carry in addition to other equipment such as armour and gunsights. As well as the more common place weapons and easily obtained items of equipment there are many more unusual weapons or rare devices carried by the more successful and richer Raiding parties.

Hand-to-hand weapons

Hand to hand weapons include the primitive weapons such as knives, swords and clubs and more advanced weaponary such as power weapons and the deadly agonisor. These weapons cannot be used to shoot, they are exclusively for hand-to-hand fighting only. All Raiders carry a knife or blade in addition to any other weapon they carry tucked into their clothing or boot.


Every Raider carries a blade of some type, built from very lightweight materials with edges honed to a mono-molecular edge. There appearences cab be from long bladed close combat knife to the deadly double edged crescent blade.

Short Range-

Long Range-

To Hit Short-

To Hit Long-

Strength User


Save Modifier--

Ammo Roll-

Special -


Some Raiders prefer the danger of fighting close quarters. They often go in battle carry a pistol and longer combat blade that can only be described as sword.

Special Rule

Parry - Raiders with swords are able to parry as described in the Necromunda close combat rules.

Short Range-

Long Range-

To Hit Short-

To Hit Long-



Save Modifier-

Ammo Roll-

Special Parry

Club, Maul or Bludgeon

A simple primitive weapon often used by Slaves or the more blood thirsty Dark Eldar who care little about finesse. This type of weapon comprises crude clubs, metal bars, murderous hammers or axes. They can be used with one hand leaving the other free to carry a pistol or another close combat weapon.

Short Range-

Long Range-

To Hit Short-

To Hit Long-

StrengthUser +1


Save Modifier-

Ammo Roll-

Special -

Chain or Flail

Another primitive weapon which is popular amongst Slaves who are pressed into service along the Kabels frontiers. It is basically a pieces of chain with a metal bar attached to it. Its a dangerous weapon to use and fight against.

Special Rule

Parry - You cannot parry against a fighter using a chain or flail Fumble - Because the weapon is so clumsy and fumbles rolled in hand-to-hand combat count double - so every 1 rolled addes +2 to your opponents combat score

Short Range-

Long Range-

To Hit Short-

To Hit Long-

Strength User +1


Save Modifier-

Ammo Roll-

Special Parry


The Razorsword is a deadly weapon, along the length of its blade are hundreds of buzzing mono-molecular teeth all. A weilder of a Razorsword can cut through plasteel is enough force is applied behind the blow. Its an expensive weapon and favoured amongst the up and coming Sybrites.

Special Rule

Parry - Raiders with Razorswords are able to parry as described in the Necromunda close combat rules

Short Range-

Long Range-

To Hit Short-

To Hit Long-



Save Modifier-1

Ammo Roll-

Special Parry

Fighting Claws

Only the most skilled and savage of Raiders use fighting claws. These deadly weapons can be used on their own or as a set and are usually mounted on armoured vambraces on the Raiders wrists. The advantage of using fighting claws is it leaves the Raiders hands free to use a pistol weapons for ranged combat.

Special Rule

Parry - Raiders with a fighting claw are able to parry a blow as described in the Necromunda close combat rules. If the Raider has a set of fighting claws then he can parry two blows.

Short Range-

Long Range-

To Hit Short-

To Hit Long-

Strength User


Save Modifier-

Ammo Roll-

Special Parry

Power Weapon

Power weapons have sophisticated disruptor generators built into them adding a powerful discharge of energy to any blow landed with one.

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll






User +2






The Punisher is a heavy bladed glavie that requires two hands to use. Its also a Power weapon which just adds to its destructive capabilities. Its the weapon of choice amongst the mysterious Incubi and has found its way into the Kabels frontier territories amongst the more combat savvy Raiders.

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll






User +3






The ultimate symbol of power amongst Raiders - an Agonisor is a vicious close combat weapon. When weilded in battle they are covered with a shimmering crackling energy. This energy affects a victims nervous system, causing severe pain that can disable and even kill the largest of opponents. They come a wide variety of shapes from whips to barbed guantlets.

Special Rule

Always Wound - A Raider armed with an Agonisor will always wound on a 4+ regardless of the opponents toughness

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll












One of the more exotic weapons that a Raiding party can get its hands on. Scissorhands are a favoured weapons of Haemonculus as they prefer to paralyse there opponent rather than kill them. Keeping them alive for further study. The weapon is guantlet shaped with each finger ending with a sharp edge that goes down the the molecular level needle.

