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Kislev (armée) - Livre d'armée


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Voici une prototype d'une liste d'armée kislévites que j'ai faite.Elles est surement incomplète et doit comporter un certain nombre d'erreurs.J'attends tous vos commentaires,et je l'espère pour améliorer la liste.Je me pose surtout des questions par rapport char d'ursun et au prêtre.

Je me suis inspirée de liste déjà existante et j'ai créer une liste kislévites commes je pensais qu'elle pourrais l'être.Il faudra encore faire des objets magique (pour cela les objets magique impériaux et de Middenheim sont mes amis^^) et je pense pouvoir réaliser un jour un petit fichier PDF de ma liste avec historique,liste et peut etre même une section photo.

Seigneur :

-Druzina (105pts)

m4 cc6 ct5 f4 e4 pv 3 i5 a4 cd9

Equipement :arme de base

Options :-arme lourde (+6pts),arme de base additionnel(+6pts),Hallebarde (+6pts) et/ou pistolets (+9pts)

-Arc Long (+10pts) ou une arquebuse (+10pts)

-Armure Légère (+3pts),ou lourde (+6pts).Peut aussi porter un bouclier (+3pts)

-Destrier (+15pts) pouvant être caparaçonné (6pts), peut être sur une char d’Ursun (+115pts) et remplace l’un des auriges.Peut avoir une lance de cavalerie (+6pts) ou un sabre de cavalerie (+3pts)

-Peut avoir 100pts d’objet magique

Tenace (le donne a son régiment) ;Tout vu,tout combattu (permet de relancer les test de psychologie) -Discipline de fer

-Grand Chaman kislevites (180pts)

m4 cc4 ct3 f4 e3 pv 3 i4 a2 cd8

Equipement :arme de glace

Sorcier niveau 3

Options :-peut être niveau 4 (+35pts)

-peut avoir jusqu’a 100pts d’objets magique.

-Peut être sur un destrier (15pts) pouvant être caparaçonné (6pts),peut être sur un char d’Ursun (+115pts) et remplace l’un des auriges.

Peut choisir le domaine des glace,mort,vie,bête

Arme de glace :donne +1 attaque et +1 en force (inclus dans le profil)

-Grand Pretre d’Ursun (200pts)

prêtre m4 cc5 ct 3 f4 e4 pv3 i5 a3 cd9

ours m8 cc4 ct0 f5 e5 pv3 i4 a4 cd 7 svg4

Equipement :Hallebardes (compte comme un sabre de cavalerie),armure lourdes,bouclier et chevauche un Ours.

C’est un sorcier de niveau 1 qui utilise la magie des glace

Options :- Peut remplacer son ours par un char d’Ursun (+45pts)

-Peut avoir jusqu’à 100pts d’objets magiques

Heros :

-Boyard 90pts :

m4 cc5 ct5 f4 e4 pv2 i5 a3 cd8

Equipement :Arme de base

Options :-Peut avoir une lance de cavalerie si il est monté sur un destrier (+4pts) ou un sabre de cavalerie (+2pts),une arme lourde (+4pts) ou une arme de base additionnel (+4pts)

-Peut porter un arc (+6pts),un pistolet (+7pts) ou une arquebuse (+10pts)

-Peut porter une armure légère (+2pts) ou lourde (+4pts).Peut aussi porter un bouclier (+2pts)

-Peut chevaucher un destrier (+10pts),pouvant être caparaçonné (+4pts)

-Peut porter jusqu’à 50pts d’objets magique

Régles spéciale :


-0-1 Commissaires 90pts:

m4 cc 4 f4 e4 pv2 i4 e2 cd 9

equipement : arme de base,armure lourde et pistolet.

Options :peut avoir jusqu’à 25pts d’objets magique commun

Pas de déserteurs ! :Lorsque l’unité fuit pour une raison ou une autre,elle reste sur place et le champion d’unités est retirer automatiquement.Si il est déjà mort,l’unités subit 1d3 pertes.Aucun personnage ne peut rejoindre le régiment d’un commissaire.Ne peut être le général.

-Chamans (55pts)

m4 cc4 ct3 f4 e3 pv2 i4 a2 cd7

Equipement :arme de glaces

Sorcier niveau 1 peut choisir le domaine des glace,mort,vie,bête

Options :- peut etre niveau 2(+35pts)

-Peut etre sur destrier (+10pts) pouvant être caparaçonné (+4pts)

-Peut avoir jusqu’à 50pts d’objet magiques

-0-1Maitre de la steppe

m4 cc4 ct6 f4 e4 pv 3 i4 a 3 cd8

Equipement :Sabre de cavalerie,arc,destrier

Doit rejoindre une unités de cavaliers ungols qui doit avoir un sabre de cavalerie (+2pts/figs)

Options :peut avoir jusqu’à 50pts d’objets magique communs.

Règle spéciale :Maitre des Ungols

Le régiment d’Ungols que le maitre rejoint devient tenace et immunises a la psychologie.

Il ne peut être le général de l’armée.Il donne son commandement a tous les cavaliers ungols a 12ps.

-Discipline de fer

Unités de Base :

-Kossars 9pts :

m4 cc4 ct3 f3 e3 pv1 i3 a1 cd 7

Taille d’unité :10+

Equipement :hache a deux mains (arme lourde),arme de base et arc.

Options :-Un Kossar peut devenir musicien (+5pts)

-Un Kossar peut devenir porte-étendard (+10pts)

-Un Kossar peut devenir Champion (+10pts)

Regle spéciale :

Discipline de fer

-Lanciers ailés 24pts :

m4 cc4 ct3 f3 e3 pv1 i1 a1 cd8

Taille d’unité :5+

Equipement :Lance de cavalerie,armure lourde,bouclier,arme de base

Monture :Destrier

Options :-Un lancier ailés peut devenir musicien (+8pts)

-Un lancier ailés peut devenir porte étendard (+16pts)

-Un lancier ailés peut devenir maitre de Rota (+16pts)

Regle Spéciale :Charge Glorieuse.

-Archers a Cheval Ungols 17pts :

m4 cc4 ct4 f3 e3 pv1 i3 a1 cd7

Taille d’unités :5+

Equipement :arme de base et arc

Monture :destrier

Options :-un archer a cheval peut devenir musicien (+7pts)

-un archer a cheval peut devenir porte étendard (+14pts)

-un archer a cheval peut devenir Khan (+14pts)

Règle spéciale :Cavalerie légère,discipline de fer.

-Guerriers Kislevites 4pts :

m4 cc4 ct3 f3 e3 pv1 i3 a1 cd7

Taille d’unité :10+

Equipement :arme de base

Options :-Peuvent avoir des armes lourde (+2pts/figs),une arme de base additionnel (+2pts/figs) ou des lances (+2pts/figs)

-Peuvent avoir une armure légères (+1pts/figs).Peuvent aussi porter un bouclier (+1pts/figs)

-Peuvent avoir des arcs (+3pts/figs)

-Peuvent être grades gardes de Kislev (+5pts/figs),il gagne +1 en force,+1 en commandement et ont une armure lourdes.Devienne en choix spécial.

-Un guerrier peut devenir musicien (+5pts)

-Un guerrier peut devenir porte étendard (+10pts)

-Un guerrier peut devenir champion (+10pts)

Regles Spéciales :Discipline de fer.

-Cossaks :18pts

m4 cc4 ct3 f4 e3 pv1 i4 a1 cd9

Taille d’unités :5+

Equipement :Sabre de Cavalerie,armure légère

Monture :Destrier

Options : -Un cossaks peut devenir musicien (+7pts)

-Un cossaks peut devenir porte étendard (+14pts)

-Un cossaks peut devenir Champion (+14pts)

Regle spéciale :

-Saoulés a la vodka !

Les cossaks sont frénétique et stupides.

-Cavalerie légères.

-Patrouilleurs frontaliers 5pts :

m4 cc4 ct4 f3 e3 pv1 i4 a1 cd7

Taille d’unités :5-20

Equipement :arme de base

Options : -Peuvent avoir une arme de base additionnelle (+2pts/figs),arme lourde (+2pts/figs),et/ou un pistolets (+4pts/figs)

-Peuvent avoir un arc (+4pts /figs)

-Peuvent porter une armure légères (+1pts/figs).Peuvent aussi porter un bouclier (+1pts/figs)

-Peuvent être éclaireur (+2pts/figs)

-Un patrouilleur peut devenir ranger (+14pts)

Règle spéciales :discipline de fer,tirailleurs.

Unités Spéciales :

-Canon 80pts :

Canon m4 cc- ct- f- e7 pv3 I- a- cd-

Servant m4 cc4 ct3 f3 e3 pv1 i3 a1 cd1

Equipement :arme de base

Servant :3 servant

Compte comme un canon

-Streltsi 12pts :

m4 cc4 ct3 f3 e3 pv1 i4 a2 cd8

Taille d’unité :10+

Equipement :armures lourdes,bardiche(compte comme une hallebarde),arquebusier et arme de base.

Options : -Un streltsi peut devenir musicien (6pts)

-Un streltsi peut devenir porte étendard (12pts)

-Un streltsi peut devenir champion (15pts)

Règles spéciales :

-discipline de fer

-plate formes de tir :

Les streltsis utilisent leurs bardiches comme appuis pour leurs arquebuses,leurs donnant une précision redoutable.Ils ont +1 pour toucher au tir.

-Légion du griffon 26 pts :

m4 cc4 ct3 f4 e3 pv1 i3 a1 cd8

Taille d’unité :5+

Equipement :arme de base,lance de cavalerie,bouclier et armure lourde

Monture :destrier

Options : Un lancier peut devenir musicien (+8pts)

-Un lancier peut devenir porte étendard (+16pts),qui peut avoir une bannière magique de 50pts maximum

-Un lancier peut devenir champion de la tzarine (+16pts),il peut échanger sa lance de cavalerie contre un pistolets.

Règles spéciale :Charge Glorieuse.

-Char a Ours d’Ursun 125pts :

aurige m- cc4 ct3 f4 e- pv- I3 a1 cd8

Char m- cc – ct- f5 e4 pv4 a- cd- svg3

Ours m8 cc4 ct- f5 e- pv- i4 a4 cd 7

Auriges :2 auriges avec arme lourde et armure lourde

Attelage :1 ours

Options :Il peut y avoir un auriges supplémentaire (+10pts)

Unités rares :

-Tchékist 19pts :

m4 cc4 ct3 f3 e3 pv1 i4 a1 cd8,

Sabre de cavalerie, armure légère, bouclier, destrier.

Options :-peuvent avoir un pistolet pour +2pts,ou une paire de pistolets +4pts

-Un tchékist peut être promu musicien (7pts)

-Un tchékist peut être promu champion (14pts)

Règles spéciales : cavalerie légère, coup fatal.

-Unités d’ours 60pts ours et 10pts dresseur :

ours : m8 cc4 ct0 f5 e4 pv3 i4 a4 cd 7

dresseur :m4 cc4 ct3 f4 e3 pv1 i1 a1 cd8

Taille d’unités :2+ d’ours,vous devez avoir 1dresseur pour 1 a 2 ours qui se placeront toujours derrière les ours.

Equipement :Griffes et crocs pour les ours,sabre et fouet pour les dresseur ainsi que armure lourde (2 armes de base)

Règles spéciales :cause la peur

-Charriot de guerre 170pts :

Charriot m- cc- ct- f5 e6 pv5 I- a- cd-

Gardes streltsi m- cc4 ct4 f3 e- pv- I3 a1 cd 8

Destrier m8 cc- ct- f3 e- pv- i3 a1 cd-

Taille d’unité :1

Equipage :6 gardes

Attelages :2 destriers

Equipement :armures légères,arme de base,arquebuse,hallebardes

Règle Spéciale :

-Char :Le charriot de guerre est un char qui possède une sauvegarde de 3+ effectuant d6 touches d’impact en charge.Les gardes sont considéré comme des personnage montés sur un char.

Lorsque des tir prenne pour cible le char,la répartition est la suivante :sur 6+ se sont les gardes qui sont touché sinon c’est le char.Au corps a corps,l’ennemis choisis de frapper soit sur les gardes soit sur le char.

Si le charriot de guerre est détruit,les gardes sont dispersés et sont retirer du jeux.

En se qui concerne les point de victoire,l’ennemis les remporte si le char est détruit ou si les gardes sont tués.

-Puissance d’unités :le char possède une puissance d’unité de 9

-Tour de combat :grâce a la protection de la tour,les gardes possède une sauvegarde a 3+.

Le char est bien protéger,la force 7 ne le détruit pas automatiquement,il faut de la force 8.

-Immunisés a la psychologie.

-Plateforme de combat :les gardes peuvent toujours tirés mêmes si ils ont bougés et sans malus de tir.Ils ne peuvent tirer au corps a corps.

-Grande Cible.

-Discipline de fer.

Mercenaires.(pour les choix referer vous a l'Empire).

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l'idée est pas mal,la liste possede de bonnes choses mais il y a un truc qui est trop abusé:tu as trop de troupes tenaces ou qui ne fuient pas avec la regle spe "pas de deserteurs!"et ça a warhammer tu dois vite oublier sinon c'est injouable pour l'adversaire!une troupe tenace et c'est tout!

la tu as celle avec le seigneur,toutes celles avec le boyard,toutes celles avec le commissaire!tu as egalement quasiment la moitié de ton armée immunisée a la psycho ou a la peur,je veux bien que kislev en voit de toutes les couleurs mais ça reste des hommes,et rare sont les troupes humaines qui sont immunisées a la psycho!(meme les joueurs d'épées qui sont l'elite et qui ont le plus d'experience de combat ne le sont pas!)

ensuite ta liste ne presente pas de default!tu as des troupes solides,de la cav legere tres puissante,du tir efficace,une cavalerie lourde tres forte et une unité de creature monstrueuse!qui a 60point est donné je te le dit!M8 F5 4attaques!un yeti ogre coute 65points et est bien inferieur!tu as meme des canons!un char de base tres bon et un char over boosté( la regle de la force 8 serieux je comprends pas:soit t'immunise soit pas,mais la ça veut rien dire!)des tirailleurs tres efficace!tu as le beurre l'argent du beurre et le c... de la cremiere!et puis des ours qui se deplacent a 8ps soit autant qu'un cheval sans attirail waouh c'est rapide!

donc la base est bonne mais tu dois etre comme moi:ton imagination part dans tous les sens et il te faut la canalisé!fais le trie car je trouve que tu as tous les types de troupes possible et inimaginables;et en plusieurs exemplaires dans certains cas!normalement une armée contient une troupe tenace et/ou indemoralisable et basta!

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Le boyard a dans son profil de base la regle tenace.Je pourrais montrer un aspect le boyard proche des hommes et les rend tenace tandis que le druzina des respecter et craint ce qui fait qu'il permet de relancer les jets de psychologie ratée (il faut panser que le grand maitre templier imperial lui immunise completement a la psychologie).

Je pourrais aussi enlever les commisaires (qui au font sont les Tchékists).

Les maitres de la steppes je pourrais peut être les rendre moins fort (du moins leurs regle spéciale).

Les kossars je peut les supprimer, ils ne sont qu'un choix d'options des guerriers (en parlant de ses derniers, je laisse ou pas gardes de Kislev?).

Pour les cossaks je laissent comme ça?Historiquement on les décrit comme étant de fougeux et cavaliers n'hésitant pas a charger des ennemis largement supérieur en nombre.Pour Kislev je trouvais marrant que se serait des hommes ayant abusés de la vodka les rendant frénétique mais stupides.

Les patrouilleurs frontaliers sont peut être trop fumés mais je voulais faire des troupes similables au duellistes mercenaires (que j'adore :whistling: ).

Pour les canons je suis dans le doute, je me demande si les Kislevites utiliserait leurs canons en batailles rangées (dans le sens ou ils utilisent leurs seul canons pour la flotte et la défense de leurs cités).

Je devrais peut être faire les streltsis en 0-1 parce qu'il sont tres rare.

Dans le même sens faire 1+ pour les lanciers ailés car les armées de Kislev sont censée être composée de nombreux cavaliers.

Le charriot de guerre est copié d'une version actualisée de l'ancien charriot de guerre impérial.

Pour les ours c'est vrai qu'il sont largement trop fort.Pour leurs mouvement il faut tout de même penser qu'il sont limités a cause des dresseurs.D'ailleurs j'ai oublié de preciser que lorsque les dresseurs meurent il y a directement un test de réactions des monstres.Les ou a 70 pts vous en penser quoi?

Au passage quelqu'un saurait me dire comment fonctionnent les rat ogres skavens pour paufiner les unités d'ours kislévites.

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les kossars laisse les car ils font partie integrante de kislev(je te conseil d'ailleur de lire les aventures de gotrek et felix ou il y a de nombreux passages avec les kislevites!)

tes idées sont meilleurs,la ça va deja mieux!

sinon les rats ogres sont avec les maitres de meute une unité:au tir: 1-4 le rat ogre 5-6 le maitre de meute(tout deux se deplace a 6)des que plus de maitre de meute;rats ogres font test de stupidité(mais la prend mieux la regle des rats geants:des que plus de chef de meute ils se deplacent le plus vite possible vers l'ennemi le plus proche!)pour les stats des ours F5 et CC4 avec 3attaques,les chefs de meutes peuvent avoir des stats style 2attaques F4 CC4 ce qui ferait sur un regiment avec 3 ours 9attaques F5 et 6A F 4,vu que tu n'as aucun bonus fixe comme banniere ou rang!

par contre pourquoi pas grace a leur epais pelage une save a 5+ pour les ours

en combat les maitres de meutes skavens sont derriere et frappe avec les fouets(ça va pas dans l'esprit kislev!je verrais mieux un truc du style:mettez en contact tous les ours et si il reste de la place mettez le maximum de chef de meute!)

pour la regle frenesie plus stupidité je te conseille d'adopter la regle des centigors:(ils sont saoul pareil)


2-5 normal

6 frenetique

a tester a chaque debut de tour!toi tu peux peut etre rajouter un truc style impetuosité comme les errants

bretonniens par exemple!

voila et bon courage

Modifié par melitalia69
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Merci pour le lien.

Sinon pour avertir j'ai bientôt fini la liste mais ce n'est pas tout!

J'ai commencé (ca fait déjà un bout de temps) la création d'un livre d'armée complet kislevites avec historique, personnage spéciaux, liste, galerie de figurines,...

J'ai dans l'intention de faire un livre complet comme les livres d'armée officiel de Games Workshop.

Pour l'instant j'ai fait la page avant, l'historique, les habitudes (religions, climat de vie,...), une liste d'objet magique que j'ai créer, le domaine des glaces, ma liste et d'autres proposition de liste.

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  • 2 semaines après...

Voici les objet magique:

Haches Bénie de Tor 90pts

Arme a deux mains ; arme magique ; c'est une arme a deux main qui donne non +2 en force mais +3, de plus le porteur frappe par initiative.La sauvegarde ennemis a un malus complémentaire de -1 a la sauvegarde d'armure

Paires de Sabres antiques 65pts

Conditionnent l'utilisation des deux mains ; armes magiques, elle donnent plus deux attaques et permet de relancer les jets pour toucher rates lors du remier round de corp a corp.

Lance du Griffon 40pts

Compte comme une lance de cavalerie ; arme magique ; cet lance suit les regle de la lance de cavalerie a l'exeption qu'elle donnent +3 en force en charge et un bonus de plus 1 pour toucher.

Epée de la glace 40pts

Arme magique ; donne a son porteur +2 en force.

Arc tueur de Démon 35pts

Compte comme un arc magique ayant une force 6 causant la perte de 1D3 pv.

Sabre du chatiment 20pts

Arme magique ;le porteur peut relancer ses jets pour blesser ratés.

Marteau de vengence 20pts

Arme magique ; donne +1 en cc et en force a son porteur.

Armures Magique

Armure des héros 50pts

Compte comme une armure lourde (svg 5+) et donnent de plus au porteur une sauvegarde invulnerable de 4+

Cuirrase turquoise 40pts

Donne a son porteur une sauvegarde d'armure de 3+ et une resistance a la magie de 1.

Armure de Jais 25pts

Donne a son porteur une sauvegarde d'armure de 1+ et la sauvegarde n'est nullement modifiable.

Haume de l'ours 20pts

Donne a sont porteur une sauvegarde de 6+ (peut être combiner avc une armure et un bouclier).Le porteur cause la peur lorsqu'il charge.


