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Orques et Gobelins (perso) - Borgut Éklat’pif


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Borgut Facebeater

by Avian

Since the new army book made being affected by the spell Gork'll Fix It a disadvantage, Borgut has not really worked well as a special character. Here is my relatively minor suggestion for upgrading him to 7th edition. It removes the ridiculous discount on Big 'Uns (which would be even more ridiculous with the increased cost) and aims to make his rules clearer and more fitting. I must admit that I never really understood why he benefited from the old Gork'll Fix It rule and I have a suspicion that it was a typo and meant to be the Bash 'em Ladz spell instead. For this incarnation of his rules, I thought it more fitting if he was affected by a sort of new Gork'll Fix It spell in reverse, which basically boosts his chance of hitting, wounding and saving by one. I also dropped the little rule that let him use a normal choppa with a magical axe, as I didn't think it was worth the bother and also trimmed away a lot of clunky stuff on the Facebeater rule (each time I see a special rule of the "can move immoveable objects" type I get an urge to mail them cow dung as this just creates more trouble than it is worth and the writer should know that).

Borgut Facebeater - Hero

Borgut is Grimgor Ironhide's right-hand Orc and Grimgor trusts him as far as any greenskin trusts another. Borgut seems Grimgor as the incarnation of Gork and is absolutely loyal to his idol.

Borgut Facebeater is a Black Orc Big Boss. The army may only include a single Borgut Facebeater.

Borgut Facebeater................................................ Points/model: 170

					  M  WS  BS  S  T  W  I  A  Ld 
Borgut Facebeater	 4  5   3   5  5  2  3  3  9 

Wargear:'Ardlad's Choppas o' Doom & heavy armour

Special rules:

Quell Animosity; The Facebeater

Explanation of special rules

Borgut Facebeater is an infantry model, should be on a 25 mm base and has a unit Strength of 1. He is a greenskin and a Black Orc for all intents and purposes. Note that Borgut is not Armed to da Teef, due to having a pair of magical weapons.

Quell Animosity: See page 20 of the Orcs & Goblins army book.

'Ardlad's Choppas o' Doom

The bearer of the Choppas o' Doom is protected by Gork, though this protection is not always complete, something Borgut proved when he killed their previous owner and took them for himself.

Counts as two choppas. Any of the bearer's To Hit, To Wound, armour or Ward save rolls of 1 are counted as being 6s. This also affects the Facebeater special attack. Should the unit he is with be affected by the spell Gork'll Fix It, cast by an enemy Shaman, Borgut will not be affected, even if the other members of his unit is.

The Facebeater: If Borgut fights in a challenge, then at the start of the first round of close combat in that challenge, Borgut may make an additional special attack which has the Always strikes first rule (see p. 94 of the Warhammer Rulebook), smashing his thick orcy forehead into the enemy. Roll to hit and wound normally. If the attack inflicts a wound on the enemy model (after saves), he/she/it is reduced to WS1 for the rest of that close combat phase. If this mighty 'eadbutt kills his opponent, Borgut must still make his remaining attacks to calculate overkill for the purposes of combat resolution.

Borgut's phenomenally thick skull also grants him a 6+ Ward save.

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  • 3 semaines après...

Salut je viens de m'acheter Borgut Eklat' Pif et j'ai trouvé son profil! Mais tout est en anglais..... Quelqun pourrait me le traduire? merci

Borgut Facebeater

by Avian

Since the new army book made being affected by the spell Gork'll Fix It a disadvantage, Borgut has not really worked well as a special character. Here is my relatively minor suggestion for upgrading him to 7th edition. It removes the ridiculous discount on Big 'Uns (which would be even more ridiculous with the increased cost) and aims to make his rules clearer and more fitting. I must admit that I never really understood why he benefited from the old Gork'll Fix It rule and I have a suspicion that it was a typo and meant to be the Bash 'em Ladz spell instead. For this incarnation of his rules, I thought it more fitting if he was affected by a sort of new Gork'll Fix It spell in reverse, which basically boosts his chance of hitting, wounding and saving by one. I also dropped the little rule that let him use a normal choppa with a magical axe, as I didn't think it was worth the bother and also trimmed away a lot of clunky stuff on the Facebeater rule (each time I see a special rule of the "can move immoveable objects" type I get an urge to mail them cow dung as this just creates more trouble than it is worth and the writer should know that).

Borgut Facebeater - Hero

Borgut is Grimgor Ironhide's right-hand Orc and Grimgor trusts him as far as any greenskin trusts another. Borgut seems Grimgor as the incarnation of Gork and is absolutely loyal to his idol.

Borgut Facebeater is a Black Orc Big Boss. The army may only include a single Borgut Facebeater.