Special Rule

Poisonblade - If a Raider armed with Scissorhands wounds his opponent - then the Raiders opponent must roll under his toughness or lose a point of toughness. He must do this on this and each subsquent turn the game continues. This represents the poison from the Scissorhands coarsing through his body. If the charateristic is reduced to 0 the Raider is automatically out of action.

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll












A favoured weapon amongst the Slave Masters of Raiding parties. Often they are a symbol of office and you can tell how important a Slave Master is by how lavishishly decorated his whip is. Slave Masters are also expects at using their whips to cow and distract potential victims and lashing newly cowed slaves into the mining pits.

Special Rule

Distracts Enemy - A Raider fighting an opponent armed with a whip suffers a -1 penality to their WS

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll












A Mancatcher is a pole, usually as tall as an Ork, with a pair pincer like jaws. The jaws are spring loaded and the Slave Master snaps them shut around the victims neck in hand to hand combat. He can then use the pole to drive his victim to the ground or just snap there neck.

Special Rule

Captures Victims - If a Slave Master takes a Slave or Raider out of action in hand-to-hand combat using the Mancatcher no serious injury roll is made. Instead the model is automatically captured at the end of the game.

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll












Nets are strung together from filment wire and are heavily weighted. The sharpness of the filment wire prevents the victim from escaping.

Special Rule

Entangled - A Slave Master can choose to use his net in Hand-to-hand combat to entangle his victim. He must hit his opponent before the net can take effect. But if he does his victim is entangled in the net and cannot make any further attacks. On a roll of a 6 in any turn the victim can free himself - if he fails to free himself before the end of the game and his on Raiding party has bottled out then the victim is captured.

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll












A primitive weapon mainly used in the arenas and fighting pits of Commoragh. It gives the advantage of reach and is fairly harmless weapon arm your Slaves with.

Special Rule

+1 Initiative - Models equiped with a Spear can add +1 to their initiative in hand-to-hand combat..

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll












With a halberd you can chop like an axe or stab like a spear. Its heavy blade needs two hands to control but adds a lot of weight to the blow.

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll






User +1






Hydra-Knives are a series of blades fashioned around a handle so you can strike on the upper cut of the blow and on the down strike as well. Effectively doubling your attacks. They are very popular amongst the Wych caste and are mainly seen in the Commoraghs arenas

Special Rule

Double Attacks - A Model armed with Hydra-knives may double his attacks. - Because the weapon is hard to use and lots of training is needed to use the knives all fumbles rolled in hand-to-hand combat count double - so every 1 rolled addes +2 to your opponents combat score

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll












A Falchion is a heavy bladed single edged sword designed for cutting and extreme close quarter fighting. Its a favoured weapon of the Bloodied Claw and amongst the Wych Kults as well. Its lack of finesee and balence means most of the fancier sword play is lost when using the blade.

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll












Pistols are small hand-held weapons that are especially useful for close ranged fire fights and hand-to-hand fighting. Their lightness means they are easy to aim and fire, though at longer ranges their lack of stability and power means they are inaccuarate.

Barb Pistol

The Barb pistol is a heavier version of the Splinter pistol with a wider barrel and ammo magazine built into the guns handle. It fires heavy barbs that explode on contact with their target. It has a slow reload rate and it ammunition is expensive to acquire. Also the pistol requires almost constant maintence and spares are hard to come by.

Despite its drawbacks the Barb pistol is a highly favoured weapon amongst Raiders as its more deadly and far more obvious than an Splinter pistol, it makes the ideal side arm for a Sybarite keen to impress his rivils

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll











Carter Pistol - The Carter

The Carter is a primtive hand gun sometimes employed by Slaves if their master are foolish enough to arm them in that manner. Its named after Carter Daily the first Slave to lead an armed revolt in Commorrgh. He and several hundred Slaves manufactured these reliable and simple to maintain weapons in the Kabel machine shops. Before successfully taking a Bloodied Claw Temple and holding it for several days. Carter was never captured and it was assumed that he died when the Bloodied Claw collapsed the temple on top of the Slaves. The Carter is recognisable as a revolver of the kind used in the 20th Century - although it commonly has a small magazine of 5 solid bullets and the fighter carrying it has to have plenty of ammunition in an extended fire fight.

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll











Splinter Pistol

The Splinter pistol is the common side arm in Comorragh and is manufacted in vast quanties in the weapon shops of the Kabel. The pistol may not be the most powerful but it is certainley the most reliable. Its splinter pod will last for number of hard fought fire fights and ammunition is easy to come by. Many more experiences Raiders prefer the Splinter pistol over the more powerful weapon for these very reasons

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll












The Stinger is a special type of gun mainly used by the cities Haemonculi. As with most weapons it has found its way onto the Kabel frontier territories and into the hands of the Raiding parties who constantly fight skirmishes along the borders. It fires a dart of virulent poison that can take a Raider out of action. Its a very rare and expensive weapon its cheif advvantage is its silent and a favoured weapon amongst assassins.