Relique de Boris 50pts

Cet objet confère une sauvegarde invulnérable de 5+ et une résistance a la magie (1)

Collier de griffes 40pts

Une seule utilisation.Annule la premiere blessure non sauvegardée, même si il s'agit d'un coup fatal.

Cape de Fenhir 30pts

Confère au porteur et a son unités un malus de –1 pour tout tir les visant.

Amulette d'Ambre 20pts

Confère au porteur une sauvegarde invulnérable de 6+.Le porteur de l'Amulette d'Ambre reussit automatiquement tout test requis sous une de ses caractéristique (sauf les test de commandement).

Bracelet d'or marin 15pts

Confère une résistance a la magie (1)

Objets Cabalistiques

Sceptre de Destruction 45pts

Une seule utilisation.Effet identiques à ceux d'un parchemin de dissipation.De plus, chaque joueur lance 1D6 apres l'utilisation et si l'utilisateur du sceptre a fait un resultat supérieur que son adversaire, le sort est effacé de l'esprit du sorcier.En cas d'égalté relancer les dés.N'a aucun effet sur les objet magique.

Baton de la Glace 30pts

Chaque tour, le porteur peut garder un dé de pouvoir et de dissipation qui n'a pas été utilisé ce tour pour l'utiliser le tour suivant.

Pierre de Cristal 25pts

Une seule utilisation.Une fois par bataille, le porteur peut relancer un dé utilisé pour jeter ou dissiper un sort.Cela peut donc causer ou annuler un Fiasco ou un pouvoir irresistible.

Joyaux de la terre 20pts

Une seule utilisation.Permet d'annuler l'effet du premier fiasco subit par le porteur.

Objet enchantés

Bague de la grele de mort 50pts

Objet de sort ; niveau de puissance 6.Cet bague permet de lancer le sort flèches de glace du domaine de Kislev.

Cor du souffle glacial 45pts

Objet de sort ; niveau de puissance 4.Ce cor permet de lancer le sort Baiser de l'hiver du domaine de Kislev.

Anneau de vengance 35pts

Si le porteur est tué, la figurine qui a causés sa mort perd immédiatement 1d3 pv sans sauvegarde d'armure possible mas le porteur est stupide

Cape de l'hiver 30pts

Une seule utilisation ; Sorcier uniquement ; si l'unité du sorcier est chargée et que l'ennemis est a portée, le sorcier pour faire un mouvement de vol pour fuir l'ennemis.Il ne peut pas charger mais peut rejoindre tout régiment amis a 20ps.

Symbole de puissance 25pts

Une seule utilisation ; pendant un tour de corp a corp, le joueur peut decider d'utiliser le symbole de puissance.Les blessures que le porteur aura fait au corp a corp conteront comme double au résultat de combat.Noter que l'adversaire ne perd pas réelement le double de figurine.

Bannière Magiques

Bannière du Tzar de Kislev 100pts

Lorsqu'un double est obtenu pour un test de moral, il est considérer comme étant un courage insensé !, un double 6 reste un echec.

Bannière de ténacité 60pts

Permet a une unité d'être indémoralisable pendant un tour.Une seul utilisation.

Étendard de la Rota 50pts

(Lanciers ailés ou Légions du Griffons uniquement)

L'unités peut ajouter +1D6 ps à son mouvement de charge.Si la charge est ratée, l'unité avance de 8ps comme d'habitude.

Bannière de Protection Mystique 30pts

Confère a l'unité une résistance à la magie (2)

Étendard de l'Ours 25pts

L'unités est immunisés à la peur et a la terreur.

Drapeau de Dahz 10pts

L'unités peut relancer ses test de ralliement ratés.

Si vous pouviez me dire ce que vous en pensez, si les point son bien ajustés,...

Pour dire la plupart des objet son des copie du livre Empire ou Haut Elfes.

J'attends d'avoir les objet magique de Middenheim pour en rajouter ou en remplacer.

Modifié par Karl Von Lugen
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Haches Bénie de Tor 90pts

Arme a deux mains ; arme magique ; c'est une arme a deux main qui donne non +2 en force mais +3, de plus le porteur frappe par initiative.La sauvegarde ennemis a un malus complémentaire de -1 a la sauvegarde d'armure

celle ci est nul et en plus 90 points c'est bien trop cher!

Lance du Griffon 40pts

Compte comme une lance de cavalerie ; arme magique ; cet lance suit les regle de la lance de cavalerie a l'exeption qu'elle donnent +3 en force en charge et un bonus de plus 1 pour toucher.

elle par contre est bien mais devrait etre au moins a 50points,voir a 55 pour la limiter au seigneur

ensuite globalement sur ta liste ya trop d'objet a une seule utilisation,ce qui peut etre bien voir enorme sur 1 tour(trop?) et ensuite plus rien

de plus trop d'objets(mais tu l'as dit toi meme tu as pris sur des LA) sont vu et revu,essaie d'en trouver des originaux!

moi j'aime bien par exemple:

Marteau de vengence 20pts

Arme magique ; donne +1 en cc et en force a son porteur

Cape de l'hiver 30pts

Une seule utilisation ; Sorcier uniquement ; si l'unité du sorcier est chargée et que l'ennemis est a portée, le sorcier pour faire un mouvement de vol pour fuir l'ennemis.Il ne peut pas charger mais peut rejoindre tout régiment amis a 20ps

apres je sais que c'est pas facile de faire des listes d'objets magique qui reste sympa a jouer sans etre dans l'abus,et je dois dire que tu as qd meme fait un boulot remarquable sur ce LA!

mais courage je suis sur que tu peux sortir quelques OM sympa

(au faite il n'y a pas de crocs runiques dans le Kislev?je sais plus...

mais a 90points si tu veux une arme type grosse hache bien sympa tu pourrais avoir un truc du style:

+2F 1d3pv et -1 pour toucher le porteur de par les tourbillons mortelles et assez amples realisé par le porteur(vu que a 90points tu n'auras pas d'invu et juste une save a 2+ le -1 pour toucher n'est pas de trop!

Haches Bénie de Tor 90pts

Arme a deux mains ; arme magique ; c'est une arme a deux main qui donne non +2 en force mais +3, de plus le porteur frappe par initiative.La sauvegarde ennemis a un malus complémentaire de -1 a la sauvegarde d'armure

celle ci est nul et en plus 90 points c'est bien trop cher!

Lance du Griffon 40pts

Compte comme une lance de cavalerie ; arme magique ; cet lance suit les regle de la lance de cavalerie a l'exeption qu'elle donnent +3 en force en charge et un bonus de plus 1 pour toucher.

elle par contre est bien mais devrait etre au moins a 50points,voir a 55 pour la limiter au seigneur

ensuite globalement sur ta liste ya trop d'objet a une seule utilisation,ce qui peut etre bien voir enorme sur 1 tour(trop?) et ensuite plus rien

de plus trop d'objets(mais tu l'as dit toi meme tu as pris sur des LA) sont vu et revu,essaie d'en trouver des originaux!

moi j'aime bien par exemple:

Marteau de vengence 20pts

Arme magique ; donne +1 en cc et en force a son porteur

Cape de l'hiver 30pts

Une seule utilisation ; Sorcier uniquement ; si l'unité du sorcier est chargée et que l'ennemis est a portée, le sorcier pour faire un mouvement de vol pour fuir l'ennemis.Il ne peut pas charger mais peut rejoindre tout régiment amis a 20ps

apres je sais que c'est pas facile de faire des listes d'objets magique qui reste sympa a jouer sans etre dans l'abus,et je dois dire que tu as qd meme fait un boulot remarquable sur ce LA!

mais courage je suis sur que tu peux sortir quelques OM sympa

(au faite il n'y a pas de crocs runiques dans le Kislev?je sais plus...

mais a 90points si tu veux une arme type grosse hache bien sympa tu pourrais avoir un truc du style:

+2F 1d3pv et -1 pour toucher le porteur de par les tourbillons mortelles et assez amples realisé par le porteur(vu que a 90points tu n'auras pas d'invu et juste une save a 2+ le -1 pour toucher n'est pas de trop!

a la rigueur tu peux meme la mettre a 80points ce qui t'assures d'une invu a 6+

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Tu as mis ton message en double...

La hache de Tor est maintenant a 85pts.Mais personellement je la trouve tres forte, son porteur obtient une force 7,donne un malus de -5 a la sauvegarde et frappe par initiative.

La lance du Griffon est inpirée de la Lance des Etoiles qui a le même prix, donne aussi +3 en force et annule la sauvegarde d'armure lors de la charge. J'ai change rle fait d'annuler la sauvegade d'armure en charge mais pr +1 pour toucher tout le temps.Je veux bien la mettre a 45pts mais pas plus car le porteur n'utilisera que peux le +3 en force.

Sinon les kislévites n'ont pas de Croc Runique.

La cape de l'hiver je l'aime beaucoup aussi, il faut dire que quand un seigneur sorcier se fait charger il n'a que peut de chance d'en sortir...

Le marteau va peut-être être remplacer par un objet magique de Middenheim (avec autre nom,...), même chose pour l'anneau de vengeance.

Sinon quelque objet on changer de prix comme les sabres antique qui sont mons cher et l'arc qui lui est plus cher.

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la lance des etoiles est un OM haut elfe,ne compare pas trop les prix avec eux car leurs OM coutent souvent moins chers c'est une de leurs particularité!

je continue a dire que la hache est vraiment pas terrible,85points pour ça alors que une simple arme lourde te permet d'avoir des OM qui te donneront un peu de resistance!parce que frappé a l'initiative ne sert plus a grand chose par les temps qui court!

prends l'attendrisseur des ogres:50points;arme lourde qui cause 1d3pv!sur une creature qui a deja 5 en endu!

le +1 pour toucher faut deja une bonne vingtaine de points,combiné a une lance de cavalerie qui fait +3 en force ça fait peu cher!regarde du coup elle devient bien mieux que ta hache qui elle coute 85points...

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Je pense que mettre l'arme a 80pts et enlever arme a deux mains (même si c'est une grosse hache elle peut aisement être prit a une main, comme les crocs runiques) serait juste, non?Et si se n'ezst toujours pas assez un +1 pour toucher?

Avec 20pts qu'il reste on peut prendre le bouclier enchanté ou même le haume de l'ours.

Pour la lance je l'ai mise a 45pts. Il faut penser que le +3 en force ne sera utiliser réelemnt que deux si pas trois fois au maximum.Si on compart a une lance de cavalerie (6pts, +2en force) plus une epe de puissance (20pts,+1 en force, a part que chez moi c'est uniquement en charge) et une epee de touche (15pts,+1 pour toucher) on a un bon prix, non?

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  • 2 semaines après...

Voici maintenant la liste en elle même:

Seigneur :

Druzina 115pts

m4 cc6 ct5 f4 e4 pv 3 i5 a4 cd9

Equipement :arme de base

Options :-arme lourde (+6pts),arme de base additionnel (+6pts),Hallebarde (+6pts) et/ou pistolets (+9pts)

-Arc Long (+10pts) ou une arquebuse (+10pts)

-Armure Legere (+3pts),ou lourde (+6pts).Peut aussi porter un bouclier (+3pts)

-Destrier (+15pts) pouvant etre caparaconné (6pts), peut etre sur une char d’Ursun (+115pts) et remplace l’un des auriges ou un Wendigow (+200pts).Peut avoir une lance de cavalerie (+6pts) ou un sabre de cavalerie (+3pts) (compte comme une lance).

-Peut avoir 100pts d’objet magique

Tout vu,tout combattu (permet de relancer les test de psycologie) -Discipline de fer

-Grand Chaman kislevites 190pts

m4 cc4 ct3 f4 e3 pv 3 i4 a2 cd8

Equipement :arme de glace

Sorcier niveau 3

Options :-peut etre niveau 4 (+35pts)

-peut avoir jusqu’a 100pts d’objets magique.

-Peut etre sur un destrier (15pts) pouvant etre caparaconné (6pts),peut etre sur un char d’Ursun (+115pts) et remplace l’un des auriges.

Peut choisir le domaine des glace,mort,vie,bete

Arme de glace :donne +1 attaque et +1 en force (inclus dans le profil)

-Grand Pretre d’Ursun 300pts

m4 cc5 ct 3 f4 e4 pv3 i5 a3 cd9

Equipement :Hallebardes (compte comme un sabre de cavalerie),armure lourdes,bouclier et chevauche un Ours.

C’est un sorcier de niveau 1 qui utilise la magie des glace

Options :- Peut remplacer son ours par un char d’Ursun (+45pts) ou un wendigow (+60pts)

-Peut avoir jusqu’a 100pts d’objets magiques

Heros :

Boyard 90pts

m4 cc5 ct5 f4 e4 pv2 i5 a3 cd8

Equipement : Arme de base

Options :-Peut avoir une lance de cavalerie si il est monté sur un destrier (+4pts) ou un sabre de cavalerie (+2pts),une arme lourde (+4pts) ou une arme de base additionnel (+4pts)

-Peut porter un arc (+6pts),un pistolet (+7pts) ou une arquebuse (+10pts)

-Peut porter une armure legere (+2pts) ou lourde (+4pts).Peut aussi porter un bouclier (+2pts)

-Peut chevaucher un destrier (+10pts),pouvant etre caparaconné (+4pts)

-Peut porter jusqu’a 50pts d’objets magique

Regle spéciale :


-Chamans 80pts

m4 cc4 ct3 f4 e3 pv2 i4 a2 cd7

Equipement :arme de glaces

Sorcier niveau 1 peut choisir le domaine des glace,mort,vie,bete

Options :- peut etre niveau 2(+35pts)

-Peut etre sur destrier (+10pts) pouvant etre caparaconné (+4pts)

-Peut avoir jusqu’a 50pts d’objet magiques

0-1Maitre de la steppe 95pts

m4 cc4 ct6 f4 e4 pv2 i4 a 3 cd8

Equipement :Sabre de cavalerie,arc,destrier

Doit rejoindre une unités de cavaliers ungols qui doit avoir un sabre de cavalerie (+2pts/figs)

Options :peut avoir jusqu’a 50pts d’objets magique communs.

Regle speciale :Maitre des Ungols

Le regiment d’Ungols que le maitre rejoint devient immunises a la psycologie.

Il ne peut etre le general de l’armée.Il donne son commandement a tous les cavaliers ungols a 12ps.

-Discipline de fer

Unités de Base

1+ Lanciers ailés 24pts

m4 cc4 ct3 f3 e3 pv1 i3 a1 cd8

Taille d’unité :5+

Equipement :Lance de cavalerie,armure lourde,bouclier,arme de base

Monture :Destrier

Options :-Un lancier ailés peut devenir musicien (+8pts)

-Un lancier ailés peut devenir porte etendart (+16pts)

-Un lancier ailés peut devenir maitre de Rota (+16pts)

Regle Spéciale :Charge Glorieuse.

Archers a Cheval Ungols 17pts

m4 cc3 ct4 f3 e3 pv1 i3 a1 cd7

Taille d’unités :5+

Equipement :arme de base et arc

Monture :destrier

Options :-un archer a cheval peut devenir musicien (+7pts)

-un archer a cheval peut devenir porte etendart (+14pts)

-un archer a cheval peut devenir Khan (+14pts)

Regle spéciale :Cavalerie legere,discipline de fer.

Guerriers Kislevites 5pts

m4 cc4 ct3 f3 e3 pv1 i3 a1 cd7

Taille d’unité :10+

Equipement :arme de base

Options :-Peuvent avoir des armes lourde (+2pts/figs),une arme de base additionnel (+2pts/figs) ou des lances (+1pts/figs)

-Peuvent avoir une armure légères (+1pts/figs).Peuvent aussi porter un bouclier (+1pts/figs)

-Peuvent avoir des arcs (+2pts/figs)

-Peuvent etre grades gardes de Kislev (+5pts/figs),il gagne +1 en force,+1 en commandement et ont une armure lourdes.Devienne en choix spécial.

-Un guerrier peut devenir musicien (+5pts)

-Un guerrier peut devenir porte etendart (+10pts)

-Un guerrier peut devenir champion (+10pts)

Regles Spéciales :Discipline de fer.

Cossaks 22pts

m4 cc4 ct3 f4 e3 pv1 i4 a1 cd9

Taille d’unités :5+

Equipement :Sabre de Cavalerie,armure legere

Monture :Destrier

Options : -Un cossaks peut devenir musicien (+7pts)

-Un cossaks peut devenir porte etendart (+14pts)

-Un cossaks peut devenir Champion (+14pts)

Regle spéciale :

-Saoulés a la vodka !

Au début de chaque tour du joueur kislévites, les Cossaks doivent lancer 1D6 et se référer au tableau suivant :

1) les cossaks sont stupides

2-4) Les cossaks agissent normalement

5-6) Les cossaks sont frénétiques

-Cavalerie légères.

-Impétueux :

A condition de ne pas êtres frénétiques,lorsqu’ils peuvent charger une unitées ennemies ayant une PU supérieure, les cossaks doivent effectuer un test de commandement.En cas d’échecs ils chargeront l’unités ennemies.Si l’unités cause la peur, il doivent faire un second test.

Patrouilleurs frontaliers 5pts

m4 cc4 ct3 f3 e3 pv1 i4 a1 cd7

Taille d’unités :5-20

Equipement :arme de base

Options : -Peuvent avoir une arme de base additionelle (+2pts/figs),arme lourde (+2pts/figs),et/ou un pistolets (+4pts/figs)

-Peuvent avoir un arc (+4pts /figs)

-Peuvent porter une armure légères (+1pts/figs).Peuvent aussi porter un bouclier (+1pts/figs)

-Peuvent etre eclaireur (+2pts/figs)

-Un patrouilleur peut devenir rangers (+14pts)

Regle speciales :discipline de fer,tirailleurs.

Unités Spéciales :

0-1 -Streltsi 14pts

m4 cc4 ct3 f3 e3 pv1 i3 a1 cd8

Taille d’unité :10+

Equipement :armures lourdes,berdiche(compte comme une hallebarde),arquebuse et arme de base.

Options : -Un streltsi peut devenir musicien (6pts)

-Un streltsi peut devenir porte etendart (12pts)

-Un streltsi peut devenir champion (15pts)

Regles spéciales :

-discipline de fer

-plate formes de tir :

Les streltsis utilisent leurs bardiches comme appuis pour leurs arquebuses,leurs donnant une precision redoutable.Ils ont +1 pour toucher au tir.

Légion du griffon 26 pts

m4 cc4 ct3 f4 e3 pv1 i3 a1 cd8

Taille d’unité :5+

Equipement :arme de base,lance de cavalerie,bouclier et armure lourde

Monture :destrier

Options : Un lancier peut devenir musicien (+8pts)

-Un lancier peut devenir porte etendart (+16pts),qui peut avoir une banniere magique de 50pts maximum

-Un lancier peut devenir champion de la tzarine (+16pts),il peut echanger sa lance de cavalerie contre un pistolets.

Regle spéciale :Charge Glorieuse.

-Char a Ours d’Ursun 140pts

aurige m- cc4 ct3 f4 e- pv- I3 a1 cd8

Char m- cc – ct- f5 e4 pv4 a- cd- svg3

Ours m8 cc4 ct- f5 e- pv- i4 a4 cd 7

Auriges :2 auriges avec arme lourde et armure lourde

Attelage :1 ours

Options :Il peut y avoir un auriges supplementaire (+10pts)

Unités rares

Tchékist 22pts

m4 cc4 ct3 f3 e3 pv1 i4 a1 cd8,

Sabre de cavalerie, armure légère, bouclier, destrier.

Options :-peuvent avoir un pistolet pour +2pts,ou une paire de pistolets +4pts

-Un tchékist peut etre promu musicien (7pts)

-Un tchékist peut etre promu champion (14pts)

Règles spéciales : cavalerie légère, coup fatal.

Unités d’ours 70pts ours et 10pts dresseur

ours : m8 cc4 ct0 f5 e4 pv3 i4 a4 cd 7

dresseur :m4 cc4 ct3 f4 e3 pv1 i3 a1 cd8

Taille d’unites :2+ d’ours,vous devez avoir 1dresseur pour 1 a 2 ours qui se placeront toujours derriere les ours.

Equipement :Griffes et crocs pour les ours,sabre et fouet pour les dresseur ainsi qu’armure lourde (2 armes de base)

Regles spéciales :

-Cause la peur

-Fourure hivernale, les ours ont une sauvegarde de 5+

-Maitres et ours :

Lorsqu’ils subissent un tir, les tirs sont répartit ainsi :

1-4 les ours

5-6 les dresseurs.