Borgut Facebeater................................................ Points/model: 170


Borgut Facebeater 4 5 3 5 5 2 3 3 9

Wargear:'Ardlad's Choppas o' Doom & heavy armour

Special rules:

Quell Animosity; The Facebeater

Explanation of special rules

Borgut Facebeater is an infantry model, should be on a 25 mm base and has a unit Strength of 1. He is a greenskin and a Black Orc for all intents and purposes. Note that Borgut is not Armed to da Teef, due to having a pair of magical weapons.

Quell Animosity: See page 20 of the Orcs & Goblins army book.

'Ardlad's Choppas o' Doom

The bearer of the Choppas o' Doom is protected by Gork, though this protection is not always complete, something Borgut proved when he killed their previous owner and took them for himself.

Counts as two choppas. Any of the bearer's To Hit, To Wound, armour or Ward save rolls of 1 are counted as being 6s. This also affects the Facebeater special attack. Should the unit he is with be affected by the spell Gork'll Fix It, cast by an enemy Shaman, Borgut will not be affected, even if the other members of his unit is.

The Facebeater: If Borgut fights in a challenge, then at the start of the first round of close combat in that challenge, Borgut may make an additional special attack which has the Always strikes first rule (see p. 94 of the Warhammer Rulebook), smashing his thick orcy forehead into the enemy. Roll to hit and wound normally. If the attack inflicts a wound on the enemy model (after saves), he/she/it is reduced to WS1 for the rest of that close combat phase. If this mighty 'eadbutt kills his opponent, Borgut must still make his remaining attacks to calculate overkill for the purposes of combat resolution.

Borgut's phenomenally thick skull also grants him a 6+ Ward save.

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Puisque le nouveau livre d'armée fait étant affecté par le charme(la période) Gork'll Le fixe(répare) un inconvénient, Borgut n'a pas vraiment travaillé(marché) bien comme un caractère(personnage) spécial. Voici ma suggestion relativement mineure(secondaire) pour le mettre à jour(l'améliorer) à la 7ème édition. Il enlève la remise(l'escompte) ridicule sur Grand ' les ONU (qui serait encore plus ridicule avec le coût accru) et aspire à faire ses règles(autorités) plus claires et plus d'adaptation. Je dois admettre que je jamais ai vraiment compris pourquoi il a profité de la vieille Réparation(Correction) de Gork'll Il règne et j'ai un soupçon

Borgut Facebeater - Hero Borgut est droit Orc de Grimgor Ironhide et Grimgor a confiance en lui autant que n'importe quel greenskin a confiance en un autre. Borgut semble Grimgor comme l'incarnation de Gork et est absolument loyale envers son idole.

Borgut Facebeater est un Grand Patron Orc Noir. L'armée peut seulement inclure Borgut seul(simple) Facebeater.

Borgut Facebeater ....................................... ......... Points/Modèle : 170

CODE M WS Licencié S T W I Ld Borgut Facebeater 4 5 3 5 5 2 3 3 9

Wargear :'Ardlad's Choppas o ' Perte et lourde armure

Règles(Autorités) spéciales :

Réprimez Animosité; le Facebeater

Explication de règles(d'autorités) spéciales

Borgut Facebeater est un modèle d'infanterie, devrait être sur une base de 25 millimètres et a une unité la Force de 1. Il est un greenskin et Orc Noir pour toutes les intentions et des buts. Notez que Borgut n'est pas Armé à da Teef, en raison de l'ayant d'une paire d'armes magiques.

Réprimez l'Animosité : Voir la page 20 de l'Orcs et le livre d'armée de Lutins.

' Choppas d'Ardlad o ' la Perte le porteur du Choppas o ' la Perte est protégé par Gork, quoique cette protection ne soit pas toujours complète, quelque chose Borgut s'est avéré quand il a tué leur propriétaire précédent et les a pris pour lui.

Comptes comme deux choppas. N'importe lequel du porteur Pour Frapper, Pour Blesser, l'armure ou la Salle(Tutelle) sauve(économise) les rouleaux(rôles) de 1 sont compté comme étant 6s. Cela affecte aussi l'attaque spéciale Facebeater. Si l'unité qu'il est avec être affecté par le charme(la période) Gork'll Le fixe(répare), jette par un Chaman ennemi, Borgut ne sera pas affectent

Même si les autres membres de son unité sont.

Le Facebeater : si Borgut se bat dans un défi, donc au début du premier rond de corps à corps dans ce défi, Borgut peut faire une attaque spéciale supplémentaire qui a Toujours les grèves(coups) règnent d'abord (voir p. 94 du Règlement Warhammer), brisant son front orcy épais dans l'ennemi. Le rouleau(rôle) pour frapper et blessure(blesser) normalement. Si l'attaque inflige une blessure sur le modèle ennemi (après que sauve(qu'économise)), he/she/it est réduit à WS1 pour le reste de cette phase de corps à corps. Si ce puissant ' eadbutt tue son opponeBorgut doit toujours faire ses attaques restantes calculer la surextermination pour les buts de résolution de combat.