Special Rule

Toxic Dart - No rolling to wound is required when shooting the Stinger; if the target is hit by then the poison will automatically infict 1 wound. Armour saves may be taken as normal.

Injuries - A target suffering his final wound from a toxic dart does not roll on the standard Injury chart instead roll on the chart below with the injury is inflicted and in subsquent recovery phases


1-2 No effect - the target may fight on as if he'd only suffered a flesh wound

3-4 Sedated - the target shrugs off the full effect and only counts as down

5 Comatose - The target is knocked out and falls to the ground. The target cannot move at all

6 Out of Action - The target slumps lifelessly to te ground - he could be dead or barely living. Remove the model as you would for any out of action casualty

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll











Shuriken Pistol

The Shuriken pistol is a rare weapon on the streets of Commorragh as its a common weapon of the Dark Eldar hated cousins the Craftworld Eldar. These weapons do turn up in Kabel armouries when captives are taken in the Dark Eldar's constant raiding on their 'inferior' cousins. And occasionally a Sybarite will come by one in a trading session or by chance even on the frontiers. The parts and ammunition for this weapon are also extremely rare. Furthermore most of the ammunition manufactured for it is local and is often very unreliable. This though does not put off Sybarites who see owning a Shuriken pistol as a symbol of power. The weapon itself although short ranged is deadly. It fires spinning disks which can slice through flesh or bone with ease.

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll











Fusion Pistol

A Fusion pistol fires superheated microwaves that case havoc on flesh and metal alike. The biggest disadvantage is a Fusion pistol takes a relatively long time to recharge between shots. Also its a difficuly weapon to maintain on the frontier.

Special Rule

Recharge - A Fusion pistol takes one full turn to recharge between shots

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll












Bolas is a long flail with weights at either end so when its thrown it wraps around the target hopefully stopping it in its tracks. Bolas are hard to use as a mistake can easily knock out the user out. They are another weapon that is popular with Slave Masters and they carry a supply of several Bolas at once.

Special Rule

Dangerous - If you roll a 1 to hit when using the Bola's the user take an automatic S3 hit.

Entangles - A Raider who is hit by a Bola isn't hurt but will become entangled. An entangled Raider cannot move and suffers -2WS if attacked in hand-to-hand, he may still shot as normal. An entangled Raider can try to free himself on a D6 roll of 4,5 or 6 at the end of its turn.

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll











Basic Weapons

This covers weapons designed to be carried and used with two hands like an rifle. These comprise some of the most common and effective weapons available to a Raider.

Splinter Rifle

Splinter rifles are manufactured in vast quantities in the weapon shops of Commorrgh. Its a reliable rifle with ammunition readily available for it. Its also very robust and take a large amount of abuse, it comes with a scythe like blade on the handle and on the barrel itself - experienced fighters can take advantage of these blades and weild the rifle like it is a poleaxe.

Special Rule

Parry - Raiders with Splinter rifles are able to parry as described in the Necromunda close combat rules.

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll











Barb Rifle

The Barb rifle is a large version of the pistol, its barrel is wider and has a drum feed ammo magazine. It fires heavy barbs that explode on contact with their target. It has a slow reload rate and it ammunition is expensive to acquire. Also the rifle requires almost constant maintence and spares are hard to come by. Despite its drawbacks the Barb rifle is a highly favoured weapon amongst Raiders who want to make a lasting impression

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll











Shuriken Catapult

This weapon is almost unique to the Dark Eldars more inferiour Cousins 'Craftworld Eldar' The technology is extremly advanced and hard for even the Dark Eldar to replicate. Lucky Sybrites come by this weapon in trading sessions or by pure chance. Sometimes A Shuriken Catapult is liberated from the Kabels armouries and finds its way down onto the frontier - however a Sybarite comes by one it is seen as a symbol of power.

Special Rule

Sustained Fire - Shuriken Catapults are capable of sustained fire and may use one Sustained fire dice.

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll











Repeater Crossbow

This weapon is almost unique to the Dark Eldars and is a throwback to a more primitive or sporting time. It is normally a weapon used by Dark Eldar Lords out in the Warp wastes when hunting Warp beasts for sport. It has however been used by Raiders on the Frontiers as well. Its silent operation makes it a favourate with assassins who do not mind its very slow reload rate.