Les dresseurs se placent derriere les ours mais peuvent tout de même attaquer sauf ils sont en contact avec une figurine ennemis et là ils drevont attaquer l’ennemis en contact socle a socle.

Aucun personnage sont un prêtre d’Ursun peut rejoindre le régiment.

Si les dresseurs sont mort et qu’il ne reste plus que des ours, faites un test de réactions des monstres.

Chariot de guerre 170pts

Chariot m- cc- ct- f5 e6 pv5 I- a- cd-

Gardes streltsi m- cc4 ct4 f3 e- pv- I3 a1 cd 8

Destrier m8 cc- ct- f3 e- pv- i3 a1 cd-

Taille d’unité :1

Equipage :6 gardes

Attelages :2 destriers

Equipement :armures légères,arme de base,arquebuse,hallebardes

Regle Speciale :

-Char :Le chariot de guerre est un char qui possede une sauvegarde de 3+ effectuant d6 touches d’impact en charge.Les gardes sont considéré comme des personnage montés sur un char.

Lorsque des tir prenne pour cible le char,la repartition est la suivante :sur 6+ se sont les gardes qui sont touché sinon c’est le char.Au corp a corp,l’ennemis choisis de frapper soit sur les gardes soit sur le char.

Si le chariot de guerre est détruit,les gardes sont dispersés et sont retirer du jeux.

En se qui concerne les point de victoire,l’ennemis les remporte si le char est detruit ou si les gardes sont tués.

-Puissance d’unités :le char possède une puissance d’unité de 9

-Tour de combat :Grace a la protection de la tour,les gardes possede une sauvegarde a 3+.

Le char est bien proteger,la force 7 ne le detruit pas automatiquement,il faut de la force 8.

-Immunisés a la psychologie.

-Plateforme de combat :les gardes peuvent toujours tirés mêmes si ils ont bougés et sans malus de tir.Ils ne peuvent tirer au corp a corp.

-Grande Cible.

-Discipline de fer.


Je vais aussi rajouter des persos spéciaux comme Vladic Dostov (créateur de la Légion du Griffon),Radoslava Boukrin (héroine streltsi) et peut etre Ivan Mikélovitch Straghov mais il me faut de plus ample information sur lui.

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  • 3 semaines après...

Salut à tous,

je poste ce sujet, car je suis intéressés par Kislev et parce que j'ai cherché sur ce forum....

j'ai trouvé plein de choses (certaines qui ne s'accordent pas avec d'autres...)

je voudrais qu'on puisse établir ensemble une liste d'armée jouable, avec unités, objets magiques, nouveau perso...

j'aime bien le travail de Korgrim pour la liste d'armée, je trouve qu'elle est la meilleure (la liste....).

reste les objets magiques et pleins d'autres trucs, à+

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Désolé de te dire ça mais tu ne proposes absolument rien à part dire que la liste de Korgrim est bien foutue (et tu ne mets ni lien ni rappel de son travail de surcroit).

Si au moins tu pouvais proposer quelque chose de concret aux gens afin de permettre le démarrage ce serait mieux, non?

En attendant, je ne sais pas si tu connais mais:

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* Terre Ancestrale

Les règles typé je combat chez moi sont en voit d'extinction (ex : Les ES en règle expérimentale qui perdent leur 100PV si l'adversaire est chez eux dans le LA ; pas de règle d'armée de jungle pour les HL). Les concepteurs réservent plus ces règles pour des contextes et scénarios particuliers.

Par contre faire de la Tzarine une sorcière niveau 4 ou bien lui donner un bonus pour lancer ses sorts dans une armée de Kislev se conçoit assez bien.

* Serfs

Un peu comme la Queue

* Chasseurs

J'ai moi même pensé à la chose ici

J'ai du mal à m'expliquer le Coureurs des plaines. En plus je trouve que ça renvoi à la berdiche des Stretsis.

* Gardes du Palais

Garde du Kreml comme les appelle Tuomas Pirinen dans sa liste v4. Ma version.

* Streltsis

J'aime bien tes règles de Plate-forme de tir c'est moins puissant que les miennes. À voir.

* Dragon des Glaces

Les humains semble ne pas être assez noble pour les dragons depuis le début de la v6. Seul Karl Franz y a droit actuellement. Je suis pas trop pour donc

Un dragon des glaces est un dragon blanc.

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Porridge d'objets magiques

[u'>Magic Items [/u]


Shard Blade (75 pts) Tzar Boris had carried a mighty pole-arm with a blade crafted from ice hewn from the glaciers of Norsca, and magically bound by ice wizards of Kislev to remain forever frozen. When the Shard Blade strikes a foe, ice water enters his veins and freezes his blood.

Effects: +2S, may be used in conjunction with a shield. Any models that suffer a wound (after saving throws etc.) from this weapon must take a Toughness test. If the test is failed they suffer an additional wound with no Armour or Ward save possible. A roll of a 6 is always a failure, no matter the Toughness of the opponent. Cannot be included if Tzar Boris is leading the army.

Axe of the Khan-Queen (60 pts) This is the legendary axe which Miska forged for herself and with which she has killed countless Khans and Chieftains that opposed her unification of the Gospodars and her conquest of Kislev. This mighty axe is imbued with her fury and her power over ice magic. Few dare wield it even now.

Effects: Great weapon (+2S), all unsaved wounds become d3 wounds. Wounds sustained from hits by this weapon cannot be regenerated or otherwise recovered.

Bow of the Ungol Chieftain (45 pts) Ulanday proved his ancestry and claim to being the future Chieftain when he was the only one among the pretenders to the title to be able to draw and shoot this bow as far as his father, Chief Guyuk, could. This weapon is passed from Great Chieftain to succeeding Great Chieftain among tribes living north of the Lynsk.

Effects: Counts as a regular bow except the bearer shoots as many times as Attacks on his base profile, at his base Strength.

Mosin Pischal (40 pts) Andrei Mosin, the Baker’s Son, was the best marksman in Tzar Vladimir Bokha’s royal regiment. He got in trouble with the Tzar when he boasted that there was nothing he couldn’t kill with his gun, whereupon the Tzar sent him to kill a Shaggoth that has been laying waste to the farmlands just south of the Zarska swamp. Nobody had seen Andrei since, but they did find his pischal – next to the corpse of his slain quarry!

Effects: A Kislev handgun, as per Streltzi entry of the army list. All unsaved wounds become d3 wounds. May be used in a stand-and-shoot reaction (also causing d3 wounds).

Sword of Praag’s Defender (35 pts) A long-fallen but forever-remembered hero, Boyarin Longinus Podbeyko had shorn heads of three Chaos Warriors scaling the walls of Praag with one sweep and remained undefeated even by these mightiest of mortals after the rest of the defenders of the gate had fallen. Finally, hordes of daemons pulled him under, but not before he’d killed a good many. His sword was later recovered and re-forged. It is now carried by the bodyguard of the voivoda of Praag.

Effects: great weapon, +3S. A demonic enemy hit wounded by the sword has to pass an unmodified Ld test or lose one further wound with no armour or ward save possible.

Pulkmaster's Mace (35 pts) The generals of Kislev often bear a mace as a sign of authority. With it comes responsibility that no man would take lightly, so the bearers always try to do their duty the best they can, as well as inspire by example the men around them. Maces of famous voivodas are often rumoured to have magical powers that help their owners excel.

Effects: The bearer gains +1S. In addition, if the bearer has inflicted one or more casualty or unsaved wound against the opponent in close combat, the unit he leads gains +1 when working out CR in addition to any wounds caused by the bearer.

True-Slaying Sword (30 pts) This sword was forged from meteoric iron, and quenched in the legendary Dead Water. It’s very metal knows death intimately, and guides the hand of the striker towards the weakest spot of the foe, often killing them outright. This blade has slain many an enemy of Kislev, from lowly marauders to mighty dragons.

Effects: Cavalry Sword, Killing Blow.

Lance of Forever-Wood (25 pts) This lance is made from the black wood of Tor’s Ash; it never breaks or loses sharpness, and, as legend has it, will always find its way back to its owner unless freely given away. This was the weapon with which Peresvet the Inok of Tor pierced the heart of the marauder hetzar Kazchei in a long-ago battle.

Effects: +3S on a charge.

Bow of the Snow Gryphon (25 pts) Gryphon sinews for string, gryphon feathers for the arrows, gryphon claws for arrow-tips, made of twisted wood and reinforced with gryphons’ ribs, this bow is a monstrosity indeed. It is owned by the Voivoda of Kislev City, who spends many hours a day honing his skill as an archer, although rumour has it is this bow that is itself blood-thirsting and heart-seeking, like the Gryphon it was made from!

Effects: Counts as a longbow of S5, AP. Suffers no to-hit penalties when shooting at lone targets.

Wooden Dagger (25 pts) Radigost, the first of the Volhovi, fashioned this dagger from the Ever-oak sacred to Dazh, his grandfather. Through its wood, the magic power of the wizard is channelled, allowing him to break past the best defences of the foe. Many Volhovi and priests of Dazh have borne this weapon into battle.

Effects: may be used only by a Kislevite Witch or Volhov. The user, when fighting in CC, ignores ward saves and may re-roll his attacks against foes of daemonic or ethereal natures. In addition, roll a d3 and add the result to the base Strength of the user when working out wounds.


Armour of Ursun (75 pts) Forged for the late Tzar Boris Bokha on Spring Equinox, one of the holiest days of the cult of Ursun, this suit of armour is imbued with the power and might of Ursun himself and those who wear it feel his power coursing through their veins. Powdered bones of a score of the mightiest bears were mixed with the steel of the armour before it was quenched in the finest mead.

Effects: Full plate armour (4+ save). For each hit caused by his enemies in close combat, the bearer may make an additional attack back after his enemies attacks have been resolved (and assuming he’s still alive). He may make these bonus attacks even if he has already attacked that phase. Cannot be included if Tzar Boris is leading the army

Armour of Erengrad (45 pts) Armour worn by Kniaz Alexander Ladomirovich, ruler of Erengrad and later Tsar of Kislev. It was made by the Norse Dwarfs as a gift for his help against the marauder horsemen. This armour of golden hue is annually blessed by the Archpriest of Dazh or the Igumen of the Erengrad folk. It is splendidly made, flexible yet tough, and can absorb the energy from even the toughest blows without breaking.

Effects: Counts as super-heavy armour (4+ Armour Save) that also grants a 5+ ward save. May be combined normally with other equipment.

Gauntlets of Tor’s Champion (40 pts) Mail gauntlets that crackle with power of the storm, these allow the bearer to strike the foe with the strength and unstoppable power of Tor’s very thunderbolt! When these were worn by Kniaz Stanislas, who was also the high priest of Tor, during the battle at the gates of Kislev, Tor gained a good many believers!

Effects: Gives a 6+ armour save, but only in conjunction with other armour. Cannot be used to increase the wearer’s armour save to better than AS 1+.

After the bearer has successfully hit the opponent, the target has to take a toughness test. If it is failed, a lightning bolt strikes the target model and delivers one S4 hit which ignores armour saves. If the target is inside a water body, the lightning strikes with S5.

Only one lightning bolt per model per combat phase (i.e. enemy hero cannot be struck by lightning more than once per turn!)

Cloak of the Awakened Bear (35 pts) A bear awakened in winter is full of rage like no other creature in the world – except perhaps a wizard who wears a cloak made out of a pelt of a wakened bear. More than once an enemy was surprised by the fury with which Kislev’s Volhovi can fight.

Effects: May be worn by Volhov or Witch only. 6+ Armour Save that can be combined normally with other armour. The wearer gains +1WS, +1S and +1A.

Armour of Hoarfrost (35 pts) An exquisite suit of armour forged from steel as dark as a winter’s night, it is overlaid with delicate, hoarfrost-like pattern of magic-imbued silver. Legend has it that the frost mage and the dwarf smith who worked to make this item were both blinded by the cruel Kniaz Ivan after it was completed, lest they make something as good for another nobleman. Ironically, the Kniaz never got to wear it as he died in very mysterious circumstances the very next day!

Effects: Counts as FPA (4+ save) In addition, the wearer may give up his normal number of attacks to make one that counts as magical and allows no armour or ward save.

Armour from Beyond-Seas (30 pts) Worn by a High Elf knight who was slain by a Chaos Warlord while helping Kislevites recover Praag, and later found by one of the Tzar’s royal guards, this is the finest chainmail coat the Tzarina’s armoury has in store, and light enough to never tire the warrior wearing it.

Effects: Confers a 5+ Armour Save, which can be combined with other equipment normally. May re-roll failed armour saves. In addition, this item can be used by Inoks and Atamans, contravening their normal armour restrictions.

Heart of Winter Shield (25 pts) This tall teardrop-shaped shield of palest blue emits a chilling aura, freezing the enemies and slowing them down. This shield was borne by Volha Sziatoslavich, the sorcerer-prince of Bolgasgrad, whose heart was said to be cold and unforgiving like the winters of Kislev.

Effects: Gives a 6+ save that can be combined normally with other equipment. When in CC, enemies in base contact with the bearer strike last regardless of the weapons they are using. Units that strike first due to mundane rules or magical items follow their base Initiative instead of striking last.

Arcana (Shamanka or Volhov only)

Garland of Steppe Flowers (70 pts) Summer in Kislev is fleeting, and to fully harness the power of summer magic is no small feat. Each year, during Midsummer’s Night celebration, the greatest of the Volhovi that use Summer magic gets handed a garland made from the flowers of the Steppe. This deceptively simple looking item is no mere marker of prestige. The user is granted the power to unite the attempts of Summer magicians to cast magic and guide them using her own knowledge, increasing the power and effectiveness of their spells.

Effects: Up to three Kislevite magicians (besides the wearer) that are using Summer magic get +1 to their casting attempts. If more than 4 wizards are using Summer lore, declare which of the mages will benefit - after choosing their Lores but before rolling for spells.

The Flowering Fern of Ivano (35 pts) Ivano of the River is the son of Dazh and a Sun Maiden. His feast falls on Midsummer’s Night, when, it is said, deep within the dark forest a fern will bear a flower. It can be found only once a lifetime, but whoever does so and makes a potion of it, is granted immense power in the arts of magic.

Effects: The wizard may use this to add 3 power dice to his power die pool once per game. (One-use item).

Magic Broom and Barrel (30 pts) Like the legendary Jezi Baba, mother of all hags, some Kislevite witches have the ability to hop into an empty barrel, and, pushing off with their trusty broom, rise into the air and fly wherever they wish – to the Midsummer gathering, to the spring of Dead and Living water, or even to war!

Effect: The bearer can fly. The bearer may not be the army general. Only characters on foot may use this item.

Staff of Frozen Earth (30 pts) Few know that, like winter and summer are two sides of the same yearly cycle, Summer and Ice Lores are likewise two sides of the same magic, originating in the green wind of Ghyran, inextricably tied together in Kislev’s land and Kislev’s mages. This staff, fashioned long ago for Olga of Kislev, aids Summer witches and Ice witches alike, in any season.

Effects: +1 power die to user. In addition, one spell (selected randomly by rolling a d6) from the opposite lore (i.e. an Ice spell when wielded by a Summer witch and vice versa) may be stored in the staff, and cast using the caster’s own power dice in her own magic phase.

Scroll of Birch-Bark (20 pts) The bark of the birch-tree is soft and supple and makes excellent writing material. Kislevite wizards often record their spells on birch-bark, to read them and cast them in case they cannot recall them in battle.

Effect: choose any spell (except the one most difficult to cast) from the same lore that the caster uses at the beginning of battle. The spell on the scroll has power level 3, does not require power dice, but may be dispelled. Whether the spell is dispelled, or not, the scroll is destroyed. One per character. Witch only (Volhovi deign it below their dignity to write spells down).

Circlet of Vasilisa the Wise (15 pts) Vasilissa the Wise was a mighty sorceress and the wife of Kniaz Yelisey Kazimirovic who helped her husband utterly defeat the Hetzar Kargan. The circlet she once wore passes her prudence and power to the wearer.

After successfully casting a spell, but before any dispel attempts by the opponent, the caster may decide to remove a single die from those used (as long as the total on the remaining dice is sufficient to cast the spell), and put it back to his Power Pool. Note that the value rolled on the die removed cannot be added to the current magic phase (i.e. ony the remaining dice count). It may be rolled again in an attempt to cast another spell in the same magic phase. The item cannot be used to cancel a Miscast (as the spell has to be cast successsfully for this item to take effect).

Shard of the Ice Queen’s Crown (15 pts) The Crown, created by the Tzarina in winter, is made of purest ice. Every year in spring, when the Tzarina announces that it is time to drive the chaos incursions back, it is ritually smashed with a silver mace, and the shards distributed among the generals and wizard lords. These fragments contain the power of the Ice Queen herself, and can turn the tide of a magic duel if used right….

Effects: If a spell from the Ice Lore is successful, this item may be used, after which the spell is considered to be cast with Irresistible Force and may not, therefore, be dispelled. One-use item.


Pelt of Lokiys the Changeling (30 pts) Lokiys Kistutievich was the last of the Volhovichi princes to be able to turn into a bear without help from magical items. After he died, he made sure that his magnificent bear pelt somehow made its way into the hands of his descendants - allowing them to prowl around as mighty bears, just like he did. How he did it is not usually spoken about.

Effects: counts as a bound “Changeling’s Roar” spell, power level 4. May be dispelled as normal. The user may attempt to use it on himself during each of his own magic phases. Once used, it remains in play unless dispelled or cancelled by the user. Usable by a Volhov only. The Volhov cannot cast spells while in his bear form.

Vial of Dead and Living Water (30 pts) The two legendary springs – of dead water and of living water – are hidden in the far north mountains. The dead water closes wounds and restores the body, while the living water restores life and spirit; many a warrior was saved from imminent doom by making use of a small vial of both. However, the way to those springs is very difficult, and one is more likely to perish just trying to get to them than one is when fighting marauders!

Effects: At the beginning of each of his own turns, the bearer can use the item to restore one wound on himself. Otherwise, he may use it to raise one wounded W1, US1 trooper back to fighting condition. One-use item. More than one may be taken per army, but not per character

Gusli of Bayan (25 pts) Bayan was the greatest storyteller and bard of Kislevite history. His musical instrument, it is said, still remembers his skill, and sounds soothing and reassuring in the hands of any musician. Its notes can often lift the spirits of broken men, raise their courage, and turn flight into a stand to the death.

Effects: Once every turn, the player may attempt to increase the Ld of the troops within a 6” radius by 1, if he passes an unmodified Ld roll. This may be done during any battle phase. Any Ld. tests done by affected units afterwards are resolved at +1 Ld.

Roll a d6 every time it’s used (successfully or not). On a roll of 1, the power of the magical instrument is exhausted, and it may not be used again during the battle.

Yefimko the Jester’s Boots (20 pt) Jesters are as much part of Kislev as bards and heroes, and many stories exist about them. One such jester, Yefimko, is famed for songs that insulted those noblemen who didn’t take their duty to the land and the people seriously. He never came to harm despite their wrath, mostly because they couldn’t catch him, thanks to his magic boots.

Effect: The wearer gets +d6” to his movement distance, and +2d6” to his charging, marching and fleeing distance. May only be taken by a character on foot. The bearer may not be the army general.

Youth-Restoring Apple (20 pts) Brought by far-ranging Kislevite traveller Afonasi Nikitski to the court of the Tzar, the fabled golden apples from Cathay were deemed a worthy gift indeed! These trees are delicate and can only survive in orchards sacred to Dazh, where they are imbued with the magical vitality of the place. Reputedly, one mere bite of their fruit can not only restore strength and energy to a tired warrior, but also make him far stronger than normal men for a short while.

Effects: For one full combat round, add 1S, 1T and 1I to the user’s statsline. One-use item.

Magic Bridle (10 pts) When Yelisey Kazimirovich set out to seek the hand of Vasilisa the he left on foot; but when he came to her palace, he rode a magnificent horse the like of which has never been seen since; they say that it was the magic bridle that Bayan gave him that allowed him to tame the creature. True enough, riders using this item have perfect control over their mounts, almost making it seem that steed and rider think with one mind, and challenging the Arari themselves in feats of horsemanship.

Effect: The user’s mount’s WS is increased to match that of the rider. This does not apply to monster mounts.


Golden Sun of Dazh (75 pts) Forged by Kalevaitis the Divine Smith himself in the dawn of Gospodar history, this magnificent golden ornament is without doubt magical. The high priest of Dazh is its keeper, giving it only to the most deserving of Kislev’s voivodas.

