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Empire (armée) - Ordre de Chevalerie Impérial + Sénechal

Invité Pelargius

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Pas grand chose de neuf dans cette source mais juste histoire de centraliser.


The Captain may be ‘upgraded`[...]

Grand Masters are not always available to lead all contingents of knights from their order, as knights may be campaigning across multiple fronts. In these situations, a Seneschal may be sent in place of the Grand Master to lead the order to victory.

A Captain may be upgraded to a Seneschal for 20 points
Equipment: Hand Weapon and Full Plate Armour
May not be equipped with any mundane or magic missile weapons
May not ride a Pegasus
If riding a Warhorse, must equip it with barding.

Special Rules:
A Seneschal may never join a unit of Archers, Huntsmen, Crossbowmen or Handgunners.

A Seneschal is immune to panic, as is any unit he joins.

A Seneschal follows orders only from other members of his Order. If a Grandmaster is present in the army, the Seneschal and any unit he accompanies will treat the Grandmaster as the General for the purpose of leadership tests, instead of the designated General. If a Grandmaster is not present, a Seneschal shall use his own leadership.

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  • 2 mois après...
Darknight a écrit :

Following on from an explanation I made to Warlord in another thread re. why I felt heavy-armour swordsmen were unfluffy for the Empire (short answer; Knightly Orders seem to put their guys on horses and Electors seem to give them zweihanders) I mentioned I would like to see an Empire Knightly Order army list. So, I bashed this thing out!

Comments welcome - I am going to be giving a bit more thought to it as I go along, but thought people might like to see it!

Knightly Order Army List

Design Notes

This list is intended to be used to represent an Empire Knightly Order, either fighting on its own prosecuting its own wars or used as allies with a regular Empire Army. Rules for doing the latter are below. If you wish to simply represent a regular Empire army with a small contingent of Knights coming to assist, simply use the regular Empire army list and rules.

The rules are not intended to represent the Reiksguard these templars fight not as a single order, but alongside other armies.

The weaknesses of this list when used alone will become apparent it lacks magic and missile troops. Conversely, allowing this army to be used as allies to a regular Empire army may be too powerful allowing for the best of both worlds. The weakness is mitigated by the special rules for steadfast. The allies rules (which are different and more limiting than normal) mitigate (or attempt to) the best of both worlds problem. Playtesting will, hopefully, reveal if the best of both worlds problem is too severe to be overcome.

The rules as they currently stand are notes and do not have points values or, indeed, clarity. This is a discussion document, rather than anything else, at this stage.

These rules have not been playtested, and should definitely not be considered official because that would be silly.

Special Rules

May not have more units (not including characters) of infantry than units (not including characters) of cavalry (including monstrous cavalry).
May not have more infantry characters than units of infantry.
At deployment, each infantry character must be deployed with a unit and no more than a single infantry character can be deployed with each unit. Infantry characters may not leave the unit they are assigned to).
Because of the skill and training of the cavalrymen in the Knightly orders, cavalry & monstrous cavalry units may count double their ranks when determining Steadfast.

Using As Allies

Choose total points value of game (e.g. 2000). Decide how many points will be spent on the regular Empire Army continent and how many will be spent on the Knightly Order contingent (any number of points may be spent on each, so long as it totals the total value of the army).
Using the Empire Army Book, choose an Empire army as normal up to the appropriate points value. You may not choose Templar Grand Master, Knightly Orders, Demigryph Knights. You may choose Reiksguard.
Using the Knightly Order army list, choose an army.
You may choose a BSB for each contingent. Each contingent should have a General chosen, as normal.
Units from one contingent may NOT be joined by characters from the other. Units and characters from different contingents may NOT benefit from rules such as Inspiring Presence, Hold The Line, BSB rerolls etc. (Basically, any rule which is designed to represent leadership and orders.) This does not include the War Altar Holy Fervor special rule this DOES influence units & characters from the other contingent provided they worship the same god (fluff driving rules!)
Units from different contingents may target and be targeted by spells & prayers. Casting and dispel dice are shared among the contingents as if they were a single, normal army.
Knightly Order units ignore panic caused by fleeing Empire units (they expect them to be less impressive!)
Empire units take panic checks for fleeing Knightly Order units at an additional -1 Ld (they expect them to hold!)

In essence, the two continents function as if they were two separate armies fighting on the same side and taking their turns at the same time. The General & BSB of each contingent are treated as the General & BSB for that contingent ONLY. If the scenarios require it, determine who is the overall General by (before the game) deciding which General is the overall commander and rolling a d6. On a roll of a 1 or 2, politics has trumped tactics and the other general is in charge. On a roll of 3 or more, your choice stands. The BSB for the whole army (again, if the scenario requires it) is the BSB of the General's contingent (unless that contingent has no BSB at which point it is the only BSB on the field). The other BSB is treated as a regular standard bearer for scenarios which require it (but, of course, acts as a BSB for that contingent during the game).

Army List


Templar Grand Master (as entry in Empire Army Book [EAB]. Must be General if taken.)
Additional options : Upgrade to Arch Chaplain (allows WP rules), Demigryph Mount

High Priest (as Archlector)
Additional options : FPA, Demigryph Mount, may take War Altar


Templar Captain (as Captain entry in EAB, but automatically has FPA, barded steed upgrades, and choice of Great Weapon or Lance & Shield included and paid for, plus additional point(s) of WS in line with TGM vs GotE comparison, ITP as TGM)
Additional options : BSB upgrade, Demigryph Mount, Upgrade to High Chaplain (allows WP rules)

Priest (as Warrior Priest entry in EAB, but has FPA & barded warhorse)
Additional options : Demigryph mount

Priest-of-Foot (as Warrior Priest entry in EAB, but has FPA) *

Sergeant-of-Foot (as Captain in EAB, but has FPA) *

(*infantry characters should have a small points reduction to represent their limited tactical flexibility, caused by being unable to leave the unit)

Battle Wizard (as entry in EAB, but may only have 1 Wizard per 1000 pts, only half (rounding up) can be upgraded to level 2, and all Wizards must use the same Lore)

Design notes : Points values for Arch Chaplain and High Chaplain upgrades should be lower than might otherwise be considered when comparing the profiles of Captains and Warrior Priests because of limited tactical flexibility and risk of death caused by having a single model fulfill both roles. Models with this upgrade cause Hatred and can use prayers and channel as Warrior Priests.


Knightly Orders (as EAB one unit may be upgraded to Inner Circle)

Foot Knights (as Greatswords in EAB, but no Stubborn, may exchange greatweapons for hand weapon & shield. Have both the Detachment and Regimental unit (2 detachment) special rules)


Inner Circle Knights (as EAB Knightly orders, but automatically upgraded to Inner Circle, allowing more units)

Demigryph Knights (as EAB unit)


Option to take any Special unit as Rare (basically, repeating ICK and DGK in the army list)
Option to take any Core unit from the Empire army book; may not be joined by Knightly Order characters, does not cause panic in the rest of the Knightly Order army, takes panic check for fleeing Knightly Units at -1 LD, may take regular upgrades, may only take 0-1, cannot be used as Detachment or Regiment for other units.

Chaplain and Priest Prayers

Prayers as given in EAB are Sigmarite in flavor. Players should either / or or both change the flavor text and names to something more appropriate, or generate new prayers of similar power level for differing deities.

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