Le crâne phénoménalement épais de Borgut lui accorde aussi des 6 + la Salle(Tutelle) sauve(économise).

Voila mon seignor vous voulez autre choses??^^

En espérant t'avoir aidé

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C est pas comme si les regles de la fig etaient dans Tempete du chaos...

Oui mais comme le dit Avian dans sa mise à jour v7 ses règles ne sont plus en accord avec le LA O&G v7.

Il me semble que Dreadaxe avait déjà ouvert un sujet pour ce personnage.

Modifié par Dreadaxe
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  • 2 ans après...

Avian a aussi une version de Borgut de TdC

Borgut Facebeater

by Avian

Since the new army book made being affected by the spell Gork'll Fix It a disadvantage, Borgut has not really worked well as a special character. Here is my relatively minor suggestion for upgrading him to 7th edition. It removes the ridiculous discount on Big 'Uns (which would be even more ridiculous with the increased cost) and aims to make his rules clearer and more fitting. I must admit that I never really understood why he benefited from the old Gork'll Fix It rule and I have a suspicion that it was a typo and meant to be the Bash 'em Ladz spell instead. For this incarnation of his rules, I thought it more fitting if he was affected by a sort of new Gork'll Fix It spell in reverse, which basically boosts his chance of hitting, wounding and saving by one. I also dropped the little rule that let him use a normal choppa with a magical axe, as I didn't think it was worth the bother and also trimmed away a lot of clunky stuff on the Facebeater rule (each time I see a special rule of the "can move immoveable objects" type I get an urge to mail them cow dung as this just creates more trouble than it is worth and the writer should know that).

Borgut Facebeater - Hero

Borgut is Grimgor Ironhide's right-hand Orc and Grimgor trusts him as far as any greenskin trusts another. Borgut seems Grimgor as the incarnation of Gork and is absolutely loyal to his idol.

Borgut Facebeater is a Black Orc Big Boss. The army may only include a single Borgut Facebeater.

Borgut Facebeater................................................ Points/model: 170


Borgut Facebeater 4 5 3 5 5 2 3 3 9

Wargear: 'Ardlad's Choppas o' Doom & heavy armour

Special rules:

Quell Animosity; The Facebeater

Explanation of special rules

Borgut Facebeater is an infantry model, should be on a 25 mm base and has a unit Strength of 1. He is a greenskin and a Black Orc for all intents and purposes. Note that Borgut is not Armed to da Teef, due to having a pair of magical weapons.

Quell Animosity: See page 20 of the Orcs & Goblins army book.

'Ardlad's Choppas o' Doom

The bearer of the Choppas o' Doom is protected by Gork, though this protection is not always complete, something Borgut proved when he killed their previous owner and took them for himself.

Counts as two choppas. Any of the bearer's To Hit, To Wound, armour or Ward save rolls of 1 are counted as being 6s. This also affects the Facebeater special attack. Should the unit he is with be affected by the spell Gork'll Fix It, cast by an enemy Shaman, Borgut will not be affected, even if the other members of his unit is.

The Facebeater: If Borgut fights in a challenge, then at the start of the first round of close combat in that challenge, Borgut may make an additional special attack which has the Always strikes first rule (see p. 94 of the Warhammer Rulebook), smashing his thick orcy forehead into the enemy. Roll to hit and wound normally. If the attack inflicts a wound on the enemy model (after saves), he/she/it is reduced to WS1 for the rest of that close combat phase. If this mighty 'eadbutt kills his opponent, Borgut must still make his remaining attacks to calculate overkill for the purposes of combat resolution.

Borgut's phenomenally thick skull also grants him a 6+ Ward save.

Modifié par Dreadaxe
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  • 3 ans après...
  • 4 semaines après...
  • 10 mois après...

La version de Kevin Coleman


BORGUT FACEBEATER                             Points: 285


                              M    WS     BS     S    T    W     I     A     LD

Borgut Facebeater 4       6      3      5     5      2      3    3      9


Any Orcs & Goblins army may include Borgut Facebeater. His points cost counts towards your Hero allowance.


TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character; Black Orc Warboss)


EQUIPMENT: A huge array of hand weapons and great weapons, ‘Ardlad’s Axes O’Doom and the Armour of Gork (See Warhammer: Orcs & Goblins for details).


SPECIAL RULES:  Armed to da Teef, Choppas, Immune to Psychology, Quell Animosity, Waaagh!.