Special Rule

Mulitple shots - A Repeater Crossbow fires 3 shots at once all of which must be aimed at the same target and rolled seperatley to hit and wound.

Slow Reload - Repeater Crossbows take one full turn to reload after being fired.

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll










Assault Weapons

Assault weapons are complex temperamental weapons which require specialist knowledge to operate. For this reason not everyone can use such a weapon and they are mostly carried by Reapers and Sybarites.

Barb Cannon

A large bore version of the rifle, it is belt fed from ammo pack on the Raiders back it has a large rate of fire and is a favourate weapon of many Reapers across Commorrgh. Like the rifle it requires almost constant maintence and spares are hard to come by. Despite its drawbacks the Barb Cannon is a highly favoured weapon amongst Raiders.

Special Rule

Sustained Fire - Barb Cannons are capable of sustained fire and may use two Sustained fire dice.

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll












A Blaster is short ranged weapon that utilises a beam of dark energy that virtually annihilates anything in its path. It make a mockery of armoured targets and is a very robust weapon to use. A favourate weaon amongst Sybarites who want to their point quickly and ruthlessly

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll












The Destructor is another weapon that has found its way onto the frontier. A weapon favoured by Haemonculi it fires a spray of highly corrisive acid that can eat through any armour.

Special Rule

Template - The Destructor uses the WH40K Flamer template

Ammo Test - Everytime the Destructor is fired an Ammo test is required.

Flamer - The Destructor follows all the rules for flamers in the Necromunda rulebook p51With the exception of the target catching fire.

Save - Due to the corrisive nature of the liquad used in the Destructor roll a D6 for each target and apply that as the save modifer ie 4 on a D6 = -4 save!

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll












A nasty anti-personel weapon commonly seen on the frontier. It fires a cluster of filment wires and mono-molecular sharpened edges that shreds the target and the surronding area.

Special Rule

Template - Shredders fires the WH40K Blast template at the target roll for deviation as normal.

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll











Fire Thrower

A Fire thrower is a long tube connected by a pipe to cannister on the Raiders belt. Its fires a burning chemical that ignites on contact with the air. Fire throwers are very dangerous weapons for the operator and intended victim.

Special Rule

Template - The Fire Thrower uses the WH40K Flamer template

Ammo Test - Everytime the Fire Thrower is fired an Ammo test is required.

Flamer - The Fire Thrower follows all the rules for flamers in the Necromunda rulebook p51.

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll











Heavy Weapons

Heavy weapons are even larger and more heavy than basic or even assault weapons. They are generally more powerful and have a longer effective range. A heavy weapon though is so cumbersome and bulky that a fighter cannot move and shoot with it in the same turn. Most Raiding parties have one or two individuals who know how to operate and maintain these weapons. These individuals are referred to as Reapers and are generally muscular and larger that the average Dark Eldar Raider.

Splinter Cannon

Splinter Cannons are the weapon of choice amongst the many Dark Eldar Raiding parties on the frontier. It is easy to maintain and ammunition is the same as that used by the Splinter rifle. Most Raidiny parties start off with one of these backing them up. And many an aspiring Sybarites career has been cut short by a hail of splinters from this deadly weapon.

Special Rule

Sustained Fire- Splinter Cannons are capable of Sustained fire and roll 3 sustained fire dice.

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll











Dark Lance

The Dark Lance is the most powerful weapon available on the frontier. Its is military weapon mounted mainly on the Kabels Raiders and very few are seen out on the borders. Examples do fall into the Merchants and weapon smiths hands who readily trade them for all the souls that they can get. The Dark Lance is powered by dark energy that it forms into a beam - its designed to destroy armoured targets. Its high energy recoil is reckoned unnecessary amongst most Raiders and as a result its not a favoured weapon.

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll












Splinter Cannons are the weapon of choice amongst the many Dark Eldar Raiding parties on the frontier. It is easy to maintain and ammunition is the same as that used by the Splinter rifle. Most Raidiny parties start off with one of these backing them up. And many an aspiring Sybarites career has been cut short by a hail of splinters from this deadly weapon.

Special Rule

Power Setting - You can chose to fire the Disintegrator at sustained power and fire every turn or fire at maximal power and spend a turn recharging.

Sustained Fire- At sustained power Disintegrators are capable of Sustained fire and roll 2 sustained fire dice. Template - At Maximal power the Disintegraor fires the WH40K Blast template at the target roll for deviation as normal.

