latribuneludique Posté(e) le 8 juillet 2006 Partager Posté(e) le 8 juillet 2006 Le nouveau concours Specialist Games concerne les titans à Epic. Il s'agit de créer un nouveau titan (figurine, background, règles), que cela soit un nouveau modèle ou tout simplement un titan personnalisé. (en bas à droite de la page) Epic Titan Competition For this competition I’d like you to design a new Titan. The titan can be for any Epic-recognised race and can be a one-off ‘character’ titan or even represent a brand new class or variant. You need to build/convert and paint a model to represent your new titan. If you’re not a great painter do not worry – I’ll be judging models on their creativity and style rather than the actual paint job. Your entry should consist of a Word file detailing the background and rules for your titan (no more than 2,000 words) and some digital photos of your model. There is no limit to the amount photos you can send with your entry although they need to be in focus so I can use them to judge your model. Please see our submission guides for digital scan sizes. The prize will be a 3,000 points worth of Epic models, and some Jervis signed goodies. The closing date is the 28th of August, so you have the rest of summer to get this project underway. You can submit your entries via email; or by post on a digital format like a CD or DVD at the usual address. As always I’ll be publishing the winner and some outstanding runners up. I’m really looking forward to going over the entries for this one so good luck! For now, Andy @ Fanatic Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
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