Effects: A ward save of 5+ to the wearer and the unit he’s with.

Locket of Mother Black Earth (50 pts) Nothing is more traditional for a Kislevite hero to wear around his neck than a locket of the darkest, most fertile soil of Kislev’s steppes as a sign of devotion to their Motherland. In return, the unknown gods of the Earth protect the Kislevite hero against immeasurable perils, with the Earth itself absorbing wounds that could have killed him otherwise.

Effects: The bearer gets regeneration.

Dagger of Black Ice (50 pts) This is a small, dagger-shaped shard chipped from the ice of the black glacier of Kislev’s far North, the ice of which never melts. While normal ice reflects light, black ice reputedly reflects evil Fate. More than once the talisman helped a hero escape certain death and overcome the foe by the swift retribution it provides.

Effects: If this character suffers a Killing Blow in Close Combat, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, the Killing Blow is instead scored against the model that struck the blow. If that character is immune to Killing Blow, the wound is simply discounted.

Snowflake Pendant (30 pts) This is the highest decoration a Kislevite general may recieve, a sign of favour by the Ice Queen herself. It creates a shield of shimmering ice around the bearer if his life is in danger, and often magically turns away even the most determined of blows aimed at him.

Effects: The bearer gets a 5+ Ward Save.

Bear’s Claws Necklace (15 pts) The Ungols venerate Ursun above other gods, and wear the claws of bears as necklaces to attest to their devotion. It gives them strength and determination in return, and makes them withstand attacks that could kill normal men.

Effects: the user automatically passes all characteristic tests he has to take (except leadership tests). In addition, his armour save cannot be reduced below 6+ by any means excepting attacks that ignore all armour saves.


Banner of the Motherland (100 pts) Fighting to the death is a noble way to die, and every Kislevite knows it. Fleeing the battle when guarding the banner of Royal Kislev herself is unforgivable – and every Kislevite knows that too. This banner is the testament to that - it has never been touched by an enemy in its long history.

Effect: The unit bearing this banner is Unbreakable

Banner of the Frostfiend (65 pts) The frostfiend is a mighty, terrible creature, whose mere image on the banner carried by the cavalrymen of Praag fills the enemy with fear. In addition, the banner’s totem is as one with the bitter, cold wind of Kislev’s North, and thus aids the Ice Witches that ride with the regiment. This banner was a gift to Praag’s current governor from the sorcerous Kniaz Vsevolod III of Bolgasgrad.

Effects: If an enemy unit is charged by the unit carrying this banner they must take an unmodified Ld test immidiately after having determined to be within the charge range of it. If the test is failed, then the enemy unit must roll 6s to score hits in the first round of combat.

If an enemy unit wishes to charge the unit carrying this banner, it must also pass an unmodified Ld test. If it is failed, it may not charge or shoot and must remain stationary during that movement phase. An enemy unit that is for whatever reason immune to fear is not afffected by this banner.

In addition, one ice mage joining the unit carrying this banner gets +1 power die.

Hetman's Standard (50 pts) Hetman Gavrilo Poleschuk was an uncommonly talented general, and his ability to make his men do their manoeuvres expertly is what made his name as famous as it is now. On countless occasions he mislead the enemy into thinking that they were attacking mere archers, when in truth they were charging Kislev’s doughty Kossars, standing many ranks deep. The banner of his pulk, enchanted by his friend, the wizard Silo Timofeyevich, may or may not have had something to do with it.

Effect: Unit may add or remove one more rank than normally allowed in the beginning of the player’s movement phase (unless it is charging or marching). The movement required for the addition or subtraction of a rank is free and is not subtracted from the maximum movement a unit can do that turn. In addition, the unit may rank up as a charge reaction, creating as many ranks as needed. Note that rank up and stand-and-shoot are mutually exclusive. Infantry only.

Banner of the Gods’ Protection (45 pts) The banner invokes the names of the gods of Kislev – Dazh, Ursun, Rhya and Tor. The regiment bearing it feels defended by the Gods against perils.

Effect: 6+ Ward Save to the entire unit and characters within it, increased to a 5+ Ward Save against hostile spells.

Banner of Defiance (35 pts) This banner embodies the very spirit of Kislev – defiance and disdain of the enemy, despite any odds. The unit bearing this banner is viewed with admiration by gods and men! The banner is said to have been woven by the Arari themselves, and emanates with defensive magic when the enemy is near.

Effect: The Kislev player gains 1 DD for every enemy unit within 6” of the bearer.

Banner of the Wild Mare (30 pts) This ancient banner is almost always carried by the second-in-command of the Ungol Great Chieftain into battle, giving the Ungol horsemen the edge in speed and manoeuvrability over other cavalry.

Effect: +1” to Movement characteristic of the unit (i.e. +2” charge range). Cavalry only.

Banner of the Royal Regiment (30 pts) The Royal Regiment are an elite unit of the streltzi of Kislev City. They are reputedly the best marksmen in the land. When fighting under this banner, they strive very hard to uphold that reputation!

Effect: The unit suffers no to-hit penalties when shooting at long range and can re-roll 1s when shooting. Infantry only.

Standard of Spring Driving (25 pts) Carried forth when the Tzarina decrees that the Spring driving has reach its turning point, this banner has been at the forefront of every campaign to drive the marauders back into the wastes.

Effect: the unit bearing this banner hates chaos and is relentless during the first turn when fighting battles against Chaos.

Banner of Igor’s Pulk (15 pts) Kniaz Igor’s druzhina fought to the death against immeasurable numbers of foes. The banner, rescued by Kniaz Vseslav Volhovich, inspires those bearing it to the same feats of courage.

Effect: Enemies may not claim the +1 combat resolution bonus for outnumbering when in combat with this unit. Cavalry only. Note that the unit will still auto-break when outnumbered by fear-causing troops.


Magic Weapons

Seaserpent Halberd 40 pts.

This mighty poleaxe is engraved on its blade with the image of a writhing wyrm. It’s blows weave and slide with unnatural grace through rank after rank of foemen.

The Seaserpent Halberd grants +1 S and requires two hands. In addition, if the bearer inflicts a wound upon a unit, that unit suffers an additional S4 hit for each rank beyond the first (maximum of 3 additional hits).

Axes of Ursun’s Rage 40 pts.

These twin axes bear hafts of black oak and blades of bone. The bearer can hew his way with ferocious blows through scores of foes, never tiring, as the strength of Ursun himself drives him forward.

The Axes of Ursun’s Rage require two hands. The bearer benefits from +2 A, +2 I, and +1 S.

Blade of Storms 35 pts.

This enchanted blade glitters with a blade white as new-driven snow. Where it strikes, the heavens themselves deliver scorching blows, as the thunder god, Tor, smites those who oppose his followers.

For each hit dealt in combat, the Blade of Storms deals an additional S4 hit with no armour save. Against a unit this is resolved as a shooting attack, while in a challenge or against a multi-wound model the additional hits are resolved against that target.

Trollbane 25 pts.

This grim axe glows with a faint green light, and often smokes as though burning. It tears flesh from its foes and scorches their bodies, dealing fell wounds to even the most monstrous of foes.

Trollbane is a Flaming weapon that does D3 wounds.

Fiendslayer 15 pts.

Fiendslayer is a massive greatsword, granted to the Khan of Kislev by Magnus the Pious from the Imperial Armoury. It bears powerful enchantments against the creatures of chaos, and even the mightiest of daemons cannot stand against its blows.

Fiendslayer is a Great Weapon (+2 S, requires two hands, always strikes last) that does D6 wounds to Daemons.

The Silver Shard 30 pts.

This magical bow is crafted of white oak and wrapped with silver and white fox leather. Arrows fired from it splinter in the air, resolve themselves into a score of bolts that can fell entire ranks of enemy soldiers.

The Silver Shard is treated as a magical bow. In addition, if a shot hits, it scores D6 hits on the target unit. All hits are resolved at S3 and are Armour Piercing.

Magic Armour

The Sable Plate 65 pts.

This suit of black armour bears veins of obsidian running through its structure, which disrupt and cancel magical powers. It also provides substantial protection against normal blows.

The Sable Plate counts as Full Plate Armour (4+ armour save). It grants MR (2), and a 4+ ward save against magical attacks. In addition, the wearer cannot bear any other magical items.

The Cloak of the Bear 35 pts.

Made from the hide of an ancient Chaos Bear, this cloak infuses its wearer with the strength and rage of the animal.

The Cloak of the Bear counts as heavy armour (5+ save) and grants the wearer +1 S and +1 A.

The Gauntlets of Deflection 30 pts.

These magially-imbued elven gauntlets are made of incredibly strong steel, and move with unnatural quickness of keep the wearer safe from fell blows.

The Gauntlets grant a 6+ armour save that combines with other equipment normally. In addition, in each round of close combat, the wearer deflects the first non-magical hit scored upon him.

The Icewyrm Helm 35 pts.

This war helm bears a crafted dragon of silver as its crest, with claws of diamonds and eyes of sapphire. At the wearer’s command, the drake’s maw spits forth an icy blast that freezes enemy soldiers in their tracks and chills courage and strength alike.

The Helm provides a 6+ armour save that may be combined with other equipment normally. In addition, in the player’s shooting phase, the helm may use a breath weapon at S3, with a -2 penalty to armour saves.

The Ice Bear Shield 50 pts.

This large shield bears a crafted bear carved upon its face that seems to stare down foes. When close, the bear literally reaches out of the shield, grasping foes and pinning them in place to be easily killed.

The Shield is treated as a normal shield (6+ armour save). In addition, each enemy model in close combat with the bearer must make a Strength test at the start of each round. If failed, the Shield grabs and grapples them; they cannot strike in combat and are hit automatically.

Arcane Items

The Shard of the Frozen Winds 75 pts.

This tiny crystal is said to be formed of the winds of Chaos themselves. When shattered, the chill of Kislev stretches forth, freezing the magical winds and dealing crippling damage to unprepared spellcasters through their open minds.

One Use Only. When used, at the beginning of any of the player’s Magic Phases, all enemy spellcasters must roll a D6 for each Wizard level that they possess. Each roll of a 6 inflicts one wound with no armour save.

The Hand of Ice 25 pts.

This frozen gauntlet grasps the winds of Chaos, slowing them and making enemy spellcasters sluggish and weak.

Each enemy magic phase, the Hand of Ice removes one Power Die from the enemy’s magic pool.

The Oak Staff 40 pts.

This sturdy beam is carried by priests and devotees of Taal, and focuses some of their most impressive defensive magic.

Counts as a halberd. In addition, it grants D3 extra Dispel Dice to the Kislevite player’s magic pool.

Seal of Taal’s Retribution 50 pts.

When this potent magical amulet is cracked, animals panic and bolt, heedless to their riders’ commands.

One Use Only. When activated, at the beginning of the Kislevite player’s magic phase, all enemy cavalry and ridden monsters on the table must make a Panic test.


Katarin’s Bane 40 pts.

Katarin was a vampire who ascended to the throne of Kislev quite legitimately…but ushered in a reign of terror that lasted over a century. She was slain at last by her great-great-grandson, who was quite determined to succeed her to the throne and carried with him an item that prevented her from harming him.

This brooch saps the strength from Undead attacks. Undead attacks at the wearer suffer a -1 to hit and -1 to wound penalty.

Icon of Straldov 25 pts.

This simple item commemorates Straldov, a hero of Kislev during the Great War Against Chaos.

The wearer gains +1 WS and the Killing Blow special ability.

Sigil of Shielding 50 pts.

This sigil grants considerable magical enhancement to the wearer’s defenses.

The wearer gains a +1 bonus to his armour save and a 5+ ward save.

Enchanted Items

Ice Shard 30 pts.

This tiny magical gem is enchanted to be the bane of those who draw the winds of magic.

Each round, the bearer may make a ranged attack in the shooting phase, as with a thrown weapon, against an enemy spellcaster. The attack has range of 12” and does not require line of sight. If it hits, the Ice Shard always wounds on a 2+, with normal armour saves allowed.

Ice Heart Amulet 40 pts.

Bound Spell, Power Level 3. Grants a 4+ ward save. Remains in play.

Icon of Ursun 20 pts.

Bound Spell, Power Level 4. Casts The Oxen Stands.

Icewind Horn 50 pts.

Bound Spell, Power Level 5. Target unit within 18” and line of sight is reduced to half movement speed and cannot fly. All models in the front rank (or all models, if a skirmishing unit) suffer a S2 hit.

Magic Banners

Banner of Taal’s Path 60 pts.

The unit under this standard treats all difficult terrain and all water features as open ground for movement purposes. (Sight, of course, is still obscured).

Tzarina’s Banner 50 pts.

All friendly units within 12” of the Banner are Immune to Panic.

Banner of Ursun 30 pts.

The unit under this standard gains +1 A when charging.

Standard of Praag 15 pts.

Grants MR (1).

Standard of Kislev 60 pts.

A unit under this banner gains +2 to CR from higher ground, and enemies never gain a bonus to CR because of outnumbering, flanking, or rear charging the unit. de Tod Colby pour Strike To Stun']

Magic Items

You may choose magic items for your characters and units from the following list and/or the common magic items in the rulebook.

Magic Weapons

Holy axe of Miska 70 Points

Miska the Slaughterer made this axe for her second husband, Mikhail Gregorov. (Her first husband was killed and eaten by Miska in her fury). It is an exceedingly heavy weapon leaving destruction in the wake of every swipe.

The Holy Axe of Miska confers +2 Strength to all close combat attacks made by the character wielding it. In addition, all unsaved wounds become d3 wounds.

Hammer of the Righteous 50 Points

The bearer can re-roll failed To Hit rolls.

Sword of Swift slaying 25 points

The wielder of this sword always strikes first in close combat, even before enemies that have charged. If the bearer is fighting another enemy who is also entitled to strike first due to magic or special abilities, then resolve the attacks in Initiative order. If Initiative values are equal, roll a dice to determine who strikes first.

Magic Armour

Armour of Alexandr 70 points

The Dwarfs made this armor for Tzar Alexandr Njevski. It is chain mail and accompanying shield of unrivaled beauty and strength with the words "Gods are with us, we cannot fail" inscribed on every link of the armor. The tzar was never wounded while wearing this armor.

The armor and shield combine to confer an armor save of 3+ for the wearer. If the wearer fails his armor save, he may make a 5+ Ward save. He is not entitled to make the Ward Save against attacks that would normally not permit an armor saving throw.

If the armor successfully blocks a close combat attack from a magical weapon, the magical weapon is destroyed and rendered useless on a d6 roll of 5+ for each successful save made by the armor.

Ice Armour of Jekaterina 45 points

This enchanted armor was fashioned out of pure ice by Tzarina Jekaterina III. It is enchanted against physical damage, but a very powerful blow can shatter the armor.

This armor gives the wearer a 1+ armor save which cannot be improved by any means. In addition, the armor save is never worse than a 4+ due to modifiers such as the strength of the attacker or magical attacks. Should the armor ever fail a saving throw, the force of the attack destroys it. Ice Mages may wear this armor without limiting their ability to cast spells, or the Wizard Level of the caster.

Armour of Faith 40 points

Counts as heavy armor (armor save 5+), which can be combined with other equipment normally. In addition, the wearer is entitled to a 5+ Ward Save. Ice Mages and Shamen can wear this armor without affecting their ability to cast spells or their Wizard Level.

Charmed Shield 30 points

This enchanted shield carries a powerful enchantment for additional protection, but it only lasts for a short time.

This shield confers a 6+ armor save, which can be combined with other equipment normally (as a normal shield would). In addition, the bearer ignores the first hit suffered in battle (prior to rolling To Wound).


Emerald Amulet 35 points

Emeralds from Albion are wondrously rare and the Shamen of Kislev perform rituals to further enhance their mysticism.

The Emerald Amulet confers a 2+ Ward Save to the first wound suffered in battle. After which, it is no longer enchanted.

Arcane Items

Broom of Flying 20 points

It is very common for Kislevite Mages and Shamen to enchant this simple household item to give them the ability to fly.

A character equipped with a Broom of Flying has the ability to fly as described in the Warhammer rulebook. Characters may not have any sort of mount in order to use the Broom of Flying.

Enchanted Items

Apple of Kislev 40 points

The Apple of Kislev is a stunningly beautiful piece of jewelry given by the Tzar or Tzarina to a General or representative for elevated status. Being the traditional symbol of the ruler of Kislev, the ruler may also carry it on his or her person.

The apple increases the Leadership score of the bearer to 10. In addition, the character or any unit he is with may re-roll a failed psychology test. A Break Test is not a psychology test.

Feather of Finist the Hawk 35 points

Bound Spell Power Level 3

Since he has been transformed into an enchanted firebird, Prince Finist the Noble will leave feathers as friendship tokens to his former companions. When the token is tossed into the air, Prince Finist arrives to assist his friend in need.

The token entitles the possessor to make one of two actions during his magic phase. The possessor may use Finist to transport him anywhere on the battlefield immediately, counting as charging if he moves into base contact with an enemy unit. Alternatively, he may have Finist attack an enemy unit within 12". Finist makes all of his attacks immediately, then disappears without giving the opponent the opportunity to strike back. Finist has WS 8, Strength 5, and 5 attacks. They (obviously) count as being magical.

The Feather of Finist may only be used once per battle, and counts as a Bound Spell during the magic phase. Therefore, it may be dispelled accordingly. If dispelled, the feather is no longer useful for the duration of the battle.

Boots of seven Leagues 30 points

Young Prince Ivan used these boots to escape the dreaded sorcerer Koshei the Immortal when he rescued Visilisa the Wise from his clutches.

These boots grant the wearer a move of 12" allowing him to charge 24". He may jump over any terrain features or intervening units, but count the distance as half movement against his base rate (leaping a unit 3" across would be like moving 6" on the ground). The boots may only be used by a single character model who is not riding a mount or steed.

Magic Banners

Standard of Shielding 25 points

This standard confers a +1 armor save to all models within the unit that carries it. Attacks that ignore armor saves are not affected by the Standard of Shielding.

Screeching back banners 3 points/model

The most respected warriors of the Kislev Winged Lancers may sometimes be given the honor of riding to war carrying the mystical Screeching Back Banners created by Tzar Alexandr Njevski. They emit a piercing howl, which strikes fear into the hearts of their most hated enemies.

A single unit of Winged Lancers may be equipped with Screeching Back Banners at the cost of 3 points per model. All models in the unit must be so equipped. The unit possessing the back banners will cause Fear when they charge an enemy unit. Note, this also means they are immune to fear when they charge an opponent. At any other time, the unit is affected by fear according to the Warhammer rulebook.


Vos personnages et unités peuvent choisir des objets magiques dans cette liste et/ou parmi les objets magiques communs du livre de règles.

La Hache sacré de Miska (arme magique) : La Hache sacré de Miska confère un bonus de +2 en Force annule les sauvegardes d’armure. Elle cause D3 blessures. 100 pts.

Bloodedge (arme magique) : Tout ennemi dans un rayon de 3ps de Bloodedge subit 1 blessure (sauvegarde normale) sur un 4+ au début de la phase de corps à corps. Aucun effet sur les morts vivants et les démons. De plus Bloodedge quand elle est utilisée dans un combat donne -2 à la sauvegarde d'armure adverse. Enfin Bloodedge offre un bonus de +1 pour blesser les Peaux Vertes. 50 points

La Pomme de Kislev (objet enchanté) : La Pomme de Kislev augmente le commandement du porteur à 10. De plus, l'unité menée par le porteur de la pomme peut relancer tous tests de peur, de terreur ou de panique. 80 pts.

Les Bottes des Sept Lieues (objet enchanté) : Ces bottes donnent au porteur un mouvement de 12ps. De plus il peut traverser n'importe quelque type de terrain sans pénalité et peut sauter par dessus les rivières, les unités... 35 pts.

Armure d'Alexandre (armure magique) : L'armure d'Alexandre confère une sauvegarde d'armure de base de 3+ (le bouclier est inclus). Elle donne en plus au porteur une sauvegarde invulnérable de 5+. D'autre part si une des sauvegardes est réussie, l’arme magique de l'adversaire est gelée et se brise sur 5+ sur 1D6. 70 pts.

L'Armure de Glace de Jekaterina (armure magique) : Cette armure donne une sauvegarde de base de 1+, qui ne peut être augmenté par aucun moyen. La sauvegarde ne peut pas être modifiée au dessus de 4+, même si la force de l'adversaire ou l'arme magique le permet. Si une sauvegarde d'armure est ratée, l'armure est détruite. Les Mages des glaces peuvent porter l'armure des glaces sans perdre leur habileté à lancer des sorts. 30 pts.