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll




















Fire Lance

A Fire Lance is a more powerful version of the fire thrower, its a longer tube connected by a pipe to fuel cells on the Raiders back. Its fires a burning chemical that ignites on contact with the air. Fire Lances are very dangerous weapons for the operator and intended victim.

Special Rule

Template - The Fire Lance uses the WH40K Flamer template

Ammo Test - Everytime the Fire Lance is fired an Ammo test is required.

Flamer - The Fire Lance follows all the rules for flamers in the Necromunda rulebook p51.

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll












Grenades are thrown by hand, they are a few grenades available to Raiders although the Dark Eldar as a military force do not really believe in using them. The most common grenades to be found on the frontier are Splinter and plasma grenades.

Splinter Grenades

A Splinter grenade is an explosive charge that scatters thousands of tiny sharpened splinters over an area. Its a common grenade on the frontier and is easy for a trained Raider to make and use.

Special Rule

Template - Splinter grenades uses the WH40K blast template

Ammo Test - You automatically fail any ammo roll test required to make with grenades - you don't get injuried you just have run out of grenades for this skirmish.

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll











Plasma Grenades

Plasma grenades contain a dangerous unstable matter in a highly energised state. When the grenades is thrown it explodes with the power of miniature sun..

Special Rule

Template - Plasma grenades uses the WH40K blast template

Ammo Test - You automatically fail any ammo roll test required to make with grenades - you don't get injuried you just have run out of grenades for this skirmish.

Plasma Grenades - Plasma grenades follow all the rules stated in the Necromunda rulebook p60

Short Range

Long Range

To Hit Short

To Hit Long



Save Modifier

Ammo Roll











Gas Grenades

There are many types of Gas grenades used all along the frontier. Scare, Choke and even a Hallucinogen all have their uses in the fight to control the limited resources of Commorragh.

Scare - Follow all the rules stated in Necromunda rulebook p59.

Choke - Follow all the rules stated in Necromunda rulebook p59.

Hallucinogen - Follow all the rules stated in Necromunda rulebook p59.

Special Rule

Gas Grenades - Gas grenades uses the WH40K blast template and follow all the rules stated in the Necromunda rulebook p59


The dark streets of Comorragh are dangerous with death lurking in its dark shadows. Sometimes martial skill and split second reactions are not enough. This is why the wise Sybarite and some of his followers invest in Armour and energy fields to protect them from the unexpected. After all it only takes one good shot or hooked knife in the dark and their climb to power is ended.

Mesh Armour

Mesh armour is fabric like material made from tiny cells of bonded thermoplas. The resultant mesh is very light and very strong. It can be fashioned into garments and protective body suits that are worn by the Kabels Warriors. Mesh absorbs physical blows or heat energy by becoming momentary solid absorbing the attacks energy. Repeated hits in the same place tend to erode this effect and reduce the protective value of mesh.

Special Rules

Save. A Raider wearing a suit of mesh armour has a basic save of 5 or 6 on a D6 against a wound


A shield is a metal plate with a small energy generator in the center of it. The energy is directed across the surface shield to absorb the energy of incoming blows.

Special Rules

Save. A Raider with a shield adds an additional +1 to any saves from shots to the front of the model or in hand to hand combat

Parry. A Raider with a shield can parry as described in the Necromunda rulebook

One hand. A Raider cannot use any two handed weapons and use a shield he needs one of his hands are free to wield it

Scale Armour

Scale armour is made out of rigid plates moulded to fit parts of the body that are fastened directly onto the Raiders body suit. A typical suit of scale armour covers the vital chest region, with separate plates for the arms and legs. This type of armour offers excellent protection against most anti-personnel weaponry but it is rather heavy.

Special Rules

Save. A Raider wearing a suit of scale armour has a basic save of 4,5 or 6 on a D6 against a wound

Heavy. Full scale armour is a heavy suit for Dark Eldar to wear. Any Raider wearing a suit of Scale armour halves his initiative - rounding up. For example, A Raider with I5 would count as I3.

Distort Field

A distort field is an shimmering energy field that covers the entire body and does away with the need for bulky body armour. Such devices are hard to come by and a symbol of status amongst Sybarites. It is powered from a small generator attached to the users belt. Although not as powerful as the fabled shadowfield used in the upper eschlens of Dark Eldar society it has saved many a up and coming Sybarite from career shortening accidents

Special Rules

Save. A Raider wearing a distort field has a unmodifiable save of 5 or 6 on a D6 against a wound

Shimmering. The distort field gives off a blue shimmering light when switched on. A Raider can only hide whilst he has the distort field switched off (the player must declare this). Whilst switched off the Raider cannot claim the unmodifiable save until he switches the field back on again.