Da Facebeater: Whenever Borgut fights in a challenge, he will make a special ‘eadbutt attack in addition to his normal attacks. Once the challenge has been accepted, this ‘eadbutt attack is resolved immediately before any other attacks (by either party) in the challenge and may be used against his opponent or any monster the character might be riding. Roll a single dice ‘To Hit’ as normal. If the model is hit it will suffer a S7 hit. Further more, if the target suffers an unsaved wound from the ‘eadbutt attack then its Weapon Skill will be reduced to 1 and gains the Always Strikes Last special rule for the remainder of the combat phase.


Do as I say and wot I do: Borgut has fought alongside Grimgor for longer than either of the two can remember. He is a battle-hardened war veteran and seasoned Orc warrior who has survived countless battles, including the Battle of High Pass where the Chaos Horde of Crom the Conqueror defeated Grimgor’s Orcs. As a result, Borgut commands respect and discipline from all his Orcish underlings.

When Borgut joins a unit of Orcs (of any type) the entire unit gains the Stubborn special rule.




‘Ardlad’s Axes O’Doom: Once belonging to Grimgor’s former lieutenant, Borgut Facebeater now wields these magical choppas that beam and hiss with potent Orc magick!

Magic Weapon. Two Hand Weapons. When using the axes in close combat, Borgut may reroll any failed rolls ‘To Hit’. In addition, Borgut may make parry saves with the Axes O’Doom in the same manner as a model armed with a mundane shield and hand weapon.

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  • 4 mois après...

La version de Kass' Crân'

Borgut Eklat'Pif'
Borgut Eklat'Pif' est le meilleur lieutenant de Grimgor Boît'en Fer, ce document contient des règles non-officielles créées et adaptées à la V8 par nos soins afin de vous permettre de jouer cet orque noir brutal et sans pitié dans vos parties entres amis!






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  • 3 mois après...
  • 3 mois après...
La version Warhammer Fantasy 8.5

The name of Borgut Facebeater started to come up, when the greenskins of Karak Ungor fought with the Skaven Clan Moulder in the lower parts of Red Eye Mountain. He greatly enjoyed the battle as he hacked apart Skaven and bashed his head against Rat Ogres.

Grimgor Ironhide was impressed and though normally he would kill anyone and anything that could be a danger to his position, Borgut was an exception of the rule. Grimgor sees Borgut as a kindred spirit, though he wants to always know where Facebeater is. And so, every time when the horde goes to war, Grimgor takes Facebeater with him. Borgut is a simple creature, brutally direct, utterly uncompromising and subject to wild intoxication in the heat of battle. He has grown in the horde of Grimgor and to him the slaughterer was the living manifestion of Gork, the epitome of all he could hope to be. His loyalty is absolute, to be the right hand of Grimgor is to be right hand of Gork.

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Borgut Facebeater 453552339

Type Unit Infantry (Special Character)
Size 1
Points 170
Heavy Armour
SPECIAL RULES: Choppas, Quell Animosity, Waaagh!.
If a Warboss is your Army General, then once per game he may call a Waaagh! The Waaagh! may only be called if the Warboss first declares a charge, and must be announced immediately after making the charge declaration, before any charge reaction takes place. In the turn a Waaagh! is called, every unit of five or more Orc Boyz, Savage Orc Boyz, Black Orcs, Boar Boyz and Savage Orc Boar Boyz in the army (including Big 'Uns) that charges for the rest of the player turn, adds +1 to its combat resolution, gains stubborn and hatred. The General himself, and any unit he accompanies, adds + D3 to their combat resolution, gains Unbreakable and Hatred for that turn instead.
'Ardlad's Choppas o' Doom:
The bearer of the Choppas o' Doom is protected by Gork, though this protection is not always complete, something Borgut proved when he killed their previous owner and took them for himself.
Paired Weapons. Any of the bearer's To Hit, To Wound, armour or Ward save rolls of 1 are counted as being 6s.This also affects the Facebeater special attack. Should the unit he is with be affected by the spell Gork'll Fix It, cast by an enemy Shaman, Borgut will not be affected, even if the other members of his unit is.
The Facebeater:
If Borgut fights in a challenge, then at the start of the first round of close combat in that challenge, Borgut may make an additional special attack which has the Always Strikes First rule, smashing his thick orcy forehead into the enemy. Roll to hit and wound normally. If the attack inflicts a wound on the enemy model (after saves), he/she/it is reduced to WS1 for the rest of that close combat phase. If this mighty 'eadbutt kills his opponent, Borgut may still make his remaining attacks to calculate overkill for the purposes of combat resolution. Borgut's phenomenally thick skull also grants him a 6+ Ward save.

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  • 5 ans après...

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