Le Mortier Volant (objet cabalistique) : Un sorcier Kislévite équipé du mortier volant peut voler comme décris dans le livre de règles. 25 pts.

Étendards Ailés (étendard magique) : L'unité de cavalerie possédant la règle spéciale Charge Furieuse et portant des étendards dorsaux ailé provoque un test de panique avec -1 en Cd lors de la charge 15 pts.

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  • 2 semaines après...

J'ai fini ma liste, comme je n'arrive pas en l'envoyer en PDF.Je la presente donc en un long texte (j'enleve l'historique et Boris ainsi que Katarina).

Personnages spéciaux:

Vladic Dostov

En l’an 286 du calendrier Gospodar (1810 du calendrier impérial), la légion du griffon fut fondé afin de servir de garde du Tzar Gospodar VI.

Recrutant parmis les meilleurs lanciers ailés, l’élite de Kislev a mainte fois montré sa valeur.

Lors d’une expédition dans les montagnes du Bord du Monde en 293 (1817 du calendrier impérial) , ils rencontrèrent un grand nombres de créatures du chaos. Leurs commandant de l’époque, Vladic Dostov, tua en combat singulier un griffon et garda son corps comme trophée.C’est ainsi que le régiment prit le nom de Légion du Griffon et se mit à utiliser ses plumes pour orner leurs bannières dorsales.

Vladic Dostov 300pts

m4 cc7 ct3 f4 e4 pv 3 i5 a4 cd9

Equipement : armure de plates compètes,bouclier et la Lance du Griffon

Monture : Destrier (voir bestiaire)

Regles spéciales :

-Elu des dieux

Vladic Dostov bénéficie d’une sauvegarde invulnérable de 4+.

-Commandant de la Légion du Griffon

Vladic Dostov doit être le commandant de l’armée..De plus l’armée doit avoir au moins une unités de Légion du Griffon qui accompagneras Vladic et sera comme choix de base. Vladic et son régiment sont immunisés a la psychologie.

-Tueur de Monstres

Tout jets pour blesser ayant obtenu un 6 par Vladic Dostov infligera la perte de 1d3 PV.De plus Vladic et son régiment on la haine de tout les monstres en plus de la regles générale Ennemis Ancestraux.


Radoslava Boukrin

Radoslava était une chasseuse qui habitait dans la ville portuaire de Chebokov.Attiré par l’action et l’aventure, elle partie a Erengrad pour rejoindre le célèbre régiment des Streltsis.Ce fut la surprise générale lorsque l’on apprit qu’une femme avait rejoint le régiment car c’était la première femme Streltsi. Elle fit néanmois ses preuves et grimpat vite les échelons pour finir par devenir capitaine des Streltsi.La Tzarine Katarina lui offrat, lors de son ascension au poste de capitaine, un terrible arme inventé par Léonardo di Miragliano : le PKSH. Une arquebuse avec un chargeur de munition tirant avec une cadence bien plus élevé et avec bien plus de force qu’une arquebuse normale.

Radoslava Boukrin 175pts

m4 cc4 ct5 f4 e4 pv 2 i5 a3 cd9

Equipement : PKSH, armure de plates complètes (sauvegarde 4+), Lame des Hivers et Anneau de Dazh

Objets spéciaux :


L’une des célèbres invention de Léonardo di Miragliano.

Compte comme une arquebuses ayant tirs multiples x3 et une force de 5.

-Lame des Hivers

Cettes bardiche est passée dans les mains des capitaine streltsi de génération en génration

Bardiche (hallebardes) étant magique et ayant la règles spéciale perforant.

-Anneau de Dazh

Cet anneau brille d’un halo de feu et de puissante flammes protège son porteur des agression ennemie

confère une invulnérable a 5+

Regles spéciales :

-Discipline de fer


-Capitaine des Streltsi : doit être dans une unités de streltsis, a aussi la capacité plate forme d’appui avec la Lame des Hivers


Objets Magique:

Le trésor des Steppes :

Objets Magique Communs :

Epée de Frappe 15pts

Arme magique ; +1 pour toucher.

Epée de Bataille 15pts

Arme magique ; +1 attaques.

Epée de Puissance 15pts

Arme magique ; +1 en force..

Lame de Morsure 5pts

Arme magique ; -1 à la sauvegarde d’armure.

Bouclier Enchanté 15pts

Armure magique ; sauvegarde d’armure de 5+.

Talisman de Protection 15pts

Talisman ; sauvegarde invulnérable de 6+.

Parchemin de Dissipation 25pts

Objet Cabalistique ; dissipe automatiquement un sort ennemis ; une seule utilisation.

Pierre de Pouvoir 20pts

Objet Cabalistique ; +2 dés pour lancer un sort ; une seule utilisation.

Bâton de Sorcellerie 35pts

Objet Cabalistique ; +1 pour dissiper.

Banniere de Guerre 25pts

Banniere Magique ; +1 au résultat de combat.

Armes Magiques :

Haches Bénie de Tor 85pts

Cet hache est l’une des armes les plus puissantes du Vieux Monde.On dit qu’elle est bénie par Tor lui même, ce qui expliquerait l’incroyable force qu’elle donne a son porteur.Bien que massive et impresionnante, elle se manie avec ainsance et tranche l’acier comme du papier.

Arme magique qui donne +3 en force à son porteur et qui fait des attaques perforantes. De plus, elle donne un bonus de +1 pour toucher au porteur.

Paire de Sabres antiques 55pts

Ces deux sabres scythien sont d’antiques reliques qui sont passées de mains en mains pendant de nombreuses générations.Forgé par les antiques tribues qui régnait sur Kislev auparavant, ces armes ont gardée toutes leurs finesse passée et guident leurs porteurs pour trouver les point faible de l’ennemis.

Conditionne l’utilisation des deux mains ; armes magiques, elle donnent plus deux attaques et permet de relancer les jets pour toucher rates lors du remier round de corp a corp.

Lance du Griffon 45pts

C’est avec cette lance que Vladic Dostov, le créateur de la Légion du Griffon, tua en duel un monstrueux griffon qui fut son trophé.C’est suite a cet épisode que le nom de Légion du Griffon fut donné.

Compte comme une lance de cavalerie ; arme magique ; cet lance suit les regle de la lance de cavalerie a l’exeption qu’elle donnent +3 en force en charge et un bonus de plus 1 pour toucher.

Arc tueur de Démon 40pts

Lors de la Grande Guerre contre le Chaos, le Boyard Valyssi Zaitsev tua un horrible prince démon avec cet arme.Ce dernier déjà fort affaiblit voulu s’enfuir mais une fleche fichée entre les deux yeux le renvoya dans le monde affreux d’où il venait.

Compte comme un arc magique ayant une force 6 causant la perte de 1D3 pv.

Epée de la glace 40pts

Cet épée fur retrouver sur le Caïrn d’un héros jadis.Elle donne a son porteur une force surnaturelle tranchant armure et os sans la moindre difficulté.

Arme magique ; donne a son porteur +2 en force.

Sabre du chatiment 20pts

On dit que cet arme aurait arrachée la vie de milliers de chaotiques.Elle a toujours été au front lorsque les tribus nordique descendent pour piller le sud.

Arme magique ;le porteur peut relancer ses jets pour blesser ratés.

Marteau de vengence 20pts

Comme recompense pour les avoir aidés a vaincre une grande armée du Chaos, les nains de Karak Vlag, réputés pour être d’excellent forgerons, offrirent ce marteau aux Kislévites qui les avait aidés.Hélas cet grande forteresse a disparue.

Arme magique ; donne +1 en cc et en force a son porteur.

Armures Magique

Armure des héros 50pts

Cette armure est finement ouvragés, de nombreuses gemmes d’ambre sont incrustées dans son métal et une force mysterieuse protège son porteur.

Compte comme une armure lourde (svg 5+) et donnent de plus au porteur une sauvegarde invulnerable de 4+

Cuirrase turquoise 40pts

Son nom provient du fait qu’une multitude de joyaux de turquoise orne la cuirasse.Un vent protecteur et glacial entoure son porteur et lui permet de détruire la magie hostile.

Donne a son porteur une sauvegarde d’armure de 3+ et une resistance a la magie de 1.

Armure de Jais 25pts

La provenance du métal de cette armure d’un noir profond est celle d'un champion du chaos.L’armure fut reforgée et purifier dans les eaux du Lynsk.On dit qu’elle est impénetrable.

Donne a son porteur une sauvegarde d’armure de 1+ et la sauvegarde n’est nullement modifiable.

Haume de l’ours 20pts

Ce casque est ornés du crânes d’un grand ours qui avait terroriser de nombreux village.Korbotchev, un prêtre d’Ursun le tua et fit de son crâne un trophés.Les restes de l’ours donnent encore l’impression de terreur qu’il donnait de son vivant.

Donne a sont porteur une sauvegarde de 6+ (peut être combiner avc une armure et un bouclier).Le porteur cause la peur lorsqu’il charge.


Relique de Boris 50pts

Ce bout de tissu vient de la cape de Boris Ursus, le Tzar Rouge. Lors de sa mort, ce tissu a absorbé le sang du Tzar et confèrent a la personne ayant cet relique la bénédiction de Boris.

Cet objet confère une sauvegarde invulnérable de 5+ et une résistance a la magie (1)

Collier de griffes 40pts

Ce talisman est fait avec les griffes de l’ours que Korbotchev a vaincu..Tout comme le haume il a un pouvoir magique impresionnant.

Une seule utilisation.Annule la premiere blessure non sauvegardée, même si il s’agit d’un coup fatal.

Cape de Fenhir 30pts

Cette cape faites dans la foururre d’un loup géant détourne les tirs visant le porteur grace a un vent purificateur.

Confère au porteur et a son unités un malus de –1 pour tout tir les visant.

Amulette d’Ambre 20pts

Au bout d’une chaine se tient un morceaux d’ambre ou une puissante magie a été enfermée.Elle brille d’un éclat orange et selon la légende elle confere une force et une agilité extraordinnaire.

Confère au porteur une sauvegarde invulnérable de 6+.Le porteur de l’Amulette d’Ambre reussit automatiquement tout test requis sous une de ses caractéristique (sauf les test de commandement).

Bracelet d’or marin 15pts

Ce bracelet a été fait dans de l’or très rare trouvé sur les côtes d’Erengrad.

Confère une résistance a la magie (1)

Objets Cabalistiques

Sceptre de Destruction 45pts

Apres la grande guerre contre le Chaos, les elfes s’interessent a la magie kislévites qui était unique.Lors de ces entretiens de puissant objets magique furent créée comme le Sceptre de Destruction.

Une seule utilisation.Effet identiques à ceux d’un parchemin de dissipation.De plus, chaque joueur lance 1D6 apres l’utilisation et si l’utilisateur du sceptre a fait un resultat supérieur que son adversaire, le sort est effacé de l’esprit du sorcier.En cas d’égalté relancer les dés.N’a aucun effet sur les objet magique.

Baton de la Glace 30pts

La glace ornant ce baton est la plus pure qu’il soit et la magie peut temporèrement être enfermés pour être par la suite libérée.

Chaque tour, le porteur peut garder un dé de pouvoir et de dissipation qui n’a pas été utilisé ce tour pour l’utiliser le tour suivant.

Pierre de Cristal 25pts

Ces pierres sont utilisée depuis toujours par les chamans afin d’accroitre leurs pouvoir magique.

Une seule utilisation.Une fois par bataille, le porteur peut relancer un dé utilisé pour jeter ou dissiper un sort.Cela peut donc causer ou annuler un Fiasco ou un pouvoir irresistible.

Joyaux de la terre 20pts

Ce bijoux est fait dans un minéral inconnus puissée dans les entrailles de la terre et detruit la magie néfastes qui se retourne contre son porteur.

Une seule utilisation.Permet d’annuler l’effet du premier fiasco subit par le porteur.

Objet enchantés

Bague de la grele de mort 50pts

Cette bague fabuleuses fut faites par une puissante chamane pour faire pleuvoir la mort sur ses ennemis.Elle enferma toute sa puissance magique dans la bague jusqu’a ce qu’elle meure.Sa magie est toujours dans la bague et son sacrifice ne fut pas vainc.

Objet de sort ; niveau de puissance 6.Cet bague permet de lancer le sort flèches de glace du domaine de Kislev.

Cor du souffle glacial 45pts

Ce cor envoie un vent glacial gelant les ennemis sur place.C’est un puissant artefact qui fut la convoitise de maintes personnes mais fut toujours la possescion de Kislev.

Objet de sort ; niveau de puissance 4.Ce cor permet de lancer le sort Baiser de l’hiver du domaine de Kislev.

Cape de l’hiver 30pts

Tel un vent de tempête glacial, le sorcier devient impalpable et fuit au nez de l’ennemis.

Une seule utilisation ; Sorcier uniquement ; si l’unité du sorcier est chargée et que l’ennemis est a portée, le sorcier peut faire un mouvement de vol pour fuir l’ennemis.Il ne peut pas charger mais peut rejoindre tout régiment amis a 20ps.

Symbole de puissance 25pts

Pendant un cours instant les ennemis sont pris d’illusion et toutes victoire leurs semble improblable.Le porteur leurs apparait tels un signe de leurs mort.

Une seule utilisation ; pendant un tour de corp a corp, le joueur peut decider d’utiliser le symbole de puissance.Les blessures que le porteur aura fait au corp a corp conteront comme double au résultat de combat.Noter que l’adversaire ne perd pas réelement le double de figurine.

Manteau de Skörd 20pts

Ce manteau appartennait a un ancien prêtre de Tor dont on dit qu’aucun de ses coup de blessait pas ses ennemis.A travers ce mateau est transmit la mystérieuses force de Skörd

Permet au porteur de relancer un jets pour blesser ratés lors de chaque round de corps à corps.

Banniere Magiques

Banniere du Tzar de Kislev 100pts

Cette bannière est la fierté de tout le peuple Kislevites.Elle donnent espoir et remplissent de fierté tout les guerriers.Elle fait jaillir la lumiere,le courage et le sens du devoir là ou il n’y a que desolations et noirceur.

Lorsqu’un double est obtenu pour un test de moral, il est considérer comme étant un courage insensé !, un double 6 reste un echec.

Banniere de tenacité 60pts

Lors du siège de Praag un dernier carré fut fait sur la grand place.Les hommes s’y battirent tous jusqu’a leurs mort en tenant leurs positions et ne cédant de pas a l’enemis qu’a leurs mort.

Permet a une unité d’être indermoralisable pendant un tour.Une seul utilisation.

Etendart de la Rota 50pts

Lorsque Kislev est menacé, les lanciers ailés se regroupent sur la grand place autour de la banniere qui fait leurs fierté.Certains de ces étendarts recoivent de puissant enchantement.

(Lanciers ailés ou Légions du Griffons uniquement)

L’unités peut ajouter +1D6 ps à son mouvement de charge.Si la charge est ratée, l’unité avance de 8ps comme d’habitude.

Banniere de Protection Mystique 30pts

Cette banniere magique dissipe l’énergie des sort hostiles.

Confère a l’unité une résistance à la magie (2)

Etendart de l’Ours 25pts

Ceux qui servent sous cet étendart enchater par Ursun sont rempli de courage et sont aussi féroce que des Ours !

L’unités est immunisés à la peur et a la terreur.

Drapeau de Dahz 10pts

Cet relique réchauffe le coeurs des hommes et leurs redonnent vigeur lorsque tout semble perdus.Aussi ardant que le feu les soldat retourne a l’assaut.

L’unités peut relancer ses test de ralliement ratés.

Regles spéciales de l’armée

Ennemis Ancestraux :

Depuis des siècles les kislévites se battent face au envahisseurs du chaos, cet guerres perpétuelles a créer un puissant liens de haine des kislévites envers le Chaos.

Toutes unités Kislévites (pas les montures ou les monstres) ont la haine des mortels du chaos et des homme-bêtes.

Discipline de fer :

Depuis des siècles les Kislévites se battent de la même facon, criblant leurs ennemis de flèches avant de les acceuillir au corps a corps, ils sont entrainés a changer rapidement d’armes dans la plus grande discipline qu’il soit.

Permet de toujours faire des tirs de contre charge, de plus ils ne subissent pas le malus de –1.

Charges Glorieuses :

La vue des cavaliers Kislévites chargent est un spectacle inoubliable. Les cheveaux lancer au triple galots, les armures scintillantes et un bruit stridents émis par les bannières dorsales remplissent le coeurs ennemis d’angoissent.

Une unités non engagée au corps a corps et chargés par des lanciers ailés ayant au moins une PU de 5 doit effectuer un test de panique.

Rassemblement du Pulsk

Seigneur :

Druzina 115pts

m4 cc6 ct5 f4 e4 pv 3 i5 a4 cd9

Equipement :arme de base

Options :-arme lourde (+6pts),arme de base additionnel (+6pts),Hallebarde (+6pts) et/ou pistolets (+9pts)

-Arc Long (+10pts) ou une arquebuse (+10pts)

-Armure Legere (+3pts),ou lourde (+6pts).Peut aussi porter un bouclier (+3pts)

-Destrier (+15pts) pouvant etre caparaconné (6pts), peut etre sur une char d’Ursun (+115pts) et remplace l’un des auriges ou un Wendigow (+200pts).Peut avoir une lance de cavalerie (+6pts) ou un sabre de cavalerie (+3pts) (compte comme une lance).

-Peut avoir 100pts d’objet magique

Tout vu,tout combattu (permet de relancer les test de psycologie) -Discipline de fer. Ennemis Ancestraux

-Grand Chaman kislevites 190pts

m4 cc4 ct3 f4 e3 pv 3 i4 a2 cd8

Equipement :arme de glace

Sorcier niveau 3, Ennemis Ancestraux

Options :-peut etre niveau 4 (+35pts)

-peut avoir jusqu’a 100pts d’objets magique.

-Peut etre sur un destrier (15pts) pouvant etre caparaconné (6pts),peut etre sur un char d’Ursun (+115pts) et remplace l’un des auriges.

Peut choisir le domaine des glace,mort,vie,bete,cieeux.

Arme de glace :donne +1 attaque et +1 en force (inclus dans le profil)

-Grand Pretre d’Ursun 330pts

m4 cc5 ct 3 f4 e4 pv3 i5 a3 cd9

Equipement :Hallebardes (compte comme un sabre de cavalerie),armure lourdes,bouclier et chevauche un Ours.

C’est un sorcier de niveau 1 qui utilise la magie des glace. Ennemis Ancestraux

Options :- Peut remplacer son ours par un char d’Ursun (+45pts) ou un wendigow (+60pts)

-Peut avoir jusqu’a 100pts d’objets magiques

Heros :

Boyard 90pts

m4 cc5 ct5 f4 e4 pv2 i5 a3 cd8

Equipement : Arme de base

Options :-Peut avoir une lance de cavalerie si il est monté sur un destrier (+4pts) ou un sabre de cavalerie (+2pts),une arme lourde (+4pts) ou une arme de base additionnel (+4pts)

-Peut porter un arc (+6pts),un pistolet (+7pts) ou une arquebuse (+10pts)

-Peut porter une armure legere (+2pts) ou lourde (+4pts).Peut aussi porter un bouclier (+2pts)

-Peut chevaucher un destrier (+10pts),pouvant etre caparaconné (+4pts)

-Peut porter jusqu’a 50pts d’objets magique

Regle spéciale :

-Tenace, Ennemis Ancestraux

-Chamans 80pts

m4 cc4 ct3 f4 e3 pv2 i4 a2 cd7

Equipement :arme de glaces

Sorcier niveau 1 peut choisir le domaine des glace,mort,vie,bete,cieux.

Ennemis Ancestraux

Options :- peut etre niveau 2(+35pts)

-Peut etre sur destrier (+10pts) pouvant etre caparaconné (+4pts)

-Peut avoir jusqu’a 50pts d’objet magiques

0-1Maitre de la steppe 95pts

m4 cc4 ct6 f4 e4 pv2 i4 a 3 cd8

Equipement :Sabre de cavalerie,arc,destrier

Doit rejoindre une unités de cavaliers ungols qui doit avoir un sabre de cavalerie (+2pts/figs)

Options :peut avoir jusqu’a 50pts d’objets magique communs.

Regle speciale :Maitre des Ungols

Le regiment d’Ungols que le maitre rejoint devient immunises a la psycologie.