Ammunition, Gunsights & Vision Device

The Traders and Weapon smiths of Commorragh sometimes have special ammunition pods to add the lethality of Raiders weapons. Also at times a Trader might be able to lay his hands on gunsights or vision devices which are rare and highly sought after on the frontiers.

Dum Dum bullets

Dum Dum bullets are hollowed out to add an extra punch to a Carters hit. Unfortunately little care is made over the procedure as it is mainly a Slaves weapon and the ammunition is extremely unreliable. They are many cases when Dum dums have exploded in a Carter injuring the user.

Special Rules

Dum dum bullets can only be used in a Carter pistol e it adds +1 to the weapons strength. However the weapon automatically fails its ammo roll and the weapon explodes with an automatically S4 hit on its user.

Spine pod

The Spine pod is special ammo for the Splinter Rifle. It carries less shots than a more normal Splinter pod but the advantage is that the splinters are more powerful. However the risk of deforming the barrel or overloading the reload matrix is greater than with a standard weapon pod.

Special Rules

Spine pods can only be fitted to a Splinter Rifle it adds +1 to the weapons strength. However the weapons ammo roll is reduced to 6+ if a Spine pod is fitted.

Soul Seeker Ammo

Soul Seeker ammo is made from captured Wraithbone looted from the bodies of the Craftworld Eldar. This creates a special kind of ammunition that actually seeks out the target. This ammo is very rare and a Sybarite is lucky if he can get his hands on one or two pods of Soul Seeker.

Special Rules

Soul Seeker can only be fitted to a Splinter rifles or Splinter pistols it adds +1 to the users BS and allows the user to re-roll any misses. However the Soul Seeker ammo is very rare and any ammo rolls taken automatically fail. Plus once the pod is empty it cannot be replaced until another pod turns up on a Trading session.

Heat Sight

A Heat sight registers a targets body heat - The enhanced image which appears in the sight makes the target very easy to pick out in cover. The Heat sight works well on a stable platform and is designed to fit on heavy, assault or basic weapon.

Special Rules

Stationary. A Raider must stay still for a turn to use the Heat Sight as movement disrupts the sensor.

Cancels Cover. A Stationary Raider using the heat sight may reduce the penalty applied for shooting at an enemy in cover by 1.

Single shot. The sight only works as long as the weapon fires a single shot. As the heat emitted from a barrel on sustained fire obscures the sight.

Overwatch. The Heat sensor gives no advantage on appearing or fleeing targets. The bonus does not apply if shooting in overwatch.

Soul visor

Soul Vision devices gives the user a different perspective on the world, everything is seen as colours with souls as bright golden lights - its often referred to as Deamon Eyes. Hiding from Raider using a Soul visor is impossible and darkness or sudden bright lights do not effect the user at all. There are downsides as after prolonged use of the Soul Visor can disrupts a users normal vision making him almost completely blind when the visor is taken off. Although this is not real disadvantage as long as the Raider wears the visor his perspective is thrown off and target appear further away than it is.

Special Rules

Cancels Cover. A Raider using the Soul Visor may shoot at an enemy in cover with no penalties.

Overwatch. The Soul Visor gives no advantage on appearing or fleeing targets. The bonus does not apply if shooting in overwatch.

Night Vision. The Soul Visor allows the user to see in a very different way than normal and to fight in total darkness. No negative modifiers are applied for a Raider wearing a Soul visor whilst fighting at night.

Blindness. Regardless if the Raider is injured or not at the end of the game roll a D6 on a roll of 6 the user is permanently blind when he is not using the visor and everything counts as long range.

Bionics & Bio-Implants

Commorragh presents bizarre mix advanced technology and bio-engineering. Although conditions on the Kabels frontiers are primitive by Eldar standards the bionics available are way in advanced of anything available to the crude Monkiegh. Indeed its hard to tell an Eldar bionic limb from the real thing. However this does not stop Sybarite from arming their slaves with crude implants designed to inflict nothing but pain on the user and any victim.

Bionic Eye

A bionic eye is a technical device that replaces a destroyed eye. The new bionic eyes photo cells offer protection against sudden flashes and even allows the user to see in the dark.

Special Rule

Replacement - The Bionic eye cancels out the effect of one serious eye injury. However any further eye injuries on that eye will destroy the bionic device.

Photosensitive - The Raider may re-roll a failed save against being blinded by a Photon flash. He may also see through smoke at a -1 to hit and in the dark he can add an addition 1D6 to his weapons range.