Il ne peut etre le general de l’armée.Il donne son commandement a tous les cavaliers ungols a 12ps.

-Discipline de fer, Ennemis Ancestraux

Unités de Base

1+ Lanciers ailés 24pts

m4 cc4 ct3 f3 e3 pv1 i3 a1 cd8

Taille d’unité :5+

Equipement :Lance de cavalerie,armure lourde,bouclier,arme de base

Monture :Destrier

Options :-Un lancier ailés peut devenir musicien (+8pts)

-Un lancier ailés peut devenir porte etendart (+16pts)

-Un lancier ailés peut devenir maitre de Rota (+16pts)

Regle Spéciale :Charge Glorieuse. Ennemis Ancestraux

Archers a Cheval Ungols 17pts

m4 cc3 ct4 f3 e3 pv1 i3 a1 cd7

Taille d’unités :5+

Equipement :arme de base et arc

Monture :destrier

Options :-un archer a cheval peut devenir musicien (+7pts)

-un archer a cheval peut devenir porte etendart (+14pts)

-un archer a cheval peut devenir Khan (+14pts)

Regle spéciale :Cavalerie legere,discipline de fer. Ennemis Ancestraux

Guerriers Kislevites 4pts

m4 cc4 ct3 f3 e3 pv1 i3 a1 cd7

Taille d’unité :10+

Equipement :arme de base

Options :-Peuvent avoir des armes lourde (+2pts/figs),une arme de base additionnel (+1pts/figs),des hallebardes (+1pts/figs) ou des lances (+1pts/figs)

-Peuvent avoir une armure légères (+1pts/figs).Peuvent aussi porter un bouclier (+1pts/figs)

-Peuvent avoir des arcs (+2pts/figs)

-Peuvent etre grades gardes de Kislev (+5pts/figs),il gagne +1 en force,+1 en commandement et ont une armure lourdes.Devienne en choix spécial.

-Un guerrier peut devenir musicien (+5pts)

-Un guerrier peut devenir porte etendart (+10pts)

-Un guerrier peut devenir champion (+10pts)

Regles Spéciales :Discipline de fer ; Ennemis Ancestraux

Cossaks 22pts

m4 cc4 ct3 f4 e3 pv1 i4 a1 cd9

Taille d’unités :5+

Equipement :Sabre de Cavalerie,armure legere

Monture :Destrier

Options : -Un cossaks peut devenir musicien (+7pts)

-Un cossaks peut devenir porte etendart (+14pts)

-Un cossaks peut devenir Champion (+14pts)

Regle spéciale :

-Saoulés a la vodka !

Au début de chaque tour du joueur kislévites, les Cossaks doivent lancer 1D6 et se référer au tableau suivant :

1) les cossaks sont stupides

2-4) Les cossaks agissent normalement

5-6) Les cossaks sont frénétiques

-Cavalerie légères.

-Impétueux :

A condition de ne pas êtres frénétiques,lorsqu’ils peuvent charger une unitées ennemies ayant une PU supérieure, les cossaks doivent effectuer un test de commandement.En cas d’échecs ils chargeront l’unités ennemies.Si l’unités cause la peur, il doivent faire un second test.

Ne compte pas dans le minimum d'unités de base, vous ne pouvez pas avoir plus d'unités de cossaks que d'unités de lanciers ailes et de légion du griffon

-Ennemis Ancestraux

Patrouilleurs frontaliers 5pts

m4 cc4 ct3 f3 e3 pv1 i3 a1 cd7

Taille d’unités :5-20

Equipement :arme de base

Options : -Peuvent avoir une arme de base additionelle (+2pts/figs),arme lourde (+2pts/figs),et/ou un pistolets (+4pts/figs)

-Peuvent avoir un arc (+3pts /figs)

-Peuvent porter une armure légères (+1pts/figs).Peuvent aussi porter un bouclier (+1pts/figs)

-Peuvent etre eclaireur (+2pts/figs)

-Un patrouilleur peut devenir rangers (+14pts,+1a et+1ct)

Regle speciales :discipline de fer,tirailleurs, Ennemis Ancestraux

Unités Spéciales :

0-1 -Streltsi 14pts

m4 cc4 ct3 f3 e3 pv1 i3 a1 cd8

Taille d’unité :10+

Equipement :armures lourdes,berdiche(compte comme une hallebarde),arquebuse et arme de base.

Options : -Un streltsi peut devenir musicien (6pts)

-Un streltsi peut devenir porte etendart (12pts)

-Un streltsi peut devenir champion (15pts)

Regles spéciales :

-discipline de fer

-plate formes de tir :

Les streltsis utilisent leurs bardiches comme appuis pour leurs arquebuses,leurs donnant une precision redoutable.Ils ont +1 pour toucher au tir.

-Ennemis Ancestraux

Légion du griffon 26 pts

m4 cc4 ct3 f4 e3 pv1 i3 a1 cd8

Taille d’unité :5+

Equipement :arme de base,lance de cavalerie,bouclier et armure lourde

Monture :destrier

Options : Un lancier peut devenir musicien (+8pts)

-Un lancier peut devenir porte etendart (+16pts),qui peut avoir une banniere magique de 50pts maximum

-Un lancier peut devenir champion de la tzarine (+16pts),il peut echanger sa lance de cavalerie contre un pistolets.

Regle spéciale :Charge Glorieuse. Ennemis Ancestraux

-Char a Ours d’Ursun 140pts

aurige m- cc4 ct3 f4 e- pv- I3 a1 cd8

Char m- cc – ct- f5 e4 pv4 a- cd- svg3

Ours m8 cc4 ct- f5 e- pv- i4 a4 cd 7

Auriges :2 auriges avec arme lourde et armure lourde

Attelage :1 ours

Options :Il peut y avoir un auriges supplementaire (+10pts)

Regles spéciales : Cause la peur, Ennemis Ancestraux

Unités rares

Tchékist 22pts

m4 cc4 ct3 f3 e3 pv1 i4 a1 cd8,

Sabre de cavalerie, armure légère, bouclier, destrier.

Options :-peuvent avoir un pistolet pour +2pts,ou une paire de pistolets +4pts

-Un tchékist peut etre promu musicien (7pts)

-Un tchékist peut etre promu champion (14pts)

Règles spéciales : cavalerie légère, coup fatal, Ennemis Ancestraux

Unités d’ours 70pts ours et 10pts dresseur

ours : m8 cc4 ct0 f5 e4 pv3 i4 a4 cd 7

dresseur :m4 cc4 ct3 f4 e3 pv1 i3 a1 cd8

Taille d’unites :2+ d’ours,vous devez avoir 1dresseur pour 1 a 2 ours qui se placeront toujours derriere les ours.

Equipement :Griffes et crocs pour les ours,sabre et fouet pour les dresseur ainsi qu’armure lourde (2 armes de base)

Regles spéciales :

-Cause la peur

-Fourure hivernale, les ours ont une sauvegarde de 5+

-Maitres et ours :

Lorsqu’ils subissent un tir, les tirs sont répartit ainsi :

1-4 les ours

5-6 les dresseurs.

Les dresseurs se placent derriere les ours mais peuvent tout de même attaquer sauf ils sont en contact avec une figurine ennemis et là ils drevont attaquer l’ennemis en contact socle a socle.

Aucun personnage sont un prêtre d’Ursun peut rejoindre le régiment.

Si les dresseurs sont mort et qu’il ne reste plus que des ours, faites un test de réactions des monstres.

- Ennemis Ancestraux

Chariot de guerre 170pts

Chariot m- cc- ct- f5 e6 pv5 I- a- cd-

Gardes streltsi m- cc4 ct4 f3 e- pv- I3 a1 cd 8

Destrier m8 cc- ct- f3 e- pv- i3 a1 cd-

Taille d’unité :1

Equipage :6 gardes

Attelages :2 destriers

Equipement :armures légères,arme de base,arquebuse,hallebardes

Regle Speciale :

-Char :Le chariot de guerre est un char qui possede une sauvegarde de 3+ effectuant d6 touches d’impact en charge.Les gardes sont considéré comme des personnage montés sur un char.

Lorsque des tir prenne pour cible le char,la repartition est la suivante :sur 6+ se sont les gardes qui sont touché sinon c’est le char.Au corp a corp,l’ennemis choisis de frapper soit sur les gardes soit sur le char.

Si le chariot de guerre est détruit,les gardes sont dispersés et sont retirer du jeux.

En se qui concerne les point de victoire,l’ennemis les remporte si le char est detruit ou si les gardes sont tués.

-Puissance d’unités :le char possède une puissance d’unité de 9

-Tour de combat :Grace a la protection de la tour,les gardes possede une sauvegarde a 3+.

Le char est bien proteger,la force 7 ne le detruit pas automatiquement,il faut de la force 8.

-Immunisés a la psychologie.

-Plateforme de combat :les gardes peuvent toujours tirés mêmes si ils ont bougés et sans malus de tir.Ils ne peuvent tirer au corp a corp.

-Grande Cible.

-Discipline de fer.

-Ennemis Ancestraux

Mercenaires.(référez vous a l'Empire pour les choix qu'il occupe en cas de régiment de renom)


Seigneurs m cc ct f e pv I a cd

Druzina 4 6 5 4 4 3 5 4 9

Grand Chaman 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 1 8

Prêtres d’Ursun 4 5 3 4 4 3 5 3 9

Héros m cc ct f e pv I a cd

Boyard 4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8

Chaman 4 4 3 3 3 2 4 1 7

Maitre steppe 4 4 6 4 4 2 4 3 8

Bases m cc ct f e pv I a cd

Lanciers Ailés 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8

Archers Ungols 4 4 4 3 3 1 3 1 7

Guerriers 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

Cossaks 4 4 3 4 3 1 3 1 9

Patrouilleurs 4 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 7

Spécials m cc ct f e pv I a cd

Streltsi 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8

Legion du Griffon 4 4 3 4 3 1 3 1 8

Gardes de Kislev 4 4 3 4 3 1 3 1 8

Char d’Ursun - - - 5 4 4 - - - svg 3+

Aurige - 4 3 4 - - 3 1 8

Ours 8 4 - 5 - - 4 4 7

Rares m cc ct f e pv I a cd

Tchékists 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 1 8

Dresseurs 4 4 3 4 3 1 3 1 8

Ours 8 4 - 5 4 1 4 3 7

Charriot de Guerre - - - 5 6 5 - - -

Streltsis - 4 4 3 - - 3 1 8

Montures m cc ct f e pv I a cd

Destriers 8 3 - 3 3 1 3 1 5

Ours 8 4 - 5 5 3 4 4 7 svg5+

Wendigow 6 4 - 5 5 4 4 4 7 5+,vol,terreur,G.Cible

Voila, n'hésiter pas a faire vos commentaires.

Modifié par Karl Von Lugen
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Pour trouver des figs adéquates, j'ai déjà créer un sujet la dessus sur mon forum:

Sinon pour voir une armée avec quasi que des figurines convertie pour du Kislev:

Sinon merci pour le commentaire. Je compte continuer dans ma lancée et faire uassi un supplément avec des listes, de nouvelles unités,... ET le thème sera les prémice de la Tempête du Chaos.

Modifié par Karl Von Lugen
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  • 1 an après...

La verision de Tempus Fugitives



The Tempus Fugitives have designed this army list to be (we hope) as enjoyable and fun to use as possible. It is our hope that we can repay some small part of the kindness that the gaming community has shown us over the years and organise a top notch event that everyone can enjoy.

The original work found in the previous Warhammer and Warmaster lists laid the groundwork for this document. A more fully fleshed out list was required for the Tempus Fugitive campaign weekends. Any similarity is more likely due to a common point of inspiration rather than any deliberate duplication on our part. That said, one or two ideas may have in fact originated in the community rather than from the original source material and I apologise in advance if anything appears here that has not been properly credited.


Tzarina Katarin, Ice Queen of Kislev 11

Marshal of the Oblast 12


Ice Witch 12

War Wagon 20 Ursun’s Wrath 20


Baba Khubleya 13


Nyvena, Hero of the Ungols 13 Boyar 14 Heirlooms of Kislev 21 Gryphon Commander Tordimir 14 Lore of Ice 22 Ice Maiden 15 Priest of Ursun 15


Lands of Ice and Thunder

The inhospitable land of Kislev lies to the northeast of the Empire and acts as a bulwark between the land of Sigmar and the Realm of Chaos. Kislev is a wide‐open steppe containing waving, tall grasses and thundering, icy rivers. Lonely villages stand isolated in the empty wilderness, and mighty cities rise from the landscape like great islands of stone. The climate is harsh and unforgiving, and only the strongest, most determined people can survive here. The Kislevite people are wolf‐tough and self reliant; often seen as backward and rustic by their more civilized neighbours, but none can doubt their bravery or determination, for Kislev is a land that stands forever on the brink of destruction. The people of Kislev have seen their country ripped asunder by foul hordes from the Chaos Wastes of the far north time and time again, and now these stoic folk face a colder and harder life than they ever have before

Kislev is a country forged from various warring invaders who finally settled alongside each other. The bulk of the nation's population is made up of the fierce Ungols, the steely Gospodars. These two peoples have blended over the centuries into the nation of Kislev. The ruling elite, from whom the Tzars and Tzarinas hail, are of Gospodar heritage. The influence of the Gospodar language and beliefs is more evident in the south, particularly in the cities of Kislev and Erengrad, while further north, the land becomes more barren, and the horse tribes still hold sway. In fact, Praag has been reclaimed in a large part by the old Ungol nobility, and many ways is a separate power in the north.

Frequently the bulwark against the tribes of Chaos, the Kislevites relish the debt owed to them by the people of the Empire to the south whom they protect. However, this does not stop the Kislevites from bitterly complaining about this state of affairs at every opportunity. The Kislevites are closer to the people of the Empire than many of them would admit and view them with a kind of patronising humour that one might reserve for a bright but slightly eccentric child.

Special Rules

The most famed military units of Kislev are the Winged Lancer cavalry, formed from the sons of the old Gospodar nobility. Amongst them are the Gryphon Legion, an elite regiment consisting of the wealthiest knights, and often found fighting in the Empire. These are supported by archers and axe men on foot, and mounted horse archers from the nomad tribes. The following special rules apply to many models in the army:

Kin of the Bear God: Kislevites are renowned for being dour in demeanour and ferocious once roused to battle. They do not scare easily! As a result of their hard‐bitten nature, units with this special rule always re‐roll failed Panic tests.

Steady in the Ranks: Kossars have fought for centuries with their distinctive combination of axe and bow. Their entire purpose is to wear the enemy down and then receive the charge with their heavy axes. They are trained to swiftly change weapons without undue haste. Units with the Steady in the Ranks special rule may stand & shoot as a charge reaction even if the enemy are within half their normal charge distance. In addition, if the enemy are outside half of their normal charge distance, the Kossars do not suffer the normal ‐1 penalty on their To Hit rolls.

Glorious Charge: Kislevite cavalry at the gallop are an awesome sight, their bright armour shining, their colourful uniforms blazing, accompanied by the fearsome shrieking emitted by their back banners. Any unit charged by a unit with the Glorious Charge special rule with a Unit Strength of 5 or more must take a Panic test.

Horselords: The Ungols are a fierce warrior peoples who learn to ride from an early age. Units with the Horselords special rule may re‐roll the dice to see what distance they move for any pursuit roll.

Release the Hounds: Kislevite hunting hounds are expert at pinning down their master’s foe. Units containing at least five Kislevite hunting hounds roll 3d6 to see what distance they move for any pursuit roll. If the unit fails to catch their fleeing enemies, half the distance they actually move as the Kislevites bring their Hounds to heel.

Ungol: The blood of the nomad tribes runs hot iin the veins of units with this rule. Units with this rule may only be led by characters with this rule. Characters with this rule may only be placed in units with this rule.


Kislev lies to the north‐east of the Empire, and is the most northerly ‘civilised’ nation. It is bordered by the Empire to the south and west, the Sea of Claws to the west, the Troll Country to the north and the Worlds Edge Mountains to the north‐east and east.

The northern border of the country is ill‐defined, but many draw it at the River Lynsk, which flows westward from the Worlds Edge Mountains to the Sea of Claws, while its border with the Empire has been established at the River Urskoy (named after the god Ursun), a tributary of the Talabec. The north of Kislev is barely distinguishable from the Troll Country and the tundra beyond, more wooded to the east in the foothills of the mountains. Some Kislev tribes travel further north than the Lynsk, into the Troll Country, and eastwards along the High Pass. It is a cold, infertile land, and most of the Kislevites who live here have a nomadic existence, moving constantly from one grazing ground to the next, much like the Marauder tribes of the Shadowlands.

Further south, Kislev becomes more hospitable, though still chill for the entire year. More farmsteads can flourish in these lands, though quarried stone is in short supply and so buildings tend to be of uncut rocks or wooden construction, giving them a rustic appearance which people of the Empire would consider backward and uncivilised. This is not so true of the mighty palaces and temples of the cities, with their distinctive gold, onion‐shaped domes and towers.

There are three such cities in Kislev: Praag, Erengrad and a capital that is also called Kislev. Each city has its own distinct history and personality, and so though they are all peopled by Kislevites, they have a character of their own.


The capital of the nation and seat of the Tzars and Tzarinas who rule the land, Kislev is the largest and most developed of the three cities. Situated close to the Urskoy, it is virtually on the border with the Empire, and many Imperial customs and aesthetic values have influenced Kislev life, literature and architecture. Founded as the capital by the Khans and Khan‐queens of the Gospodar people in Year 1 (IC1524), it has been besieged several times in its history, though has never fallen to an enemy. At the centre of Kislev lies the Bokha Palaces, the hereditary seat of power rebuilt during the reign of Tzar Boris Bokha after the original Palace Gospodarin was all but destroyed during the Great War against Chaos in 778 (IC2302).


Originally the Ungol capital, when it was merely a walled town known as Norvard, and later overrun by the Gospodars, Erengrad is Kislev’s main trading city and its largest port. Situated on the coast of the Sea of Claws, vessels from across the Old World, New World and even Norsca come here with goods, slaves, gems and precious metals. Kislev does not have a standing navy as such, but the waters of the Sea of Claws are dangerous, despite the patrols of the Imperial navy, and all merchantmen are armed in some fashion, many to the standards of other nations’ warships, and can be pressed into service by the Tzarina when needed.


Also know as the Cursed City, Praag is the most northerly of Kislev’s largest settlements and has been overrun by the northern tribes several times. During the Great War against Chaos, the walls and buildings themselves became so corrupted with Chaos energy that they sprouted tentacles and eyes. Wailing screams echoed from roof tops and the ground beneath the city shifted and writhed. After their victory at the siege of Kislev, the Kislevites razed Praag to the ground and rebuilt it, though it is still rumoured that a dark taint remains there. The people of Praag are regarded as shifty and nervous by most outsiders, paranoid and potentially in league with the Dark Powers of the North. Praag also acts as a rallying point for the scattered horse tribes in times of war, and has a considerable Ungol population. This has led to Praag attempting to cede from the power of the Tzars on three occasions; twice the city was starved into submission by trade embargoes from the south, and on the third occasion, the city was reclaimed by military force and is now ruled by a Gospodar governor responsible only to the Tzarina herself.


Kislev in fact uses three dating systems: the Imperial calendar, the Gospodarin calendar and the Ungol calendar. The Ungol calendar is now only used for the northern tribes, and works on the principle of a four‐year cycle called an Urtza, dating from the time that the great Bear God, Ursun, first awoke from hibernation. This date roughly equates to 500 years before Sigmar. Dates are also known to vary from tribe to tribe, so that while one tribe may say that the great chieftain Eskadar fought the battle of Lynsk in 452 (IC 1310 = (1310+500)/4), another might say it is in 453 (IC 1312). For these reasons, it is only of interest to scholars for its eccentricity more than its functional use.

More widespread is the use of the Gospodarin calendar, which dates from IC1524, the founding of the city of Kislev. Since the Great War against Chaos, the Imperial calendar has been growing ever more in its usage, and now it is common for dates to be given in both the Gospodarin calendar and the Imperial calendar.


The Kislevites are descended from Human tribes that travelled from the Kurgan tribes of the north and east. In particular, the Kurgan influence is still strong in the north and the horse tribes share many traditions and customs with the likes of the Dolgans, Khazags and other Marauder tribes. The ancient traditions of these peoples are more keenly held to amongst the nomads, who see their southern cousins as weakened by the civilising influence of the Empire. In this respect, worship of the various ancient Kislev gods varies across the nation, being more prominent in the north, while other gods have been incorporated into the Kislevite religion in southern lands. In addition, the Gospodars brought with them the Cult of the Bear God Ursun, which has been strongly established as the dominant religion of Kislev.

As most of the Kislevite ancestry originated from the eastern steppes and the harsh northlands, their gods represent very important forces in their lives. Various nature and household spirits are worshipped all across the Old World, but this is particularly strong in Kislev. These magical creatures are servants and messengers of the gods in this world, and should be treated as such.

Major Gods of Kislev

URSUN Description: Ursun is the Father of Bears, which the ancient Gospodar held as sacred creatures. He is, unsurprisingly, most usually depicted as a massive cave bear, with a crown, teeth and claws of glistening gold. It is said that Ursun can take human form, and will appear as a burly, bearded man with an age‐worn face, with thick hairy arms and a great mop of hair, wearing nothing but a loincloth.

Symbol: Depictions of a bear or a bear’s face are most common, although worshippers of Ursun might well also wear a medallion of gold, shaped like a bear’s claw. Devout followers of Ursun wear bearskin cloaks, or wear a bear’s paw as a talisman. Amongst the northern tribes, it is not uncommon for Ursun cultists to wear a bear’s skull over their helmets, or fixed to the front of their shields.

Temples: Ursun has no temples as such, but rough cairns and standing stones in the depths of forests have been raised over the centuries to honour him. Sometimes a cave once inhabited by a particularly large or fearsome bear will be turned into a shrine to Ursun, filled with rough lamps and offerings of fish and berries. In the cities, wooded areas are allowed to grow wild in certain parks and within the grounds of large buildings, and these are treated as areas sacred to Ursun.

It is not uncommon for someone wishing to entreat aid from Ursun to nail a fish or hunk of meat to their door to attract his spirit.

Friends and enemies: There is much friction between the followers of Ulric and Ursun. This is more a matter of pride than genuine animosity, as worshippers of Ursun and Ulric have much in common, but contests of strength‐at‐arms and other physical rivalry is commonplace. There is much goodwill between the cult of Ursun and that of Taal, and they share a common border at the Talabec. Ursun worshippers think it a bit daft to worship all animals in equal measure, since bears are obviously the lords of the wild, while Taal cultists think it a bit strange to revere one animal over any other. However, on the whole they share many similar rituals and beliefs. Generally, followers of Ursun are unconcerned with other religions, and many of the southern gods are seen by them as a bit soft and unworthy of praise.

Holy Days: There are only two true holy days of Ursun: the spring equinox, when cultists gather to rouse Ursun from his winter sleep with loud rituals, setting huge bonfires, roasting deer, drinking alcohol and generally making as much racket as possible; and the autumn equinox when the first harvest is offered up to Ursun so that he might gorge himself and prepare for his winter’s rest.

Strictures: Never hunt a bear in the winter – let him sleep. Bears must always be killed by hand or arrow – no dogs or traps. Only wear the skin, claw or skull of a bear you have killed yourself. Eat fish at least once per week, but never eat fish and other meat on the same day. Never perform your ablutions indoors.

DAZH Description: Dazh is the god of fire and the sun. It was Dazh who took the secret of flame from the sun and gave it to the ancient warrior chiefs of the tribesmen. Without Dazh’s fire, the long winters would be fatal, and tributes and prayers are regularly offered up to him. In more civilised lands, he rules over the hearths of homes, and is also the patron of guests and the needy. Thus, hospitality to those who call engenders safety for a household, while a poor host or hostess may find that their fire will not start, or that their roof springs an unexpected leak.

Dazh is portrayed as a handsome youth, with long flowing hair and wreathed in fire. He is beautiful to behold and none can look at him directly without being blinded by his divine appearance. He is said to live in a golden palace in the east where he rests every night after travelling the world during the day. In his palace, he is accompanied by warrior‐consorts called the Arari, who can often be seen dancing and fighting for his amusement in the northern skies.

Symbol: The symbol of a sun, or a flame, are most commonly used as talismans by followers of Dazh. Gold is a sacred metal to the cult, and higher ranking priests will wear increasingly more gold decoration and jewellery.

Temples: The temples of Dazh are large, open arenas so that worshippers may pay homage to their god under the sky in which he lives. The richest of these temples are dominated by a large gilded statue of their god, and all contain many burning braziers and firepits which wreath the heavens in scented smoke and can never be allowed to go out.

Friends and enemies: The cult of Dazh is on genial terms with other main religions of the Old World, although there is some distrust between them and worshippers of Ulric (as god of winter).

Holy Days: Every day is holy day to Dazh. Worshippers must give brief thanks every morning when Dazh arises from his bed of coals, and wish him well when he returns to sleep every evening. The summer solstice is the most holy day of the year for the cult of Dazh, it being the day when their god walks amongst his followers for the longest time. Amongst the most barbaric of the northern tribes, the ancient tradition of offering up a sacrifice to Dazh on a pyre, whilst chanting praise to the sun god, is still practiced on the solstice. In the more cultured lands of the south, this has been replaced by the burning of an ox or horse upon a fire of parchments on which the worshippers’ prayers are written.

Strictures: Always offer hospitality, even to strangers and enemies. Never let a fire go out during the night. Never set a fire on a dirty hearth. Offer prayers to Dazh on the first morning that the winter snows cover the ground.

TOR Description: Tor is the god of thunder and lightning, and is worshipped as a warrior god. He is portrayed as a muscled, square‐jawed warrior. He wields a massive axe with a haft of oak, and uses it to cleave the sky to create the thunderbolts for which he is famed. A warrior god, Tor is the most active of the Kislevite gods, and quite frequently his name is used as a curse on others. For example, the phrase ‘Ty Tor!’ means ‘By Tor!’ and is an exclamation of surprise. On the other hand, ‘Do Tor!’ means ‘Tor’s Bolt!’ and is an entreaty for the god to unleash his anger upon the enemy.

Symbol: Tor is usually represented by the symbol of a thunderbolt, or an axe with a thunderbolt for a haft. Silver is considered the favoured metal of Tor, and it is usual for a famed warrior to have threads of silver woven into his moustache or beard as a sign of thanks to the storm god.

Temples: Tor’s temples are built atop hills and there are many in the Worlds Edge Mountains near to the Peak Pass and High Pass. They are imposing structures of large stone blocks with heavy roofs of wooden logs.

Friends and Enemies: Tor has an indifferent approach to the other gods, and his followers have no particular allies, though they tend to get on well with worshippers of Ulric.

Holy Days: No formal holy days. However, during a mighty storm, adherents to the Torian faith will gather outside and give praise to their god. Warriors pray to Tor before and after battle.

Strictures: There is only one known stricture for the cult of Tor, and it is a sensible one – never stand under a tree in a thunderstorm.


In the most southern regions, other gods are worshipped in small numbers by some Kislevites. Most notable of these are Taal (after all, Kislev borders one side of the Talabec, his sacred river) and Ulric. Even more than other Old Worlders, the Kislevites pay tribute to all manner of nature and household spirits who help them in their daily lives, or set them tests to prove themselves. Little offerings and rituals are followed in a near‐unthinking fashion to appease the various needs of these sometimes mischievous but usually benevolent creatures.


Kislev breeds hardy people, not only because of the harsh climate and generally infertile lands, but also due to the constant depredations by raiders from the Chaos Wastes. These are usually constant, small‐scale affairs as individual warbands and tribes head south in search of glory and plunder. Known by the Kislevites as Kyazak, these raiding parties are an ever‐present threat to settlements and caravans north of the Lynsk, and some even venture as far south as to cross the Lynsk itself.

The incursions are short‐lived, lasting perhaps only for a season at a time, and either end when winter draws in, or they are driven back by the armies of the Kislevites.

These armies are drawn from the scattered stanitsas and towns of the Kislev oblast, which each provide a standing force of warriors, much like a militia. Ungol horse archers patrol the most northern reaches of the country, while settlements with a great Gospodar heritage pool their resources to create squadrons (or rotas as they are known) of the famed Winged Lancers. This tradition is continued by the cities, and the Tzarina can command a large number of Winged Lancers drawn from the richest families and their household troops.

Occasionally, a particularly powerful chieftain or warlord will rise in Norsca, or amongst the tribes of the Kurgan people. They weld together a rough confederation of several tribes and launch attacks into Kislev. At these times, the various rotas of Kislev are drawn together into larger army groups called pulks. These pulks are invariably under the command of a noble of Gospodar heritage and are the closest Kislev has to a standing army. Sometimes, a single pulk is enough to see off the threat, but other times two, three or more pulks may combine their forces to counter an ambitious Marauder warlord.

During the Great War against Chaos, when the half‐daemonic warlord Asavar Kul drove his armies into Kislev, accompanied by legions of daemonic creatures and bestial warbands, every pulk in the land was gathered to oppose the threat, and yet the Kislevites were sorely pressed to hold the tide. It is a testament to their stubbornness and pride that they held as long as they did, allowing an alliance of Men, Dwarfs and Elves, led by Magnus the Pious, to break the siege of the capital and drive back the immense horde.

Every year, the Kyazak grow more daring, their attacks driving deeper and deeper across the Lynsk, until the settlements outlying Erengrad and Kislev have come under threat. Yet the Kislevites, and their ancestors, have spilt blood every year to take and protect their lands, and whilst one Kislevite draws breath, there will be one who will defend against the northern hordes.


Although Kislevites would like the world to think otherwise, their nation does not stand alone against the perils of Chaos. Although they must endure the constant raids and attacks of the northern Marauders, in times of need when the followers of Chaos have gathered in great numbers, the Kislevites have received aid from others. Most commonly forces from the Empire, and in particular Ostland, the Ostermark and Talabecland, march north to assist against these larger incursions.

However, during the Great War against Chaos, when the hordes of the north stretched like a sea across the Taiga, the Elves and Dwarf came to the aid of the Men. In return, it has been known for Kislevites to aid the Dwarfs, sometimes to clear the mountain passes, and in particular the High Pass, of foes such as Skaven, Greenskins and Marauders. Both respect the stubbornness they see in each other, though Kislevites cannot understand how Dwarfs can spend so much time underground, while a Dwarf generally thinks that all that open sky drives the Kislevites a little bit insane.

Though the great forests of the Empire give way to the increasingly desolate oblast of Kislev, the country is not without small woods and forests, some of which are rumoured to be the homes of isolated Wood Elf communities. The Wood Elves distrust all other races, even their own kin of Ulthuan, but when ancient foes rear their heads, they have been known to make common cause with others. There are very few incidents of this in Kislev history, but they are there – battles against Beastmen when unexpected Wood Elf allies have attacked the Chaotic creatures from their hiding places, and occasions when a Kislev patrol has been drawn to the sounds of fighting to find a small Wood Elf community embattled by Orcs or Marauders.



Tzar Boris Bokha was a fierce warrior and devout follower of the Bear God, Ursun. He was known by many as Boris Ursus or Radii Bokha (Red‐Bokha ‐a reference to the oceans of enemy blood he spilled in battle). Rising to the throne in 968 (2492 in the Imperial calendar) after his father, Tzar Vladimir Bokha, died fighting Goblins east of Kislev, Boris inherited a nation that had done little to recover from the devastation caused during the Great War against Chaos of 2302. In a move resented by the old guard of the Kislev court, Radii Bokha nearly emptied the treasuries hiring mercenaries to re‐train the Kislev army, rebuilding bridges, roads and towns, and importing black powder and engineers from the Empire.

Though it almost bankrupted his family (and several other noble families into the bargain), Tzar Boris' reign will be forever remembered for his driving spirit and eagerness to reclaim the lands that had become infested with Goblins, Trolls, Beastmen and other vile creatures. He was also instrumental in a revival of the Ursun Bear Cult, which had slowly been overtaken by the worship of Ulric, Taal and other foreign gods. To do so, he undertook the trial of initiation that all priests of Ursun must overcome, and went into the forests to tame a bear. He was not seen or heard of for eighteen days, and many feared he had met a gruesome fate in the depths of the icy forests. Preparations began for the coronation of his infant daughter Katarin (who was only four years old at the time).when the search parties came across his unconscious form on the nineteenth day. His still body was guarded by a bear of gigantic proportions that would not allow anyone near. The Tzar was surrounded by the corpses of over two dozen wolves, and the snow was red with their blood. Nothing the searchers could do would entice the bear away from their ruler or convince it that they meant no harm. Finally, after another day had passed, Boris awoke and the bear allowed the searchers to approach and tend to his wounds.

The tale Boris related upon his return to Kislev has since passed into folklore, though few doubt the truth of it. Four days before being found by the searchers and after much wandering, he came across the mightiest bear he had ever seen, with teeth and claws like sword blades. Taking this as a sign from Ursun, he had confronted the beast, and it had charged him, the ground shaking with the fury of its charge and a bloodcurdling roar echoing through the forest. With his bare hands, he fended off the creature's attacks, but could not overpower it. The struggle lasted a full day before a wolf pack, drawn by the scent of their combined blood, attacked. The wolves immediately went for the bear, but Boris sprang to its aid, crushing their skulls with his fists and tearing them from its back. Boris was badly wounded however, and fell beneath the attacks of the wolves. As the beasts closed in for the kill, it was the bear's turn to protect his erstwhile enemy from the common foe. It stood over the supine Tzar, tearing the wolves apart with its claws and savaging them with its powerful jaws. Boris had slipped into unconsciousness, yet each time he had drifted awake, the bear had been there, protecting him from the wolves. The bear returned to Kislev with the Tzar, and from then on, whenever Boris took to the field of battle, it was atop the back of Urskin (as the beast came to be known, meaning bear‐brother), both a symbol of Ursun's power and affection for Boris, and also as an implacable enemy in battle.

Tzar Boris met his end in battle in 2517 whilst leading a pulk north of the Lynsk into the Troll Country. At an unnamed river crossing, the Tzar charged deep into the Kurgan army of Hetzar Feydaj, but soon found himself surrounded and cut off from the rest of his army. He and Urskin fought with all the might and fury of the Bear God himself, but even Red Boris could not triumph against such odds. Urskin was able to fight his way clear of the Kurgans and carry the Tzar back to the rest of the army, but it was already too late; the Tzar had taken a score of wounds, each enough to be mortal. Only when the battle was won, did the Tzar slide from the back of Urskin and die. His faithful mount roared in mourning for a full night before setting off into the bleak northlands and legend has it that to this day Urskin continues to hunt down the creatures of Chaos that slew his master.



BorisUrsus 4545533410

Urskin 640641447

Beloved of Kislev: The people of Kislev are utterly devoted to the Red Tzar and would gladly lay down their lives for him. Any Kislevite unit joined by Boris Ursus becomes stubborn, and all Kislevite units within 12" of the Tzar may re‐roll failed Psychology tests.

Urskin: The Red Tzar is mounted on Urskin, a mighty Ice Bear. Like all Ice Bears, Urskin provides +2 to Boris’ armour save giving him a total armour save of 1+.

Special Rules

*Kin of the Bear God

*Beloved of Kislev



Shardblade Hand weapon Armour of Ursun Shield


Although nominally each of the cities has its own High Priest of Ursun, it is the capital, Kislev, which is seen as the most senior. The current High Priest is Ilori Kleizowski, or Ilori Kislev as he is known to his followers. He was a great friend to Tzar Boris and although he respects Katarin’s heritage, he longs for the “good old days”. To that end he sponsors a branch of the Cult of Ursun known as the True Keepers. These hard‐line followers answer

only to Ilori Kislev and are a growing presence in both the Cult and the nation.


Ilori Kislev 453443429


Staff of Father Bear

Special Rules

*Kin of the Bear God

*Greater Blessings of Ursun

*Prayers of Ursun


*Master of the True Keepers


Staff of Father Bear

Heavy armour

Fang of Ursun

Hand weapon

Pelt of Morozko

Master of the True Keepers

All prayers cast by Priests of Ursun in the army (including those of Ilori Kislev) count as power level 5.

Greater Blessings of Ursun

The presence of Ilori Kislev adds two dice to the Dispel pool of the army. Ilori Kislev may use two Prayers of Ursun each magic phase.


M WS BS S T W I A LD Special Rules

Great Bear 6 4 0 5 4 1 4 3 6 Fear

Ice Bear 6 4 0 6 4 1 4 4 7 Fear

Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5


From the icy fastness of her capital city of Kislev, the Ice Queen Katarin rules her land with an aloof majesty. The daughter of the fiery and charismatic Tzar Boris, she ascended to the throne in 2517, following her father's death in battle whilst leading an army north of the Lynsk into the Troll Country. She is the latest in a long line of Tzarinas descended from the ancient Khan‐queens of the Gospodars, the powerful tribal group that migrated west century ago, and became the dominant peoples of what was to grow into the nation of Kislev.

A great wizard in her own right, her power is said to come from the land of Kislev itself, its icy soul and bleak tundra giving her command of the elements and mastery of that form of wizardry known as Ice Magic. Indeed, some whisper that she is in fact the living reincarnation of the very first Khan‐queen, Miska, so complete is her grasp of this dangerous branch of magic. Upon her ascension to the throne of Kislev, it is said that the Bokha Palaces have grown a new wing, half a mile long, made entirely from glittering ice. This wondrous creation would be beyond all but the most powerful Ice Mages, and it is here that Katarin remains for most of the time, granting audiences in an immense chamber of magically woven hoarfrost. Some believe that she simply prefers the chill of these frozen corridors, while others say that it is a display of her power to over‐awe potential enemies and foreign ambassadors.

Where Tzar Bokha was a man who preferred to lead from the front and was renowned for his courage and leadership, the Tzarina, in keeping with her icy powers, is aloof and remote, preferring to work through agents and generals. Only under the direst circumstances does the Tzarina Join her armies (known in Kislev as pulks), but when she does it is often upon a mighty steed whose flanks shimmer with glittering ice crystals and whose breath is the winter wind, or riding an armoured sled, drawn by a team of identical beasts. On those rare occasions when she leads her army in battle, the devotion lavished upon her is beyond that which might be expected of such a remote and cool ruler. Her power over the elements is clear proof that the blood of the Khan‐queens flows in her veins. The Ungols of the north fear and respect her as one of the ancient warrior witches from their oldest myths.

A time is coming that will see the Tzarina on many a battlefield before the year is out with marauding tribes of Kurgans and Kyazak push south in ever‐increasing numbers. The sheer scale and ferocity of these raids has prompted the despatch of a number of contingents from the Empire to aid Kislev‐artillery from Nuln, mercenary companies from Tilea, Nordland halberdiers, knightly orders and all manner of troops from all across the lands.

The writings of Anspracht of Nuln names this time as the 'Spring Driving', an innocuous term that encompasses a time of unremitting horror and bloodshed. Masses of northern marauders are sweeping down into Kislev, butchering everything in their path. Many battles have already been fought and the Kurgans have razed several towns and stanitsas: Choika, Zhedevka and others that appear on no maps. The pulks have scattered into the oblast, though many Boyars are rallying their forces to fight once more, but as more and more marauders drive south, it is certain that the days of blood are not yet over.



Tzarina Katarin 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 110

You may not include Tzarina Katarin in an army which includes Boris Ursus, the Red Tzar.

Beloved of Kislev: The people of Kislev are utterly devoted to the Tzarina and would gladly lay down their lives for her. Any Kislevite unit joined by the Tzarina becomes stubborn, and all Kislevite units within 12" of the Tzarina may re‐roll failed Psychology tests.

Fearfrost: Forged by the ancient Khan‐queen Miska of the Gospodars, this blade has passed from Tzarina to Tzarina through the ages. Only a Tzarina can wield the blade, and were a man to lift the blade, he would find himself frozen to death within a heartbeat. The blade is infused with Ice Magic and the intense cold can kill with a single scratch.

Fearfrost grants the Tzarina the Killing Blow special skill. Models wounded, but not killed outright, by Fearfrost receive no saving throw, but may take Ward saves as normal.

Special Rules

*Kin of the Bear God

*Beloved of KIslev



Hand weapon

Crystal Cloak

Dispel Scroll


Tzarina Katarin is a Level 4 Wizard. Knows all of the spells from the Lore of Ice.


*Bear Chariot +120 pts

*Warhorse +10 pts



Marshal of the Oblast 4 5 5 4 4 3 5 3 9

When several pulks are grouped together for a major engagement the most senior and respected of the Boyars is appointed the Marshal of the Oblast. This high position is usually then kept by the individual long after the original campaign has ended. The Royal Court often echoes with the fierce arguments from the handful of Marshals that hold office at any one time, each believing their appointment more senior than the others because of the time held in the office or by being the most recent to return from battle. Of course the most recently appointed might feel they have more political clout while a Marshal who has not seen conflict in several years might still have a dozen battles to bring as influence.