Bionic Leg

A bionic leg is stronger than a ordinary leg and can give the Raider an addition weapon in close quarter fighting.

Special Rule

Replacement - The Bionic leg cancels out the effect of one serious leg injury. However any further leg injuries on that leg will destroy the bionic device.

Kick - The Raider may gains a +1 Attack characteristic, if the Raider wins the combat he can make a special kick attack. A kick is resolved at +2 to the Raider Strength and inflicts D3 damage

Leap - A Raider equipped with two bionic legs may instead of shooting in his turn can leap 2D6 inches in any direction. It this takes him into hand-to-hand combat he counts as charging.

Bionic Arm

A bionic arm is an expensive device to get hold of - it does however offer the user amplified strength, grip and dexterity. Some arms even incorporate a small laser device that can give the Raider an additional attack in close combat.

Special Rule

Replacement - The Bionic arm cancels out the effect of one serious arm injury. However any further arm injuries on that arm will destroy the bionic device.

Characteristic Bonus - The Raider receives an additional +1 to his strength in hand-to-hand or throwing grenades. Also in hand-to-hand the Raider receives +1 to his initiative.

Laser Arm - Some arms incorporate a small laser device. This give the Raider an additional +1 to his Attack characteristic.

Bio -Booster

Works the same way as the Necromunda Bio-booster as described on p64 of the Necromunda rulebook.


Works the same way as the Necromunda Skull Chip as described on p67 of the Necromunda rulebook.

Combat Drugs

The Dark Eldar have access to a wide range of effective and potential combat drugs which can be dispensed from a neurally controlled device. They may be taken at the start of any of the players turns and allow the Sybarite any number of options from the list below.

a. May make a 12" charge move

b. +1 WS

c. +1 S

d. +1 I

e. re-roll one close combat dice

f. +1 A

Special Rule

Its a killer - For each choice on the chart above roll one dice - if you score any doubles the user takes a wound (if the user only has one wound he is removed from the game and will be out of action for the next game as well!) If you score any triples the drugs overload the Users system and the Raider keels over and is killed outright.

Miscellaneous Equipment

A smart Sybarite will equip his Raiding parties with more than just guns. Bio-scanners, re-breathers and performance boosting drugs all have their uses to keep his Raiders and himself alive to continue their climb to power.


An Analyzers is a large scanner which is used to check and repair the Raiders weapons and electronic equipment. Although it is portable it is considered to valuable by most Sybarites to risk damaging during the constant border skirmishes between Kabels. So it normal left back at the Raider lair and used by the Raider Reapers

Special Rule

An Analyzer uses all the special rules for an Necromunda Auto-repairer in the Necromunda rulebook p64


A Bio Scanner detects life signs within the proximity of the user. The device is hand held and is about the size of the user palm. A Raider who carries a device improves his chances to spot intruders

Special Rule

A Bio-scanner uses all the special rules for an Necromunda Bio-scanner in the Necromunda rulebook p64

Concealed Knife

A concealed knife is hidden in small compartment in the users skins and can be used to facilitate an escape from an enemies camp.

Special Rule

An Concealed Knife uses all the special rules for an Necromunda concealed knife in the Necromunda rulebook p65

Filter Plugs

Small filters which are inserted in the user nose which help keep out some of the more noxious fumes present in Commorragh.

Special Rule

Filter Plugs use all the special rules for an Necromunda Filter plugs in the Necromunda rulebook p65


A Grav-plate is a passive gravitic device which reduces the downwards pull of gravity to a fraction of its normal strength. It enables a Raider to float down from a great height and land without injury even from several hundred feet up.

Special Rule

A Grav-plate use all the special rules for an Necromunda Grav-chute in the Necromunda rulebook p65


A Grapnel consists of a magnetic grapnel attached to a long wire which is fired from an hand held launcher. This help a Raider to transverse gaps between buildings and walkways.

Special Rule

A Grapnel use all the special rules for an Necromunda Grapnel in the Necromunda rulebook p65

Gruesome Talisman

Many Dark Eldar Raiders take to wearing talismans such as fingers, ears or eyes of those they have slain in combat - the Bloodied Claw are infamous for this. The effect can stop an opponent in his tracks or cause his to pause in mid-combat for a fatal second.

Special Rule

Gruesome - A Raider with a Gruesome talisman may force his opponent to re-roll one dice in hand-to-hand once per game. Both sides must accept the result of the re-rolled dice even if its higher than the original score

Hell Mask

These are terrifying masks that generate an aura of unnatural dread. Any Raider wearing a Hell mask causes fear in his enemies.