Marshals are invariably equipped with national heirlooms of great power and on the battlefield act as living icons to remind all those present in the army how proud their Kislevite heritage is. The fact that many of the warriors serving under a Marshal are from the Ungol tribes and as such have little in common with the Gospodar noble does little to dampen their valour that his presence commands.

Magic Items

Any up to a total of 100 pts.

Special Rules

*Kin of the Bear God


Equipment: Hand weapon


Close Combat Weapons (one choice only)

*Great Weapon +8pts

*Additional hand weapon +4pts

*Halberd +4pts

*Lance (if mounted) +10 pts

Missile Weapons (one choice only)

*Kislev Musket +10 pts

*Bow +6 pts

*Pistol +4 pts


*Heavy Armour + 4 pts

*Light Armour +2 pts

*Shield +2 pts


*Great Bear + 34 pts

*Bear Chariot +120 pts

*Ice Bear +60 points

*Warhorse +10 pts

*War Wagon +225 pts


The Ice Witches of Kislev are more than just women with the ability to channel the elements of their rugged land; they are an organised sisterhood who works together to achieve shared goals. Formed over a thousand years ago by the Khan‐Queen the ice witches have manoeuvred their way into influencing almost all matters in Kislev.

They strive to ensure almost nothing is beyond their reach and suppress competing philosophies and magic and promote those sympathetic to their causes. Ice Witches are keen to ensure no Kislevite religion ever gains the same all‐encompassing power seen in other Old World nations as such supremacy often heralds the suppression of their kind

This manipulation is suspected by some. But as witches are an integral part of Kislev and its defences and have been since foundation ‐few believe it.


Ice Witch 433333318

Special Rules

*Kin of the Bear God

Equipment: Hand weapon


*Warhorse +10 pts

*War Wagon +225 pts

Magic Items

Any up to a total of 100 pts.

Magic: Level 3 Wizard. May choose four spells from the Lore of Ice only. May be upgraded to a Level 4 Wizard for +35 pts.




Boyar 455442538

The boyars are the middle‐rank nobility, the nobles who hold real power. They are all Gospodars, and the rank is universally hereditary. Across most of Kislev, the boyars are the most powerful individuals. They are close enough and have enough followers to tell town leaders (known as atamans) what to do and any higher authorities are a very long way away. Most boyars allow atamans a great deal of independence, provided that taxes are paid in full and on time because they have more interesting things to do than deal with the petty disputes of a bunch of peasants.

It is the boyars who lead the Kislevite armies (known as pulks) into battle and it is because of their standing and connections that there are invariably equipped with finely wrought armour and weapons much of which dates back centuries and has been enchanted in some way.

Army Battle Standard

One Boyar in the army may carry a Battle Standard for +25 points. The Boyar carrying the Battle Standard can have a magic banner (no points limit) but if he carries a magic banner he cannot carry any other magic items.

Magic Items

Any up to a total of 50 pts (unless a magic banner as described above).

Special Rules

*Kin of the Bear God


Equipment: Hand weapon


Close Combat Weapons (one choice only)

*Great Weapon +8pts

*Additional hand weapon +4pts

*Halberd +4pts

*Lance (if mounted) +10 pts

Missile Weapons (one choice only)

*Kislev Musket +10 pts

*Bow +6 pts

*Pistol +4 pts


*Heavy Armour + 4 pts

*Light Armour +2 pts

*Shield +2 pts


*Great Bear + 34 pts

*Bear Chariot +120 pts

*Warhorse +10 pts

*War Wagon +225 pts



Commander Tordimir 4 5 4 4 3 2 5 3 8

Warhorse 830331315

The current commander of the famous Gryphon Legion, Tordimir Lubovasyn, is loyal to the Tzarina but does not want her meddling in his running of the Legion; Katarin would like to bring the Gryphon Legion more close under her personal command but is having to work carefully thanks to the regiment's long tradition of independence. Tordimir is not convinced she truly understands the needs of his soldiers. He has agreed to inform the Tzarina of all contracts undertaken by the Legion but has resisted asking for permission, even formally. Tordimir has an unimpeachable reputation for valour, and the Legion is fiercely loyal to him, so the Ice Queen treads carefully. She is, however, paying attention to lower‐ranked officers in the Legion, looking for someone more accommodating to groom as Tordimir's successor. As yet, she does not seem to have settled on one.

Commander of the Legion: Gryphon Legion units may be taken as Core choices in an army including Gryphon Commander Tordimir.

Special Rules

*Kin of the Bear God

*Glorious Charge



The Gryphon Lance Hand weapon Heavy Armour Shield Warhorse


One of the most famed and feared groups in Kislev are the Ice Maidens. Women of great magical power, they command the very elements and bring to bear the might of the land in defence of their great nation. The Ice Maidens are a strange breed, being physically and spiritually linked to the seasons, they grow weaker in the summer and stronger in the winter.


IceMaiden 433332317

Magic: Level 1 Wizard. May choose either the Lore of Ice or Beasts. May be upgraded to a Level 2 Wizard for +35 pts.

Special Rules

*Kin of the Bear God

Equipment: Hand weapon


*Warhorse +10 pts

*War Wagon +225 pts

Magic Items

Any up to a total of 50 pts.



PriestofUrsun 443442428

The Cult of Ursun is strong but far less organised than the cults of the Empire Gods. Each town or village with more than one follower of Ursun will have a priest (sometime called a speaker), typically the strongest or largest among them. The priest speaks for all his followers and for the will of Ursun, letting his village and fellow worshippers know what the bear God wishes. He is also responsible for leading hunts, punishing those who break the strictures, and overseeing the initiation of new members and new priests. Those wishing to cake the role of priest muse go into the wilderness alone with only bow and knife and bring back a tamed bear. While rarely fatal, it can take years for an aspirant to find a suitable anima

The role of priest is held until death, and it is considered bad luck for a priest to die outside of a battle or a hunt. “The bear does not die sleeping,” is the adage used.

Blessings of Ursun

The presence of a Priest of Ursun in the army adds one dice to the Dispel pool of the army.

Magic Items

Any up to a total of 50 pts (unless a magic banner as described above).

Special Rules

*Kin of the Bear God

*Blessings of Ursun

*Prayers of Ursun

Equipment: Hand weapon


Close Combat Weapons (one choice only)

*Great Weapon +8pts

*Additional hand weapon +4pts

Missile Weapons

*Bow +6 pts


*Heavy Armour + 4 pts

*Light Armour +2 pts

*Shield +2 pts


*Great Bear + 34 pts

*Warhorse +10 pts

Prayers of Ursun

Once per Magic Phase a Priest of Ursun is allowed to use prayers from the list below. Prayers are cast exactly like bound spells with a power level of 4. Unless stated otherwise they may be cast on the Priest himself or on any one character or unit champion within 12” of the Priest.

Battle Howl: The model and any unit they leads immediately moves D6” towards the nearest enemy unit in line of sight. If this movement brings them into contact with the enemy it is considered a charge but an unengaged enemy may only declare hold as a reaction (unless unable to do so).

Bear Hug: Can only be cast on the Priest himself. A single enemy model in contact with the Priest (including an enemy model in a challenge with the Priest) immediately takes D3 Strength 5 hits.

Fury of Ursun: The models can re‐roll all failed rolls to hit and wound. Remains in play.

Immovable Stone: The Priest and any unit he joins become Unbreakable. If the Priest is killed or leaves the unit the effects are immediately dispelled. Remains in play.

Winter’s Chill: All enemy units engaged in close combat with the model must take a leadership test. If failed they suffer a ‐1 to hit penalty in the next Close Combat phase. This is not a psychology test.


The kossars are the standing army of Kislev. They fight on foot with axe and bow and are descended from an Ungol tribe that fought as mercenaries for the Gospodars against the other Ungols. As a result, joining the kossars is seen as a way of renouncing other ties and escaping a difficult past. The officer accepts anyone who can pass the fitness tests, and are granted a full pardon for any crimes committed before they joined. This pardon does not, of course, apply to crimes committed after becoming a kossar.

Contemporary kossars include both Ungols and Gospodars, and they have more than their fair share of criminals, bored younger sons, and general troublemakers. This structure means they have even worse off‐duty reputation than most soldiers. On the other hand, they are extremely effective in battle, as they are trained constantly and drilled in battlefield tactics and manoeuvres. This reputation is also widespread, so a settlement facing imminent attack is always glad to see the kossars but soon becomes keen to see them leave again.


Kossar 433331318

Champion 433331328


*Upgrade one Kossar to a Musician +5 points

*Upgrade one Kossar to a Standard Bearer + 10 points

*Upgrade one Kossar to a Champion +10 points

Special Rules

*Kin of the Bear God

*Steady in the Ranks

Unit Size



*Great Axe


*Hand weapon

Additional Equipment:

*Shields +1 pt / model


The winged lancers are a Gospodar tradition, and most Gospodar towns support a unit (known as a rota) of them, often consisting of nearly all the men of the settlement. These mounted warriors are famed for their elaborately decorated armour, most especially the large, feathered wings mounted on their bat that make an eerie sound when they charge. As a matter of pride the rest of the armour is decorated as richly as the town can manage. While not as manoeuvrable as the Ungol horse archers, they are still a highly mobile force and the mainstay of Kislevite armies. They are, however, not fulltime soldiers and often seem more loyal to their home than to the Royal Court.


Lancer 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8

Rotamaster 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 8

Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5


*Upgrade one Lancer to a Musician +8 points

*Upgrade one Lancer to a Standard Bearer + 16 points

*Upgrade one Lancer to a Rotamaster +16 points

Special Rules

*Kin of the Bear God

*Glorious Charge

Unit Size




*Hand weapon

*Heavy Armour



Additional Equipment:



These mounted warriors are auxiliaries drafted in from the savage northern Ungol tribes of Kislev. They are fierce warriors, but lack the discipline of the regular army. They wear little or no armour and are armed with sword and bow yet make up in numbers what they lack in terms of equipment. As front‐line troops, they are hopeless, but they are extremely manoeuvrable. Trained to loose arrows from the saddle from an early age they can shoot more accurately from horseback than any other man. As a result they make excellent backup for winged lancers, harrying the enemy and driving them towards the other troops. They also make superior scouts in a role they greatly enjoy. They delight in running rings around their opponents, peppering them with arrows and dodging away before the enemy can retaliate.


Horse Archer 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7

Champion 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 7

Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5


*Upgrade one Horse Archer to a Musician +6 points

*Upgrade one Horse Archer to a Standard Bearer + 12 points

*Upgrade one Horse Archer to a Champion +12 points

Special Rules

*Kin of the Bear God


*Fast Cavalry


Unit Size




*Hand weapon


Additional Equipment:

*Spears +1 pt / model

*Throwing Axes +2pts / model


You may have a unit of Ungol Nomads for each unit of Ungol Horse Archers included in your army.

Uncounted krugs of Ungol nomads wander the frozen steppes of the Troll Country. These tribesmen were pushed north when the Gospodars invaded and have roamed the dangerous province ever since. There, they patrol the iron‐hard tree line and follow their domesticated herds from pasture to pasture. They are a passionate and fierce folk tempered by harsh surroundings and endless conflicts with marauding Norse. By Kislevite law, every nomadic krug is expected to annually contribute a rota of horse archers. The Nomads and their hunting hounds follow their horse archer brethren to their patrol of the northern plains every Spring Driving, and set their hounds on any who sneak past the horse archers, slaughtering them mercilessly.


Nomad 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

Krug Master 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 7

Hunting Hound 7 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 6

You may have a unit of Ungol Nomads for each unit of Ungol Horse Archers included in your army.


*Upgrade one Nomad to a Krug Master +10 points

Special Rules

*Kin of the Bear God



*Release the Hounds


Unit Size

10+ Nomads



*Hand weapon

Mixed Unit: In these units Nomads and hounds may be placed anywhere within the unit. Missile hits and impact hits against the unit are randomised as follows: 1‐4 hits a Nomad 5‐6 hits a Hound. If all of the Nomads are killed remove any remaining hounds from play.

Additional Equipment:

*Hunting Hound +5pts / model




Legionnaire 4 4 3 4 3 1 4 1 8

Druzhina 4 4 3 4 3 1 4 2 8

Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5

The Gryphon Legion can be thought of as an elite group of full‐time winged lancers. They draw exclusively from the Gospodar nobility and fletch their wings with Griffon feathers, hence their name. The regiment was founded as bodyguards to the Tzar Gospodar IV. They were sent on an expedition into the Worlds Edge Mountains where their leader, Vladic Dostov, singlehandedly slew a Griffon, using its feathers to decorate his wings. This heroism gave the regiment the status necessary to act independently, and since then, they have expanded into several companies and most now spend their time fighting as mercenaries, largely within the Empire. It is said that a company of the Gryphon Legion is always within a days ride of their homeland for they are sworn to answer the call of the Tzar or Tzarina and defend Kislev from her enemies


*Upgrade one Legionnaire to a Musician +8 points

*Upgrade one Legionnaire to a Standard Bearer + 16 points

*Upgrade one Legionnaire to a Druzhina +16 points

Special Rules

*Kin of the Bear God

*Glorious Charge


Unit Size




*Hand weapon

*Heavy Armour



Additional Equipment:

*The Druzhina may have a magic item worth up to +50 pts

*The Standard Bearer may have a magic banner worth up to +50 pts


The Streltsi were originally a rota of kossars from Erengrad. Led by Boyar Boydinov an eccentric noble obsessed with the Empire—they wielded pole‐axes rather than axes, mirroring the halberds favoured by the State Regiments of Ostland. Whilst driving back a Chaos horde alongside Empire allies, the wide eyed boyar witnessed Imperial black powder for the firs time. His kossars were changed forever. Now, many years after the death of Boydinov, the Streltsi are the foremost masters of firearms in Kislev using weapons once viewed with fear and superstition. Soldiers from across Kislev travel to Erengrad to earn the crossed “berdysh and musket" badge, which is awarded to any who train with the Streltsi for more than two seasons.


Streltsi 433331318

Champion 433331328


*Upgrade one Streltsi to a Musician +5 points

*Upgrade one Streltsi to a Standard Bearer + 10 points

*Upgrade one Streltsi to a Champion +10 points

Special Rules

*Kin of the Bear God


Unit Size




*Kislev Musket

*Hand weapon

Additional Equipment:

*Shields +1 pt / model

Kislev Musket: The people of Kislev are slow to accept the use of black powder weapons in their armoury. Though their neighbours in the Empire make prodigious use of all manner of firearms, there are hardliners amongst the Boyars that point to the heavy influence of the Engineers in Empire life as a warning against turning from tradition. The Kislev Musket is one of the first such weapons to see relatively common use in the pulks. It has a shorter range than the Empire handgun but is comparatively quick to reload and as such can be fired on the move.

The Kislev Musket has a range of 18” and a Strength of 3 with the Armour Piercing special rule. If the model using it is also equipped with a Halberd they may gain +1 to hit by remaining stationary and resting the musket on the crook of the Halberd – a tactic used effectively by the Streltsi.


There is no creature more important to the Kislevites than d bear. He is more than just the symbol of the land, a God, and a king; his image is more than just a rallying figure for armies and proud citizens. The bear shares his life with the people of Kislev and shares their struggles. When winters are harsh he goes hungry just as they do. When spring comes again, he takes his young to the river to play just as they do. In summer's bloom, he trains his young to hunt, and he hunts as well as any man. The only difference is that the bear hunt men, and men hunt the bear. Despite this, the bear is not an enemy so much as a healthy competitor. It is right to be wary of the bear and fight to drive him back to his own land should he come out of the forest or caves, but so too will the bear fight to protect his home. Once this understanding is reached Great bears can become willing allies of the Kislevites in battle. Most commonly they are employed in pulling the heavily armoured war chariots of the Kossars. With giant paws and stout great axes the crew and their bear are a fearsome combination.


Chariot ‐‐‐554 ‐‐‐

Kossar ‐333 ‐‐318

Great Bear 6 4 0 5 ‐‐43 ‐


*If a character is given a Bear Chariot as a mount, that character displaces one of the crewmen automatically. A Chariot chosen in this manner does not count as a Special choice.

* A Bear Chariot has a total armour save of 3+.

Special Rules

*Kin of the Bear God


*Causes Fear

Unit Size



*Great Axe



*Two Kossars

Drawn By

*A Great Bear




War Wagon ‐‐‐556 ‐‐‐

Kossar ‐333 ‐‐318

Great Bear 6 4 0 5 ‐‐43 ‐

Pulled by two fearsome Great Bears, War Wagons are employed by the Kislevites to transport important personages and commodities across the open plains between Troll Country and their neighbours. The body of the War Wagon is a rectangle of stout planking to the height of a man. Fixed to the top of these sides with hinges are additional boards. These can be raised and fixed in place forming a tall shed like structure. The sides of these boards are split slightly to allow Kossar archers to fire on the enemy with maximum protection. War Wagons are usually further modified with doors or a ramp on each side to allow the crews to bring their great axes to the defence of their cargo. Slung below the body of the War Wagon is another hinged large plank, pierced with firing slits. This plank can be lowered to close off the space under the War Wagon allowing defending Kossars to fire from comparative safety.


*If a character is given a War Wagon as a mount, that character displaces one of the crewmen automatically. A War Wagon chosen in this manner still counts as a Rare choice.

*The War Wagon has a total armour save of 2+.

Special Rules

*Kin of the Bear God




*Causes Fear

*Unit Strength 12

Unit Size



*Great Axe



*Six Kossars

Drawn By

*Two Great Bears

Fortress: So tough is the War Wagon and so impenetrable is its armoured sides that wounds caused by S7 hits do not automatically destroy the War Wagon as they would a normal Chariot.


This unusual warmachine was originally used to defend the city of Erengrad from invading corsairs attacking from the Sea of Claws. It is a form of ballista that hurls multiple heavy metal balls connected by thick chains. The action of being launched creates a scything expanse of chain which the defenders of Erengrad used to slice through the corsairs ship’s masts. It was the following summer when the city was assailed by marauders from the north that the weapon was turned on infantry and it was noted it sheared off heads and limbs as easily as it did a mast. Finally the weapon was used offensively against the Beastmen of the Forest of Shadows. Pulled into its firing position and then given its torsion by a fearsome Great Bear, Ursun’s Wrath (as it had become known by this time) tore through the trees and Beastmen with horrific efficiency, although it was fortunate that the Beastmen were relatively easy targets in the attack as the warmachine has proven to suffer from relatively poor accuracy. Ever since, Boyars have insisted on one or more of these machines being included in their armies when they know they are facing slow moving hordes of infantry. Kossars are happy to crew the machine as any enemy hoping to assault them will also have to face the Great Bear that accompanies them!


Ursun’s Wrath 643555448

Special Rules

*Kin of the Bear God

*Causes Fear

Unit Size



*Hand weapons

Armour Save:

Ursun’s Wrath has an armour save of 4+.

Notes: Ursun’s Wrath is a strange contraption, not truly a chariot, steed or creature. In game terms Ursun’s Wrath moves and fights as a monster. Its profile combines the attacks of the Great Bear and the Kossar loaders.

Provided it has not moved or is engaged in combat, Ursun’s Wrath may fire as a Stone Thrower each Shooting phase and uses the large blast template. It is Strength 3 and has the Killing Blow and armour piercing special rules. The model under the centre of the template takes a Strength 5 hit with the Killing Blow and armour piercing special rules


On the following pages are additional Magic Items for Kislev armies. A character may also choose items from the Common magic items list as noted in their army list entry. If a named character is included in the army that comes equipped with some of these named (not common) magic items, they may not then be purchased by another character as each item is unique.



Weapon; +1 to hit


Weapon; +1 Attack

SWORD OF MIGHT 20 points

Weapon; +1 Strength


Weapon; ‐1 armour save


Armour; 5+ armour save


Talisman; 6+ Ward save


One use only



Forged on the Spring Equinox, one of the

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  • 2 semaines après...
Another list I have been working on. I based a lot of the list on the work by Tempus Fugitives, so this one didn't take nearly as long as the Araby list. The layout is far from finished, but I would like to get some opinions about the rules first.

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  • 4 mois après...
Another list I have been working on. I based a lot of the list on the work by Tempus Fugitives, so this one didn't take nearly as long as the Araby list. The layout is far from finished, but I would like to get some opinions about the rules first.

Version 2.0

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