Special Rule

Fearsome - A Raider wearing a Hell mask causes fear as described in the Necromunda rulebook p36


These take the form of small contacts that go on the Raiders eyes. This allows the Raider to thermal images of enemy Raiders on the frontier. This enables the wearer to see foes hiding behind cover.

Special Rule

An Infra-visor use all the special rules for an Necromunda Infra-goggles in the Necromunda rulebook p66.


The Medi-pack is a diagnostic medical computer that can alleviate the major symptoms of wounds and even patch them up with electro-chemical pulses

Special Rule

A Medi-pak use all the special rules for an Necromunda Medi-pack in the Necromunda rulebook p67

One in the Million Weapon

Even in the Commorragh a Raider can come across a weapon that is a cut above the rest and is a rare example of Eldar weapon smiths art. Such weapons are prized beyond measure.

Special Rule

A One in the Million Weapon use all the special rules for an Necromunda One in the Million Weapon in the Necromunda rulebook p67


Photo-contacts are multi-layed lenses worn on the eyes to enhance vision in poor light conditions. They also protect against sudden bright flashes

Special Rule

Photo-contacts use all the special rules for an Necromunda Photo-contacts in the Necromunda rulebook p67


Even the Dark Eldar find a use for this device especially amongst Assassins. It dampens the sounds of a Splinter pistol shot making it absolutely silent. Very useful in some scenarios.


Mainly used by Hellions of the Wych Kult several boards have found their way on the Kabels frontiers. The natural balence and reactions speed of a Dark Eldar make riding such a board an easy task to master given time. Unfortunately many Raiders don't give themselves such time.

Special Rule

Fly - A Raider using a Skyboard can fly 12" in any direction, up, down or straight on. If he enters any enclosed spaces such as a walkway or platforms then the user must make an Initiative test or come crashing down taking a strength 4 hit. If he survives then he can continue as normal next turn. When fighting in hand-to-hand the user gets a +1 bonus to his WS as he fights from a high elevation. Of course if the Rider is shot and wounded on the board and he is in the air the rider plummets to the ground and takes damage as described on p32 of the Necromunda rulebook

Save - Due to the speed of the board and the extra protection it can give the user. Any Raider riding a Skyboard can add an addition +1 to his saving throw.

Balence - To keep his balance on the board a Raider can only carry and use hand-to-hand combat weapons, grenades and pistols.

Soul Vase

A Soul Vase is sought after artifact on Commorragh as it contains many powerful old souls. Often these souls have been sealed in the Vase since the Eldar fall. Although valueless to a up and coming Sybarite. They can be sold off to the higher lords in the Kabels house for considerable sums of soul tokens. Unfortunately for every Genuine Soul vase uncovered a thousand fakes are made by the frontier settlements.

Special Rule

Souls Vase use all the special rules for an Necromunda Mung Vase in the Necromunda rulebook p66


A Re-breather is an essential item in the lower depths of the frontier where the air is foul and toxic.

Special Rule

A Re-breather use all the special rules for an Necromunda Respirator in the Necromunda rulebook p68


Another word for a simple proximity alarm that contains a tiny tortured soul of a small creature such as a Ratling or Grot. When released they give off an errie scream alerting a Raiding party to an enemies presence.

Special Rule

A Screamer uses all the special rules for an Necromunda Screamer in the Necromunda rulebook p68

Weapon Reload

Perhaps the most useful item a Raider can carry - additional ammunition. A reload is useful if you are in a prolonged firefight and ensures you wont run out of firepower at the critical moment.

Special Rule

Weapon reloads use all the special rules for an Necromunda Weapon Reloads in the Necromunda rulebook p69

Wych Spur

The Dark Eldar have access to many performance enhancing drugs. One of which is the Wych Spur used by the Wych kults on their warriors before they go into battle. The effects is less lethal than the more powerful dispenser but are more random in the terms of performance. The Raider must elect to take the Spur before the battle begins and then rolls on the chart below.

1. Frenzy! As described in the Necromunda rulebook p36

2. +1 WS

3. +1 S

4. +1 I

5. reroll one close combat dice

6. +1 A

Special Rule

Toxin - Although Spur is not lethal compared to the more potent combat drug they can still overload the users system. After the game roll 2 dice on a double the Raider cannot take part in the next skirmish until the toxins are cleared his system

Modifié par Arlequin
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  • 3 mois après...
Invité Kenshiro

Bravo et merci pour ce résumé, ça a du te prendre pas mal de temps, personnellement j'apprécie à sa juste valeur,

respect et j'espère suite à un prochain numéro

KEN :whistling:

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